160,095 research outputs found

    Multiple-Goal Heuristic Search

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    This paper presents a new framework for anytime heuristic search where the task is to achieve as many goals as possible within the allocated resources. We show the inadequacy of traditional distance-estimation heuristics for tasks of this type and present alternative heuristics that are more appropriate for multiple-goal search. In particular, we introduce the marginal-utility heuristic, which estimates the cost and the benefit of exploring a subtree below a search node. We developed two methods for online learning of the marginal-utility heuristic. One is based on local similarity of the partial marginal utility of sibling nodes, and the other generalizes marginal-utility over the state feature space. We apply our adaptive and non-adaptive multiple-goal search algorithms to several problems, including focused crawling, and show their superiority over existing methods

    Tight Analysis of a Multiple-Swap Heuristic for Budgeted Red-Blue Median

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    Budgeted Red-Blue Median is a generalization of classic kk-Median in that there are two sets of facilities, say R\mathcal{R} and B\mathcal{B}, that can be used to serve clients located in some metric space. The goal is to open krk_r facilities in R\mathcal{R} and kbk_b facilities in B\mathcal{B} for some given bounds kr,kbk_r, k_b and connect each client to their nearest open facility in a way that minimizes the total connection cost. We extend work by Hajiaghayi, Khandekar, and Kortsarz [2012] and show that a multiple-swap local search heuristic can be used to obtain a (5+ϵ)(5+\epsilon)-approximation for Budgeted Red-Blue Median for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. This is an improvement over their single swap analysis and beats the previous best approximation guarantee of 8 by Swamy [2014]. We also present a matching lower bound showing that for every p≥1p \geq 1, there are instances of Budgeted Red-Blue Median with local optimum solutions for the pp-swap heuristic whose cost is 5+Ω(1p)5 + \Omega\left(\frac{1}{p}\right) times the optimum solution cost. Thus, our analysis is tight up to the lower order terms. In particular, for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 we show the single-swap heuristic admits local optima whose cost can be as bad as 7−ϵ7-\epsilon times the optimum solution cost

    Multi-Goal Multi-Agent Path Finding via Decoupled and Integrated Goal Vertex Ordering

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    We introduce multi-goal multi agent path finding (MAPFMG^{MG}) which generalizes the standard discrete multi-agent path finding (MAPF) problem. While the task in MAPF is to navigate agents in an undirected graph from their starting vertices to one individual goal vertex per agent, MAPFMG^{MG} assigns each agent multiple goal vertices and the task is to visit each of them at least once. Solving MAPFMG^{MG} not only requires finding collision free paths for individual agents but also determining the order of visiting agent's goal vertices so that common objectives like the sum-of-costs are optimized. We suggest two novel algorithms using different paradigms to address MAPFMG^{MG}: a heuristic search-based search algorithm called Hamiltonian-CBS (HCBS) and a compilation-based algorithm built using the SMT paradigm, called SMT-Hamiltonian-CBS (SMT-HCBS). Experimental comparison suggests limitations of compilation-based approach


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    The main goal of homology search is to find similar segments, or local alignments, be­ tween two DNA or protein sequences. Since the dynamic programming algorithm of Smith- Waterman is too slow, heuristic methods have been designed to achieve both efficiency and accuracy. Seed-based methods were made well known by their use in BLAST, the most widely used software program in biological applications. The seed of BLAST trades sensitivity for speed and spaced seeds were introduced in PatternHunter to achieve both. Several seeds are better than one and near perfect sensitivity can be obtained while maintaining the speed. There­ fore, multiple spaced seeds quickly became the state-of-the-art in similarity search, being em­ ployed by many software programs. However, the quality of these seeds is crucial and comput­ ing optimal multiple spaced seeds is NP-hard. All but one of the existing heuristic algorithms for computing good seeds are exponential. Our work has two main goals. First we engineer the only existing polynomial-time heuristic algorithm to compute better seeds than any other program, while running orders of magnitude faster. Second, we estimate its performance by comparing its seeds with the optimal seeds in a few practical cases. In order to make the computation feasible, a very fast implementation of the sensitivity function is provided

    Planning Graph Heuristics for Belief Space Search

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    Some recent works in conditional planning have proposed reachability heuristics to improve planner scalability, but many lack a formal description of the properties of their distance estimates. To place previous work in context and extend work on heuristics for conditional planning, we provide a formal basis for distance estimates between belief states. We give a definition for the distance between belief states that relies on aggregating underlying state distance measures. We give several techniques to aggregate state distances and their associated properties. Many existing heuristics exhibit a subset of the properties, but in order to provide a standardized comparison we present several generalizations of planning graph heuristics that are used in a single planner. We compliment our belief state distance estimate framework by also investigating efficient planning graph data structures that incorporate BDDs to compute the most effective heuristics. We developed two planners to serve as test-beds for our investigation. The first, CAltAlt, is a conformant regression planner that uses A* search. The second, POND, is a conditional progression planner that uses AO* search. We show the relative effectiveness of our heuristic techniques within these planners. We also compare the performance of these planners with several state of the art approaches in conditional planning

    Experimental Real-time Heuristic Search Results in a Video Game

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    In real-time domains such as video games, a planning algorithm has a strictly bounded time before it must return the next action for the agent to execute. We introduce a realistic video game benchmark domain that is useful for evaluating real-time heuristic search algorithms. Unlike previous benchmarks such as grid pathfinding and the sliding tile puzzle, this new domain includes dynamics and induces a directed graph. Using both the previous and new domains, we investigate several enhancements to a leading real-time search algorithm, LSS-LRTA*. We show experimentally that 1) it is not difficult to outperform A * when optimizing goal achievement time, 2) it is better to plan after each action than to commit to multiple actions or to use a dynamically sized lookahead, 3) A*-based lookahead can cause undesirable actions to be selected, and 4) on-line de-biasing of the heuristic can lead to improved performance. We hope that this new domain and results will stimulate further research on applying real-time search to dynamic real-time domains

    Static and Dynamic Path Planning Using Incremental Heuristic Search

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    Path planning is an important component in any highly automated vehicle system. In this report, the general problem of path planning is considered first in partially known static environments where only static obstacles are present but the layout of the environment is changing as the agent acquires new information. Attention is then given to the problem of path planning in dynamic environments where there are moving obstacles in addition to the static ones. Specifically, a 2D car-like agent traversing in a 2D environment was considered. It was found that the traditional configuration-time space approach is unsuitable for producing trajectories consistent with the dynamic constraints of a car. A novel scheme is then suggested where the state space is 4D consisting of position, speed and time but the search is done in the 3D space composed by position and speed. Simulation tests shows that the new scheme is capable of efficiently producing trajectories respecting the dynamic constraint of a car-like agent with a bound on their optimality.Comment: Internship Repor
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