4 research outputs found

    Multisymbol with memory noncoherent detection of CPFSK

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    Multisymbol receiver is an effective method to demodulate noncoherent sequences. However it is necessary to correlate an important number of symbols in a noncoherent scheme to reach the performances carried out by optimal coherent Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) detectors such as BCJR. In this paper, we propose an advanced multisymbol receiver by adding some memory to the decision process. The advanced receiver, called here Multisymbol With Memory (MWM) takes into account the cumulative phase information unlike multisymbol algorithm and thus it can be seen as a truncated BCJR. An exact mathematical derivation is performed for this truncated BCJR. Then an implementation of the MWM detector applied to a continuous phase frequency shift keying modulation is presented. Finally an asymptotic analysis is carried out based on the achievable Symmetric Mutual Information rate. The proposed system exhibits good performances compared to classical multisymbol receivers at the expense of increased complexity and can approach the performances of a coherent receiver

    Nouvelle forme d'onde et récepteur avancé pour la télémesure des futurs lanceurs

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    Les modulations à phase continue (CPMs) sont des méthodes de modulations robuste à la noncohérence du canal de propagation. Dans un contexte spatial, les CPM sont utilisées dans la chaîne de transmission de télémesure de la fusée. Depuis les années 70, la modulation la plus usitée dans les systèmes de télémesures est la modulation CPFSK continuous phase frequency shift keying filtrée. Historiquement, ce type de modulation est concaténée avec un code ReedSolomon (RS) afin d'améliorer le processus de décodage. Côté récepteur, les séquences CPM non-cohérentes sont démodulées par un détecteur Viterbi à sortie dure et un décodeur RS. Néanmoins, le gain du code RS n'est pas aussi satisfaisant que des techniques de codage moderne capables d'atteindre la limite de Shannon. Actualiser la chaîne de communication avec des codes atteignant la limite de Shannon tels que les codes en graphe creux, implique deremanier l’architecture du récepteur usuel pour un détecteur à sortie souple. Ainsi, on propose dans cette étude d' élaborer un détecteur treillis à sortie souple pour démoduler les séquences CPM non-cohérentes. Dans un deuxième temps, on concevra des schémas de pré-codages améliorant le comportement asymptotique du récepteur non-cohérent et dans une dernière étape on élabora des codes de parité à faible densité (LDPC) approchant la limite de Shannon

    Multisymbol With Memory Noncoherent Detection of CPFSK

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    International audienceMultisymbol receiver is an effective method to demodulate noncoherent sequences. However it is necessary to correlate an important number of symbols in a noncoherent scheme to reach the performances carried out by optimal coherent Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) detectors such as BCJR. In this paper, we propose an advanced multisymbol receiver by adding some memory to the decision process. The advanced receiver, called here Multisymbol With Memory (MWM) takes into account the cumulative phase information unlike multisymbol algorithm and thus it can be seen as a truncated BCJR. An exact mathematical derivation is performed for this truncated BCJR. Then an implementation of the MWM detector applied to a continuous phase frequency shift keying modulation is presented. Finally an asymptotic analysis is carried out based on the achievable Symmetric Mutual Information rate. The proposed system exhibits good performances compared to classical multisymbol receivers at the expense of increased complexity and can approach the performances of a coherent receiver

    Multisymbol With Memory Noncoherent Detection of CPFSK

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    International audienceMultisymbol receiver is an effective method to demodulate noncoherent sequences. However it is necessary to correlate an important number of symbols in a noncoherent scheme to reach the performances carried out by optimal coherent Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) detectors such as BCJR. In this paper, we propose an advanced multisymbol receiver by adding some memory to the decision process. The advanced receiver, called here Multisymbol With Memory (MWM) takes into account the cumulative phase information unlike multisymbol algorithm and thus it can be seen as a truncated BCJR. An exact mathematical derivation is performed for this truncated BCJR. Then an implementation of the MWM detector applied to a continuous phase frequency shift keying modulation is presented. Finally an asymptotic analysis is carried out based on the achievable Symmetric Mutual Information rate. The proposed system exhibits good performances compared to classical multisymbol receivers at the expense of increased complexity and can approach the performances of a coherent receiver