9 research outputs found

    Multistage Switching Architectures for Software Routers

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    Software routers based on personal computer (PC) architectures are becoming an important alternative to proprietary and expensive network devices. However, software routers suffer from many limitations of the PC architecture, including, among others, limited bus and central processing unit (CPU) bandwidth, high memory access latency, limited scalability in terms of number of network interface cards, and lack of resilience mechanisms. Multistage PC-based architectures can be an interesting alternative since they permit us to i) increase the performance of single software routers, ii) scale router size, iii) distribute packet manipulation and control functionality, iv) recover from single-component failures, and v) incrementally upgrade router performance. We propose a specific multistage architecture, exploiting PC-based routers as switching elements, to build a high-speed, largesize,scalable, and reliable software router. A small-scale prototype of the multistage router is currently up and running in our labs, and performance evaluation is under wa

    Scalable Layer-2/Layer-3 Multistage Switching Architectures for Software Routers

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    Software routers are becoming an important alternative to proprietary and expensive network devices, because they exploit the economy of scale of the PC market and open-source software. When considering maximum performance in terms of throughput, PC-based routers suffer from limitations stemming from the single PC architecture, e.g., limited bus bandwidth, and high memory access latency. To overcome these limitations, in this paper we present a multistage architecture that combines a layer-2 load-balancer front-end and a layer-3 routing back-end, interconnected by standard Ethernet switches. Both the front-end and the back-end are implemented using standard PCs and open- source software. After describing the architecture, evaluation is performed on a lab test-bed, to show its scalability. While the proposed solution allows to increase performance of PC- based routers, it also allows to distribute packet manipulation functionalities, and to automatically recover from component failures

    Distributed PC Based Routers: Bottleneck Analysis and Architecture Proposal

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    Recent research in the different functional areas of modern routers have made proposals that can greatly increase the efficiency of these machines. Most of these proposals can be implemented quickly and often efficiently in software. We wish to use personal computers as forwarders in a network to utilize the advances made by researchers. We therefore examine the ability of a personal computer to act as a router. We analyze the performance of a single general purpose computer and show that I/O is the primary bottleneck. We then study the performance of distributed router composed of multiple general purpose computers. We study the performance of a star topology and through experimental results we show that although its performance is good, it lacks flexibility in its design. We compare it with a multistage architecture. We conclude with a proposal for an architecture that provides us with a forwarder that is both flexible and scalable.© IEE

    Multistage Software Routers in a Virtual Environment

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    Energy Saving and Virtualization Technologies in Switching

