1,080 research outputs found

    The Role of Synaptic Tagging and Capture for Memory Dynamics in Spiking Neural Networks

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    Memory serves to process and store information about experiences such that this information can be used in future situations. The transfer from transient storage into long-term memory, which retains information for hours, days, and even years, is called consolidation. In brains, information is primarily stored via alteration of synapses, so-called synaptic plasticity. While these changes are at first in a transient early phase, they can be transferred to a late phase, meaning that they become stabilized over the course of several hours. This stabilization has been explained by so-called synaptic tagging and capture (STC) mechanisms. To store and recall memory representations, emergent dynamics arise from the synaptic structure of recurrent networks of neurons. This happens through so-called cell assemblies, which feature particularly strong synapses. It has been proposed that the stabilization of such cell assemblies by STC corresponds to so-called synaptic consolidation, which is observed in humans and other animals in the first hours after acquiring a new memory. The exact connection between the physiological mechanisms of STC and memory consolidation remains, however, unclear. It is equally unknown which influence STC mechanisms exert on further cognitive functions that guide behavior. On timescales of minutes to hours (that means, the timescales of STC) such functions include memory improvement, modification of memories, interference and enhancement of similar memories, and transient priming of certain memories. Thus, diverse memory dynamics may be linked to STC, which can be investigated by employing theoretical methods based on experimental data from the neuronal and the behavioral level. In this thesis, we present a theoretical model of STC-based memory consolidation in recurrent networks of spiking neurons, which are particularly suited to reproduce biologically realistic dynamics. Furthermore, we combine the STC mechanisms with calcium dynamics, which have been found to guide the major processes of early-phase synaptic plasticity in vivo. In three included research articles as well as additional sections, we develop this model and investigate how it can account for a variety of behavioral effects. We find that the model enables the robust implementation of the cognitive memory functions mentioned above. The main steps to this are: 1. demonstrating the formation, consolidation, and improvement of memories represented by cell assemblies, 2. showing that neuromodulator-dependent STC can retroactively control whether information is stored in a temporal or rate-based neural code, and 3. examining interaction of multiple cell assemblies with transient and attractor dynamics in different organizational paradigms. In summary, we demonstrate several ways by which STC controls the late-phase synaptic structure of cell assemblies. Linking these structures to functional dynamics, we show that our STC-based model implements functionality that can be related to long-term memory. Thereby, we provide a basis for the mechanistic explanation of various neuropsychological effects.2021-09-0

    Dual coding with STDP in a spiking recurrent neural network model of the hippocampus.

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    The firing rate of single neurons in the mammalian hippocampus has been demonstrated to encode for a range of spatial and non-spatial stimuli. It has also been demonstrated that phase of firing, with respect to the theta oscillation that dominates the hippocampal EEG during stereotype learning behaviour, correlates with an animal's spatial location. These findings have led to the hypothesis that the hippocampus operates using a dual (rate and temporal) coding system. To investigate the phenomenon of dual coding in the hippocampus, we examine a spiking recurrent network model with theta coded neural dynamics and an STDP rule that mediates rate-coded Hebbian learning when pre- and post-synaptic firing is stochastic. We demonstrate that this plasticity rule can generate both symmetric and asymmetric connections between neurons that fire at concurrent or successive theta phase, respectively, and subsequently produce both pattern completion and sequence prediction from partial cues. This unifies previously disparate auto- and hetero-associative network models of hippocampal function and provides them with a firmer basis in modern neurobiology. Furthermore, the encoding and reactivation of activity in mutually exciting Hebbian cell assemblies demonstrated here is believed to represent a fundamental mechanism of cognitive processing in the brain

    Prediction and memory: A predictive coding account

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    The hippocampus is crucial for episodic memory, but it is also involved in online prediction. Evidence suggests that a unitary hippocampal code underlies both episodic memory and predictive processing, yet within a predictive coding framework the hippocampal-neocortical interactions that accompany these two phenomena are distinct and opposing. Namely, during episodic recall, the hippocampus is thought to exert an excitatory influence on the neocortex, to reinstate activity patterns across cortical circuits. This contrasts with empirical and theoretical work on predictive processing, where descending predictions suppress prediction errors to ‘explain away’ ascending inputs via cortical inhibition. In this hypothesis piece, we attempt to dissolve this previously overlooked dialectic. We consider how the hippocampus may facilitate both prediction and memory, respectively, by inhibiting neocortical prediction errors or increasing their gain. We propose that these distinct processing modes depend upon the neuromodulatory gain (or precision) ascribed to prediction error units. Within this framework, memory recall is cast as arising from fictive prediction errors that furnish training signals to optimise generative models of the world, in the absence of sensory data

    Associative Memory Storage and Retrieval: Involvement of Theta Oscillations in Hippocampal Information Processing

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    Theta oscillations are thought to play a critical role in neuronal information processing, especially in the hippocampal region, where their presence is particularly salient. A detailed description of theta dynamics in this region has revealed not only a consortium of layer-specific theta dipoles, but also within-layer differences in the expression of theta. This complex and articulated arrangement of current flows is reflected in the way neuronal firing is modulated in time. Several models have proposed that these different theta modulators flexibly coordinate hippocampal regions, to support associative memory formation and retrieval. Here, we summarily review different approaches related to this issue and we describe a mechanism, based on experimental and simulation results, for memory retrieval in CA3 involving theta modulation

