175 research outputs found

    From 3D Models to 3D Prints: an Overview of the Processing Pipeline

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    Due to the wide diffusion of 3D printing technologies, geometric algorithms for Additive Manufacturing are being invented at an impressive speed. Each single step, in particular along the Process Planning pipeline, can now count on dozens of methods that prepare the 3D model for fabrication, while analysing and optimizing geometry and machine instructions for various objectives. This report provides a classification of this huge state of the art, and elicits the relation between each single algorithm and a list of desirable objectives during Process Planning. The objectives themselves are listed and discussed, along with possible needs for tradeoffs. Additive Manufacturing technologies are broadly categorized to explicitly relate classes of devices and supported features. Finally, this report offers an analysis of the state of the art while discussing open and challenging problems from both an academic and an industrial perspective.Comment: European Union (EU); Horizon 2020; H2020-FoF-2015; RIA - Research and Innovation action; Grant agreement N. 68044

    A review of geometry representation and processing methods for cartesian and multiaxial robot-based additive manufacturing

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    Nowadays, robot-based additive manufacturing (RBAM) is emerging as a potential solution to increase manufacturing flexibility. Such technology allows to change the orientation of the material deposition unit during printing, making it possible to fabricate complex parts with optimized material distribution. In this context, the representation of parts geometries and their subsequent processing become aspects of primary importance. In particular, part orientation, multiaxial deposition, slicing, and infill strategies must be properly evaluated so as to obtain satisfactory outputs and avoid printing failures. Some advanced features can be found in commercial slicing software (e.g., adaptive slicing, advanced path strategies, and non-planar slicing), although the procedure may result excessively constrained due to the limited number of available options. Several approaches and algorithms have been proposed for each phase and their combination must be determined accurately to achieve the best results. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art works addressing the primary methods for the representation of geometries and the subsequent geometry processing for RBAM. For each category, tools and software found in the literature and commercially available are discussed. Comparison tables are then reported to assist in the selection of the most appropriate approaches. The presented review can be helpful for designers, researchers and practitioners to identify possible future directions and open issues

    Direct slicing of STEP based NURBS models for layered manufacturing

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    Abstract Direct slicing of CAD models to generate process planning instructions for solid freeform fabrication may overcome inherent disadvantages of using stereolithography format in terms of the process accuracy, ease of file management, and incorporation of multiple materials. This paper will present the results of our development of a direct slicing algorithm for layered freeform fabrication. The direct slicing algorithm was based on a neutral, international standard (ISO 10303) STEP-formatted non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) geometric representation and is intended to be independent of any commercial CAD software. The following aspects of the development effort will be presented: (1) determination of optimal build direction based upon STEP-based NURBS models; (2) adaptive subdivision of NURBS data for geometric refinement; and (3) ray-casting slice generation into sets of raster patterns. The development also provides for multi-material slicing and will provide an effective tool in heterogeneous slicing processes.

    Biomimetic design and fabrication of tissue engineered scaffolds using computer aided tissue engineering

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    The field of tissue engineering brings together the multidisciplinary research of life sciences and engineering to seek man-made substitutes for the regeneration of damaged tissue or organs. A key component in tissue engineering is the use of porous scaffolds to guide cells for attachment, proliferation and differentiation in the tissue regenerative process. Upon satisfactory in-vitro culture, this engineered living scaffold is implanted into the regeneration site of the patient to function as the tissue substitute. Conventional processing techniques for the fabrication of scaffolds often encounter difficulties in the precise control of the internal architecture, interconnectivity and distribution of pores within the scaffold. These challenges, along with the advances in biology, medicine, and information technology for tissue engineering applications, have led to the development of a new field of Computer Aided Tissue Engineering (CATE).CATE enables a systematic application of computer-aided technologies, i.e., computer-aided design (CAD), image processing, computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and solid freeform fabrication (SFF) for modeling, designing, simulation, and manufacturing of biological tissue and organ substitutes. Through the use of CATE, the design of intricate three dimensional architecture of scaffold can be realized and these scaffolds can be fabricated with reproducible accuracy to assist biologists in studying complex tissue engineering problems. This thesis reports a research addressing some of the challenges in applying the CATE approach for the biomimetic design and freeform fabrication of tissue scaffolds. The major research accomplishments reported in this thesis include: a) The development of a BioCAD modeling technique for the design and representation of patient specific 3D tissue models based on non-invasive medical image data. b) The development of a biomimetic design approach for design of load bearing tissue scaffold subject to multiple biophysical, geometrical and manufacturing requirements. This includes the design of the unit cell micro-architecture based on tissue morphologies, unit cell characterization and evaluation of the mechanical and transport properties, and the use of unit cells as building block to design anatomic tissue scaffold replacements. c) The development of a CAD based path planning procedure through a direct slicing algorithm which can convert a neutral ISO (International Standards Organization) standardized STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data) formatted NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) geometric representation to a tool path instruction set for layered freeform fabrication. d) The development of a novel Internal Architecture Design (IAD) approach for the mapping of characteristic patterns of the unit cell micro-architectures designed within the 3D scaffold. This design approach is implemented into a process algorithm that converts these 2D patterns to tool path datasets for the 3DP™ (threedimensional printing) and extrusion based freeform fabrication.CATE enables many novel approaches in modeling, design, and fabrication of complex tissue substitutes with enhanced functionality for research in patient specific implant analysis and simulation, image guided surgical planning and scaffold guided tissue engineering. The research will also enable cell biologists and engineers to expand their scope of research and study in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering -- Drexel University, 200

    Adaptive slicing based on efficient profile analysis

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    Adaptive slicing is an important computational task required in the layer-based manufacturing process. Its purpose is to find an optimal trade-off between the fabrication time (number of layers) and the surface quality (geometric deviation error). Most of the traditional adaptive slicing algorithms are computationally expensive or only based on local evaluation of errors. To tackle these problems, we introduce a method to efficiently generate slicing plans by a new metric profile that can characterize the distribution of deviation errors along the building direction. By generalizing the conventional error metrics, the proposed metric profile is a density function of deviation errors, which measures the global deviation errors rather than the in-plane local geometry errors used in most prior methods. Slicing can be efficiently evaluated based on metric profiles in contrast to the expensive computation on models in boundary-representation. An efficient algorithm based on dynamic programming is proposed to find the best slicing plan. Our adaptive slicing method can also be applied to models with weighted features and can serve as the inner loop to search the best building direction. The performance of our approach is demonstrated by experimental tests on different examples
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