7 research outputs found

    Estimating Evapotranspiration from Satellite Using Easily Obtainable Variables: A Case Study over the Southern Great Plains, U.S.A.

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) is a critical component of the Earth's water budget, a critical modulator of land-atmosphere (L-A) interactions, and also plays a crucial role in managing the Earth's energy balance. In this study, the feasibility of generating spatially-continuous daily evaporative fraction (EF) and ET from minimal remotely-sensed and meteorological inputs in a trapezoidal framework is demonstrated. A total of four variables, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Land surface temperature (T(sub s)), gridded daily average temperature (T(sub a)) and elevation (z) are required to estimate EF. Then, ET can be estimated with the available soil heat flux (G) and net radiation (Rn) data. Firstly, the crucial model variable, T(sub s)-T(sub a), is examined how well it characterizes the variation in EF using in situ data recorded at two eddy correlation flux towers in Southern Great Plains, U.S.A. in 2011. Next, accuracy of satellite-based T(sub s) are compared to ground-based T(sub s). Finally, EF and ET estimates are validated. The results reveal that the model performed satisfactorily in modeling EF and ET variation at winter wheat and deciduous forest during the high evaporative months. Even though the model works best with the observed MODIS-T(sub s) as opposed to temporally interpolated T(sub s), results obtained from interpolated T(sub s) are able to close the gaps with reasonable accuracy. Due to the fact that T(sub s)-T(sub a), is not a good indicator of EF outside the growing season when deciduous forest is dormant, potential improvements to the model are proposed to improve accuracy in EF and ET estimates at the expense of adding more variables

    Evaluation of MOD16 algorithm over irrigated rice paddy using flux tower measurements in Southern Brazil

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important component of the hydrological cycle. Understanding the ET process has become of fundamental importance given the scenario of global change and increasing water use, especially in the agricultural sector. Determining ET over large agricultural areas is a limiting factor due to observational data availability. In this regard, remote sensing data has been used to estimate ET. In this study, we evaluated the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) land surface ET product estimates (hereafter MOD16 ET - MODIS Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Product) over two rice paddy areas in Southern Brazil, through the ET measured using the eddy covariance technique (hereafter EC). The energy balance components were evaluated during fallow and flooded seasons showing latent heat flux dominates in both seasons. The results showed that MOD16 ET underestimated EC measurements. Overall, the RMSE (root mean square error) ranged between 13.40 and 16.35 mm 8-day-1 and percent bias (PBIAS) ranged between -33.7% and -38.7%. We also assessed the ET (measured and estimated) main drivers, with EC yielding higher correlation against observed net radiation (Rn) and global radiation (Rg), followed by air temperature (Temp) and vapor pressure deficit (VPD), whilst MOD16 ET estimates yielded higher correlation against leaf area index (LAI) and fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR). The MOD16 algorithm was forced with meteorological measurements but the results did not improve as expected, suggesting a low sensitivity to meteorological inputs. Our results indicated when a water layer was present over the soil surface without vegetation (LAI around zero), the largest differences between EC measurements and MOD16 ET were found. In this period, the expected domain of soil evaporation was not observed in MOD16 ET physical processes partition, indicating the algorithm was not able to detect areas with high soil moisture. In general, the MOD16 ET product presented low accuracy when compared against experimental measurements over flooded rice paddy, suggesting more studies are necessary, in order to reduce uncertainties associated to the land cover conditions

    Methods to Evaluate Land-Atmosphere Exchanges in Amazonia Based on Satellite Imagery and Ground Measurements

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    During the last three decades, intensive campaigns and experiments have been conducted for acquiring micrometeorological data in the Amazonian ecosystems, which has increased our understanding of the variation, especially seasonally, of the total energy available for the atmospheric heating process by the surface, evapotranspiration and carbon exchanges. However, the measurements obtained by such experiments generally cover small areas and are not representative of the spatial variability of these processes. This chapter aims to discuss several algorithms developed to estimate surface energy and carbon fluxes combining satellite data and micrometeorological observations, highlighting the potentialities and limitations of such models for applications in the Amazon region. We show that the use of these models presents an important role in understanding the spatial and temporal patterns of biophysical surface parameters in a region where most of the information is local. Data generated may be used as inputs in earth system surface models allowing the evaluation of the impact, both in regional as well as global scales, caused by land-use and land-cover changes

    Multiscale Validation of the 8-day MOD16 Evapotranspiration Product Using Flux Data Collected in China

