2,259 research outputs found

    Building A Malware Finding System Using A Filter-Based Feature Selection Algorithm

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    Flexible Mutual Information Feature Selection is another supervised filter-based feature selection formula that has recently been proposed. With FMIFS, there's no doubt about it, MIFS and MMIFS are outdated. According to FMIFS, a revision to Battiti's formula would help cut down on redundancy among features. Redundancy parameters are no longer required in MIFS and MMIFS because of FMIFS. MIFS and MMIFS are unquestionably better alternatives to FMIFS. Based on the advice of FMIFS, Battiti's formula should be updated to minimize redundancy. In FMIFS, the redundant parameter is eliminated and it results in MIFS and MMIFS. None of the existing technologies are capable of fully safeguarding the internet software and operating networks against threats like DoS attacks, spyware, and adware. Incredible amounts of network traffic pose a major obstacle to IDSs. Our function selection formula contributed significantly more important functionality to LSSVM-IDS in regards to improving LSSVM-IDS' accuracy while minimizing the use of computation in comparison to other approaches. This feature selection method is especially suitable for features that are dependent on either a linear or nonlinear relationship. To provide accurate classification, we have provided a formula based on mutual knowledge, which mathematically selects the perfect function. Its utility is measured by taking into account the use of network intrusion detection. Data with redundant and irrelevant functionality has created a long-term traffic condition. It not only slows the overall classification process, but it also impedes classifiers from making correct decisions, specifically when handling large amounts of data

    Hybrid feature selection technique for intrusion detection system

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    High dimensionality’s problems have make feature selection as one of the most important criteria in determining the efficiency of intrusion detection systems. In this study we have selected a hybrid feature selection model that potentially combines the strengths of both the filter and the wrapper selection procedure. The potential hybrid solution is expected to effectively select the optimal set of features in detecting intrusion. The proposed hybrid model was carried out using correlation feature selection (CFS) together with three different search techniques known as best-first, greedy stepwise and genetic algorithm. The wrapper-based subset evaluation uses a random forest (RF) classifier to evaluate each of the features that were first selected by the filter method. The reduced feature selection on both KDD99 and DARPA 1999 dataset was tested using RF algorithm with ten-fold cross-validation in a supervised environment. The experimental result shows that the hybrid feature selections had produced satisfactory outcome

    Feature Grouping-based Feature Selection

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    A two-layer dimension reduction and two-tier classification model for anomaly-based intrusion detection in IoT backbone networks

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    With increasing reliance on Internet of Things (IoT) devices and services, the capability to detect intrusions and malicious activities within IoT networks is critical for resilience of the network infrastructure. In this paper, we present a novel model for intrusion detection based on two-layer dimension reduction and two-tier classification module, designed to detect malicious activities such as User to Root (U2R) and Remote to Local (R2L) attacks. The proposed model is using component analysis and linear discriminate analysis of dimension reduction module to spate the high dimensional dataset to a lower one with lesser features. We then apply a two-tier classification module utilizing Naïve Bayes and Certainty Factor version of K-Nearest Neighbor to identify suspicious behaviors. The experiment results using NSL-KDD dataset shows that our model outperforms previous models designed to detect U2R and R2L attacks