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    Switching is the key functionality for many devices like electronic Router and Switch, optical Router, Network on Chips (NoCs) and so on. Basically, switching is responsible for moving data unit from one port/location to another (or multiple) port(s)/location(s). In past years, the high capacity, low delay were the main concerns when designing high-end switching unit. As new demands, requests and technologies emerge, flexibility and low power cost switching design become to weight the same as throughput and delay. On one hand, highly flexible (i.e, programming ability) switching can cope with variable needs stem from new applications (i.e, VoIP) and popular user behavior (i.e, p2p downloading); on the other hand, reduce the energy and power dissipation for switching could not only save bills and build echo system but also expand components life time. Many research efforts have been devoted to increase switching flexibility and reduce its power cost. In this thesis work, we consider to exploit virtualization as the main technique to build flexible software router in the first part, then in the second part we draw our attention on energy saving in NoC (i.e, a switching fabric designed to handle the on chip data transmission) and software router. In the first part of the thesis, we consider the virtualization inside Software Routers (SRs). SR, i.e, routers running in commodity Personal Computers (PCs), become an appealing solution compared to traditional Proprietary Routing Devices (PRD) for various reasons such as cost (the multi-vendor hardware used by SRs can be cheap, while the equipment needed by PRDs is more expensive and their training cost is higher), openness (SRs can make use of a large number of open source networking applications, while PRDs are more closed) and flexibility. The forwarding performance provided by SRs has been an obstacle to their deployment in real networks. For this reason, we proposed to aggregate multiple routing units that form an powerful SR known as the Multistage Software Router (MSR) to overcome the performance limitation for a single SR. Our results show that the throughput can increase almost linearly as the number of the internal routing devices. But some other features related to flexibility (such as power saving, programmability, router migration or easy management) have been investigated less than performance previously. We noticed that virtualization techniques become reality thanks to the quick development of the PC architectures, which are now able to easily support several logical PCs running in parallel on the same hardware. Virtualization could provide many flexible features like hardware and software decoupling, encapsulation of virtual machine state, failure recovery and security, to name a few. Virtualization permits to build multiple SRs inside one physical host and a multistage architecture exploiting only logical devices. By doing so, physical resources can be used in a more efficient way, energy savings features (switching on and off device when needed) can be introduced and logical resources could be rented on-demand instead of being owned. Since virtualization techniques are still difficult to deploy, several challenges need to be faced when trying to integrate them into routers. The main aim of the first part in this thesis is to find out the feasibility of the virtualization approach, to build and test virtualized SR (VSR), to implement the MSR exploiting logical, i.e. virtualized, resources, to analyze virtualized routing performance and to propose improvement techniques to VSR and virtual MSR (VMSR). More specifically, we considered different virtualization solutions like VMware, XEN, KVM to build VSR and VMSR, being VMware a closed source solution but with higher performance and XEN/KVM open source solutions. Firstly we built and tested each single component of our multistage architecture (i.e, back-end router, load balancer )inside the virtual infrastructure, then and we extended the performance experiments with more complex scenarios like multiple Back-end Router (BR) or Load Balancer (LB) which cooperate to route packets. Our results show that virtualization could introduce 40~\% performance penalty compare with the hardware only solution. Keep the performance limitation in mind, we developed the whole VMSR and we obtained low throughput with 64B packet flow as expected. To increase the VMSR throughput, two directions could be considered, the first one is to improve the single component ( i.e, VSR) performance and the other is to work from the topology (i.e, best allocation of the VMs into the hardware ) point of view. For the first method, we considered to tune the VSR inside the KVM and we studied closely such as Linux driver, scheduler, interconnect methodology which could impact the performance significantly with proper configuration; then we proposed two ways for the VMs allocation into physical servers to enhance the VMSR performance. Our results show that with good tuning and allocation of VMs, we could minimize the virtualization penalty and get reasonable throughput for running SRs inside virtual infrastructure and add flexibility functionalities into SRs easily. In the second part of the thesis, we consider the energy efficient switching design problem and we focus on two main architecture, the NoC and MSR. As many research works suggest, the energy cost in the Communication Technologies ( ICT ) is constantly increasing. Among the main ICT sectors, a large portion of the energy consumption is contributed by the telecommunication infrastructure and their devices, i.e, router, switch, cell phone, ip TV settle box, storage home gateway etc. More in detail, the linecards, links, System on Chip (SoC) including the transmitter/receiver on these variate devices are the main power consuming units. We firstly present the work on the power reduction of the data transmission in SoC, which is carried out by the NoC. NoC is an approach to design the communication subsystem between different Processing Units (PEs) in a SoC. PEs could be different elements such as CPU, memory, digital signal/analog signal processor etc. Different PEs performs specific tasks depending on the applications running on the chip. Different tasks need to exchange data information among each other, thus flits ( chopped packet with limited header information ) are generated by PEs. The flits are injected into the NoC by the proper interface and routed until reach the destination PEs. For the whole procedure, the NoC behaves as a packet switch network. Studies show that in general the information processing in the PEs only consume 60~\% energy while the remaining 40~\% are consumed by the NoC. More importantly, as the current network designing principle, the NoC capacity is devised to handle the peak load. This is a clear sign for energy saving when the network load is low. In our work, we considered to exploit Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) technique, which can jointly decrease or increase the system voltage and frequency when necessary, i.e, decrease the voltage and frequency at low load scenario to save energy and reduce power dissipation. More precisely, we studied two different NoC architectures for energy saving, namely single plane chip and multi-plane chip architecture. In both cases we have a very strict constraint to be that all the links and transmitter/receivers on the same plane work at the same frequency/voltage to avoid synchronization problem. This is the main difference with many existing works in the literature which usually assume different links can work at different frequency, that is hard to be implemented in reality. For the single plane NoC, we exploited different routing schemas combined with DVFS to reduce the power for the whole chip. Our results haven been compared with the optimal value obtained by modeling the power saving formally as a quadratic programming problem. Results suggest that just by using simple load balancing routing algorithm, we can save considerable energy for the single chip NoC architecture. Furthermore, we noticed that in the single plane NoC architecture, the bottleneck link could limit the DVFS effectiveness. Then we discovered that multiplane NoC architecture is fairly easy to be implemented and it could help with the energy saving. Thus we focus on the multiplane architecture and we found out that DVFS could be more efficient when we concentrate more traffic into one plane and send the remaining flows to other planes. We compared load concentration and load balancing with different power modeling and all simulation results show that load concentration is better compared with load balancing for multiplan NoC architecture. Finally, we also present one of the the energy efficient MSR design technique, which permits the MSR to follow the day-night traffic pattern more efficiently with our on-line energy saving algorithm

