5 research outputs found

    Naive Bayes texture classification applied to whisker data from a moving robot

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    Many rodents use their whiskers to distinguish objects by surface texture. To examine possible mechanisms for this discrimination, data from an artificial whisker attached to a moving robot was used to test texture classification algorithms. This data was examined previously using a template-based classifier of the whisker vibration power spectrum [1]. Motivated by a proposal about the neural computations underlying sensory decision making [2], we classified the raw whisker signal using the related ‘naive Bayes’ method. The integration time window is important, with roughly 100ms of data required for good decisions and 500ms for the best decisions. For stereotyped motion, the classifier achieved hit rates of about 80% using a single (horizontal or vertical) stream of vibration data and 90% using both streams. Similar hit rates were achieved on natural data, apart from a single case in which the performance was only about 55%. Therefore this application of naive Bayes represents a biologically motivated algorithm that can perform well in a real-world robot task

    Edge and plane classification with a biomimetic iCub fingertip sensor

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    The exploration and interaction of humanoid robots with the environment through tactile sensing is an important task for achieving truly autonomous agents. Recently much research has been focused on the development of new technologies for tactile sensors and new methods for tactile exploration. Edge detection is one of the tasks required in robots and humanoids to explore and recognise objects. In this work we propose a method for edge and plane classification with a biomimetic iCub fingertip using a probabilistic approach. The iCub fingertip mounted on an xy-table robot is able to tap and collect the data from the surface and edge of a plastic wall. Using a maximum likelihood classifier the xy-table knows when the iCub fingertip has reached the edge of the object. The study presented here is also biologically inspired by the tactile exploration performed in animals

    Tactile Discrimination Using Template Classifiers: Towards a Model of Feature Extraction in Mammalian Vibrissal Systems

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    Rats and other whiskered mammals are capable of making sophisticated sensory discriminations using tactile signals from their facial whiskers (vibrissae). As part of a programme of work to develop biomimetic technologies for vibrissal sensing, including whiskered robots, we are devising algorithms for the fast extraction of object parameters from whisker deflection data. Previous work has demonstrated that radial distance to contact can be estimated from forces measured at the base of the whisker shaft. We show that in the case of a moving object contacting a whisker, the measured force can be ambiguous in distinguishing a nearby object moving slowly from a more distant object moving rapidly. This ambiguity can be resolved by simultaneously extracting object position and speed from the whisker deflection time series – that is by attending to the dynamics of the whisker’s interaction with the object. We compare a simple classifier with an adaptive EM (Expectation Maximisation) classifier. Both systems are effective at simultaneously extracting the two parameters, the EM-classifier showing similar performance to a handpicked template classifier. We propose that adaptive classification algorithms can provide insights into the types of computations performed in the rat vibrissal system when the animal is faced with a discrimination task

    The Approach for Action Recognition Based on the Reconstructed Phase Spaces

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    This paper presents a novel method of human action recognition, which is based on the reconstructed phase space. Firstly, the human body is divided into 15 key points, whose trajectory represents the human body behavior, and the modified particle filter is used to track these key points for self-occlusion. Secondly, we reconstruct the phase spaces for extracting more useful information from human action trajectories. Finally, we apply the semisupervised probability model and Bayes classified method for classification. Experiments are performed on the Weizmann, KTH, UCF sports, and our action dataset to test and evaluate the proposed method. The compare experiment results showed that the proposed method can achieve was more effective than compare methods

    The robot vibrissal system: Understanding mammalian sensorimotor co-ordination through biomimetics

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    Chapter 10 The Robot Vibrissal System: Understanding Mammalian Sensorimotor Co-ordination Through Biomimetics Tony J. Prescott, Ben Mitchinson, Nathan F. Lepora, Stuart P. Wilson, Sean R. Anderson, John Porrill, Paul Dean, Charles ..