67 research outputs found

    A novel multipurpose watermarking scheme capable of protecting and authenticating images with tamper detection and localisation abilities

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    Technologies that fall under the umbrella of Industry 4.0 can be classified into one of its four significant components: cyber-physical systems, the internet of things (IoT), on-demand availability of computer system resources, and cognitive computing. The success of this industrial revolution lies in how well these components can communicate with each other, and work together in finding the most optimised solution for an assigned task. It is achieved by sharing data collected from a network of sensors. This data is communicated via images, videos, and a variety of other signals, attracting unwanted attention of hackers. The protection of such data is therefore pivotal, as is maintaining its integrity. To this end, this paper proposes a novel image watermarking scheme with potential applications in Industry 4.0. The strategy presented is multipurpose; one such purpose is authenticating the transmitted image, another is curtailing the illegal distribution of the image by providing copyright protection. To this end, two new watermarking methods are introduced, one of which is for embedding the robust watermark, and the other is related to the fragile watermark. The robust watermark's embedding is achieved in the frequency domain, wherein the frequency coefficients are selected using a novel mean-based coefficient selection procedure. Subsequently, the selected coefficients are manipulated in equal proportion to embed the robust watermark. The fragile watermark's embedding is achieved in the spatial domain, wherein self-generated fragile watermark(s) is embedded by directly altering the pixel bits of the host image. The effective combination of two domains results in a hybrid scheme and attains the vital balance between the watermarking requirements of imperceptibility, security and capacity. Moreover, in the case of tampering, the proposed scheme not only authenticates and provides copyright protection to images but can also detect tampering and localise the tampered regions. An extensive evaluation of the proposed scheme on typical images has proven its superiority over existing state-of-the-art methods

    Study on high Performance and Effective Watermarking Scheme using Hybrid Transform (DCT-DWT)

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    Nowadays healthcare infrastructure depends on Hospital Information Systems (HIS), Radiology Information Systems (RIS),Picture archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) as these provide new ways to store, access and distribute medical data . It eliminates the security risk. Conversely, these developments have introduced new risks for unsuitable deployment of medical information flowing in open networks, provided the effortlessness with which digital content can be manipulated. It is renowned that the integrity and confidentiality of medical data is a serious topic for ethical and legal reasons. Medical images need to be kept intact in any condition and prior to any operation as well need to be checked for integrity and verification. Watermarking is a budding technology that is capable of assisting this aim. In recent times, frequency domain watermarking algorithms have gained immense importance due to their widespread use. Subsequently, the watermark embedding and extraction are performed in frequency domain using the presented scheme. The proposed watermarking scheme, the watermark extraction compared with the original image for calculating SSIM.The effectiveness of the proposed watermarking scheme is demonstrated with the aid of experimental results

    Discrete Cosine Transform and Singular Value Decomposition Based on Canny Edge Detection for Image Watermarking

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    The development of an increasingly sophisticated internet allows for the distribution of digital images that can be done easily. However, with the development of increasingly sophisticated internet networks, it becomes an opportunity for some irresponsible people to misuse digital images, such as taking copyrights, modification and duplicating digital images. Watermarking is an information embedding technique to show ownership descriptions that can be conveyed into text, video, audio, and digital images. There are 2 groups of watermarking based on their working domain, namely the spatial domain and the transformation domain. In this study, three domain transformation techniques were used, namely Singular Value Descomposition (SVD), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Canny Edge Detection Techniques. The proposed attacks are rotation, gaussian blurness, salt and pepper, histogram equalization, and cropping. The results of the experiment after inserting the watermark image were measured by the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). The results of the image robustness test were measured by the Correlation Coefficient (Corr) and Normalized Correlation (NC). The analysis and experimental results show that the results of image extraction are good with PSNR values from watermarked images above 50dB and Corr values reaching 0.95. The NC value obtained is also high, reaching 0.98. Some of the extracted images are of fairly good quality and are similar with the original image

    Reversible difference expansion multi-layer data hiding technique for medical images

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    Maintaining the privacy and security of confidential information in data communication has always been a major concern. It is because the advancement of information technology is likely to be followed by an increase in cybercrime, such as illegal access to sensitive data. Several techniques were proposed to overcome that issue, for example, by hiding data in digital images. Reversible data hiding is an excellent approach for concealing private data due to its ability to be applied in various fields. However, it yields a limited payload and the quality of the image holding data (Stego image), and consequently, these two factors may not be addressed simultaneously. This paper addresses this problem by introducing a new non-complexity difference expansion (DE) and block-based reversible multi-layer data hiding technique constructed by exploring DE. Sensitive data are embedded into the difference values calculated between the original pixels in each block with relatively low complexity. To improve the payload capacity, confidential data are embedded in multiple layers of grayscale medical images while preserving their quality. The experiment results prove that the proposed technique has increased the payload with an average of 369999 bits and kept the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) to the average of 36.506 dB using medical images' adequate security the embedded private data. This proposed method has improved the performance, especially the secret size, without reducing much the quality. Therefore, it is suitable to use for relatively big payloads

    Hybrid chaotic map with L-shaped fractal Tromino for image encryption and decryption

