8 research outputs found

    The human ankyrin 1 promoter insulator sustains gene expression in a β-globin lentiviral vector in hematopoietic stem cells.

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    Lentiviral vectors designed for the treatment of the hemoglobinopathies require the inclusion of regulatory and strong enhancer elements to achieve sufficient expression of the β-globin transgene. Despite the inclusion of these elements, the efficacy of these vectors may be limited by transgene silencing due to the genomic environment surrounding the integration site. Barrier insulators can be used to give more consistent expression and resist silencing even with lower vector copies. Here, the barrier activity of an insulator element from the human ankyrin-1 gene was analyzed in a lentiviral vector carrying an antisickling human β-globin gene. Inclusion of a single copy of the Ankyrin insulator did not affect viral titer, and improved the consistency of expression from the vector in murine erythroleukemia cells. The presence of the Ankyrin insulator element did not change transgene expression in human hematopoietic cells in short-term erythroid culture or in vivo in primary murine transplants. However, analysis in secondary recipients showed that the lentiviral vector with the Ankyrin element preserved transgene expression, whereas expression from the vector lacking the Ankyrin insulator decreased in secondary recipients. These studies demonstrate that the Ankyrin insulator may improve long-term β-globin expression in hematopoietic stem cells for gene therapy of hemoglobinopathies

    Chromatin insulator elements: establishing barriers to set heterochromatin boundaries

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    Epigenomic profiling has revealed that substantial portions of genomes in higher eukaryotes are organized into extensive domains of transcriptionally repressive chromatin. The boundaries of repressive chromatin domains can be fixed by DNA elements known as barrier insulators, to both shield neighboring gene expression and to maintain the integrity of chromosomal silencing. Here, we examine the current progress in identifying vertebrate barrier elements and their binding factors. We overview the design of the reporter assays used to define enhancer-blocking and barrier insulators. We look at the mechanisms vertebrate barrier proteins, such as USF1 and VEZF1, employ to counteract Polycomb- and heterochromatin-associated repression. We also undertake a critical analysis of whether CTCF could also act as a barrier protein. There is good evidence that barrier elements in vertebrates can form repressive chromatin domain boundaries. Future studies will determine whether barriers are frequently used to define repressive domain boundaries in vertebrates

    Skeletal muscle overexpression of sAnk1.5 in transgenic mice does not predispose to type 2 diabetes

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and cis-expression quantitative trait locus (cis-eQTL) analyses indicated an association of the rs508419 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with type 2 diabetes (T2D). rs508419 is localized in the muscle-specific internal promoter (P2) of the ANK1 gene, which drives the expression of the sAnk1.5 isoform. Functional studies showed that the rs508419 C/C variant results in increased transcriptional activity of the P2 promoter, leading to higher levels of sAnk1.5 mRNA and protein in skeletal muscle biopsies of individuals carrying the C/C genotype. To investigate whether sAnk1.5 overexpression in skeletal muscle might predispose to T2D development, we generated transgenic mice (TgsAnk1.5/+) in which the sAnk1.5 coding sequence was selectively overexpressed in skeletal muscle tissue. TgsAnk1.5/+ mice expressed up to 50% as much sAnk1.5 protein as wild-type (WT) muscles, mirroring the difference reported between individuals with the C/C or T/T genotype at rs508419. However, fasting glucose levels, glucose tolerance, insulin levels and insulin response in TgsAnk1.5/+ mice did not differ from those of age-matched WT mice monitored over a 12-month period. Even when fed a high-fat diet, TgsAnk1.5/+ mice only presented increased caloric intake, but glucose disposal, insulin tolerance and weight gain were comparable to those of WT mice fed a similar diet. Altogether, these data indicate that sAnk1.5 overexpression in skeletal muscle does not predispose mice to T2D susceptibility

    Identification and Characterization of Barrier Insulator Activity in the T-Cell Receptor alpha Locus Control Region

