15 research outputs found

    Nature-Inspired Learning Models

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    Intelligent learning mechanisms found in natural world are still unsurpassed in their learning performance and eficiency of dealing with uncertain information coming in a variety of forms, yet remain under continuous challenge from human driven artificial intelligence methods. This work intends to demonstrate how the phenomena observed in physical world can be directly used to guide artificial learning models. An inspiration for the new learning methods has been found in the mechanics of physical fields found in both micro and macro scale. Exploiting the analogies between data and particles subjected to gravity, electrostatic and gas particle fields, new algorithms have been developed and applied to classification and clustering while the properties of the field further reused in regression and visualisation of classification and classifier fusion. The paper covers extensive pictorial examples and visual interpretations of the presented techniques along with some testing over the well-known real and artificial datasets, compared when possible to the traditional methods

    Real-valued feature selection for process approximation and prediction

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    The selection of features for classification, clustering and approximation is an important task in pattern recognition, data mining and soft computing. For real-valued features, this contribution shows how feature selection for a high number of features can be implemented using mutual in-formation. Especially, the common problem for mutual information computation of computing joint probabilities for many dimensions using only a few samples is treated by using the RĂšnyi mutual information of order two as computational base. For this, the Grassberger-Takens corre-lation integral is used which was developed for estimating probability densities in chaos theory. Additionally, an adaptive procedure for computing the hypercube size is introduced and for real world applications, the treatment of missing values is included. The computation procedure is accelerated by exploiting the ranking of the set of real feature values especially for the example of time series. As example, a small blackbox-glassbox example shows how the relevant features and their time lags are determined in the time series even if the input feature time series determine nonlinearly the output. A more realistic example from chemical industry shows that this enables a better ap-proximation of the input-output mapping than the best neural network approach developed for an international contest. By the computationally efficient implementation, mutual information becomes an attractive tool for feature selection even for a high number of real-valued features

    Potential Energy and Particle Interaction Approach for Learning in Adaptive Systems

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    Abstract. Adaptive systems research is mainly concentrated around optimizing cost functions suitable to problems. Recently, Principe et al. proposed a particle interaction model for information theoretical learning. In this paper, inspired by this idea, we propose a generalization to the particle interaction model for learning and system adaptation. In addition, for the special case of supervised multi-layer perceptron (MLP) training we propose the interaction force backpropagation algorithm, which is a generalization of the standard error backpropagation algorithm for MLPs

    Feature Clustering based MIM for a New Feature Extraction Method

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    In this paper, a new unsupervised Feature Extraction appoach is presented, which is based on feature clustering algorithm. Applying a divisive clustering algorithm, the method search for a compression of the information contained in the original set of features. It investigates the use of Mutual Information Maximization (MIM) to find appropriate transformation of clusterde features. Experiments on UCI datasets show that the proposed method often outperforms conventional unsupervised methods PCA and ICA from the point of view of classification accuracy

    Kernelized Infomax Clustering

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    We propose a simple information-theoretic clustering approach based on maximizing the mutual information I(\sfx,y) between the unknown cluster labels yy and the training patterns \sfx with respect to parameters of specifically constrained encoding distributions. The constraints are chosen such that patterns are likely to be clustered similarly if they lie close to specific (unknown) vectors in the feature space. The method may be conveniently applied to learning the optimal affinity matrix, which corresponds to learning parameters of the kernelized encoder. The procedure does not require computations of eigenvalues or inverses of the Gram matrices, which makes it potentially attractive for clustering large data sets

    An information theoretic perspective on multimodal signal processing

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    Multimodal signals can be defined in general as signals originating from the same physical source, but acquired through different devices, techniques or protocols. This applies for example to audio-visual signals, medical or satellite images. Understanding the joint dependencies of such signals is the first step toward intelligent means for their analysis. Information theory offers a rich theoretical framework in which such dependencies can be emphasized and from this, new methods of signal analysis can be developed

    Using visualization, variable selection and feature extraction to learn from industrial data

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    Although the engineers of industry have access to process data, they seldom use advanced statistical tools to solve process control problems. Why this reluctance? I believe that the reason is in the history of the development of statistical tools, which were developed in the era of rigorous mathematical modelling, manual computation and small data sets. This created sophisticated tools. The engineers do not understand the requirements of these algorithms related, for example, to pre-processing of data. If algorithms are fed with unsuitable data, or parameterized poorly, they produce unreliable results, which may lead an engineer to turn down statistical analysis in general. This thesis looks for algorithms that probably do not impress the champions of statistics, but serve process engineers. This thesis advocates three properties in an algorithm: supervised operation, robustness and understandability. Supervised operation allows and requires the user to explicate the goal of the analysis, which allows the algorithm to discover results that are relevant to the user. Robust algorithms allow engineers to analyse raw process data collected from the automation system of the plant. The third aspect is understandability: the user must understand how to parameterize the model, what is the principle of the algorithm, and know how to interpret the results. The above criteria are justified with the theories of human learning. The basis is the theory of constructivism, which defines learning as construction of mental models. Then I discuss the theories of organisational learning, which show how mental models influence the behaviour of groups of persons. The next level discusses statistical methodologies of data analysis, and binds them to the theories of organisational learning. The last level discusses individual statistical algorithms, and introduces the methodology and the algorithms proposed by this thesis. This methodology uses three types of algorithms: visualization, variable selection and feature extraction. The goal of the proposed methodology is to reliably and understandably provide the user with information that is related to a problem he has defined interesting. The above methodology is illustrated by an analysis of an industrial case: the concentrator of the Hitura mine. This case illustrates how to define the problem with off-line laboratory data, and how to search the on-line data for solutions. A major advantage of algorithmic study of data is efficiency: the manual approach reported in the early took approximately six man months; the automated approach of this thesis created comparable results in few weeks.reviewe

    Dimension-reduction and discrimination of neuronal multi-channel signals

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    Dimensionsreduktion und Trennung neuronaler Multikanal-Signale