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    Estimativa da degradação de pastagens cultivadas do Cerrado mineiro com base na técnica de Eficiência no Uso da Água (WUE - Water Use Efficiency)

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências Aplicadas, 2017.Estudos espaço-temporais das condições agronômicas de pastagens cultivadas são essenciais para elaboração de diretrizes e ações de políticas público-privadas para aumentar a produtividade da pecuária. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem por finalidade avaliar as condições de degradação das pastagens cultivadas no Cerrado mineiro, por meio de estimativas de Eficiência no Uso da Água (WUE – water use eficiency) no período de 2003 a 2014. WUE corresponde a uma relação entre produtividade primária líquida (NPP) e evapotranspiração real (ETR). O mapa de pastagens cultivadas do Cerrado mineiro utilizado nesse estudo foi obtido pelo projeto TerraClass Cerrado de 2013, coordenado pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA). As séries temporais do índice de vegetação realçado (EVI) das plataformas Terra e Aqua do sensor Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) (produtos MOD/MYD13Q1) foram utilizadas para estimar e descrever a variabilidade espaço-temporal da NPP, por meio do aplicativo Timesat. As imagens mensais de ETR foram obtidas do produto MOD16A2 e comparadas com dados de ETR oriundas de 20 estações meteorológicas do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET). A NPP média das pastagens cultivadas no Cerrado mineiro no período de 12 anos foi de 5,98. As maiores taxas de ETR estiveram associadas aos valores mais elevados da NPP. Em geral, áreas de pastagens cultivadas apresentam ETR média anual de 690 mm, com 67% da ETR ocorrendo durante a estação chuvosa (outubro a abril). Tendências positivas da ETR foram encontradas em mais de 80% das áreas de pastagens cultivadas do Cerrado mineiro. Valor médio de WUE no período considerado foi de 0,08. Ainda de acordo com esses dados de WUE, 46% (5,48 milhões de hectares) do total de áreas de pastagens cultivadas no Cerrado mineiro apresentaram processo de degradação biológica. As mesorregiões Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Parnaíba e Norte de Minas apresentaram as maiores produtividades e as menores perdas de água para a atmosfera, portanto, as pastagens mais produtivas. A técnica de WUE permitiu avaliar as condições de degradação das pastagens cultivadas do Cerrado mineiro. A restauração dessas pastagens degradadas pode auxiliar no aumento da produção da carne bovina dessa região, auxiliando na redução da taxa de conversão da vegetação natural para novas áreas de pastagens.Spatio-temporal studies of the agronomic conditions of cultivated pastures are essential for the elaboration of guidelines and actions of public-private policies to increase the productivity of livestock. In this context, this study aims to evaluate the degradation conditions of the cultivated pastures found in the Minas Gerais State covered by the Cerrado biome, using water use efficiency (WUE) estimates from 2003 to 2014. WUE corresponds to a relation between net primary productivity (NPP) and real evapotranspiration (ETR). The cultivated pasture map used in this study was obtained by the TerraClass Cerrado project of 2013, coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment (MMA). The time series of the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) obtained by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the Terra and Aqua platforms (MOD/MYD13Q1 product) were used to estimate and describe the spatial and temporal variability of NPP through the Timesat software. The monthly ETR images were obtained from the MOD16A2 product and validated with observed ETR estimates from 27 meteorological stations of the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET). The average NPP of pastures grown in the Cerrado of Minas Gerais in the 12-year period was 5.98. The highest ETR rates were associated with higher NPP values. In general, cultivated pasture areas had a mean annual ETR of 690 mm, with 67% of the ETR occurring during the rainy season (October to April). Positive ET trends were found in more than 80% of the cultivated pastures. Mean value of WUE in the period considered was 0.08. According to these WUE data, 46% (5.48 million hectares) of the total cultivated pasturelands in the study area presented biological degradation processes. The Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Parnaíba and Norte de Minas mesoregions had the highest yields and the lowest losses of water to the atmosphere, therefore, the most productive pastures. The WUE technique allowed to evaluate the degradation conditions of cultivated pastures of the study area. The restoration of these degraded pastures can help increase beef production in this region, helping to reduce the rate of conversion of natural vegetation to new pasture areas

