282 research outputs found

    Strategies for Searching Video Content with Text Queries or Video Examples

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    The large number of user-generated videos uploaded on to the Internet everyday has led to many commercial video search engines, which mainly rely on text metadata for search. However, metadata is often lacking for user-generated videos, thus these videos are unsearchable by current search engines. Therefore, content-based video retrieval (CBVR) tackles this metadata-scarcity problem by directly analyzing the visual and audio streams of each video. CBVR encompasses multiple research topics, including low-level feature design, feature fusion, semantic detector training and video search/reranking. We present novel strategies in these topics to enhance CBVR in both accuracy and speed under different query inputs, including pure textual queries and query by video examples. Our proposed strategies have been incorporated into our submission for the TRECVID 2014 Multimedia Event Detection evaluation, where our system outperformed other submissions in both text queries and video example queries, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed approaches

    Unsupervised Visual and Textual Information Fusion in Multimedia Retrieval - A Graph-based Point of View

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    Multimedia collections are more than ever growing in size and diversity. Effective multimedia retrieval systems are thus critical to access these datasets from the end-user perspective and in a scalable way. We are interested in repositories of image/text multimedia objects and we study multimodal information fusion techniques in the context of content based multimedia information retrieval. We focus on graph based methods which have proven to provide state-of-the-art performances. We particularly examine two of such methods : cross-media similarities and random walk based scores. From a theoretical viewpoint, we propose a unifying graph based framework which encompasses the two aforementioned approaches. Our proposal allows us to highlight the core features one should consider when using a graph based technique for the combination of visual and textual information. We compare cross-media and random walk based results using three different real-world datasets. From a practical standpoint, our extended empirical analysis allow us to provide insights and guidelines about the use of graph based methods for multimodal information fusion in content based multimedia information retrieval.Comment: An extended version of the paper: Visual and Textual Information Fusion in Multimedia Retrieval using Semantic Filtering and Graph based Methods, by J. Ah-Pine, G. Csurka and S. Clinchant, submitted to ACM Transactions on Information System

    Zero-Shot Event Detection by Multimodal Distributional Semantic Embedding of Videos

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    We propose a new zero-shot Event Detection method by Multi-modal Distributional Semantic embedding of videos. Our model embeds object and action concepts as well as other available modalities from videos into a distributional semantic space. To our knowledge, this is the first Zero-Shot event detection model that is built on top of distributional semantics and extends it in the following directions: (a) semantic embedding of multimodal information in videos (with focus on the visual modalities), (b) automatically determining relevance of concepts/attributes to a free text query, which could be useful for other applications, and (c) retrieving videos by free text event query (e.g., "changing a vehicle tire") based on their content. We embed videos into a distributional semantic space and then measure the similarity between videos and the event query in a free text form. We validated our method on the large TRECVID MED (Multimedia Event Detection) challenge. Using only the event title as a query, our method outperformed the state-of-the-art that uses big descriptions from 12.6% to 13.5% with MAP metric and 0.73 to 0.83 with ROC-AUC metric. It is also an order of magnitude faster.Comment: To appear in AAAI 201

    A reranking approach for context-based concept fusion in video indexing and retrieval

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    A Review on Video Search Engine Ranking

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    Search reranking is considered as a best and basic approach to enhance recovery accuracy. The recordings are recovered utilizing the related literary data, for example, encompassing content from the website page. The execution of such frameworks basically depends on the importance between the content and the recordings. In any case, they may not generally coordinate all around ok, which causes boisterous positioning results. For example, outwardly comparative recordings may have altogether different positions. So reranking has been proposed to tackle the issue. Video reranking, as a compelling approach to enhance the consequences of electronic video look however the issue is not paltry particularly when we are thinking about different elements or modalities for pursuit in video and video recovery. This paper proposes another sort of reranking calculation, the round reranking, that backings the common trade of data over numerous modalities for enhancing seek execution and takes after the rationality of solid performing methodology could gain from weaker ones

