33 research outputs found

    Some Reflections on the Task of Content Determination in the Context of Multi-Document Summarization of Evolving Events

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    Despite its importance, the task of summarizing evolving events has received small attention by researchers in the field of multi-document summariztion. In a previous paper (Afantenos et al. 2007) we have presented a methodology for the automatic summarization of documents, emitted by multiple sources, which describe the evolution of an event. At the heart of this methodology lies the identification of similarities and differences between the various documents, in two axes: the synchronic and the diachronic. This is achieved by the introduction of the notion of Synchronic and Diachronic Relations. Those relations connect the messages that are found in the documents, resulting thus in a graph which we call grid. Although the creation of the grid completes the Document Planning phase of a typical NLG architecture, it can be the case that the number of messages contained in a grid is very large, exceeding thus the required compression rate. In this paper we provide some initial thoughts on a probabilistic model which can be applied at the Content Determination stage, and which tries to alleviate this problem.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    The RR Project – a framework for relationship network viewing and management

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    The Relationship Networks Project (RR - Redes de Relacionamento) is an innovative project, which intends to create a framework, which allows - through a fast data modeling - implementing interface elements that describe in a clearly visual way, in two-dimensional presentation, a relationship network among heterogeneous items. This environment also allows the machine to do operations over these relations, such as to find paths or sets, to help the implementation of AI algorithms, or data extraction by the final user. Through graph theory, with visual items, it is possible to find elements with specific characteristics and relationships between them, by the application of filters, refining searches inside an extreme large datasets, or showing differentiated connection maps. Two prototypes were created with this framework: A system which allows seeing telephonic calls sets and financial transactions, and a system for ontology viewing for a digital dictionary inside a semantic network. Another software, in prototypical phase, also for semantic network vision, is being constructed. This document will present the basic RR structure, showing and justifying the creation of the two referred software above.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A graphic tool for ontology viewing based on graph theory

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    The Knowledge Engineering Suite is an ontology production method, based on relationship networks, for knowledge representation inside specific contexts. The production of these ontologies has three basic steps, since catching the client data, knowledge base creation, and information retrieval and consult interfaces for the final users. During the knowledge base creation process, data verification is required, for nonconformity identification on the produced ontological network. Because it has a tabular interface, the verification step has some limitations about data vision, and consequently the tool usability, making the work for tracking errors or missing data uncomfortable, and susceptible to more errors. To make easier the vision of the created ontologies, in the real shape they are planned, it was implemented a software to viewing these new created ontologies, so the work for data error tracking became more efficient. Such software offers filtering and data selection resources too, to give a way to isolate common groups, when the Knowledge Engineer is looking for nonconformities. This software and its functions are described here.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Process of ontology construction for the development of an intelligent system for the organization and retrieval of knowledge in biodiversity – SISBIO

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    This work describes the ontology construction process for the development of an Intelligent System for the Organization and Retrieval of Knowledge in Biodiversity – SISBIO. The system aims at the production of strategic information for the biofuel chain Two main methodologies are used for the construction of the ontologies: knowledge engineering and ontology engineering. The first one consists of extracting and organizing the biofuel specialists´ knowledge, and ontology engineering is used to represent the knowledge through indicative expressions and its relations, developing a semantic network of relationships.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Three-tier Structure of Information in the Content of Utterance (essay on the Distributed Grammar program)