    Enhancing regional estimates of evapotranspiration with earth observation data

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    Food security and food sustainability are high on the global policy agenda. Reliable information on crop water use and terrestrial water stress are important to ensure an optimal use of available water resources and for enhancing crop production. Remote sensing provides a feasible avenue to estimate regional evapotranspiration (ET), which can be employed to assess terrestrial water stress. However, the heterogeneity of land surfaces and the accumulated errors from various inputs often result in substantial biases in most global or regional ET models across different landscapes. Reducing uncertainties in available ET products or remote sensing (RS)-based models and obtaining regional ET estimates with improved accuracy is important for effectively using ET to support agricultural monitoring and water resources managements. This thesis first compared different Priestly-Taylor (PT)-based methods that use three Earth observation-based alternatives - apparent thermal inertia (ATI), microwave soil moisture (SM), and optical spectral indices based on shortwave infrared (SWIR) to assess soil evaporation over cropland and grassland regions. Using FLUXNET data as ET reference, the results illustrated that the incorporation of the SWIR-based soil moisture divergence index (SMDI) and microwave-based SM into monthly soil evaporation led to 6% and 5% increase in explained ET variances and reduced RMSE by 23.2% and 13.1% for cropland and grassland, respectively, as compared to PT-JPL using atmospheric reanalysis data only. The results suggested that a combination of optical SWIR and microwave SM has good potential to improve the PT-JPL model accuracy for agricultural landscapes. Based on the performance of different PT-based methods, ET estimates derived from the revised PT method were used to assess water budgets across 53 catchments in central-western Europe with a humid climate and were compared with three additional ET data sources (MOD16, GLEAM, and PT-JPL). Surprisingly, all RS-based ET estimates significantly diverged from water balance-based ET (ETWB) in 45 humid catchments, whereas most previous studies that focussed on arid catchments or on the global scale found significantly less divergence. Using ET retrievals from the Budyko framework and upscaled ET from FLUXCOM as references, the closure errors of water budgets were sensitive to errors arising from precipitation data in humid regions and the water balance approach was found to overestimate ET during heavy rainfall events. Instead, the Budyko framework that describes the partitioning of precipitation to ET as a functional balance between atmospheric water supply (precipitation, P) and demand (potential evapotranspiration, PET) had good correlation with ET ensemble from multiple data sources and upscaled ET from FLUXCOM product. 161 Summary The results indicated that errors from precipitation and terrestrial water storage anomalies introduce large uncertainties in ETWB, thereby complicating water balance validation in humid regions across multiple timesteps. To improve the application of ETWB for benchmarking ETEB in humid regions, high-quality input data should be used or – like the Budyko framework – energy constraints should be considered. The thesis then proceeds to explore causes for the notable deviations between observed and Budyko-predicted water balances in certain catchments. The results revealed that for humid catchments, topography and seasonal cumulative moisture surplus can explain the spatial distributions of Budyko scatter with r higher than 0.65, whereas soil properties and vegetation indices explained little of the variance (r≤0.30). Temporally, the interannual variability of Budyko scatter was negatively correlated with annual average vegetation indices, particularly for catchments with relatively low vegetation cover. This thesis provides valuable insights to the interpretation of the Budyko framework and offers possible solutions to improve its performance to predict the spatiotemporal variability of water balances. Lastly, to address the deviations from the predictive Budyko curve, additional controls of hydrological partitioning were introduced to correct Budyko scatter between catchments and between years. The results illustrated that the use of catchment climatic seasonality properties and topography attributes is effective in reproducing the Budyko parameter (w) with an r of 0.76 and RMSE of 0.49 for all 45 catchments in central-western Europe. After the correction of temporal Budyko scatter using interannual variability of vegetation information and the fraction of precipitation falling as snow, the performance of the modified Budyko-type equation improves with respect to the original Budyko framework, in comparison to ETWB at catchment scale (∆r of 0.26 and ∆RMSE of 19.19 mm/yr). When compared with the gridded ET ensemble using energy balance, the enhanced Budyko framework is generally effective to reproduce the spatial distribution of ET with good similarity, even in ungauged regions. Overall, the revised Budyko framework shows improved performance in predicting water balances and can be applied to assess crop water use and terrestrial water stress at regional scale, particularly in ungauged areas. Overall, this thesis contributes significantly to the enhancement of regional ET estimation using Earth observation. It proposes a novel blended parameterization for soil moisture constraints in the modified PT-JPL model, which is capable of capturing the soil evaporation more accurately within agroecosystems. Meanwhile, this thesis proposes a new water balance-based validation method that uses the Budyko framework integrated with environmental parameters. By developing improved RS-based models and water balance-based validation methods, this thesis provides valuable insights into the complexities of ET 162 Summary estimation at the regional scale. These findings are expected to advance the application of ET in decision-making regarding the management of agriculture and water resources