    Recuperação multimodal e interativa de informação orientada por diversidade

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    Orientador: Ricardo da Silva TorresTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Os métodos de Recuperação da Informação, especialmente considerando-se dados multimídia, evoluíram para a integração de múltiplas fontes de evidência na análise de relevância de itens em uma tarefa de busca. Neste contexto, para atenuar a distância semântica entre as propriedades de baixo nível extraídas do conteúdo dos objetos digitais e os conceitos semânticos de alto nível (objetos, categorias, etc.) e tornar estes sistemas adaptativos às diferentes necessidades dos usuários, modelos interativos que consideram o usuário mais próximo do processo de recuperação têm sido propostos, permitindo a sua interação com o sistema, principalmente por meio da realimentação de relevância implícita ou explícita. Analogamente, a promoção de diversidade surgiu como uma alternativa para lidar com consultas ambíguas ou incompletas. Adicionalmente, muitos trabalhos têm tratado a ideia de minimização do esforço requerido do usuário em fornecer julgamentos de relevância, à medida que mantém níveis aceitáveis de eficácia. Esta tese aborda, propõe e analisa experimentalmente métodos de recuperação da informação interativos e multimodais orientados por diversidade. Este trabalho aborda de forma abrangente a literatura acerca da recuperação interativa da informação e discute sobre os avanços recentes, os grandes desafios de pesquisa e oportunidades promissoras de trabalho. Nós propusemos e avaliamos dois métodos de aprimoramento do balanço entre relevância e diversidade, os quais integram múltiplas informações de imagens, tais como: propriedades visuais, metadados textuais, informação geográfica e descritores de credibilidade dos usuários. Por sua vez, como integração de técnicas de recuperação interativa e de promoção de diversidade, visando maximizar a cobertura de múltiplas interpretações/aspectos de busca e acelerar a transferência de informação entre o usuário e o sistema, nós propusemos e avaliamos um método multimodal de aprendizado para ranqueamento utilizando realimentação de relevância sobre resultados diversificados. Nossa análise experimental mostra que o uso conjunto de múltiplas fontes de informação teve impacto positivo nos algoritmos de balanceamento entre relevância e diversidade. Estes resultados sugerem que a integração de filtragem e re-ranqueamento multimodais é eficaz para o aumento da relevância dos resultados e também como mecanismo de potencialização dos métodos de diversificação. Além disso, com uma análise experimental minuciosa, nós investigamos várias questões de pesquisa relacionadas à possibilidade de aumento da diversidade dos resultados e a manutenção ou até mesmo melhoria da sua relevância em sessões interativas. Adicionalmente, nós analisamos como o esforço em diversificar afeta os resultados gerais de uma sessão de busca e como diferentes abordagens de diversificação se comportam para diferentes modalidades de dados. Analisando a eficácia geral e também em cada iteração de realimentação de relevância, nós mostramos que introduzir diversidade nos resultados pode prejudicar resultados iniciais, enquanto que aumenta significativamente a eficácia geral em uma sessão de busca, considerando-se não apenas a relevância e diversidade geral, mas também o quão cedo o usuário é exposto ao mesmo montante de itens relevantes e nível de diversidadeAbstract: Information retrieval methods, especially considering multimedia data, have evolved towards the integration of multiple sources of evidence in the analysis of the relevance of items considering a given user search task. In this context, for attenuating the semantic gap between low-level features extracted from the content of the digital objects and high-level semantic concepts (objects, categories, etc.) and making the systems adaptive to different user needs, interactive models have brought the user closer to the retrieval loop allowing user-system interaction mainly through implicit or explicit relevance feedback. Analogously, diversity promotion has emerged as an alternative for tackling ambiguous or underspecified queries. Additionally, several works have addressed the issue of minimizing the required user effort on providing relevance assessments while keeping an acceptable overall effectiveness. This thesis discusses, proposes, and experimentally analyzes multimodal and interactive diversity-oriented information retrieval methods. This work, comprehensively covers the interactive information retrieval literature and also discusses about recent advances, the great research challenges, and promising research opportunities. We have proposed and evaluated two relevance-diversity trade-off enhancement work-flows, which integrate multiple information from images, such as: visual features, textual metadata, geographic information, and user credibility descriptors. In turn, as an integration of interactive retrieval and diversity promotion techniques, for maximizing the coverage of multiple query interpretations/aspects and speeding up the information transfer between the user and the system, we have proposed and evaluated a multimodal learning-to-rank method trained with relevance feedback over diversified results. Our experimental analysis shows that the joint usage of multiple information sources positively impacted the relevance-diversity balancing algorithms. Our results also suggest that the integration of multimodal-relevance-based filtering and reranking was effective on improving result relevance and also boosted diversity promotion methods. Beyond it, with a thorough experimental analysis we have investigated several research questions related to the possibility of improving result diversity and keeping or even improving relevance in interactive search sessions. Moreover, we analyze how much the diversification effort affects overall search session results and how different diversification approaches behave for the different data modalities. By analyzing the overall and per feedback iteration effectiveness, we show that introducing diversity may harm initial results whereas it significantly enhances the overall session effectiveness not only considering the relevance and diversity, but also how early the user is exposed to the same amount of relevant items and diversityDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da ComputaçãoP-4388/2010140977/2012-0CAPESCNP