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    The idea of the three-tier information structure in the content of utterances is the result of research carried out in a transdisciplinary spirit, within sciences such as linguistics, psychology, logic and computer science. The theory of Meta-Informative Centering (MIC) of attention, which borrows the concept of attention centering from psychology and the concept of information from computer science, makes it possible to treat ―information structures" or "thematic-rhematic structures" as strictly dependent on the canonical form of utterances (as the manifestation of predication). Thus, an important feature of the MIC theory is its reference to predication, and in particular to the language of classical logic (first-order predicate logic). In the light of MIC theory, "information structure" appears in fact to be a structure of meta-information (representing "information about information") with respect to orthoinformation (proper information; i.e. situation frame, its types and aspects, roles, spatio-temporal anchors etc.) contained in the utterances. It is the theory of Associative Semantics (AS), which is being developed in parallel to the theory of MIC, which constitutes the layer of ortho-information. However, the foundational role in the structure of information content of utterances is played by para-information ("information which is similar or related to some other information"). In order to treat systematically the structure of information (ortho-, meta- and para-information) as contained in language utterances, and for representing their fundamental components, we proposed using ―formal concepts‖ belonging to the rapidly developing new field of research in computer science under the general name of ―Formal Concept Analysis‖ (FCA). The most important operations (responsible for the structure of information contained in the body of the utterances) are as follows: (a) selection (for building conceptual areas of interest in the para-information tier), (b) configuration (for building relationships between concepts in the ortho-information tier) and (c) centering (secondary selection of concepts for transmitting in the meta-information tier), while the most important operations (responsible for the structure of utterances) are: (a) nesting (for building utterances as units of discourse in the profile, across the tiers) and (b) encapsulation (for designating the conceptual space and combining conceptual representations with the language). In this paper we present one of the many areas of application of the described theoretical foundation, namely: word order in linguistic typology. Research taking into account the abovementioned three kinds of information constitutes a contribution to the construction of a coherent theoretical framework for Distributed Grammar (i.e. multi-tier grammar with a generalized idiomatics).The idea of the three-tier information structure in the content of utterances is the result of research carried out in a transdisciplinary spirit, within sciences such as linguistics, psychology, logic and computer science. The theory of Meta-Informative Centering (MIC) of attention, which borrows the concept of attention centering from psychology and the concept of information from computer science, makes it possible to treat ―information structures" or "thematic-rhematic structures" as strictly dependent on the canonical form of utterances (as the manifestation of predication). Thus, an important feature of the MIC theory is its reference to predication, and in particular to the language of classical logic (first-order predicate logic). In the light of MIC theory, "information structure" appears in fact to be a structure of meta-information (representing "information about information") with respect to orthoinformation (proper information; i.e. situation frame, its types and aspects, roles, spatio-temporal anchors etc.) contained in the utterances. It is the theory of Associative Semantics (AS), which is being developed in parallel to the theory of MIC, which constitutes the layer of ortho-information. However, the foundational role in the structure of information content of utterances is played by para-information ("information which is similar or related to some other information"). In order to treat systematically the structure of information (ortho-, meta- and para-information) as contained in language utterances, and for representing their fundamental components, we proposed using ―formal concepts‖ belonging to the rapidly developing new field of research in computer science under the general name of ―Formal Concept Analysis‖ (FCA). The most important operations (responsible for the structure of information contained in the body of the utterances) are as follows: (a) selection (for building conceptual areas of interest in the para-information tier), (b) configuration (for building relationships between concepts in the ortho-information tier) and (c) centering (secondary selection of concepts for transmitting in the meta-information tier), while the most important operations (responsible for the structure of utterances) are: (a) nesting (for building utterances as units of discourse in the profile, across the tiers) and (b) encapsulation (for designating the conceptual space and combining conceptual representations with the language). In this paper we present one of the many areas of application of the described theoretical foundation, namely: word order in linguistic typology. Research taking into account the abovementioned three kinds of information constitutes a contribution to the construction of a coherent theoretical framework for Distributed Grammar (i.e. multi-tier grammar with a generalized idiomatics)

    Content and language integrated teaching to Ukrainian university students majoring in economics

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    The article discloses the problem of content and language integrated teaching to Ukrainian university students majoring in economics. The characteristics of the integrated teaching are presented. Nowadays pedagogical integration can be traced in all its forms: in interconnection of actions concerning youth education and upbringing; in interconnection of content of different subjects teaching, moreover not only related subjects (such as mathematics and physics) but so-called unconnected subjects (computer sciences and foreign languages); in interconnection of different activities as to the major subject learning. Pedagogical integration is realised by creating “practical synthesis”, it means: joining the content of related subjects into one academic discipline; applying similar methods and techniques of teaching synthesised subject; emerging organisational forms of teaching different subjects into one organisational-methodic unity which functions in one educational process. The peculiarities of the integrated teaching economic subjects by means of a foreign language are highlighted in the article. Professional knowledge and skills that Ukrainian students majoring in economics are to master both in the native and in the foreign languages for professional material application into practice are described. The methods of integrated teaching economic subjects by means of a foreign language have been introduced. The article presents the model of stage-by-stage realisation of the integrated teaching two kinds of activities (professional and foreign language) with the description of the interconnected (synthetized) components of the teaching process

    The Human-Robot Interaction Operating System

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    In order for humans and robots to work effectively together, they need to be able to converse about abilities, goals and achievements. Thus, we are developing an interaction infrastructure called the "Human-Robot Interaction Operating System" (HRI/OS). The HRI/OS provides a structured software framework for building human-robot teams, supports a variety of user interfaces, enables humans and robots to engage in task-oriented dialogue, and facilitates integration of robots through an extensible API