    Multi-scale Spatial Analysis of the Water-Food-Climate Nexus in the Nile Basin using Earth Observation Data

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    Securing enough water and food for everyone is a great challenge that the humanity faces today. This challenge is aggravated by many external drivers such as population growth, climate variability, and degradation of natural resources. Solutions for weak water and food securities require holistic knowledge of the different involved drivers through a nexus approach that looks at the interlinkages and the multi-directional synergies to be promoted and increased and trade-offs to be reduced or eliminated. In particular, the interlinkages between water, food, and climate, the so-called Water-Food-Climate Nexus (WFC Nexus) is critical for the given challenge in many regions around the world such as the Nile Basin (NB). Studying the WFC Nexus synergies and trade-offs might provide entry points for the required interventions that are potential to induce positive impacts on water and food securities. However, these synergies and trade-offs are not well known due to factors such as the complexity of the interactions which involve many dimensions within and across spatial and temporal domains and unavailability of reliable ground observations that could be used for such analysis. Therefore, multidisciplinary research that encompasses different methodologies and employs datasets with adequate spatial and temporal resolutions is required. The recent advancement in Earth Observation (EO) sensors and data processing algorithms have resulted in the accumulation of big data that are produced in rates faster than their usage in solving real challenges such as the one that is in the focus of the current research. The availability of public-domain datasets for several parameters with spatial and temporal coverage offers an excellent opportunity to discover the WFC Nexus interlinkages. To this end, the main goal of the current research is to employ EO data derived from public-domain datasets and supplemented with other primary and secondary data to identify WFC Nexus synergies and trade-offs in the NB region, taking the agricultural systems in Sudan as a central focus of this assessment. By concentrating mainly on the agricultural systems in Sudan, which are characterized by low performance and efficiency despite the huge potentials for food production, the current research provides a representative case study that could deliver helpful and transferrable knowledge to many areas within and outside the NB region. In the current research, multi-scale analysis of the WFC Nexus synergies and trade-offs was conducted. The assessment involved investigations on a country scale as a strategic level, and on river basin, agricultural scheme (both irrigated and rainfed systems) and field scales as operational levels. On a country scale, a general analysis of the vegetation’s Net Primary Productivity (NPP) and Water and Carbon Use Efficiencies (WUE and CUE, respectively) in different land cover types was carried out. A comparison between the land cover types in Sudan and Ethiopia was conducted to understand and compare the impact of inter-annual climate variability on the NPP, WUE and CUE indicators of these different land cover types under relatively different climate regimes. The results of this analysis indicate low magnitude of the three indicators in the land cover types that are in Sudan compared to their counterparts in Ethiopia. Moreover, the response of these indicators to climate variability varies widely among the land cover types. In addition, land cover types such as forests and woody savannah represent important natural sinks for the atmospheric CO2 that need to be protected. These observations suggest the need for effective policies that enhance crop productivity, especially in Sudan, and at the same time ensure preserving the land cover types that are important for climate change mitigation. On a river basin scale, which represented by the Blue Nile Basin (BNB), precipitation estimation is of utmost importance, as it is not only the main source of water in the basin but also because precipitation variability is controlling food production in the agricultural systems, especially in the rainfed schemes. The high spatial and temporal variation in precipitation within the BNB suggests the need for water storage and water harvesting be promoted and practiced. This would ensure water transfer spatially from wet to dry areas and temporally from wet to dry seasons. As a major staple cereal crop in Sudan, the performance of sorghum production in irrigated and rainfed schemes was investigated on agriculture schemes and field scales. A noticeable low and unstable sorghum yield is detected under both agricultural systems. This low performance represents a serious challenge, not only for food production but also for water availability. The current low performance was found to be controlled by many factors of physical, socio-economic and management nature. As many of these factors are closely linked, effectively addressing some of them might induce positive impacts on the other controlling factors. To conclude, the identified synergies and trade-offs of the WFC Nexus could be used as entry points to increase the efficiency of water use and bridge the crop yield gap. Even simple interventions in the field might induce positive effects to the total crop production of the agricultural schemes and water use efficiency. The increase of water availability in the river basin and improved production in the schemes would enhance the overall water and food security in the country and would minimize the need to convert land covers that are important for climate change mitigation into croplands. This paradigm shift needs to be done through a comprehensive sustainable intensification (SI) framework that is not only aimed at increasing crop yield but also targets promoting a healthy environment, improved livelihood, and a growing economy