10 research outputs found

    Hi-tec Related Decision

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    Diplomová práce se věnuje rozhodování v podnikové praxi. Práce se zabývá navržením nástroje, který má ulehčit řešení rozhodovacích úloh za použití fuzzy logiky, rozhodovacích stromů a lineárního programování.The diploma thesis focuses on decision making in business practice. The thesis deals with design of the tool which should make the solution of decision tasks easier by usage of fuzzy logic, decission trees and linear programming.

    Avaliação de projetos de investimentos : uma ferramenta usando análise de multicritério

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, 2014.A avaliação de projetos de investimentos é encontrada sob diversas formas na literatura, e neste trabalho foi aplicada uma ferramenta que uniu diversos critérios deste tipo de avaliação, analisando-se o investimento inicial, as ações do setor de mercado (valor de mercado, resultado financeiro, risco das ações), indicadores de viabilidade econômica (VLP, TIR, Payback), legislações do setor e o risco (riscos do negócio, de oportunidade de capital, e de mercado). A ferramenta foi construída utilizando-se a Análise de Multicritério, e em seguida aplicada em uma prova de conceito e validação para três tipos distintos de projetos de investimentos. Ao final do trabalho selecionou-se a melhor alternativa dentre os projetos relacionados de acordo com o perfil de investidor determinado, comprovando-se a capacidade de análise e avaliação de projetos pela ferramenta proposta.The evaluation of investment projects is found in various forms in the literature and in this work we applied a tool that brought together several criteria such evaluation by analyzing the initial investment, the shares of the market sector (market value, financial results , risk of stocks), economic viability indicators (VLP , IRR, Payback), laws and industry risk (business risk, opportunity, and market). The tool was built using the Multicriteria Analysis, and then applied in a proof of concept for three different types of projects. At the end of the work was selected the best alternative among the related projects according to the particular investor profile, confirming the capacity for analysis and evaluation of projects by the proposed tool

    Modelo de análise da percepção de valor pelo cliente de sistemas produto-serviço : um estudo de caso em um serviço virtual de subscrição

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, 2015.O setor de serviços vem conquistando de forma crescente e dinâmica a sua importância no cenário econômico mundial, notando-se uma maior disposição dos consumidores em pagar para experimentar sensações e não em simplesmente adquirir produtos ou serviços puros. Esta combinação de diferentes elementos tangíveis e intangíveis em uma única oferta inovadora de valor superior é denominada Sistema Produto-Serviço, do inglês Product- Service System (PSS). Uma das mais importantes formas de se conduzir inovações de serviços de maior valor agregado é a partir da gestão da experiência do cliente, e diante deste cenário, construiu-se uma solução metodológica generalista com objetivo de auxiliar no levantamento e na tradução das experiências obtidas ao longo de toda a prestação do serviço, assim como do consumo do produto e contato com a marca que influenciam na percepção de valor dos clientes sobre o negócio. A metodologia apresentada foi aplicada em uma prova de conceito para um PSS existente de varejo eletrônico de subscrição, e o seu resultado, além de apoiar o levantamento dos elementos da oferta, mostrou-se muito eficaz na tradução e diagnóstico das percepções dos clientes, tornando possível o alinhamento entre o que as empresas acreditam e o que os clientes realmente enxergam como experiência superior.The service sector has gained its importance in the global economic scenario growing in a increasingly and dinamic way, since consumers are preferring to afford more to try sensations and not purely get products or services. This combination between different tangible and intangible elements into a single high value innovative offer is named as Product-Service System (PSS). One of the most important ways to bring high value-added innovations to services consists on managing the customer experience. Given this fact, it was constructed a general methodological solution in order to assist the selection and the translation of the experiences gained throughout the service provided as well as during the consumption of the product and during other contacts with the brand. The methodology presented was applied in an existing subscription commerce in order to prove the concept proposed. More than only support the lifting of the offer elements, the outcomes proved to be very effective in translating and diagnose of customer perceptions, making possible the alignment between what companies believe and what customers really recognize as a superior experience

    Modelo de análise de percepções de valor em um sistema de serviço de saúde suplementar : um estudo de caso em uma clínica dedicada à saúde mental

