22,505 research outputs found

    Multiple sequence alignment based on set covers

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    We introduce a new heuristic for the multiple alignment of a set of sequences. The heuristic is based on a set cover of the residue alphabet of the sequences, and also on the determination of a significant set of blocks comprising subsequences of the sequences to be aligned. These blocks are obtained with the aid of a new data structure, called a suffix-set tree, which is constructed from the input sequences with the guidance of the residue-alphabet set cover and generalizes the well-known suffix tree of the sequence set. We provide performance results on selected BAliBASE amino-acid sequences and compare them with those yielded by some prominent approaches

    Multiple Biolgical Sequence Alignment: Scoring Functions, Algorithms, and Evaluations

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    Aligning multiple biological sequences such as protein sequences or DNA/RNA sequences is a fundamental task in bioinformatics and sequence analysis. These alignments may contain invaluable information that scientists need to predict the sequences\u27 structures, determine the evolutionary relationships between them, or discover drug-like compounds that can bind to the sequences. Unfortunately, multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is NP-Complete. In addition, the lack of a reliable scoring method makes it very hard to align the sequences reliably and to evaluate the alignment outcomes. In this dissertation, we have designed a new scoring method for use in multiple sequence alignment. Our scoring method encapsulates stereo-chemical properties of sequence residues and their substitution probabilities into a tree-structure scoring scheme. This new technique provides a reliable scoring scheme with low computational complexity. In addition to the new scoring scheme, we have designed an overlapping sequence clustering algorithm to use in our new three multiple sequence alignment algorithms. One of our alignment algorithms uses a dynamic weighted guidance tree to perform multiple sequence alignment in progressive fashion. The use of dynamic weighted tree allows errors in the early alignment stages to be corrected in the subsequence stages. Other two algorithms utilize sequence knowledge-bases and sequence consistency to produce biological meaningful sequence alignments. To improve the speed of the multiple sequence alignment, we have developed a parallel algorithm that can be deployed on reconfigurable computer models. Analytically, our parallel algorithm is the fastest progressive multiple sequence alignment algorithm

    A Study on Masquerade Detection

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    In modern computer systems, usernames and passwords have been by far the most common forms of authentication. A security system relying only on password protection is defenseless when the passwords of legitimate users are compromised. A masquerader can impersonate a legitimate user by using a compromised password. An intrusion detection system (IDS) can provide an additional level of protection for a security system by inspecting user behavior. In terms of detection techniques, there are two types of IDSs: signature-based detection and anomaly-based detection. An anomaly-based intrusion detection technique consists of two steps: 1) creating a normal behavior model for legitimate users during the training process, 2) analyzing user behavior against the model during the detection process. In this project, we concentrate on masquerade detection, a specific type of anomaly-based IDS. We have first explored suitable techniques to build a normal behavior model for masquerade detection. After studying two existing modeling techniques, N-gram frequency and hidden Markov models (HMMs), we have developed a novel approach based on profile hidden Markov models (PHMMs). Then we have analyzed these three approaches using the classical Schonlau data set. To find the best detection results, we have also conducted sensitivity analysis on the modeling parameters. However, we have found that our proposed PHMMs do not outperform the corresponding HMMs. We conjectured that Schonlau data set lacked the position information required by the PHMMs. To verify this conjecture, we have also generated several data sets with position information. Our experimental results show that when there is no sufficient training data, the PHMMs yield considerably better detection results than the iv corresponding HMMs since the generated position information is significantly helpful for the PHMMs