    Distributed Software Router Management

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    With the stunning success of the Internet, information and communication technologies diffused increasingly attracting more uses to join the the Internet arsenal which in turn accelerates the traffic growth. This growth rate does not seem to slow down in near future. Networking devices support these traffic growth by offering an ever increasing transmission and switching speed, mostly due to the technological advancement of microelectronics granted by Moore’s Law. However, the comparable growth rate of the Internet and electronic devices suggest that capacity of systems will become a crucial factor in the years ahead. Besides the growth rate challenge that electronic devices face with respect to traffic growth, networking devices have always been characterized by the development of proprietary architectures. This means that incompatible equipment and architectures, especially in terms of configuration and management procedures. The major drawback of such industrial practice, however, is that the devices lack flexibility and programmability which is one of the source of ossification for today’s Internet. Thus scaling or modifying networking devices, particularly routers, for a desired function requires a flexible and programmable devices. Software routers (SRs) based on personal computers (PCs) are among these devices that satisfy the flexibility and programmability criteria. Furthermore, the availability of large number of open-source software for networking applications both for data as well as control plane and the low cost PCs driven by PC-market economy scale make software routers appealing alternative to expensive proprietary networking devices. That is, while software routers have the advantage of being flexible, programmable and low cost, proprietary networking equipments are usually expensive, difficult to extend, program, or otherwise experiment with because they rely on specialized and closed hardware and software. Despite their advantages, however, software routers are not without limitation. The objections to software routers include limited performance, scalability problems and lack of advanced functionality. These limitations arose from the fact that a single server limited by PCI bus width and CPU is given a responsibility to process large amount of packets. Offloading some packet processing tasks performed by the CPU to other processors, such as GPUs of the same PC or external CPUs, is a viable approach to overcome some of these limitations. In line with this, a distributed Multi-Stage Software Router (MSSR) architecture has been proposed in order to overcome both the performance and scalability issues of single PC based software routers. The architecture has three stages: i) a front-end layer-2 load balancers (LBs), open-software or open-hardware based, that act as interfaces to the external networks and distribute IP packets to ii) back-end personal computers (BEPCs), also named back-end routers in this thesis, that provide IP routing functionality, and iii) an interconnection network, based on Ethernet switches, that connects the two stages. Performance scaling of the architecture is achieved by increasing the redundancy of the routing functionality stage where multiple servers are given a coordinated task of routing packets. The scalability problem related to number of interfaces per PC is also tackled in MSSR by bundling two or more PCs’ interfaces through a switch at the front-end stage. The overall architecture is controlled and managed by a control entity named Virtual Control Processor (virtualCP), which runs on a selected back-end router, through a DIST protocol. This entity is also responsible to hide the internal details of the multistage software router architecture such that the whole architecture appear to external network devices as a single device. However, building a flexible and scalable high-performance MSSR architecture requires large number of independently, but coordinately, running internal components. As the number of internal devices increase so does the architecture control and management complexity. In addition, redundant components to scale performance means power wastage at low loads. These challenges have to be addressed in making the multistage software router a functional and competent network device. Consequently, the contribution of this thesis is to develop an MSSR centralized management system that deals with these challenges. The management system has two broadly classified sub-systems: I) power management: a module responsible to address the energy inefficiency in multistage software router architecture II) unified information management: a module responsible to create a unified management information base such that the distributed multistage router architecture appears as a single device to external network from management information perspective. The distributed multistage router power management module tries to minimize the energy consumption of the architecture by resizing the architecture to the traffic demand. During low load periods only few components, especially that of routing functionality stage, are required to readily give a service. Thus it is wise to device a mechanism that puts idle components to low power mode to save energy during low load periods. In this thesis an optimal and two heuristic algorithms, namely on-line and off-line, are proposed to adapt the architecture to an input load demand. We demonstrate that the optimal algorithm, besides having scalability issue, is an off-line approach that introduce service disruption and delay during the architecture reconfiguration period. In solving these issues, heuristic solutions are proposed and their performance is measured against the optimal solution. Results show that the algorithms fairly approximate the optimal solution and use of these algorithms save up to 57.44% of the total architecture energy consumption during low load periods. The on-line algorithms are superior among the heuristic solutions as it has the advantage of being less disruptive and has minimal service delay. Furthermore, the thesis shows that the proposed algorithms will be more efficient if the architecture is designed keeping in mind energy as one of the design parameter. In achieving this goal three different approaches to design an MSSR architecture are proposed and their energy saving efficient is evaluated both with respect to the optimal solution and other similar cluster design approaches. The multistage software router is unique from a single device as it is composed of independently running components. This means that the MSSR management information is distributed in the architecture since individual components register their own management information. It is said, however, that the MSSR internal devices work cooperatively to appear as a single network device to the external network. The MSSR architecture, as a single device, therefore requires its own management information base which is built from the management information bases dispersed among internal components. This thesis proposes a mechanism to collect and organize this distributed management information and create a single management information base representing the whole architecture. Accordingly existing SNMP management communication model has been modified to fit to distributed multi-stage router architecture and a possible management architecture is proposed. In compiling the management information, different schemes has been adopted to deal with different SNMP management information variables. Scalability analysis shows that proposed management system scales well and does not pose a threat to the overall architecture scalability

