1,423 research outputs found

    Studies on Implementation of . . . High Throughput and Low Power Consumption

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    In this thesis we discuss design and implementation of frequency selective digital filters with high throughput and low power consumption. The thesis includes proposed arithmetic transformations of lattice wave digital filters that aim at increasing the throughput and reduce the power consumption of the filter implementation. The thesis also includes two case studies where digital filters with high throughput and low power consumption are required. A method for obtaining high throughput as well as reduced power consumption of digital filters is arithmetic transformation of the filter structure. In this thesis arithmetic transformations of first- and second-order Richards’ allpass sections composed by symmetric two-port adaptors and implemented using carry-save arithmetic are proposed. Such filter sections can be used for implementation of lattice wave digital filters and bireciprocal lattice wave digital filters. The latter structures are efficient for implementation of interpolators and decimators by factors of two. Th

    Channelization for Multi-Standard Software-Defined Radio Base Stations

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    As the number of radio standards increase and spectrum resources come under more pressure, it becomes ever less efficient to reserve bands of spectrum for exclusive use by a single radio standard. Therefore, this work focuses on channelization structures compatible with spectrum sharing among multiple wireless standards and dynamic spectrum allocation in particular. A channelizer extracts independent communication channels from a wideband signal, and is one of the most computationally expensive components in a communications receiver. This work specifically focuses on non-uniform channelizers suitable for multi-standard Software-Defined Radio (SDR) base stations in general and public mobile radio base stations in particular. A comprehensive evaluation of non-uniform channelizers (existing and developed during the course of this work) shows that parallel and recombined variants of the Generalised Discrete Fourier Transform Modulated Filter Bank (GDFT-FB) represent the best trade-off between computational load and flexibility for dynamic spectrum allocation. Nevertheless, for base station applications (with many channels) very high filter orders may be required, making the channelizers difficult to physically implement. To mitigate this problem, multi-stage filtering techniques are applied to the GDFT-FB. It is shown that these multi-stage designs can significantly reduce the filter orders and number of operations required by the GDFT-FB. An alternative approach, applying frequency response masking techniques to the GDFT-FB prototype filter design, leads to even bigger reductions in the number of coefficients, but computational load is only reduced for oversampled configurations and then not as much as for the multi-stage designs. Both techniques render the implementation of GDFT-FB based non-uniform channelizers more practical. Finally, channelization solutions for some real-world spectrum sharing use cases are developed before some final physical implementation issues are considered

    Computationally efficient FIR digital filters

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    Digital Filters and Signal Processing

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    Digital filters, together with signal processing, are being employed in the new technologies and information systems, and are implemented in different areas and applications. Digital filters and signal processing are used with no costs and they can be adapted to different cases with great flexibility and reliability. This book presents advanced developments in digital filters and signal process methods covering different cases studies. They present the main essence of the subject, with the principal approaches to the most recent mathematical models that are being employed worldwide

    Design of Computationally Efficient Digital FIR Filters and Filter Banks

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    Techniques for Efficient Implementation of FIR and Particle Filtering

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    Fir filter design for area efficient implementation /

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    In this dissertation, a variable precision algorithm based on sensitivity analysis is proposed for reducing the wordlength of the coefficients and/or the number of nonzero bits of the coefficients to reduce the complexity required in the implementation. Further space savings is possible if the proposed algorithm is associated with our optimal structures and derived scaling algorithm. We also propose a structure to synthesize FIR filters using the improved prefilter equalizer structure with arbitrary bandwidth, and our proposed filter structure reduces the area required. Our improved design is targeted at improving the prefilters based on interpolated FIR filter and frequency masking design and aims to provide a sharp transition-band as well as increasing the stopband attenuation. We use an equalizer designed to compensate the prefilter performance. In this dissertation, we propose a systematic procedure for designing FIR filters implementations. Our method yields a good design with low coefficient sensitivity and small order while satisfying design specifications. The resulting hardware implementation is suitable for use in custom hardware such as VLSI and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs).FIR filters are preferred for many Digital Signal Processing applications as they have several advantages over IIR filters such as the possibility of exact linear phase, shorter required wordlength and guaranteed stability. However, FIR filter applications impose several challenges on the implementations of the systems, especially in demanding considerably more arithmetic operations and hardware components. This dissertation focuses on the design and implementation of FIR filters in hardware to reduce the space required without loss of performance

    Synthesis methods for linear-phase FIR filters with a piecewise-polynomial impulse response

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    his thesis concentrates on synthesis methods for linear-phase finite-impulse response filters with a piecewise-polynomial impulse response. One of the objectives has been to find integer-valued coefficients to efficiently implement filters of the piecewise-polynomial impulse response approach introduced by Saram¨aki and Mitra. In this method, the impulse response is divided into blocks of equal length and each block is created by a polynomial of a given degree. The arithmetic complexity of these filters depends on the polynomial degree and the number of blocks. By using integer-valued coefficients it is possible to make the implementation of the subfilters, which generates the polynomials, multiplication-free. The main focus has been on finding computationally-efficient synthesis methods by using a piecewise-polynomial and a piecewise-polynomial-sinusoidal impulse responses to make it possible to implement high-speed, low-power, highly integrated digital signal processing systems. The earlier method by Chu and Burrus has been studied. The overall impulse response of the approach proposed in this thesis consists of the sum of several polynomial-form responses. The arithmetic complexity depends on the polynomial degree and the number of polynomial-form responses. The piecewise-polynomial-sinusoidal approach is a modification of the piecewise-polynomial approach. The subresponses are multiplied by a sinusoidal function and an arbitrary number of separate center coefficients is added. Thereby, the arithmetic complexity depends also on the number of complex multipliers and separately generated center coefficients. The filters proposed in this thesis are optimized by using linear programming methods