    A comparison of score, rank and probability-based fusion methods for video shot retrieval

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    It is now accepted that the most effective video shot retrieval is based on indexing and retrieving clips using multiple, parallel modalities such as text-matching, image-matching and feature matching and then combining or fusing these parallel retrieval streams in some way. In this paper we investigate a range of fusion methods for combining based on multiple visual features (colour, edge and texture), for combining based on multiple visual examples in the query and for combining multiple modalities (text and visual). Using three TRECVid collections and the TRECVid search task, we specifically compare fusion methods based on normalised score and rank that use either the average, weighted average or maximum of retrieval results from a discrete Jelinek-Mercer smoothed language model. We also compare these results with a simple probability-based combination of the language model results that assumes all features and visual examples are fully independent

    Unified Embedding and Metric Learning for Zero-Exemplar Event Detection

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    Event detection in unconstrained videos is conceived as a content-based video retrieval with two modalities: textual and visual. Given a text describing a novel event, the goal is to rank related videos accordingly. This task is zero-exemplar, no video examples are given to the novel event. Related works train a bank of concept detectors on external data sources. These detectors predict confidence scores for test videos, which are ranked and retrieved accordingly. In contrast, we learn a joint space in which the visual and textual representations are embedded. The space casts a novel event as a probability of pre-defined events. Also, it learns to measure the distance between an event and its related videos. Our model is trained end-to-end on publicly available EventNet. When applied to TRECVID Multimedia Event Detection dataset, it outperforms the state-of-the-art by a considerable margin.Comment: IEEE CVPR 201

    EDIS: Entity-Driven Image Search over Multimodal Web Content

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    Making image retrieval methods practical for real-world search applications requires significant progress in dataset scales, entity comprehension, and multimodal information fusion. In this work, we introduce \textbf{E}ntity-\textbf{D}riven \textbf{I}mage \textbf{S}earch (EDIS), a challenging dataset for cross-modal image search in the news domain. EDIS consists of 1 million web images from actual search engine results and curated datasets, with each image paired with a textual description. Unlike datasets that assume a small set of single-modality candidates, EDIS reflects real-world web image search scenarios by including a million multimodal image-text pairs as candidates. EDIS encourages the development of retrieval models that simultaneously address cross-modal information fusion and matching. To achieve accurate ranking results, a model must: 1) understand named entities and events from text queries, 2) ground entities onto images or text descriptions, and 3) effectively fuse textual and visual representations. Our experimental results show that EDIS challenges state-of-the-art methods with dense entities and a large-scale candidate set. The ablation study also proves that fusing textual features with visual features is critical in improving retrieval results

    Rescue Tail Queries: Learning to Image Search Re-rank via Click-wise Multimodal Fusion

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    ABSTRACT Image search engines have achieved good performance for head (popular) queries by leveraging text information and user click data. However, there still remain a large number of tail (rare) queries with relatively unsatisfying search results, which are often overlooked in existing research. Image search for these tail queries therefore provides a grand challenge for research communities. Most existing re-ranking approaches, though effective for head queries, cannot be extended to tail. The assumption of these approaches that the re-ranked list should not go far away from the initial ranked list is not applicable to the tail queries. The challenge, thus, relies on how to leverage the possibly unsatisfying initial ranked results and the very limited click data to solve the search intent gap of tail queries. To deal with this challenge, we propose to mine relevant information from the very few click data by leveraging click-wise-based image pairs and query-dependent multimodal fusion. Specifically, we hypothesize that images with more clicks are more relevant to the given query than the ones with no or relatively less clicks and the effects of different visual modalities to re-rank images are query-dependent. We therefore propose a novel query-dependent learning to re-rank approach for tail queries, called "click-wise multimodal fusion." The approach can not only effectively expand training data by learning relevant information from the constructed click-wise-based image pairs, but also fully explore the effects of multiple visual modalities by adaptively predicting the query-dependent fusion weights. The experiments conducted on a real-world dataset with 100 tail queries show that our proposed approach can significantly improve initial search results by 10.88% and 9.12% in terms of NDCG@5 and NDCG@10, respectively, and outperform several existing re-ranking approaches. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3.3 [Information Search and Retrieval]: Retrieval models General Terms Algorithms, Experimentation, Performance Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. . Existing commercial search engines achieve very limited image search performance for tail queries