    Performance Evaluation of Network Anomaly Detection Systems

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    Nowadays, there is a huge and growing concern about security in information and communication technology (ICT) among the scientific community because any attack or anomaly in the network can greatly affect many domains such as national security, private data storage, social welfare, economic issues, and so on. Therefore, the anomaly detection domain is a broad research area, and many different techniques and approaches for this purpose have emerged through the years. Attacks, problems, and internal failures when not detected early may badly harm an entire Network system. Thus, this thesis presents an autonomous profile-based anomaly detection system based on the statistical method Principal Component Analysis (PCADS-AD). This approach creates a network profile called Digital Signature of Network Segment using Flow Analysis (DSNSF) that denotes the predicted normal behavior of a network traffic activity through historical data analysis. That digital signature is used as a threshold for volume anomaly detection to detect disparities in the normal traffic trend. The proposed system uses seven traffic flow attributes: Bits, Packets and Number of Flows to detect problems, and Source and Destination IP addresses and Ports, to provides the network administrator necessary information to solve them. Via evaluation techniques, addition of a different anomaly detection approach, and comparisons to other methods performed in this thesis using real network traffic data, results showed good traffic prediction by the DSNSF and encouraging false alarm generation and detection accuracy on the detection schema. The observed results seek to contribute to the advance of the state of the art in methods and strategies for anomaly detection that aim to surpass some challenges that emerge from the constant growth in complexity, speed and size of today’s large scale networks, also providing high-value results for a better detection in real time.Atualmente, existe uma enorme e crescente preocupação com segurança em tecnologia da informação e comunicação (TIC) entre a comunidade científica. Isto porque qualquer ataque ou anomalia na rede pode afetar a qualidade, interoperabilidade, disponibilidade, e integridade em muitos domínios, como segurança nacional, armazenamento de dados privados, bem-estar social, questões econômicas, e assim por diante. Portanto, a deteção de anomalias é uma ampla área de pesquisa, e muitas técnicas e abordagens diferentes para esse propósito surgiram ao longo dos anos. Ataques, problemas e falhas internas quando não detetados precocemente podem prejudicar gravemente todo um sistema de rede. Assim, esta Tese apresenta um sistema autônomo de deteção de anomalias baseado em perfil utilizando o método estatístico Análise de Componentes Principais (PCADS-AD). Essa abordagem cria um perfil de rede chamado Assinatura Digital do Segmento de Rede usando Análise de Fluxos (DSNSF) que denota o comportamento normal previsto de uma atividade de tráfego de rede por meio da análise de dados históricos. Essa assinatura digital é utilizada como um limiar para deteção de anomalia de volume e identificar disparidades na tendência de tráfego normal. O sistema proposto utiliza sete atributos de fluxo de tráfego: bits, pacotes e número de fluxos para detetar problemas, além de endereços IP e portas de origem e destino para fornecer ao administrador de rede as informações necessárias para resolvê-los. Por meio da utilização de métricas de avaliação, do acrescimento de uma abordagem de deteção distinta da proposta principal e comparações com outros métodos realizados nesta tese usando dados reais de tráfego de rede, os resultados mostraram boas previsões de tráfego pelo DSNSF e resultados encorajadores quanto a geração de alarmes falsos e precisão de deteção. Com os resultados observados nesta tese, este trabalho de doutoramento busca contribuir para o avanço do estado da arte em métodos e estratégias de deteção de anomalias, visando superar alguns desafios que emergem do constante crescimento em complexidade, velocidade e tamanho das redes de grande porte da atualidade, proporcionando também alta performance. Ainda, a baixa complexidade e agilidade do sistema proposto contribuem para que possa ser aplicado a deteção em tempo real

    Extending Structural Learning Paradigms for High-Dimensional Machine Learning and Analysis

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    Structure-based machine-learning techniques are frequently used in extensions of supervised learning, such as active, semi-supervised, multi-modal, and multi-task learning. A common step in many successful methods is a structure-discovery process that is made possible through the addition of new information, which can be user feedback, unlabeled data, data from similar tasks, alternate views of the problem, etc. Learning paradigms developed in the above-mentioned fields have led to some extremely flexible, scalable, and successful multivariate analysis approaches. This success and flexibility offer opportunities to expand the use of machine learning paradigms to more complex analyses. In particular, while information is often readily available concerning complex problems, the relationships among the information rarely follow the simple labeled-example-based setup that supervised learning is based upon. Even when it is possible to incorporate additional data in such forms, the result is often an explosion in the dimensionality of the input space, such that both sample complexity and computational complexity can limit real-world success. In this work, we review many of the latest structural learning approaches for dealing with sample complexity. We expand their use to generate new paradigms for combining some of these learning strategies to address more complex problem spaces. We overview extreme-scale data analysis problems where sample complexity is a much more limiting factor than computational complexity, and outline new structural-learning approaches for dealing jointly with both. We develop and demonstrate a method for dealing with sample complexity in complex systems that leads to a more scalable algorithm than other approaches to large-scale multi-variate analysis. This new approach reflects the underlying problem structure more accurately by using interdependence to address sample complexity, rather than ignoring it for the sake of tractability
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