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, 2018.Uma das formas mais importantes de se conduzir inovações em serviços de maior valor agregado é a partir da gestão da experiência do cliente. Este trabalho faz parte de uma pesquisa cujo o objetivo é propor um modelo para auxiliar no levantamento e na tradução das experiências obtidas ao longo da prestação do serviço, sendo este testado inicialmente em estudo de caso de um PSS (Product Service System). Os resultados da adaptação do modelo proposto incialmente para PSS para o serviço de saúde puro, revelou que os aspectos tangíveis percebidos pelos clientes estão associados a infraestrutura de tecnologia de informação e comunicação como elementos importantes para análise de percepção de valor pelos pacientes em serviços de saúde. A aplicação do modelo adaptado para serviço puro foi realizada por meio de um estudo de caso em uma clínica dedicada à saúde mental. Os resultados da aplicação mostraram diferenças entre o que o paciente percebe como valor e o que os médicos acreditam entregar.One of the most important ways to lead innovation in a higher value-added service is through the management of customer experience. This work is part of a research which aims to propose a model to assist in the survey and translation of the experiences obtained during the service rendering, that was initially tested in a case study of a PSS (Product Service System). This work has the purpose of applying the model in a health service, a pure service. The results of the adaptation of the model initially proposed for PSS to the health service revealed that the tangible aspects perceived by clients are associated with the infrastructure and communication technology as important elements for the analysis of value perception by patients in health services. The application of the model adapted for pure service was carried out by means of a case study in a clinic dedicated to mental health. The results of the application showed differences between what the patient perceives as value and what doctors believe that was delivered

    Data Mining in Promoting Flight Safety

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    The incredible rapid development to huge volumes of air travel, mainly because of jet airliners that appeared to the sky in the 1950s, created the need for systematic research for aviation safety and collecting data about air traffic. The structured data can be analysed easily using queries from databases and running theseresults through graphic tools. However, in analysing narratives that often give more accurate information about the case, mining tools are needed. The analysis of textual data with computers has not been possible until data mining tools have been developed. Their use, at least among aviation, is still at a moderate level. The research aims at discovering lethal trends in the flight safety reports. The narratives of 1,200 flight safety reports from years 1994 – 1996 in Finnish were processed with three text mining tools. One of them was totally language independent, the other had a specific configuration for Finnish and the third originally created for English, but encouraging results had been achieved with Spanish and that is why a Finnish test was undertaken, too. The global rate of accidents is stabilising and the situation can now be regarded as satisfactory, but because of the growth in air traffic, the absolute number of fatal accidents per year might increase, if the flight safety will not be improved. The collection of data and reporting systems have reached their top level. The focal point in increasing the flight safety is analysis. The air traffic has generally been forecasted to grow 5 – 6 per cent annually over the next two decades. During this period, the global air travel will probably double also with relatively conservative expectations of economic growth. This development makes the airline management confront growing pressure due to increasing competition, signify cant rise in fuel prices and the need to reduce the incident rate due to expected growth in air traffic volumes. All this emphasises the urgent need for new tools and methods. All systems provided encouraging results, as well as proved challenges still to be won. Flight safety can be improved through the development and utilisation of sophisticated analysis tools and methods, like data mining, using its results supporting the decision process of the executives.Lentoliikenne kasvoi huomattavasti 1950-luvulla pääasiassa suihkumatkustajakoneiden myötä, mikä aiheutti poikkeamatietojen järjestelmällisen keräämisen ja tutkimuksen tarpeen. Määrämuotoinen tieto voidaan helposti analysoida tietokantakyselyillä esittäen tulokset käyttäen graafisia työkaluja, mutta tekstianalyysiin, jonka avulla tapauksista saadaan usein tarkempia tietoja, tarvitaan louhintatyökaluja. Tekstimuotoisen tiedon automaattinen analysointi ei ole ollut mahdollista ennen louhintatyökalujen kehittämistä. Silti niiden käyttö, ainakin ilmailun piirissä, on edelleen vähäistä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli havaita vaarallisia kehityskulkuja lentoturvallisuusraporteissa. 1 200 lentoturvallisuusraportin selostusosiot vuosilta 1994 –1996 käsiteltiin kolmella tekstinlouhintatyökalulla. Yksi näistä oli täysin kieliriippumaton, toisessa oli lisäosa, jossa oli mahdollisuus käsitellä suomen kieltä ja kolmas oli rakennettu alun perin ainoastaan englanninkielisen tekstin louhintaan, mutta espanjan kielellä saavutettujen rohkaisevien tulosten pohjalta päätettiin kokeilla myös suomenkielistä tekstiä. Lento-onnettomuuksien määrä liikenteeseen nähden on vakiintumassa maailmanlaajuisesti katsottuna ja turvallisuustaso voidaan katsoa tyydyttäväksi. Kuitenkin liikenteen kasvaessa myös onnettomuuksien määrä lisääntyy vuosittain, mikäli lentoturvallisuutta ei kyetä parantamaan. Turvallisuustiedon kerääminen ja raportointijärjestelmät ovat jo saavuttaneet huippunsa. Analysoinnin parantaminen on avain lentoturvallisuuden parantamiseen. Lentoliikenteen on ennustettu kasvavan 5 – 6 prosenttia vuodessa seuraavien kahden vuosikymmenen ajan. Samana aikana lentoliikenne saattaa kaksinkertaistua jopa vaatimattomimpien talouskasvuennusteiden mukaan. Tällainen kehitys asettaa lentoliikenteen päättäjille yhä kasvavia paineita kiristyvän kilpailun, polttoaineiden hinnannousun ja liikenteen kasvun aiheuttaman onnettomuuksien määrän vähentämiseksi. Tämä korostaa uusien menetelmien ja työkalujen kiireellistä tarvetta. Kaikilla louhintajärjestelmillä saatiin rohkaisevia tuloksia mutta ne nostivat samalla esille haasteita, jotka tulisi vielä voittaa. Lentoturvallisuutta voidaan vielä parantaa käyttämällä tässä esille tuotuja analyysimenetelmiä ja –työkaluja kuten tiedonlouhintaa ja soveltamalla näin saatuja tuloksia johdon päätöksenteon tukena.Siirretty Doriast

