241,433 research outputs found

    Correlation of multiplicative functions over function fields

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    In this article we study the asymptotic behaviour of the correlation functions over polynomial ring Fq[x]\mathbb{F}_q[x]. Let Mn,q\mathcal{M}_{n, q} and Pn,q\mathcal{P}_{n, q} be the set of all monic polynomials and monic irreducible polynomials of degree nn over Fq\mathbb{F}_q respectively. For multiplicative functions ψ1\psi_1 and ψ2\psi_2 on Fq[x]\mathbb{F}_q[x], we obtain asymptotic formula for the following correlation functions for a fixed qq and nn\to \infty \begin{align*} &S_{2}(n, q):=\displaystyle\sum_{f\in \mathcal{M}_{n, q}}\psi_1(f+h_1) \psi_2(f+h_2), \\ &R_2(n, q):=\displaystyle\sum_{P\in \mathcal{P}_{n, q}}\psi_1(P+h_1)\psi_2(P+h_2), \end{align*} where h1,h2h_1, h_2 are fixed polynomials of degree <n<n over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. As a consequence, for real valued additive functions ψ1~\tilde{\psi_1} and ψ2~\tilde{\psi_2} on Fq[x]\mathbb{F}_q[x] we show that for a fixed qq and nn\to \infty, the following distribution functions \begin{align*} &\frac{1}{|\mathcal{M}_{n, q}|}\Big|\{f\in \mathcal{M}_{n, q} : \tilde{\psi_1}(f+h_1)+\tilde{\psi_2}(f+h_2)\leq x\}\Big|,\\ & \frac{1}{|\mathcal{P}_{n, q}|}\Big|\{P\in \mathcal{P}_{n, q} : \tilde{\psi_1}(P+h_1)+\tilde{\psi_2}(P+h_2)\leq x\}\Big| \end{align*} converges weakly towards a limit distribution.Comment: 24 pages; Comments are welcom

    A Note about Iterated Arithmetic Functions

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    Let f ⁣:NN0f\colon\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}_0 be a multiplicative arithmetic function such that for all primes pp and positive integers α\alpha, f(pα)<pαf(p^{\alpha})<p^{\alpha} and f(p)f(pα)f(p)\vert f(p^{\alpha}). Suppose also that any prime that divides f(pα)f(p^{\alpha}) also divides pf(p)pf(p). Define f(0)=0f(0)=0, and let H(n)=limmfm(n)H(n)=\displaystyle{\lim_{m\rightarrow\infty}f^m(n)}, where fmf^m denotes the mthm^{th} iterate of ff. We prove that the function HH is completely multiplicative.Comment: 5 pages, 0 figure

    On the existence of primitive completely normal bases of finite fields

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    Let Fq\mathbb{F}_q be the finite field of characteristic pp with qq elements and Fqn\mathbb{F}_{q^n} its extension of degree nn. We prove that there exists a primitive element of Fqn\mathbb{F}_{q^n} that produces a completely normal basis of Fqn\mathbb{F}_{q^n} over Fq\mathbb{F}_q, provided that n=pmn=p^{\ell}m with (m,p)=1(m,p)=1 and q>mq>m

    The arithmetic derivative and Leibniz-additive functions

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    An arithmetic function ff is Leibniz-additive if there is a completely multiplicative function hfh_f, i.e., hf(1)=1h_f(1)=1 and hf(mn)=hf(m)hf(n)h_f(mn)=h_f(m)h_f(n) for all positive integers mm and nn, satisfying f(mn)=f(m)hf(n)+f(n)hf(m) f(mn)=f(m)h_f(n)+f(n)h_f(m) for all positive integers mm and nn. A motivation for the present study is the fact that Leibniz-additive functions are generalizations of the arithmetic derivative DD; namely, DD is Leibniz-additive with hD(n)=nh_D(n)=n. In this paper, we study the basic properties of Leibniz-additive functions and, among other things, show that a Leibniz-additive function ff is totally determined by the values of ff and hfh_f at primes. We also consider properties of Leibniz-additive functions with respect to the usual product, composition and Dirichlet convolution of arithmetic functions

    Character Sums, Gaussian Hypergeometric Series, and a Family of Hyperelliptic Curves

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    We study the character sums ϕ(m,n)(a,b)=xFqϕ(x(xm+a)(xn+b)), and, ψ(m,n)(a,b)=xFqϕ((xm+a)(xn+b))\phi_{(m,n)}(a,b)=\sum_{x\in\mathbb{F}_q}\phi\left(x(x^{m}+a)(x^{n}+b)\right),\textrm{ and, } \psi_{(m,n)}(a,b)=\sum_{x\in\mathbb{F}_q}\phi\left((x^{m}+a)(x^{n}+b)\right) where ϕ\phi is the quadratic character defined over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. These sums are expressed in terms of Gaussian hypergeometric series over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. Then we use these expressions to exhibit the number of Fq\mathbb{F}_q-rational points on families of hyperelliptic curves and their Jacobian varieties