    Improving Associative Memory in a Network of Spiking Neurons

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    In this thesis we use computational neural network models to examine the dynamics and functionality of the CA3 region of the mammalian hippocampus. The emphasis of the project is to investigate how the dynamic control structures provided by inhibitory circuitry and cellular modification may effect the CA3 region during the recall of previously stored information. The CA3 region is commonly thought to work as a recurrent auto-associative neural network due to the neurophysiological characteristics found, such as, recurrent collaterals, strong and sparse synapses from external inputs and plasticity between coactive cells. Associative memory models have been developed using various configurations of mathematical artificial neural networks which were first developed over 40 years ago. Within these models we can store information via changes in the strength of connections between simplified model neurons (two-state). These memories can be recalled when a cue (noisy or partial) is instantiated upon the net. The type of information they can store is quite limited due to restrictions caused by the simplicity of the hard-limiting nodes which are commonly associated with a binary activation threshold. We build a much more biologically plausible model with complex spiking cell models and with realistic synaptic properties between cells. This model is based upon some of the many details we now know of the neuronal circuitry of the CA3 region. We implemented the model in computer software using Neuron and Matlab and tested it by running simulations of storage and recall in the network. By building this model we gain new insights into how different types of neurons, and the complex circuits they form, actually work. The mammalian brain consists of complex resistive-capacative electrical circuitry which is formed by the interconnection of large numbers of neurons. A principal cell type is the pyramidal cell within the cortex, which is the main information processor in our neural networks. Pyramidal cells are surrounded by diverse populations of interneurons which have proportionally smaller numbers compared to the pyramidal cells and these form connections with pyramidal cells and other inhibitory cells. By building detailed computational models of recurrent neural circuitry we explore how these microcircuits of interneurons control the flow of information through pyramidal cells and regulate the efficacy of the network. We also explore the effect of cellular modification due to neuronal activity and the effect of incorporating spatially dependent connectivity on the network during recall of previously stored information. In particular we implement a spiking neural network proposed by Sommer and Wennekers (2001). We consider methods for improving associative memory recall using methods inspired by the work by Graham and Willshaw (1995) where they apply mathematical transforms to an artificial neural network to improve the recall quality within the network. The networks tested contain either 100 or 1000 pyramidal cells with 10% connectivity applied and a partial cue instantiated, and with a global pseudo-inhibition.We investigate three methods. Firstly, applying localised disynaptic inhibition which will proportionalise the excitatory post synaptic potentials and provide a fast acting reversal potential which should help to reduce the variability in signal propagation between cells and provide further inhibition to help synchronise the network activity. Secondly, implementing a persistent sodium channel to the cell body which will act to non-linearise the activation threshold where after a given membrane potential the amplitude of the excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is boosted to push cells which receive slightly more excitation (most likely high units) over the firing threshold. Finally, implementing spatial characteristics of the dendritic tree will allow a greater probability of a modified synapse existing after 10% random connectivity has been applied throughout the network. We apply spatial characteristics by scaling the conductance weights of excitatory synapses which simulate the loss in potential in synapses found in the outer dendritic regions due to increased resistance. To further increase the biological plausibility of the network we remove the pseudo-inhibition and apply realistic basket cell models with differing configurations for a global inhibitory circuit. The networks are configured with; 1 single basket cell providing feedback inhibition, 10% basket cells providing feedback inhibition where 10 pyramidal cells connect to each basket cell and finally, 100% basket cells providing feedback inhibition. These networks are compared and contrasted for efficacy on recall quality and the effect on the network behaviour. We have found promising results from applying biologically plausible recall strategies and network configurations which suggests the role of inhibition and cellular dynamics are pivotal in learning and memory

    The mechanisms for pattern completion and pattern separation in the hippocampus

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    The mechanisms for pattern completion and pattern separation are described in the context of a theory of hippocampal function in which the hippocampal CA3 system operates as a single attractor or autoassociation network to enable rapid, one-trial, associations between any spatial location (place in rodents, or spatial view in primates) and an object or reward, and to provide for completion of the whole memory during recall from any part. The factors important in the pattern completion in CA3 together with a large number of independent memories stored in CA3 include a sparse distributed representation which is enhanced by the graded firing rates of CA3 neurons, representations that are independent due to the randomizing effect of the mossy fibers, heterosynaptic long-term depression as well as long-term potentiation in the recurrent collateral synapses, and diluted connectivity to minimize the number of multiple synapses between any pair of CA3 neurons which otherwise distort the basins of attraction. Recall of information from CA3 is implemented by the entorhinal cortex perforant path synapses to CA3 cells, which in acting as a pattern associator allow some pattern generalization. Pattern separation is performed in the dentate granule cells using competitive learning to convert grid-like entorhinal cortex firing to place-like fields. Pattern separation in CA3, which is important for completion of any one of the stored patterns from a fragment, is provided for by the randomizing effect of the mossy fiber synapses to which neurogenesis may contribute, by the large number of dentate granule cells each with a sparse representation, and by the sparse independent representations in CA3. Recall to the neocortex is achieved by a reverse hierarchical series of pattern association networks implemented by the hippocampo-cortical backprojections, each one of which performs some pattern generalization, to retrieve a complete pattern of cortical firing in higher-order cortical areas

    Regulation of circuit organization and function through inhibitory synaptic plasticity

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    Diverse inhibitory neurons in the mammalian brain shape circuit connectivity and dynamics through mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. Inhibitory plasticity can establish excitation/inhibition (E/I) balance, control neuronal firing, and affect local calcium concentration, hence regulating neuronal activity at the network, single neuron, and dendritic level. Computational models can synthesize multiple experimental results and provide insight into how inhibitory plasticity controls circuit dynamics and sculpts connectivity by identifying phenomenological learning rules amenable to mathematical analysis. We highlight recent studies on the role of inhibitory plasticity in modulating excitatory plasticity, forming structured networks underlying memory formation and recall, and implementing adaptive phenomena and novelty detection. We conclude with experimental and modeling progress on the role of interneuron-specific plasticity in circuit computation and context-dependent learning