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    Insecure communication in digital image security and image storing are considered as important challenges. Moreover, the existing approaches face problems related to improper security at the time of image encryption and decryption. In this research work, a wavelet environment is obtained by transforming the cover image utilizing integer wavelet transform (IWT) and hybrid discrete cosine transform (DCT) to completely prevent false errors. Then the proposed hybrid chaotic map with L-shaped fractal Tromino offers better security to maintain image secrecy by means of encryption and decryption. The proposed work uses fractal encryption with the combination of L-shaped Tromino theorem for enhancement of information hiding. The regions of L-shaped fractal Tromino are sensitive to variations, thus are embedded in the watermark based on a visual watermarking technique known as reversible watermarking. The experimental results showed that the proposed method obtained peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) value of 56.82dB which is comparatively higher than the existing methods that are, Beddington, free, and Lawton (BFL) map with PSNR value of 8.10 dB, permutation substitution, and Boolean operation with PSNR value of 21.19 dB and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) level permutation-based logistic map with PSNR value of 21.27 dB

    SVD Audio Watermarking: A Tool to Enhance the Security of Image Transmission over ZigBee Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 4

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    The security is important issue in wireless networks. This paper discusses audio watermarking as a tool to improve the security of image communication over the IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee network. The adopted watermarking method implements the Singular-Value Decomposition (SVD) mathematical technique. This method is based on embedding a chaotic encrypted image in the Singular Values (SVs) of the audio signal after transforming it into a 2-D format. The objective of chaotic encryption is to enhance the level of security and resist different attacks. Experimental results show that the SVD audio watermarking method maintains the high quality of the audio signals and that the watermark extraction and decryption are possible even in the presence of attacks over the ZigBee network

    Awareness of Opportunities and Challenges Related to Artificial Intelligence in Health Sector of Developing Economies: Systematic Review Analysis

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    Purpose: Given the proper implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, administrative and medical processes in the health sector of countries with low incomes can change quickly. This modification highlights the crucial influence of AI on a variety of health sector processes. Previous research indicates that AI may improve the standard of medical treatments. According to reports, AI technologies make life better for people by making it simpler, safer, and more productive. This study sought to identify the most significant potential and difficulties related to the application of AI in the health sector of emerging economies. Method: A thorough systematic literature review analysis was conducted using a total of 6 databases (Web of Science, ACM Digital, Science Direct, Emerald, IEEE, and Scopus). The selection was narrowed down to 49 articles after careful consideration in order to complete the review on potential AI possibilities and challenges that the health sector of developing economies need to be aware of.Results: The study found five major obstacles connected with AI adoption that requires attention in developing nations' health sectors: a lack of infrastructure, a lack of AI capabilities and skills, data integration, security, privacy, and legal concerns, as well as patient safety. The research also revealed six AI potentials that can aid the developing economy's health sector, including data exchange and availability, workflow management, cost reduction, resource management, professional training, and autonomous decision-making. It was discovered that AI has the ability to significantly outperform humans in terms of accuracy, efficiency, and timeliness of medical and associated administrative activities. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Opportunities, Challenges, Health Sector, Developing Economies, PRISMA DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/14-3-03 Publication date:August 31st 2023

    Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) Based Dual Watermarking For Authentication And Copyright Protection

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    Digital media faces significant challenges related to unauthorized access, manipulation, and copyright infringement, necessitating effective authentication and copyright protection mechanisms. This thesis proposes a novel dual watermarking scheme based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) to address these concerns. The primary objective of the proposed scheme is to provide robust copyright protection. A watermark, carrying ownership and copyright information, is embedded in the spatial domain using the DWT. This watermark acts as a digital signature, enabling the identification and tracing of the rightful owner of the content. The frequency domain embedding enhances the watermark's robustness against common attacks. In addition to copyright protection, the scheme incorporates a fragile watermark for authentication purposes. The fragile watermark is embedded in the least significant bit which is highly sensitive to any modifications or tampering. By extracting and comparing the fragile watermark, the integrity and authenticity of the content can be verified. Comprehensive experimental evaluations have been conducted to assess the performance of the proposed dual watermarking scheme. The results demonstrate its effectiveness in providing robust copyright protection and authentication capabilities. The scheme exhibits high imperceptibility, preserving the visual quality of the watermarked content, while ensuring a high level of sensitivity to unauthorized alterations

    New Digital Audio Watermarking Algorithms for Copyright Protection

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    This thesis investigates the development of digital audio watermarking in addressing issues such as copyright protection. Over the past two decades, many digital watermarking algorithms have been developed, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The main aim of this thesis was to develop a new watermarking algorithm within an existing Fast Fourier Transform framework. This resulted in the development of a Complex Spectrum Phase Evolution based watermarking algorithm. In this new implementation, the embedding positions were generated dynamically thereby rendering it more difficult for an attacker to remove, and watermark information was embedded by manipulation of the spectral components in the time domain thereby reducing any audible distortion. Further improvements were attained when the embedding criteria was based on bin location comparison instead of magnitude, thereby rendering it more robust against those attacks that interfere with the spectral magnitudes. However, it was discovered that this new audio watermarking algorithm has some disadvantages such as a relatively low capacity and a non-consistent robustness for different audio files. Therefore, a further aim of this thesis was to improve the algorithm from a different perspective. Improvements were investigated using an Singular Value Decomposition framework wherein a novel observation was discovered. Furthermore, a psychoacoustic model was incorporated to suppress any audible distortion. This resulted in a watermarking algorithm which achieved a higher capacity and a more consistent robustness. The overall result was that two new digital audio watermarking algorithms were developed which were complementary in their performance thereby opening more opportunities for further research