6 research outputs found

    epihet for intra-tumoral epigenetic heterogeneity analysis and visualization.

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    Intra-tumoral epigenetic heterogeneity is an indicator of tumor population fitness and is linked to the deregulation of transcription. However, there is no published computational tool to automate the measurement of intra-tumoral epigenetic allelic heterogeneity. We developed an R/Bioconductor package, epihet, to calculate the intra-tumoral epigenetic heterogeneity and to perform differential epigenetic heterogeneity analysis. Furthermore, epihet can implement a biological network analysis workflow for transforming cancer-specific differential epigenetic heterogeneity loci into cancer-related biological function and clinical biomarkers. Finally, we demonstrated epihet utility on acute myeloid leukemia. We found statistically significant differential epigenetic heterogeneity (DEH) loci compared to normal controls and constructed co-epigenetic heterogeneity network and modules. epihet is available at https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/epihet.html

    TLGP: a flexible transfer learning algorithm for gene prioritization based on heterogeneous source domain

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    BackgroundGene prioritization (gene ranking) aims to obtain the centrality of genes, which is critical for cancer diagnosis and therapy since keys genes correspond to the biomarkers or targets of drugs. Great efforts have been devoted to the gene ranking problem by exploring the similarity between candidate and known disease-causing genes. However, when the number of disease-causing genes is limited, they are not applicable largely due to the low accuracy. Actually, the number of disease-causing genes for cancers, particularly for these rare cancers, are really limited. Therefore, there is a critical needed to design effective and efficient algorithms for gene ranking with limited prior disease-causing genes.ResultsIn this study, we propose a transfer learning based algorithm for gene prioritization (called TLGP) in the cancer (target domain) without disease-causing genes by transferring knowledge from other cancers (source domain). The underlying assumption is that knowledge shared by similar cancers improves the accuracy of gene prioritization. Specifically, TLGP first quantifies the similarity between the target and source domain by calculating the affinity matrix for genes. Then, TLGP automatically learns a fusion network for the target cancer by fusing affinity matrix, pathogenic genes and genomic data of source cancers. Finally, genes in the target cancer are prioritized. The experimental results indicate that the learnt fusion network is more reliable than gene co-expression network, implying that transferring knowledge from other cancers improves the accuracy of network construction. Moreover, TLGP outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in terms of accuracy, improving at least 5%.ConclusionThe proposed model and method provide an effective and efficient strategy for gene ranking by integrating genomic data from various cancers

    DNA methylation signatures predicting bevacizumab efficacy in metastatic breast cancer

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    Background: Biomarkers predicting response to bevacizumab in breast cancer are still missing. Since epigenetic modifications can contribute to an aberrant regulation of angiogenesis and treatment resistance, we investigated the influence of DNA methylation patterns on bevacizumab efficacy. Methods: Genome-wide methylation profiling using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip was performed in archival FFPE specimens of 36 patients with HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer treated with chemotherapy in combination with bevacizumab as first-line therapy (learning set). Based on objective response and progression-free survival (PFS) and considering ER expression, patients were divided in responders (R) and non-responders (NR). Significantly differentially methylated gene loci (CpGs) with a strong change in methylation levels (>0.15 or <-0.15) between R and NR were identified and further investigated in 80 bevacizumab-treated breast cancer patients (optimization set) and in 15 patients treated with chemotherapy alone (control set) using targeted deep amplicon bisulfite sequencing. Methylated gene loci were considered predictive if there was a significant association with outcome (PFS) in the optimization set but not in the control set using Spearman rank correlation, Cox regression, and logrank test. Results: Differentially methylated loci in 48 genes were identified, allowing a good separation between R and NR (odds ratio (OR) 101, p<0.0001). Methylation of at least one cytosine in 26 gene-regions was significantly associated with progression-free survival (PFS) in the optimization set, but not in the control set. Using information from the optimization set, the panel was reduced to a 9-gene signature, which could divide patients from the learning set into 2 clusters, thereby predicting response with an OR of 40 (p<0.001) and an AUC of 0.91 (LOOCV). A further restricted 3-gene methylation model showed a significant association of predicted responders with longer PFS in the learning and optimization set even in multivariate analysis with an excellent and good separation of R and NR with AUC=0.94 and AUC=0.86, respectively. Conclusion: Both a 9-gene and 3-gene methylation signature can discriminate between R and NR to a bevacizumab-based therapy in MBC and could help identify patients deriving greater benefit from bevacizumab.(VLID)251037

    A comparison of graph- and kernel-based –omics data integration algorithms for classifying complex traits

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    Statistical and integrative system-level analysis of DNA methylation data

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    Epigenetics plays a key role in cellular development and function. Alterations to the epigenome are thought to capture and mediate the effects of genetic and environmental risk factors on complex disease. Currently, DNA methylation is the only epigenetic mark that can be measured reliably and genome-wide in large numbers of samples. This Review discusses some of the key statistical challenges and algorithms associated with drawing inferences from DNA methylation data, including cell-type heterogeneity, feature selection, reverse causation and system-level analyses that require integration with other data types such as gene expression, genotype, transcription factor binding and other epigenetic information

    Additional file 3 of Multiple network algorithm for epigenetic modules via the integration of genome-wide DNA methylation and gene expression data

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    Supplementary Figure S3. Breast cancer subtype prediction: (A) accuracy of compared algorithms using a 3-fold cross validation, (B) accuracy of compared algorithms using a 10-fold cross validation, and (C) feature importance of positively and negatively correlated modules in classifying the breast cancer subtypes. (EPS 839 kb