12 research outputs found

    Energy reduction in multiprocessor systems using transactional memory

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    A simple deterministic algorithm for guaranteeing the forward progress of transactions

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    This paper describes a remarkably simple deterministic (not probabilistic) contention-management algorithm for guaranteeing the forward progress of transactions - avoiding deadlocks, livelocks, and other anomalies. The transactions must be finite (no infinite loops), but on each restart, a transaction may access different shared-memory locations. The algorithm supports irrevocable transactions as long as the transaction satisfies a simple ordering constraint. In particular, a transaction that accesses only one shared-memory location is never aborted. The algorithm is suitable for both hardware and software transactional-memory systems. It also can be used in some contexts as a locking protocol for implementing transactions "by hand."

    Effective Communication of Scientific Results

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    Communication is essential for the advancement of Science. Technology advances and the proliferation of personal devices have changed the ways in which people communicate in all aspects of life. Scientific communication has also been profoundly affected by such changes, and thus it is important to reflect on effective ways to communicate scientific results to scientists that are flooded with information. This article advocates for receiver-oriented communication in Science, discusses how effective oral presentations should be prepared and delivered, provides advice on the thought process that can lead to scientific papers that communicate effectively, discusses suitable methodology to produce experimental data that is relevant and offers advice on how to present such data in ways that lead to the formulation of correct claims that are supported by the data.Comment: 14 pages manuscrip

    Virtualizing Transactional Memory

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    Concurrency in Blockchain Based Smartpool with Transactional Memory

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    Blockchain is the buzzword in today\u27s modern technological world. It is an undeniably ingenious invention of the 21st century. Blockchain was first coined and used by a cryptocurrency namedBitcoin. Since then bitcoin and blockchain are so popular that every single person is taking on bitcoin these days and the price of bitcoin has leaped to a staggering price in the last year and so.Today several other cryptocurrencies have adapted the blockchain technology. Blockchain in cryptocurrencies is formed by chaining of blocks. These blocks are created by the nodes called miners through the process called Proof of Work(PoW). Mining Pools are formed as a collection of miners which collectively tries to solve a puzzle. However, most of the mining pools are centralized. P2Pool is the first decentralized mining pool in Bitcoin but is not that popular as the number of messages exchanged among the miners is a scalar multiple of the number of shares. SmartPool is a decentralized mining pool with the throughput equal to that of the traditional pool. However, the verification of blocks is done in a sequential manner. We propose a non-blocking concurrency mechanism in a decentralized mining pool for the verification of blocks in a blockchain. Smart contract in SmartPool is concurrently executed using a transactional memory approach without the use of locks. Since the SmartPool mining implemented in ethereum can be applied to Bitcoin, this concurrency method proposed in ethereum smart contracts can be applicable in Bitcoin as well

