28 research outputs found

    Augmenting the distribution of goods from warehouses in dynamic demand environments using intelligent agents

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    Warehouses are being impacted by increasing e-commerce and omni-channel commerce. Future innovation may predominantly involve automation but many warehouses remain manually operated. The golden rule of material handling is smooth product flow, but there are day-to-day operational issues that occur in the warehouse that can impact this and order fulfilment. Standard operational process is paramount to warehouse operational control but inflexible processes don’t allow for a dynamic response to real-time operational constraints. The growth of IoT sensor and data analytics technology provide new opportunities for designing warehouse management systems that detect and reorganise around real-time constraints to mitigate the impact of day-to-day warehouse operational issues. This paper presents an intelligent agent framework for basic warehouse management systems that is distributed, is structured around operational constraints and includes the human operator at operational and decision support levels. An agent based simulation was built to demonstrate the viability of the framework

    yourSky: rapid desktop access to custom astronomical image mosaics

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    The yourSky custom astronomical image mosaicking software has a Web portal architecture that allows access via ordinary desktop computers with low bandwidth network connections to high performance and highly customizable mosaicking software deployed in a high performance computing and communications environment. The emphasis is on custom access to image mosaics constructed from terabytes of raw image data stored in remote archives. In this context, custom access refers to new technology that enables on the fly mosaicking to meet user-specified criteria for region of the sky to be mosaicked, datasets to be used, resolution, coordinate system, projection, data type and image format. The yourSky server is a fully automated end-to-end system that handles all aspects of the mosaic construction. This includes management of mosaic requests, determining which input images are required to fulfill each request, management of a data cache for both input image plates and output mosaics, retrieval of input image plates from massive remote archives, image mosaic construction on a multiprocessor system, and making the result accessible to the user on the desktop. The URL for yourSky is http://yourSky.jpl.nasa.gov

    FPGAS and Database Engines Integration

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    This work focuses on the integration of an FPGA with a database engine. The purpose is to design and implement hardware-accelerated algorithms that are useful for the real-time work demands of modern databases in the world of data science and “Big Data” analysis. The work proposes an integration architecture of a commercial FPGA and an open source database. As an example of application, it is proposed the encryption and decryption of data using these services implemented in an FPGA. The algorithm used is the well-known 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The hardware-accelerated algorithm is used within the MySQL open-source database engine by using a UDF function in the API provided by the engine to test the algorithms implemented in hardware for processing large amounts of data. The FPGA is a commercial version of the manufacturer Xilinx.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Características climáticas dos municípios de Santo Antônio de Goiás (GO), Porangatu (GO), Janaúba (MG), Sete Lagoas (MG), Parnaíba (PI) e Teresina (PI), Brasil.

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    O intuito deste estudo é ilustrar a metodologia utilizada para a organização, análise de qualidade, predição e correção de valores de dados climáticos erráticos de seis municípios brasileiros para uso posterior com um modelo de crescimento de culturas.bitstream/CNPAF/26655/1/doc_214.pd

    Toward an Open-Access Global Database for Mapping, Control, and Surveillance of Neglected Tropical Diseases

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    There is growing interest in the scientific community, health ministries, and other organizations to control and eventually eliminate neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Control efforts require reliable maps of NTD distribution estimated from appropriate models and survey data on the number of infected people among those examined at a given location. This kind of data is often available in the literature as part of epidemiological studies. However, an open-access database compiling location-specific survey data does not yet exist. We address this problem through a systematic literature review, along with contacting ministries of health, and research institutions to obtain disease data, including details on diagnostic techniques, demographic characteristics of the surveyed individuals, and geographical coordinates. All data were entered into a database which is freely accessible via the Internet (http://www.gntd.org). In contrast to similar efforts of the Global Atlas of Helminth Infections (GAHI) project, the survey data are not only displayed in form of maps but all information can be browsed, based on different search criteria, and downloaded as Excel files for further analyses. At the beginning of 2011, the database included over 12,000 survey locations for schistosomiasis across Africa, and it is continuously updated to cover other NTDs globally

    Analisis Kinerja Web Server pada SIM Manajemen Diklat Poltekpel Sorong Menggunakan RDBMS MySQL dan MariaDB

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan data meningkat pesat di era big data seperti sekarang ini. Database Management System menjadi bagian utama yang sangat penting untuk mengontrol arus data. Penelitian ini membandingkan kinerja web server yang menggunakan RDBMS open source yang berbeda antara MySQL dan MariaDB. Pengujian dilakukan pada Oracle Virtual Machine Virtualbox menggunakan ApacheBench untuk mengukur kinerja Web Server pada SIM Manajemen Diklat Poltekpel Sorong. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa web server ketika menggunakan RDBMS MySQL cenderung memiliki performa yang cukup stabil ketika permintaan akses web di bawah 300 kali secara bersamaan yaitu pada 100,200 dan 300 kali berturut-turut sebesar 7.764/ms, 16.386/ms dan 30.025/ms. Namun, saat permintaan akses web di atas 300 secara bersamaan RDBMS MariaDB justru menunjukkan kinerja yang lebih baik. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan permintaan akses 400 dan 500 kali web server secara bersamaan, waktu respon terlihat lebih cepat dibandingkan ketika menggunakan RDBMS MySQL berturut-turut sebesar 51.877/ms dan 54.702/ms sedangkan RDBMS mariaDB untuk permintaan akses web server secara bersamaan pada 100,200,300,400 dan 500 berturut-turut sebesar 14.213/ms, 25.642/ms, 40.831/ms, 48.021/ms dan 51.630/m