    Web analytics strategy: a model for adopting and implementing advanced Web Analytics

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 290-306).Web Analytics (WA) is an evaluative technique originating from and driven by business in its need to get more value out of understanding the usage of its Web sites and strategies therein. It is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of Internet data for the purposes of understanding and optimising Web usage for the online visitor, the online customer and the business with Web site presence. Current WA practice is criticised because it involves mostly raw statistics and therefore the practice tends to be inconsistent and misleading. Using grounded action research, personal observations and a review of online references, the study reviews the current state of WA to to propose an appropriate model and guidelines for a Web Analytics adoption and implementation in an electronic commerce organisation dealing with online marketing

    Smart grid applicability prioritisation of neighbourhoods by developing a geospatial decision support model

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    Environmental concerns comprising pollution and global warming are among the key parameters that steer policy making actions regarding sustainability. Energy industry that comprises energy generation, distribution, and transmission phases of energy loop is at the core of these concerns and faces challenges. Due to handling capabilities, present electricity grid is not robust enough to utilize desired level of renewable energy sources due to their intermittent nature. On the other hand, emerging policies are targeting the increased utilization of renewable energy sources. In the light of environmental policies and increased stability requirements of the electricity grids, a new concept called “smart grid” emerges. Smart grids are intended to eliminate the limitations of present electricity grids such as offering increased handling capacity for renewable energy, increased interaction of the consumers with the utilities, and increased supply and demand management. It is not easy to express a solid smart grid definition as each party (energy generation, distribution, and demand side management) has its own approach in line with the desires. Due to the potential environmental benefits of smart grids, some governments engage smart grid projects to their agenda. As solid smart grid definition does not exist, there is no available solid strategy for smart grid implementations. On the other hand, it is well understood that failure in deployment of smart grids (regardless of the technology) will have undesirable impacts on growth of renewable energy generation, and failure in meeting EU carbon targets consequently. This research seeks to develop a model that seeks optimization of smart grid implementations, and it assists decision makers with deciding on the priory areas for smart grid applicability. Stated areas in this case are neighbourhoods comprising of residential buildings where considerable amount of energy is consumed. A set of criteria regarding to residential energy use and renewable energy technologies, are defined in the study. Proposed model is embedded in a GIS platform, and the main process carried out is a prioritization mechanism that comprises Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and geospatial computations like clustering and regression analysis in order to evaluate the alternative neighbourhoods. Proposed model optimizes smart grid projects by ranking of alternatives in terms of smart grid applicability. Such an aid in optimizing smart grid projects has the potential to maintain progress of smart grids in a timely manner