    Transactional memory for high-performance embedded systems

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    The increasing demand for computational power in embedded systems, which is required for various tasks, such as autonomous driving, can only be achieved by exploiting the resources offered by modern hardware. Due to physical limitations, hardware manufacturers have moved to increase the number of cores per processor instead of further increasing clock rates. Therefore, in our view, the additionally required computing power can only be achieved by exploiting parallelism. Unfortunately writing parallel code is considered a difficult and complex task. Hardware Transactional Memories (HTMs) are a suitable tool to write sophisticated parallel software. However, HTMs were not specifically developed for embedded systems and therefore cannot be used without consideration. The use of conventional HTMs increases complexity and makes it more difficult to foresee implications with other important properties of embedded systems. This thesis therefore describes how an HTM for embedded systems could be implemented. The HTM was designed to allow the parallel execution of software and to offer functionality which is useful for embedded systems. Hereby the focus lay on: elimination of the typical limitations of conventional HTMs, several conflict resolution mechanisms, investigation of real time behavior, and a feature to conserve energy. To enable the desired functionalities, the structure of the HTM described in this work strongly differs from a conventional HTM. In comparison to the baseline HTM, which was also designed and implemented in this thesis, the biggest adaptation concerns the conflict detection. It was modified so that conflicts can be detected and resolved centrally. For this, the cache hierarchy as well as the cache coherence had to be adapted and partially extended. The system was implemented in the cycle-accurate gem5 simulator. The eight benchmarks of the STAMP benchmark suite were used for evaluation. The evaluation of the various functionalities shows that the mechanisms work and add value for the operation in embedded systems.Der immer größer werdende Bedarf an Rechenleistung in eingebetteten Systemen, der für verschiedene Aufgaben wie z. B. dem autonomen Fahren benötigt wird, kann nur durch die effiziente Nutzung der zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen erreicht werden. Durch physikalische Grenzen sind Prozessorhersteller dazu übergegangen, Prozessoren mit mehreren Prozessorkernen auszustatten, statt die Taktraten weiter anzuheben. Daher kann die zusätzlich benötigte Rechenleistung aus unserer Sicht nur durch eine Steigerung der Parallelität gelingen. Hardwaretransaktionsspeicher (HTS) erlauben es ihren Nutzern schnell und einfach parallele Programme zu schreiben. Allerdings wurden HTS nicht speziell für eingebettete Systeme entwickelt und sind daher nur eingeschränkt für diese nutzbar. Durch den Einsatz herkömmlicher HTS steigt die Komplexität und es wird somit schwieriger abzusehen, ob andere wichtige Eigenschaften erreicht werden können. Um den Einsatz von HTS in eingebettete Systeme besser zu ermöglichen, beschreibt diese Arbeit einen konkreten Ansatz. Der HTS wurde hierzu so entwickelt, dass er eine parallele Ausführung von Programmen ermöglicht und Eigenschaften besitzt, welche für eingebettete Systeme nützlich sind. Dazu gehören unter anderem: Wegfall der typischen Limitierungen herkömmlicher HTS, Einflussnahme auf den Konfliktauflösungsmechanismus, Unterstützung einer abschätzbaren Ausführung und eine Funktion, um Energie einzusparen. Um die gewünschten Funktionalitäten zu ermöglichen, unterscheidet sich der Aufbau des in dieser Arbeit beschriebenen HTS stark von einem klassischen HTS. Im Vergleich zu dem Referenz HTS, der ebenfalls im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entworfen und implementiert wurde, betrifft die größte Anpassung die Konflikterkennung. Sie wurde derart verändert, dass die Konflikte zentral erkannt und aufgelöst werden können. Hierfür mussten die Cache-Hierarchie und Cache-Kohärenz stark angepasst und teilweise erweitert werden. Das System wurde in einem taktgenauen Simulator, dem gem5-Simulator, umgesetzt. Zur Evaluation wurden die acht Benchmarks der STAMP-Benchmark-Suite eingesetzt. Die Evaluation der verschiedenen Funktionen zeigt, dass die Mechanismen funktionieren und somit einen Mehrwert für eingebettete Systeme bieten

    Transactional Data Structures

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    Exploiting software transactional memory in the context of asymmetric architectures