    A mobile phone text messaging intervention to manage fatigue for people with multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and stroke: Development and usability testing

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    BACKGROUND: Fatigue significantly affects daily functioning in persons with disabilities. Fatigue management can be challenging, and the information provided during routine physician visits to manage fatigue can be overwhelming. One way to address fatigue is to increase knowledge, skills, and confidence for self-management (ie, patient activation). Self-management programs have shown promising effects in targeting fatigue in persons with disabilities. However, satisfaction with self-management programs is low for persons with disabilities, and tailoring interventions to personalized needs has been recommended. SMS text messaging is increasingly being used to implement health behavior change interventions in a person\u27s natural environment. Little has been done to link mobile health approaches with patient activation and self-management to address fatigue in persons with disabilities. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop and test a mobile phone-based fatigue self-management SMS text messaging intervention targeting patient activation in 3 groups of persons with disabilities: persons with multiple sclerosis, persons who had a stroke, and persons with a spinal cord injury. METHODS: We used evidence-based resources and input from a consumer advisory board (CAB; composed of 2 participants from each of the 3 disability groups) and a neurologist to develop the intervention. The study was conducted using a 4-step process: development of the initial SMS text messaging library and categorization of the content into 9 content areas, review and modification of the SMS text messages by the neurologist and CAB, integration of the content library into a digital platform, and utility testing by CAB members. RESULTS: A total of 6 CAB participants rated SMS text messages covering 9 domain areas of fatigue self-management with good clarity (mean ratings=3.5-5.0 out of 5) and relevance (mean ratings=3.2-5.0 out of 5). Overall, SMS text messaging content was reported by CAB participants as helpful, clear, and well suited for a mobile health intervention. The CAB reached consensus on the time of day that SMS text messages should be sent (morning) and their frequency (once per day). This feedback led the research team to narrow down the program to deliver 48 SMS text messages, 1 per day, Monday through Thursday only, a total of 4 SMS text messages per week, over a 12-week period. The final set of SMS text messages was programmed into a digital platform with a predefined delivery schedule. The usability of the intervention was high, with 55 (83%) out of 66 responses endorsing the highest rating. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates a step-by-step process for developing a fatigue self-management SMS text messaging intervention for persons with disabilities. For this population, whose access to health services is often limited, this intervention provides an alternative delivery model to increase access to fatigue information and deliver content that aligns with the person\u27s needs

    A proof of concept of a mobile health application to support professionals in a portuguese nursing home

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    Over the past few years, the rapidly aging population has been posing several challenges to healthcare systems worldwide. Consequently, in Portugal, nursing homes have been getting a higher demand, and health professionals working in these facilities are overloaded with work. Moreover, the lack of health information and communication technology (HICT) and the use of unsophisticated methods, such as paper, in nursing homes to clinically manage residents lead to more errors and are time-consuming. Thus, this article proposes a proof of concept of a mobile health (mHealth) application developed for the health professionals working in a Portuguese nursing home to support them at the point-of-care, namely to manage and have access to information and to help them schedule, perform, and digitally record their tasks. Additionally, clinical and performance business intelligence (BI) indicators to assist the decision-making process are also defined. Thereby, this solution aims to introduce technological improvements into the facility to improve healthcare delivery and, by taking advantage of the benefits provided by these improvements, lessen some of the workload experienced by health professionals, reduce time-waste and errors, and, ultimately, enhance elders’ quality of life and improve the quality of the services provided.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019

    yourSky: rapid desktop access to custom astronomical image mosaics

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    The yourSky custom astronomical image mosaicking software has a Web portal architecture that allows access via ordinary desktop computers with low bandwidth network connections to high performance and highly customizable mosaicking software deployed in a high performance computing and communications environment. The emphasis is on custom access to image mosaics constructed from terabytes of raw image data stored in remote archives. In this context, custom access refers to new technology that enables on the fly mosaicking to meet user-specified criteria for region of the sky to be mosaicked, datasets to be used, resolution, coordinate system, projection, data type and image format. The yourSky server is a fully automated end-to-end system that handles all aspects of the mosaic construction. This includes management of mosaic requests, determining which input images are required to fulfill each request, management of a data cache for both input image plates and output mosaics, retrieval of input image plates from massive remote archives, image mosaic construction on a multiprocessor system, and making the result accessible to the user on the desktop. The URL for yourSky is http://yourSky.jpl.nasa.gov

    Toward an Open-Access Global Database for Mapping, Control, and Surveillance of Neglected Tropical Diseases

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    Abstract Background: After many years of general neglect, interest has grown and efforts came under way for the mapping, control, surveillance, and eventual elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Disease risk estimates are a key feature to target control interventions, and serve as a benchmark for monitoring and evaluation. What is currently missing is a georeferenced global database for NTDs providing open-access to the available survey data that is constantly updated and can be utilized by researchers and disease control managers to support other relevant stakeholders. We describe the steps taken toward the development of such a database that can be employed for spatial disease risk modeling and control of NTDs