174 research outputs found

    A survey of an introduction to fault diagnosis algorithms

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    This report surveys the field of diagnosis and introduces some of the key algorithms and heuristics currently in use. Fault diagnosis is an important and a rapidly growing discipline. This is important in the design of self-repairable computers because the present diagnosis resolution of its fault-tolerant computer is limited to a functional unit or processor. Better resolution is necessary before failed units can become partially reuseable. The approach that holds the greatest promise is that of resident microdiagnostics; however, that presupposes a microprogrammable architecture for the computer being self-diagnosed. The presentation is tutorial and contains examples. An extensive bibliography of some 220 entries is included

    Modeling the visual pathway for interactive diagnosis of visual fields

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    Visual fields are an important tool for the ophthalmologist in the detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of certain diseases and maladies of the visual pathway. The aim of the present research is to build a computer system which utilizes a learning machine to develop a mathematical model of the visual pathway. It is hoped that this system may be used in the field of ophthalmology as a teaching aid, or may assist in various aspects of diagnosis. Faults corresponding to blind or impaired areas of visual fields are extracted from medical records of a patient\u27s condition. The structure of the model allows both forward and backward simulation of the faults in a manner related to the multidimensional path sensitizing technique utilized in the diagnosis of digital systems. An important feature of the method is close man-machine interaction, accomplished with the aid of a graphic display, which enables the path sensitizing and the learning to be observed as it progresses --Abstract, page ii

    Design error diagnosis and correction via test vector simulation

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    Generating pattern sequences for the pseudo-exhaustive test of MOS-circuits

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    A method based on linear feedback shift registers over finite fields is presented to generate for a natural number n a pattern sequence with minimal length detecting each m-multiple stuck-open faults for M≤n. A hardware architecture is discussed generating this sequence, and for n=1 a built-in self-test (BIST) approach is presented that detects all combinations of multiple combinational and single stuck-open faults. The sequences are of minimum length, and can be produced either by software, by an external chip, or be a BIST-structure. Using the latter, the hardware overhead would be of the same magnitude as a conventional pseudorandom architecture

    Theory and design of reliable spacecraft data systems

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    Theory and techniques applicable to design, analysis, and fault diagnosis of reliable spacecraft data system

    Threshold elements and the design of sequential switching networks

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    Includes bibliographies."AD 657370."[by] A.K. Susskind, D.R. Haring [and] C.L. Liu

    Techniques for the realization of ultra- reliable spaceborne computer Final report

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    Bibliography and new techniques for use of error correction and redundancy to improve reliability of spaceborne computer

    Design-for-delay-testability techniques for high-speed digital circuits

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    The importance of delay faults is enhanced by the ever increasing clock rates and decreasing geometry sizes of nowadays' circuits. This thesis focuses on the development of Design-for-Delay-Testability (DfDT) techniques for high-speed circuits and embedded cores. The rising costs of IC testing and in particular the costs of Automatic Test Equipment are major concerns for the semiconductor industry. To reverse the trend of rising testing costs, DfDT is\ud getting more and more important

    Fault Detection Methodology for Caches in Reliable Modern VLSI Microprocessors based on Instruction Set Architectures

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    Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή εισάγει μία χαμηλού κόστους μεθοδολογία για την ανίχνευση ελαττωμάτων σε μικρές ενσωματωμένες κρυφές μνήμες που βασίζεται σε σύγχρονες Αρχιτεκτονικές Συνόλου Εντολών και εφαρμόζεται με λογισμικό αυτοδοκιμής. Η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία εφαρμόζει αλγορίθμους March μέσω λογισμικού για την ανίχνευση τόσο ελαττωμάτων αποθήκευσης όταν εφαρμόζεται σε κρυφές μνήμες που περιέχουν μόνο στατικές μνήμες τυχαίας προσπέλασης όπως για παράδειγμα κρυφές μνήμες επιπέδου 1, όσο και ελαττωμάτων σύγκρισης όταν εφαρμόζεται σε κρυφές μνήμες που περιέχουν εκτός από SRAM μνήμες και μνήμες διευθυνσιοδοτούμενες μέσω περιεχομένου, όπως για παράδειγμα πλήρως συσχετιστικές κρυφές μνήμες αναζήτησης μετάφρασης. Η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία εφαρμόζεται και στις τρεις οργανώσεις συσχετιστικότητας κρυφής μνήμης και είναι ανεξάρτητη της πολιτικής εγγραφής στο επόμενο επίπεδο της ιεραρχίας. Η μεθοδολογία αξιοποιεί υπάρχοντες ισχυρούς μηχανισμούς των μοντέρνων ISAs χρησιμοποιώντας ειδικές εντολές, που ονομάζονται στην παρούσα διατριβή Εντολές Άμεσης Προσπέλασης Κρυφής Μνήμης (Direct Cache Access Instructions - DCAs). Επιπλέον, η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία εκμεταλλεύεται τους έμφυτους μηχανισμούς καταγραφής απόδοσης και τους μηχανισμούς χειρισμού παγίδων που είναι διαθέσιμοι στους σύγχρονους επεξεργαστές. Επιπρόσθετα, η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία εφαρμόζει την λειτουργία σύγκρισης των αλγορίθμων March όταν αυτή απαιτείται (για μνήμες CAM) και επαληθεύει το αποτέλεσμα του ελέγχου μέσω σύντομης απόκρισης, ώστε να είναι συμβατή με τις απαιτήσεις του ελέγχου εντός λειτουργίας. Τέλος, στη διατριβή προτείνεται μία βελτιστοποίηση της μεθοδολογίας για πολυνηματικές, πολυπύρηνες αρχιτεκτονικές.The present PhD thesis introduces a low cost fault detection methodology for small embedded cache memories that is based on modern Instruction Set Architectures and is applied with Software-Based Self-Test (SBST) routines. The proposed methodology applies March tests through software to detect both storage faults when applied to caches that comprise Static Random Access Memories (SRAM) only, e.g. L1 caches, and comparison faults when applied to caches that apart from SRAM memories comprise Content Addressable Memories (CAM) too, e.g. Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLBs). The proposed methodology can be applied to all three cache associativity organizations: direct mapped, set-associative and full-associative and it does not depend on the cache write policy. The methodology leverages existing powerful mechanisms of modern ISAs by utilizing instructions that we call in this PhD thesis Direct Cache Access (DCA) instructions. Moreover, our methodology exploits the native performance monitoring hardware and the trap handling mechanisms which are available in modern microprocessors. Moreover, the proposed Methodology applies March compare operations when needed (for CAM arrays) and verifies the test result with a compact response to comply with periodic on-line testing needs. Finally, a multithreaded optimization of the proposed methodology that targets multithreaded, multicore architectures is also presented in this thesi