3,626 research outputs found

    Neural indicators of fatigue in chronic diseases : A systematic review of MRI studies

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    The authors would like to thank the Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust for their financial support.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Neuroimaging of structural pathology and connectomics in traumatic brain injury: Toward personalized outcome prediction.

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    Recent contributions to the body of knowledge on traumatic brain injury (TBI) favor the view that multimodal neuroimaging using structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and fMRI, respectively) as well as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has excellent potential to identify novel biomarkers and predictors of TBI outcome. This is particularly the case when such methods are appropriately combined with volumetric/morphometric analysis of brain structures and with the exploration of TBI-related changes in brain network properties at the level of the connectome. In this context, our present review summarizes recent developments on the roles of these two techniques in the search for novel structural neuroimaging biomarkers that have TBI outcome prognostication value. The themes being explored cover notable trends in this area of research, including (1) the role of advanced MRI processing methods in the analysis of structural pathology, (2) the use of brain connectomics and network analysis to identify outcome biomarkers, and (3) the application of multivariate statistics to predict outcome using neuroimaging metrics. The goal of the review is to draw the community's attention to these recent advances on TBI outcome prediction methods and to encourage the development of new methodologies whereby structural neuroimaging can be used to identify biomarkers of TBI outcome

    Multimodal Data Fusion and Quantitative Analysis for Medical Applications

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    Medical big data is not only enormous in its size, but also heterogeneous and complex in its data structure, which makes conventional systems or algorithms difficult to process. These heterogeneous medical data include imaging data (e.g., Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Computerized Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)), and non-imaging data (e.g., laboratory biomarkers, electronic medical records, and hand-written doctor notes). Multimodal data fusion is an emerging vital field to address this urgent challenge, aiming to process and analyze the complex, diverse and heterogeneous multimodal data. The fusion algorithms bring great potential in medical data analysis, by 1) taking advantage of complementary information from different sources (such as functional-structural complementarity of PET/CT images) and 2) exploiting consensus information that reflects the intrinsic essence (such as the genetic essence underlying medical imaging and clinical symptoms). Thus, multimodal data fusion benefits a wide range of quantitative medical applications, including personalized patient care, more optimal medical operation plan, and preventive public health. Though there has been extensive research on computational approaches for multimodal fusion, there are three major challenges of multimodal data fusion in quantitative medical applications, which are summarized as feature-level fusion, information-level fusion and knowledge-level fusion: ā€¢ Feature-level fusion. The first challenge is to mine multimodal biomarkers from high-dimensional small-sample multimodal medical datasets, which hinders the effective discovery of informative multimodal biomarkers. Specifically, efficient dimension reduction algorithms are required to alleviate "curse of dimensionality" problem and address the criteria for discovering interpretable, relevant, non-redundant and generalizable multimodal biomarkers. ā€¢ Information-level fusion. The second challenge is to exploit and interpret inter-modal and intra-modal information for precise clinical decisions. Although radiomics and multi-branch deep learning have been used for implicit information fusion guided with supervision of the labels, there is a lack of methods to explicitly explore inter-modal relationships in medical applications. Unsupervised multimodal learning is able to mine inter-modal relationship as well as reduce the usage of labor-intensive data and explore potential undiscovered biomarkers; however, mining discriminative information without label supervision is an upcoming challenge. Furthermore, the interpretation of complex non-linear cross-modal associations, especially in deep multimodal learning, is another critical challenge in information-level fusion, which hinders the exploration of multimodal interaction in disease mechanism. ā€¢ Knowledge-level fusion. The third challenge is quantitative knowledge distillation from multi-focus regions on medical imaging. Although characterizing imaging features from single lesions using either feature engineering or deep learning methods have been investigated in recent years, both methods neglect the importance of inter-region spatial relationships. Thus, a topological profiling tool for multi-focus regions is in high demand, which is yet missing in current feature engineering and deep learning methods. Furthermore, incorporating domain knowledge with distilled knowledge from multi-focus regions is another challenge in knowledge-level fusion. To address the three challenges in multimodal data fusion, this thesis provides a multi-level fusion framework for multimodal biomarker mining, multimodal deep learning, and knowledge distillation from multi-focus regions. Specifically, our major contributions in this thesis include: ā€¢ To address the challenges in feature-level fusion, we propose an Integrative Multimodal Biomarker Mining framework to select interpretable, relevant, non-redundant and generalizable multimodal biomarkers from high-dimensional small-sample imaging and non-imaging data for diagnostic and prognostic applications. The feature selection criteria including representativeness, robustness, discriminability, and non-redundancy are exploited by consensus clustering, Wilcoxon filter, sequential forward selection, and correlation analysis, respectively. SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) method and nomogram are employed to further enhance feature interpretability in machine learning models. ā€¢ To address the challenges in information-level fusion, we propose an Interpretable Deep Correlational Fusion framework, based on canonical correlation analysis (CCA) for 1) cohesive multimodal fusion of medical imaging and non-imaging data, and 2) interpretation of complex non-linear cross-modal associations. Specifically, two novel loss functions are proposed to optimize the discovery of informative multimodal representations in both supervised and unsupervised deep learning, by jointly learning inter-modal consensus and intra-modal discriminative information. An interpretation module is proposed to decipher the complex non-linear cross-modal association by leveraging interpretation methods in both deep learning and multimodal consensus learning. ā€¢ To address the challenges in knowledge-level fusion, we proposed a Dynamic Topological Analysis framework, based on persistent homology, for knowledge distillation from inter-connected multi-focus regions in medical imaging and incorporation of domain knowledge. Different from conventional feature engineering and deep learning, our DTA framework is able to explicitly quantify inter-region topological relationships, including global-level geometric structure and community-level clusters. K-simplex Community Graph is proposed to construct the dynamic community graph for representing community-level multi-scale graph structure. The constructed dynamic graph is subsequently tracked with a novel Decomposed Persistence algorithm. Domain knowledge is incorporated into the Adaptive Community Profile, summarizing the tracked multi-scale community topology with additional customizable clinically important factors