    Intelligent Network Infrastructures: New Functional Perspectives on Leveraging Future Internet Services

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    The Internet experience of the 21st century is by far very different from that of the early '80s. The Internet has adapted itself to become what it really is today, a very successful business platform of global scale. As every highly successful technology, the Internet has suffered from a natural process of ossification. Over the last 30 years, the technical solutions adopted to leverage emerging applications can be divided in two categories. First, the addition of new functionalities either patching existing protocols or adding new upper layers. Second, accommodating traffic grow with higher bandwidth links. Unfortunately, this approach is not suitable to provide the proper ground for a wide gamma of new applications. To be deployed, these future Internet applications require from the network layer advanced capabilities that the TCP/IP stack and its derived protocols can not provide by design in a robust, scalable fashion. NGNs (Next Generation Networks) on top of intelligent telecommunication infrastructures are being envisioned to support future Internet Services. This thesis contributes with three proposals to achieve this ambitious goal. The first proposal presents a preliminary architecture to allow NGNs to seamlessly request advanced services from layer 1 transport networks, such as QoS guaranteed point-to-multipoint circuits. This architecture is based on virtualization techniques applied to layer 1 networks, and hides from NGNs all complexities of interdomain provisioning. Moreover, the economic aspects involved were also considered, making the architecture attractive to carriers. The second contribution regards a framework to develop DiffServ-MPLS capable networks based exclusively on open source software and commodity PCs. The developed DiffServ-MPLS flexible software router was designed to allow NGN prototyping, that make use of pseudo virtual circuits and assured QoS as a starting point of development. The third proposal presents a state of the art routing and wavelength assignment algorithm for photonic networks. This algorithm considers physical layer impairments to 100% guarantee the requested QoS profile, even in case of single network failures. A number of novel techniques were applied to offer lower blocking probability when compared with recent proposed algorithms, without impacting on setup delay time

    Scalable Layer-2/Layer-3 Multistage Switching Architectures for Software Routers

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    Abstract — Software routers are becoming an important alternative to proprietary and expensive network devices, because they exploit the economy of scale of the PC market and open-source software. When considering maximum performance in terms of throughput, PC-based routers suffer from limitations stemming from the single PC architecture, e.g., limited bus bandwidth, and high memory access latency. To overcome these limitations, in this paper we present a multistage architecture which combines a layer-2 load-balancer front-end and a layer-3 routing back-end, interconnected by a standard Ethernet switch. Both front-end and back-end are implemented using standard PCs and opensource software. After describing the architecture, evaluation is performed on a lab test-bed, to show its scalability. While the proposed solution allows to increase performance of PCbased routers, it also allows to distribute packet manipulation functionalities, and to automatically recover from component failures. I