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    Orientador: Paulo Cesar CentoducatteTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A adoção dos microprocessadores com múltiplos núcleos de execução pela indústria semicondutora tem criado uma crescente necessidade por novas linguagens, metodologias e ferramentas que tornem o desenvolvimento de sistemas concorrentes mais rápido, eficiente e acessível aos programadores de todos os níveis. Uma das principais dificuldades em programação concorrente com memória compartilhada é garantir a correta sincronização do código, evitando assim condições de corrida que podem levar o sistema a um estado inconsistente. A sincronização tem sido tradicionalmente realizada através de métodos baseados em travas, reconhecidos amplamente por serem de difícil uso e pelas anomalias causadas. Um novo mecanismo, conhecido como memória transacional (TM), tem sido alvo de muita pesquisa recentemente e promete simplificar o processo de sincronização, além de possibilitar maior oportunidade para extração de paralelismo e consequente desempenho. O cerne desta tese é formado por três trabalhos desenvolvidos no contexto dos sistemas de memória transacional em software (STM). Primeiramente, apresentamos uma implementação de STM para processadores assimétricos, usando a arquitetura Cell/B.E. como foco. Como principal resultado, constatamos que o uso de sistemas transacionais em arquiteturas assimétricas também é promissor, principalmente pelo fator escalabilidade. No segundo trabalho, adotamos uma abordagem diferente e sugerimos um sistema de STM especialmente voltado para o domínio de jogos computacionais. O principal motivo que nos levou nesta direção é o baixo desempenho das implementações atuais de STM. Um estudo de caso conduzido a partir de um jogo complexo mostra a eficácia do sistema proposto. Finalmente, apresentamos pela primeira vez uma caracterização do consumo de energia de um sistema de STM considerado estado da arte. Além da caracterização, também propomos uma técnica para redução do consumo em casos de alta contenção. Resultados obtidos a partir dessa técnica revelam ganhos de até 87% no consumo de energiaAbstract: The shift towards multicore processors taken by the semiconductor industry has initiated an era in which new languages, methodologies and tools are of paramount importance to the development of efficient concurrent systems that can be built in a timely way by all kinds of programmers. One of the main obstacles faced by programmers when dealing with shared memory programming concerns the use of synchronization mechanisms so as to avoid race conditions that could possibly lead the system to an inconsistent state. Synchronization has been traditionally achieved by means of locks (or variations thereof), widely known by their anomalies and hard-to-get-it-right facets. A new mechanism, known as transactional memory (TM), has recently been the focus of a lot of research and shows potential to simplify code synchronization as well as delivering more parallelism and, therefore, better performance. This thesis presents three works focused on different aspects of software transactional memory (STM) systems. Firstly, we show an STM implementation for asymmetric processors, focusing on the architecture of Cell/B.E. As an important result, we find out that memory transactions are indeed promising for asymmetric architectures, specially due to their scalability. Secondly, we take a different approach to STM implementation by devising a system specially targeted at computer games. The decision was guided by poor performance figures usually seen on current STM implementations. We also conduct a case study using a complex game that effectively shows the system's efficiency. Finally, we present the energy consumption characterization of a state-of-the-art STM for the first time. Based on the observed characterization, we also propose a technique aimed at reducing energy consumption in highly contended scenarios. Our results show that the technique is indeed effective in such cases, improving the energy consumption by up to 87%DoutoradoSistemas de ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Performance Optimizations for Software Transactional Memory

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    The transition from single-core processors to multi-core processors demands a change from sequential programming to concurrent programming for mainstream programmers. However, concurrent programming has long been widely recognized as being notoriously difficult. A major reason for its difficulty is that existing concurrent programming constructs provide low-level programming abstractions. Using these constructs forces programmers to consider many low level details. Locks, the dominant programming construct for mutual exclusion, suffer several well known problems, such as deadlock, priority inversion, and convoying, and are directly related to the difficulty of concurrent programming. The alternative to locks, i.e. non-blocking programming, not only is extremely error-prone, but also does not produce consistently good performance. Better programming constructs are critical to reduce the complexity of concurrent programming, increase productivity, and expose the computing power in multi-core processors. Transactional memory has emerged recently as one promising programming construct for supporting atomic operations on shared data. By eliminating the need to consider a huge number of possible interactions among concurrent transactions, Transactional memory greatly reduces the complexity of concurrent programming and vastly improves programming productivity. Software transactional memory systems implement a transactional memory abstraction in software. Unfortunately, existing designs of Software Transactional Memory systems incur significant performance overhead that could potentially prevent it from being widely used. Reducing STM's overhead will be critical for mainstream programmers to improve productivity while not suffering performance degradation. My thesis is that the performance of STM can be significantly improved by intelligently designing validation and commit protocols, by designing the time base, and by incorporating application-specific knowledge. I present four novel techniques for improving performance of STM systems to support my thesis. First, I propose a time-based STM system based on a runtime tuning strategy that is able to deliver performance equal to or better than existing strategies. Second, I present several novel commit phase designs and evaluate their performance. Then I propose a new STM programming interface extension that enables transaction optimizations using fast shared memory reads while maintaining transaction composability. Next, I present a distributed time base design that outperforms existing time base designs for certain types of STM applications. Finally, I propose a novel programming construct to support multi-place isolation. Experimental results show the techniques presented here can significantly improve the STM performance. We expect these techniques to help STM be accepted by more programmers