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationMagnetic Resonance (MR) is a relatively risk-free and flexible imaging modality that is widely used for studying the brain. Biophysical and chemical properties of brain tissue are captured by intensity measurements in T1W (T1-Weighted) and T2W (T2-Weighted) MR scans. Rapid maturational processes taking place in the infant brain manifest as changes in co{\tiny }ntrast between white matter and gray matter tissue classes in these scans. However, studies based on MR image appearance face severe limitations due to the uncalibrated nature of MR intensity and its variability with respect to changing conditions of scan. In this work, we develop a method for studying the intensity variations between brain white matter and gray matter that are observed during infant brain development. This method is referred to by the acronym WIVID (White-gray Intensity Variation in Infant Development). WIVID is computed by measuring the Hellinger Distance of separation between intensity distributions of WM (White Matter) and GM (Gray Matter) tissue classes. The WIVID measure is shown to be relatively stable to interscan variations compared with raw signal intensity and does not require intensity normalization. In addition to quantification of tissue appearance changes using the WIVID measure, we test and implement a statistical framework for modeling temporal changes in this measure. WIVID contrast values are extracted from MR scans belonging to large-scale, longitudinal, infant brain imaging studies and modeled using the NLME (Nonlinear Mixed Effects) method. This framework generates a normative model of WIVID contrast changes with time, which captures brain appearance changes during neurodevelopment. Parameters from the estimated trajectories of WIVID contrast change are analyzed across brain lobes and image modalities. Parameters associated with the normative model of WIVID contrast change reflect established patterns of region-specific and modality-specific maturational sequences. We also detect differences in WIVID contrast change trajectories between distinct population groups. These groups are categorized based on sex and risk/diagnosis for ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). As a result of this work, the usage of the proposed WIVID contrast measure as a novel neuroimaging biomarker for characterizing tissue appearance is validated, and the clinical potential of the developed framework is demonstrated

    Integrated Structural And Functional Biomarkers For Neurodegeneration

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    Alzheimer\u27s Disease consists of a complex cascade of pathological processes, leading to the death of cortical neurons and development of dementia. Because it is impossible to regenerate neurons that have already died, a thorough understanding of the earlier stages of the disease, before significant neuronal death has occurred, is critical for developing disease-modifying therapies. The various components of Alzheimer\u27s Disease pathophysiology necessitate a variety of measurement techniques. Image-based measurements known as biomarkers can be used to assess cortical thinning and cerebral blood flow, but non-imaging characteristics such as performance on cognitive tests and age are also important determinants of risk of Alzheimer\u27s Disease. Incorporating the various imaging and non-imaging sources of information into a scientifically interpretable and statistically sound model is challenging. In this thesis, I present a method to include imaging data in standard regression analyses in a data-driven and anatomically interpretable manner. I also introduce a technique for disentangling the effect of cortical structure from blood flow, enabling a clearer picture of the signal carried by cerebral blood flow beyond the confounding effects of anatomical structure. In addition to these technical developments in multi-modal image analysis, I show the results of two clinically-oriented studies focusing on the relative importance of various biomarkers for predicting presence of Alzheimer\u27s Disease pathology in the earliest stages of disease. In the first, I present evidence that white matter hyperintensities, a marker of small vessel disease, are more highly associated with Alzheimer\u27s Disease pathology than current mainstream imaging biomarkers in elderly control patients. In the second, I show that once Alzheimer\u27s Disease has progressed to the point of noticeable cognitive decline, cognitive tests are as predictive of presence of Alzheimer\u27s pathology as standard imaging biomarkers. Taken together, these studies demonstrate that the relative importance of biomarkers and imaging modalities changes over the course of disease progression, and sophisticated data-driven methods for combining a variety of modalities is likely to lead to greater biological insight into the disease process than a single modality
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