665 research outputs found

    TelsNet: temporal lesion network embedding in a transformer model to detect cervical cancer through colposcope images

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    Cervical cancer ranks as the fourth most prevalent malignancy among women globally. Timely identification and intervention in cases of cervical cancer hold the potential for achieving complete remission and cure. In this study, we built a deep learning model based on self-attention mechanism using transformer architecture to classify the cervix images to help in diagnosis of cervical cancer. We have used techniques like an enhanced multivariate gaussian mixture model optimized with mexican axolotl algorithm for segmenting the colposcope images prior to the Temporal Lesion Convolution Neural Network (TelsNet) classifying the images. TelsNet is a transformer-based neural network that uses temporal convolutional neural networks to identify cancerous regions in colposcope images. Our experiments show that TelsNet achieved an accuracy of 92.7%, with a sensitivity of 73.4% and a specificity of 82.1%. We compared the performance of our model with various state-of-the-art methods, and our results demonstrate that TelsNet outperformed the other methods. The findings have the potential to significantly simplify the process of detecting and accurately classifying cervical cancers at an early stage, leading to improved rates of remission and better overall outcomes for patients globally

    Artificial Intelligence-Based Methods for Fusion of Electronic Health Records and Imaging Data

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    Healthcare data are inherently multimodal, including electronic health records (EHR), medical images, and multi-omics data. Combining these multimodal data sources contributes to a better understanding of human health and provides optimal personalized healthcare. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, particularly machine learning (ML), enable the fusion of these different data modalities to provide multimodal insights. To this end, in this scoping review, we focus on synthesizing and analyzing the literature that uses AI techniques to fuse multimodal medical data for different clinical applications. More specifically, we focus on studies that only fused EHR with medical imaging data to develop various AI methods for clinical applications. We present a comprehensive analysis of the various fusion strategies, the diseases and clinical outcomes for which multimodal fusion was used, the ML algorithms used to perform multimodal fusion for each clinical application, and the available multimodal medical datasets. We followed the PRISMA-ScR guidelines. We searched Embase, PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar to retrieve relevant studies. We extracted data from 34 studies that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. In our analysis, a typical workflow was observed: feeding raw data, fusing different data modalities by applying conventional machine learning (ML) or deep learning (DL) algorithms, and finally, evaluating the multimodal fusion through clinical outcome predictions. Specifically, early fusion was the most used technique in most applications for multimodal learning (22 out of 34 studies). We found that multimodality fusion models outperformed traditional single-modality models for the same task. Disease diagnosis and prediction were the most common clinical outcomes (reported in 20 and 10 studies, respectively) from a clinical outcome perspective.Comment: Accepted in Nature Scientific Reports. 20 page

    TandemNet: Distilling Knowledge from Medical Images Using Diagnostic Reports as Optional Semantic References

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    In this paper, we introduce the semantic knowledge of medical images from their diagnostic reports to provide an inspirational network training and an interpretable prediction mechanism with our proposed novel multimodal neural network, namely TandemNet. Inside TandemNet, a language model is used to represent report text, which cooperates with the image model in a tandem scheme. We propose a novel dual-attention model that facilitates high-level interactions between visual and semantic information and effectively distills useful features for prediction. In the testing stage, TandemNet can make accurate image prediction with an optional report text input. It also interprets its prediction by producing attention on the image and text informative feature pieces, and further generating diagnostic report paragraphs. Based on a pathological bladder cancer images and their diagnostic reports (BCIDR) dataset, sufficient experiments demonstrate that our method effectively learns and integrates knowledge from multimodalities and obtains significantly improved performance than comparing baselines.Comment: MICCAI2017 Ora

    SwinCross: Cross-modal Swin Transformer for Head-and-Neck Tumor Segmentation in PET/CT Images

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    Radiotherapy (RT) combined with cetuximab is the standard treatment for patients with inoperable head and neck cancers. Segmentation of head and neck (H&N) tumors is a prerequisite for radiotherapy planning but a time-consuming process. In recent years, deep convolutional neural networks have become the de facto standard for automated image segmentation. However, due to the expensive computational cost associated with enlarging the field of view in DCNNs, their ability to model long-range dependency is still limited, and this can result in sub-optimal segmentation performance for objects with background context spanning over long distances. On the other hand, Transformer models have demonstrated excellent capabilities in capturing such long-range information in several semantic segmentation tasks performed on medical images. Inspired by the recent success of Vision Transformers and advances in multi-modal image analysis, we propose a novel segmentation model, debuted, Cross-Modal Swin Transformer (SwinCross), with cross-modal attention (CMA) module to incorporate cross-modal feature extraction at multiple resolutions.To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we performed experiments on the HECKTOR 2021 challenge dataset and compared it with the nnU-Net (the backbone of the top-5 methods in HECKTOR 2021) and other state-of-the-art transformer-based methods such as UNETR, and Swin UNETR. The proposed method is experimentally shown to outperform these comparing methods thanks to the ability of the CMA module to capture better inter-modality complimentary feature representations between PET and CT, for the task of head-and-neck tumor segmentation.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Med Phys. 202