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    Genes of different spatiotemporal expression profiles are often juxtaposed in the genome. This organization raises risks of cross-regulatory influences from neighboring genes; for instance heterochromatin can spread over euchromatin or long-range acting enhancers can inappropriately activate genes. Gene regulatory elements such as Locus Control Regions (LCR) and Insulators prevent such cross-communications and allow for normal gene expression patterns. In transgenic systems, LCRs limit influences from surrounding chromatin by providing site-of-integration independent and specific spatiotemporal expression upon a linked transgene. The field’s understanding of the ability of an LCR to overcome chromatin influences and allow site-of-integration independent expression is minimal. Interestingly, this function of an LCR closely resembles that of barrier insulators. Barrier insulators prevent the spread of heterochromatin onto a euchromatin region and are characterized by their ability to suppress site-of-integration dependent chromatin influences upon a transgene. We hypothesize that the integration site-independence activity of LCRs is mediated by insulator-like DNA elements present within the LCR. In support of this hypothesis, we identify a novel barrier insulator activity within the mouse T-cell receptor (TCR)-a LCR. A 4.0-kb compilation of TCRa LCR sub-elements insulates a linked transgene in barrier assay- a long-term culture of stably transfected T cell lines. TCRa LCR-derived insulators enable maintenance of euchromatin and prevention of heterochromatin at a linked transgene. We find one element within the TCRa LCR that interacts with the USF1 transcription factor, which has been shown to have an important role in barrier insulation. In contrast to previously identified barrier insulators, the function of TCRa LCR-derived insulators does not require them to bi-laterally flank a gene. These data suggest that the TCRa LCR-derived elements may support both known and novel mechanisms of barrier insulation

    Mutation of a barrier insulator in the human ankyrin-1 gene is associated with hereditary spherocytosis

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    Defects of the ankyrin-1 gene are the most common cause in humans of hereditary spherocytosis, an inherited anemia that affects patients of all ethnic groups. In some kindreds, linked –108/–153 nucleotide substitutions have been found in the upstream region of the ankyrin gene promoter that is active in erythroid cells. In vivo, the ankyrin erythroid promoter and its upstream region direct position-independent, uniform expression, a property of barrier insulators. Using human erythroid cell lines and primary cells and transgenic mice, here we have demonstrated that a region upstream of the erythroid promoter is a barrier insulator in vivo in erythroid cells. The region exhibited both functional and structural characteristics of a barrier, including prevention of gene silencing in an in vivo functional assay, appropriate chromatin configuration, and occupancy by barrier-associated proteins. Fragments with the –108/–153 spherocytosis-associated mutations failed to function as barrier insulators in vivo and demonstrated perturbations in barrier-associated chromatin configuration. In transgenic mice, flanking a mutant –108/–153 ankyrin gene promoter with the well-characterized chicken HS4 barrier insulator restored position-independent, uniform expression at levels comparable to wild-type. These data indicate that an upstream region of the ankyrin-1 erythroid promoter acts as a barrier insulator and identify disruption of the barrier element as a potential pathogenetic mechanism of human disease

    Decoding Ankyrin-G Targeting and Function

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    <p>The spectrin-ankyrin network assembles diverse plasma membrane domains including axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier, cardiomyocyte T-tubules and intercalated discs, epithelial lateral membranes, costameres and photoreceptor inner and outer segments. However the mechanism that targets the spectrin-ankyrin network to those plasma membrane domains is unknown. This thesis identifies two lipid inputs from protein palmitoylation and phosphoinositides that together control the precise localization of the spectrin-ankyrin network. In Chapter 2, we identify a linker peptide encoded by a single divergent exon that distinguishes the subcellular localization of ankyrin-B and -G by selectively suppressing protein binding through autoinhibition. In Chapter 3, we demonstrate that ankyrin-G is S-palmitoylated at a conserved C70 residue which is required to assemble epithelial lateral membranes and neuronal axon initial segments. We continue to interrogate how palmitoylation regulates ankyrin-G activities in Chapter 4, and identify DHHC5 and DHHC8 as the palmitoyltransferases in MDCK cells. We showed that palmitoylated ankyrin-G, in concert with phosphoinositide lipids, determines the polarized localization of beta II spectrin though a coincidence detection mechanism. This palmitoyltransferases/ ankyrin-G/beta II spectrin pathway determines the cell height of columnar epithelial cells. In Chapter 5, we elucidated the molecular mechanism through which the spectrin-ankyrin network assembles epithelial lateral membranes. We demonstrated that ankyrin-G and beta II spectrin function by opposing clathrin-mediated endocytosis to build the lateral membrane in MDCK cells. Together, this thesis dissects the mechanisms of how the spectrin-ankyrin network achieves precise membrane targeting and how it assembles lateral membranes to determine the morphogenesis of columnar epithelial cells, and provides the first molecular insight to understand how cells control the assembly of diverse plasma membrane domains.</p>Dissertatio


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