8 research outputs found


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    Medical image retrieval systems have gained high interest in the scientific community due to the advances in medical imaging technologies. The semantic gap is one of the biggest challenges in retrieval from large medical databases. This paper presents a retrieval system that aims at addressing this challenge by learning the main concept of every image in the medical database. The proposed system contains two modules: a classification/annotation and a retrieval module. The first module aims at classifying and subsequently annotating all medical images automatically. SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) and LBP (Local Binary Patterns) are two descriptors used in this process. Image-based and patch-based features are used as approaches to build a bag of words (BoW) using these descriptors. The impact on the classification performance is also evaluated. The results show that the classification accuracy obtained incorporating image-based integration techniques is higher than the accuracy obtained by other techniques. The retrieval module enables the search based on text, visual and multimodal queries. The text-based query supports retrieval of medical images based on categories, as it is carried out via the category that the images were annotated with, within the classification module. The multimodal query applies a late fusion technique on the retrieval results obtained from text-based and image-based queries. This fusion is used to enhance the retrieval performance by incorporating the advantages of both text-based and content-based image retrieval

    Biomedical information extraction for matching patients to clinical trials

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    Digital Medical information had an astonishing growth on the last decades, driven by an unprecedented number of medical writers, which lead to a complete revolution in what and how much information is available to the health professionals. The problem with this wave of information is that performing a precise selection of the information retrieved by medical information repositories is very exhaustive and time consuming for physicians. This is one of the biggest challenges for physicians with the new digital era: how to reduce the time spent finding the perfect matching document for a patient (e.g. intervention articles, clinical trial, prescriptions). Precision Medicine (PM) 2017 is the track by the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC), that is focused on this type of challenges exclusively for oncology. Using a dataset with a large amount of clinical trials, this track is a good real life example on how information retrieval solutions can be used to solve this types of problems. This track can be a very good starting point for applying information extraction and retrieval methods, in a very complex domain. The purpose of this thesis is to improve a system designed by the NovaSearch team for TREC PM 2017 Clinical Trials task, which got ranked on the top-5 systems of 2017. The NovaSearch team also participated on the 2018 track and got a 15% increase on precision compared to the 2017 one. It was used multiple IR techniques for information extraction and processing of data, including rank fusion, query expansion (e.g. Pseudo relevance feedback, Mesh terms expansion) and experiments with Learning to Rank (LETOR) algorithms. Our goal is to retrieve the best possible set of trials for a given patient, using precise documents filters to exclude the unwanted clinical trials. This work can open doors in what can be done for searching and perceiving the criteria to exclude or include the trials, helping physicians even on the more complex and difficult information retrieval tasks

    Data fusion techniques for biomedical informatics and clinical decision support

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    Data fusion can be used to combine multiple data sources or modalities to facilitate enhanced visualization, analysis, detection, estimation, or classification. Data fusion can be applied at the raw-data, feature-based, and decision-based levels. Data fusion applications of different sorts have been built up in areas such as statistics, computer vision and other machine learning aspects. It has been employed in a variety of realistic scenarios such as medical diagnosis, clinical decision support, and structural health monitoring. This dissertation includes investigation and development of methods to perform data fusion for cervical cancer intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and a clinical decision support system. The general framework for these applications includes image processing followed by feature development and classification of the detected region of interest (ROI). Image processing methods such as k-means clustering based on color information, dilation, erosion and centroid locating methods were used for ROI detection. The features extracted include texture, color, nuclei-based and triangle features. Analysis and classification was performed using feature- and decision-level data fusion techniques such as support vector machine, statistical methods such as logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis and voting algorithms --Abstract, page iv

