8 research outputs found

    Object matching using boundary descriptors

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    The problem of object recognition is of immense practical importance and potential, and the last decade has witnessed a number of breakthroughs in the state of the art. Most of the past object recognition work focuses on textured objects and local appearance descriptors extracted around salient points in an image. These methods fail in the matching of smooth, untextured objects for which salient point detection does not produce robust results. The recently proposed bag of boundaries (BoB) method is the first to directly address this problem. Since the texture of smooth objects is largely uninformative, BoB focuses on describing and matching objects based on their post-segmentation boundaries. Herein we address three major weaknesses of this work. The first of these is the uniform treatment of all boundary segments. Instead, we describe a method for detecting the locations and scales of salient boundary segments. Secondly, while the BoB method uses an image based elementary descriptor (HoGs + occupancy matrix), we propose a more compact descriptor based on the local profile of boundary normals’ directions. Lastly, we conduct a far more systematic evaluation, both of the bag of boundaries method and the method proposed here. Using a large public database, we demonstrate that our method exhibits greater robustness while at the same time achieving a major computational saving – object representation is extracted from an image in only 6% of the time needed to extract a bag of boundaries, and the storage requirement is similarly reduced to less than 8%

    Feature-based Image Comparison and Its Application in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks

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    This dissertation studies the feature-based image comparison method and its application in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks. Wireless Visual Sensor Networks (WVSNs), formed by a large number of low-cost, small-size visual sensor nodes, represent a new trend in surveillance and monitoring practices. Although each single sensor has very limited capability in sensing, processing and transmission, by working together they can achieve various high level tasks. Sensor collaboration is essential to WVSNs and normally performed among sensors having similar measurements, which are called neighbor sensors. The directional sensing characteristics of imagers and the presence of visual occlusion present unique challenges to neighborhood formation, as geographically-close neighbors might not monitor similar scenes. Besides, the energy resource on the WVSNs is also very tight, with wireless communication and complicated computation consuming most energy in WVSNs. Therefore the feature-based image comparison method has been proposed, which directly compares the captured image from each visual sensor in an economical way in terms of both the computational cost and the transmission overhead. The feature-based image comparison method compares different images and aims to find similar image pairs using a set of local features from each image. The image feature is a numerical representation of the raw image and can be more compact in terms of the data volume than the raw image. The feature-based image comparison contains three steps: feature detection, descriptor calculation and feature comparison. For the step of feature detection, the dissertation proposes two computationally efficient corner detectors. The first detector is based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform that provides multi-scale corner point detection and the scale selection is achieved efficiently through a Gaussian convolution approach. The second detector is based on a linear unmixing model, which treats a corner point as the intersection of two or three “line” bases in a 3 by 3 region. The line bases are extracted through a constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) approach and the corner detection is accomplished through counting the number of contributing bases in the linear mixture. For the step of descriptor calculation, the dissertation proposes an effective dimensionality reduction algorithm for the high dimensional Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) descriptors. A set of 40 SIFT descriptor bases are extracted through constrained NMF from a large training set and all SIFT descriptors are then projected onto the space spanned by these bases, achieving dimensionality reduction. The efficiency of the proposed corner detectors have been proven through theoretical analysis. In addition, the effectiveness of the proposed corner detectors and the dimensionality reduction approach has been validated through extensive comparison with several state-of-the-art feature detector/descriptor combinations

    Multiscale keypoint detection using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform

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    Automatic Alignment of 3D Multi-Sensor Point Clouds

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    Automatic 3D point cloud alignment is a major research topic in photogrammetry, computer vision and computer graphics. In this research, two keypoint feature matching approaches have been developed and proposed for the automatic alignment of 3D point clouds, which have been acquired from different sensor platforms and are in different 3D conformal coordinate systems. The first proposed approach is based on 3D keypoint feature matching. First, surface curvature information is utilized for scale-invariant 3D keypoint extraction. Adaptive non-maxima suppression (ANMS) is then applied to retain the most distinct and well-distributed set of keypoints. Afterwards, every keypoint is characterized by a scale, rotation and translation invariant 3D surface descriptor, called the radial geodesic distance-slope histogram. Similar keypoints descriptors on the source and target datasets are then matched using bipartite graph matching, followed by a modified-RANSAC for outlier removal. The second proposed method is based on 2D keypoint matching performed on height map images of the 3D point clouds. Height map images are generated by projecting the 3D point clouds onto a planimetric plane. Afterwards, a multi-scale wavelet 2D keypoint detector with ANMS is proposed to extract keypoints on the height maps. Then, a scale, rotation and translation-invariant 2D descriptor referred to as the Gabor, Log-Polar-Rapid Transform descriptor is computed for all keypoints. Finally, source and target height map keypoint correspondences are determined using a bi-directional nearest neighbour matching, together with the modified-RANSAC for outlier removal. Each method is assessed on multi-sensor, urban and non-urban 3D point cloud datasets. Results show that unlike the 3D-based method, the height map-based approach is able to align source and target datasets with differences in point density, point distribution and missing point data. Findings also show that the 3D-based method obtained lower transformation errors and a greater number of correspondences when the source and target have similar point characteristics. The 3D-based approach attained absolute mean alignment differences in the range of 0.23m to 2.81m, whereas the height map approach had a range from 0.17m to 1.21m. These differences meet the proximity requirements of the data characteristics and the further application of fine co-registration approaches

    Multiscale keypoint detection using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform

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    We present a novel approach to detecting multiscale keypoints using the Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT). We show that it is a well-suited basis for this problem as it is directionally selective, smoothly shift invariant, optimally decimated at coarse scales and invertible (no loss of information). Our detection scheme is fast because of the decimated nature of the DTCWT and yet provides accurate and robust keypoint localisation, thanks to the use of the “accumulated energy map”. The regularity of this map is used to introduce a new mechanism for robust keypoint scale selection. Keypoints of different nature and size can be detected with limited redundancy, in a way which is consistent with our visual perception. Furthermore results show better robustness agains