43 research outputs found

    Stable Wireless Network Control Under Service Constraints

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    We consider the design of wireless queueing network control policies with particular focus on combining stability with additional application-dependent requirements. Thereby, we consequently pursue a cost function based approach that provides the flexibility to incorporate constraints and requirements of particular services or applications. As typical examples of such requirements, we consider the reduction of buffer underflows in case of streaming traffic, and energy efficiency in networks of battery powered nodes. Compared to the classical throughput optimal control problem, such requirements significantly complicate the control problem. We provide easily verifyable theoretical conditions for stability, and, additionally, compare various candidate cost functions applied to wireless networks with streaming media traffic. Moreover, we demonstrate how the framework can be applied to the problem of energy efficient routing, and we demonstrate the aplication of our framework in cross-layer control problems for wireless multihop networks, using an advanced power control scheme for interference mitigation, based on successive convex approximation. In all scenarios, the performance of our control framework is evaluated using extensive numerical simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1208.297

    Stability and asymptotic optimality of generalized maxweight policies

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    Abstract It is shown that stability of the celebrated MaxWeight or back pressure policies is a consequence of the following interpretation: either policy is myopic with respect to a surrogate value function of a very special form, in which the "marginal disutility" at a buffer vanishes for vanishingly small buffer population. This observation motivates the h-MaxWeight policy, defined for a wide class of functions h. These policies share many of the attractive properties of the MaxWeight policy: (i) Arrival rate data is not required in the policy. (ii) Under a variety of general conditions, the policy is stabilizing when h is a perturbation of a monotone linear function, a monotone quadratic, or a monotone Lyapunov function for the fluid model. (iii) A perturbation of the relative value function for a workload relaxation gives rise to a myopic policy that is approximately average-cost optimal in heavy traffic, with logarithmic regret. The first results are obtained for a general Markovian network model. Asymptotic optimality is established for a general Markovian scheduling model with a single bottleneck, and homogeneous servers

    Optimal Network Control in Partially-Controllable Networks

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    The effectiveness of many optimal network control algorithms (e.g., BackPressure) relies on the premise that all of the nodes are fully controllable. However, these algorithms may yield poor performance in a partially-controllable network where a subset of nodes are uncontrollable and use some unknown policy. Such a partially-controllable model is of increasing importance in real-world networked systems such as overlay-underlay networks. In this paper, we design optimal network control algorithms that can stabilize a partially-controllable network. We first study the scenario where uncontrollable nodes use a queue-agnostic policy, and propose a low-complexity throughput-optimal algorithm, called Tracking-MaxWeight (TMW), which enhances the original MaxWeight algorithm with an explicit learning of the policy used by uncontrollable nodes. Next, we investigate the scenario where uncontrollable nodes use a queue-dependent policy and the problem is formulated as an MDP with unknown queueing dynamics. We propose a new reinforcement learning algorithm, called Truncated Upper Confidence Reinforcement Learning (TUCRL), and prove that TUCRL achieves tunable three-way tradeoffs between throughput, delay and convergence rate

    Optimal resource allocation algorithms for cloud computing

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    Cloud computing is emerging as an important platform for business, personal and mobile computing applications. We consider a stochastic model of a cloud computing cluster, where jobs arrive according to a random process and request virtual machines (VMs), which are specified in terms of resources such as CPU, memory and storage space. The jobs are first routed to one of the servers when they arrive and are queued at the servers. Each server then chooses a set of jobs from its queues so that it has enough resources to serve all of them simultaneously. There are many design issues associated with such systems. One important issue is the resource allocation problem, i.e., the design of algorithms for load balancing among servers, and algorithms for scheduling VM configurations. Given our model of a cloud, we define its capacity, i.e., the maximum rates at which jobs can be processed in such a system. An algorithm is said to be throughput-optimal if it can stabilize the system whenever the load is within the capacity region. We show that the widely-used Best-Fit scheduling algorithm is not throughput-optimal. We first consider the problem where the jobs need to be scheduled nonpreemptively on servers. Under the assumptions that the job sizes are known and bounded, we present algorithms that achieve any arbitrary fraction of the capacity region of the cloud. We then relax these assumptions and present a load balancing and scheduling algorithm that is throughput optimal when job sizes are unknown. In this case, job sizes (durations) are modeled as random variables with possibly unbounded support. Delay is a more important metric then throughput optimality in practice. However, analysis of delay of resource allocation algorithms is difficult, so we study the system in the asymptotic limit as the load approaches the boundary of the capacity region. This limit is called the heavy traffic regime. Assuming that the jobs can be preempted once after several time slots, we present delay optimal resource allocation algorithms in the heavy traffic regime. We study delay performance of our algorithms through simulations

    Concurrent Channel Probing and Data Transmission in Full-duplex MIMO Systems

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    An essential step for achieving multiplexing gain in MIMO downlink systems is to collect accurate channel state information (CSI) from the users. Traditionally, CSIs have to be collected before any data can be transmitted. Such a sequential scheme incurs a large feedback overhead, which substantially limits the multiplexing gain especially in a network with a large number of users. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to mitigate the feedback overhead by leveraging the recently developed Full-duplex radios. Our approach is based on the key observation that using Full-duplex radios, when the base-station (BS) is collecting CSI of one user through the uplink channel, it can use the downlink channel to simultaneously transmit data to other (non-interfering) users for which CSIs are already known. By allowing concurrent channel probing and data transmission, our scheme can potentially achieve a higher throughput compared to traditional schemes using Half-duplex radios. The new flexibility introduced by our scheme, however, also leads to fundamental challenges in achieving throughout optimal scheduling. In this paper, we make an initial effort to this important problem by considering a simplified group interference model. We develop a throughput optimal scheduling policy with complexity O((N/I)I)O((N/I)^I), where NN is the number of users and II is the number of user groups. To further reduce the complexity, we propose a greedy policy with complexity O(NlogN)O(N\log N) that not only achieves at least 2/3 of the optimal throughput region, but also outperforms any feasible Half-duplex solutions. We derive the throughput gain offered by Full-duplex under different system parameters and show the advantage of our algorithms through numerical studies.Comment: Technical repor