    Visual search for musical performances and endoscopic videos

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    [ANGLÈS] This project explores the potential of LIRE, an en existing Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system, when used to retrieve medical videos. These videos are recording of the live streams used by surgeons during the endoscopic procedures, captured from inside of the subject. The growth of such video content stored in servers requires search engines capable to assist surgeons in their management and retrieval. In our tool, queries are formulated by visual examples and those allow surgeons to re-find shots taken during the procedure. This thesis presents an extension and adaptation of Lire for video retrieval based on visual features and late fusion. The results are assessed from two perspectives: a quantitative and qualitative one. While the quantitative one follows the standard practices and metrics for video retrieval, the qualitative assessment has been based on an empirical social study using a semi-interactive web-interface. In particular, a thinking aloud test was applied to analyze if the user expectations and requirements were fulfilled. Due to the scarcity of surgeons available for the qualitative tests, a second domain was also addressed: videos captured at musical performances. These type of videos has also experienced an exponential growth with the advent of affordable multimedia smart phones, available to a large audience. Analogously to the endoscopic videos, searching in a large data set of such videos is a challenging topic.[CASTELLÀ] Este proyecto investiga el potencial de Lire, un sistema existente de recuperación basado en contenido de imagen (CBIR) utilizado en el dominio médico. Estos vídeos son grabaciones a tiempo real del interior de los pacientes y son utilizados por cirujanos durante las operaciones de endoscopia. La creciente demanda de este conjunto de vídeos que son almacenados en diferentes servidores, requiere nuevos motores de búsqueda capaces de dar soporte al trabajo de los médicos con su gestión y posterior recuperación cuando se necesite. En nuestra herramienta, las consultas son formuladas mediante ejemplos visuales. Esto permite a los cirujanos volver a encontrar los diferentes instantes capturados durante las intervenciones. En esta tesis se presenta una extensión y adaptación de Lire para la recuperación de vídeo basado en las características visuales y métodos de late fusion. Los resultados son evaluados desde dos perspectivas: una cuantitativa y una cualitativa. Mientras que la parte cuantitativa sigue el estándar de las prácticas y métricas empleadas en vídeo retrieval, la evaluación cualitativa ha sido basada en un estudio social empírico mediante una interfaz web semi-interactiva. Particularmente, se ha emprendido el método "thinking aloud test" para analizar si nuestra herramienta cumple con las expectativas y necesidades de los usuarios a la hora de utilizar la aplicación. Debido a la escasez de médicos disponibles para llevar a cabo las pruebas cualitativas, el trabajo se ha dirigido también a un segundo dominio: conjunto de vídeos de acontecimientos musicales. Este tipo de vídeos también ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial con la llegada de los smart phones y se encuentran al alcance de un público muy amplio. Análogamente a los vídeos endoscópicos, hacer una busca en una gran base de datos de este tipo también es un tema difícil y motivo de estudio.[CATALÀ] Aquest projecte investiga el potencial de Lire, un sistema existent de recuperació basat en contingut d'imatge (CBIR) utilitzat en el domini mèdic. Aquests vídeos són enregistraments a temps real de l'interior dels pacients i són utilitzats per cirurgians durant les operacions d'endoscòpia. La creixent demanda d'aquest conjunt de vídeos que són emmagatzemats a diferents servidors, requereix nous motors de cerca capaços de donar suport a la feina dels metges amb la seva gestió i posterior recuperació quan es necessiti. A la nostra eina, les consultes són formulades mitjançant exemples visuals. Això permet als cirurgians tornar a trobar els diferents instants capturats durant la intervenció. En aquesta tesi es presenta una extensió i adaptació del Lire per a la recuperació de vídeo basat en característiques visuals i late fusion. Els resultats són avaluats des de dues perspectives: una quantitativa i una qualitativa. Mentre que la part quantitativa segueix l'estàndard de les pràctiques i mètriques per vídeo retrieval, l'avaluació qualitativa ha estat basada en un estudi social empíric mitjançant una interfície web semiinteractiva. Particularment, s'ha emprès el mètode "thinking aloud test" per analitzar si la nostra eina compleix amb les expectatives i necessitats dels usuaris a l'hora d'utilitzar l'aplicació. A causa de l'escassetat de metges disponibles per dur a terme les proves qualitatives, el treball s'ha adreçat també a un segon domini: conjunt de vídeos d'esdeveniments musicals. Aquest tipus de vídeos també ha experimentat un creixement exponencial amb l'arribada dels smart phones i es troben a l'abast d'un públic molt ampli. Anàlogament als vídeos endoscòpics, fer una cerca en una gran base de dades d'aquest tipus també és un tema difícil i motiu d'estudi

    Multimodal Indexable Encryption for Mobile Cloud-based Applications (Extended Version)

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    In this paper we propose MIE, a Multimodal Indexable Encryption framework that for the first time allows mobile applications to securely outsource the storage and search of their multimodal data (i.e. data containing multiple media formats) to public clouds with privacy guarantees. MIE is designed as a distributed framework architecture, leveraging on shared cloud repositories that can be accessed simultaneously by multiple users. At its core MIE relies on Distance Preserving Encodings (DPE), a novel family of encoding algorithms with cryptographic properties that we also propose. By applying DPE to multimodal data features, MIE enables high-cost clustering and indexing operations to be handled by cloud servers in a privacy-preserving way. Experiments show that MIE achieves better performance and scalability when compared with the state of art, with measurable impact on mobile resources and battery life