    Alignment uncertainty, regressive alignment and large scale deployment

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    A multiple sequence alignment (MSA) provides a description of the relationship between biological sequences where columns represent a shared ancestry through an implied set of evolutionary events. The majority of research in the field has focused on improving the accuracy of alignments within the progressive alignment framework and has allowed for powerful inferences including phylogenetic reconstruction, homology modelling and disease prediction. Notwithstanding this, when applied to modern genomics datasets - often comprising tens of thousands of sequences - new challenges arise in the construction of accurate MSA. These issues can be generalised to form three basic problems. Foremost, as the number of sequences increases, progressive alignment methodologies exhibit a dramatic decrease in alignment accuracy. Additionally, for any given dataset many possible MSA solutions exist, a problem which is exacerbated with an increasing number of sequences due to alignment uncertainty. Finally, technical difficulties hamper the deployment of such genomic analysis workflows - especially in a reproducible manner - often presenting a high barrier for even skilled practitioners. This work aims to address this trifecta of problems through a web server for fast homology extension based MSA, two new methods for improved phylogenetic bootstrap supports incorporating alignment uncertainty, a novel alignment procedure that improves large scale alignments termed regressive MSA and finally a workflow framework that enables the deployment of large scale reproducible analyses across clusters and clouds titled Nextflow. Together, this work can be seen to provide both conceptual and technical advances which deliver substantial improvements to existing MSA methods and the resulting inferences.Un alineament de seqüència múltiple (MSA) proporciona una descripció de la relació entre seqüències biològiques on les columnes representen una ascendència compartida a través d'un conjunt implicat d'esdeveniments evolutius. La majoria de la investigació en el camp s'ha centrat a millorar la precisió dels alineaments dins del marc d'alineació progressiva i ha permès inferències poderoses, incloent-hi la reconstrucció filogenètica, el modelatge d'homologia i la predicció de malalties. Malgrat això, quan s'aplica als conjunts de dades de genòmica moderns, que sovint comprenen desenes de milers de seqüències, sorgeixen nous reptes en la construcció d'un MSA precís. Aquests problemes es poden generalitzar per formar tres problemes bàsics. En primer lloc, a mesura que augmenta el nombre de seqüències, les metodologies d'alineació progressiva presenten una disminució espectacular de la precisió de l'alineació. A més, per a un conjunt de dades, existeixen molts MSA com a possibles solucions un problema que s'agreuja amb un nombre creixent de seqüències a causa de la incertesa d'alineació. Finalment, les dificultats tècniques obstaculitzen el desplegament d'aquests fluxos de treball d'anàlisi genòmica, especialment de manera reproduïble, sovint presenten una gran barrera per als professionals fins i tot qualificats. Aquest treball té com a objectiu abordar aquesta trifecta de problemes a través d'un servidor web per a l'extensió ràpida d'homologia basada en MSA, dos nous mètodes per a la millora de l'arrencada filogenètica permeten incorporar incertesa d'alineació, un nou procediment d'alineació que millora els alineaments a gran escala anomenat MSA regressivu i, finalment, un marc de flux de treball permet el desplegament d'anàlisis reproduïbles a gran escala a través de clústers i computació al núvol anomenat Nextflow. En conjunt, es pot veure que aquest treball proporciona tant avanços conceptuals com tècniques que proporcionen millores substancials als mètodes MSA existents i les conseqüències resultants

    Two polymorphisms facilitate differences in plasticity between two chicken major histocompatibility complex class I proteins

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    Major histocompatibility complex class I molecules (MHC I) present peptides to cytotoxic T-cells at the surface of almost all nucleated cells. The function of MHC I molecules is to select high affinity peptides from a large intracellular pool and they are assisted in this process by co-factor molecules, notably tapasin. In contrast to mammals, MHC homozygous chickens express a single MHC I gene locus, termed BF2, which is hypothesised to have co-evolved with the highly polymorphic tapasin within stable haplotypes. The BF2 molecules of the B15 and B19 haplotypes have recently been shown to differ in their interactions with tapasin and in their peptide selection properties. This study investigated whether these observations might be explained by differences in the protein plasticity that is encoded into the MHC I structure by primary sequence polymorphisms. Furthermore, we aimed to demonstrate the utility of a complimentary modelling approach to the understanding of complex experimental data. Combining mechanistic molecular dynamics simulations and the primary sequence based technique of statistical coupling analysis, we show how two of the eight polymorphisms between BF2*15:01 and BF2*19:01 facilitate differences in plasticity. We show that BF2*15:01 is intrinsically more plastic than BF2*19:01, exploring more conformations in the absence of peptide. We identify a protein sector of contiguous residues connecting the membrane bound ?3 domain and the heavy chain peptide binding site. This sector contains two of the eight polymorphic residues. One is residue 22 in the peptide binding domain and the other 220 is in the ?3 domain, a putative tapasin binding site. These observations are in correspondence with the experimentally observed functional differences of these molecules and suggest a mechanism for how modulation of MHC I plasticity by tapasin catalyses peptide selection allosterically
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