31,663 research outputs found

    Design of Prototype for Online Disaster Multimedia Data Transmission Based on Android

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    The development of information and communication technology application is growing rapidly. It has motivated the use of mobile devices for various social networking mobile services such as android based multimedia disaster information transmission. Disaster multimedia information is important for quick response and recovery phases of the disaster management. In previous work, an online disaster information system based on location (we called it ASIKonLBS) has been proposed. However, it was only providing the coordinate information of the disaster location by using short message service (SMS) gateway and global positioning system (GPS). In this paper, we propose the design of prototype for online disaster multimedia data transmission based on android. Such that, the ASIKonLBSv2 can provide not only the information of the location, but also the situation of the disaster area including news, picture, and video. The research method refers to a spiral model that begins with conceptual design, prototype development and evaluation. The result shows that the designed prototype can be implemented for online disaster multimedia data transmission (news, photo and video) using Android Developer Tools. Furthermore, the prototype can be installed in the android-based smartphone and map the disaster multimedia data onto the web of ASIKonLBS. Therefore, the proposed prototype is useful for the disaster agencies and practitioners in order to give the first aid for the victim in the disaster are

    Design of prototype for online disaster multimedia data transmission based on Android

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    The development of information and communication technology application is growing rapidly. It has motivated the use of mobile devices for various social networking mobile services such as android based multimedia disaster information transmission. Disaster multimedia information is important for quick response and recovery phases of the disaster management. In previous work, an online disaster information system based on location (we called it ASIKonLBS) has been proposed. However, it was only providing the coordinate information of the disaster location by using short message service (SMS) gateway and global positioning system (GPS). In this paper, we propose the design of prototype for online disaster multimedia data transmission based on android. Such that, the ASIKonLBSv2 can provide not only the information of the location, but also the situation of the disaster area including news, picture, and video. The research method refers to a spiral model that begins with conceptual design, prototype development and evaluation. The result shows that the designed prototype can be implemented for online disaster multimedia data transmission (news, photo and video) using Android Developer Tools. Furthermore, the prototype can be installed in the android-based smartphone and map the disaster multimedia data onto the web of ASIKonLBS. Therefore, the proposed prototype is useful for the disaster agencies and practitioners in order to give the first aid for the victim in the disaster are


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    This study aims to determine the management of disaster information system Jogja Tanggap Cepat (JTC) in information management Merapi eruption. Jogja Tanggap Cepat (JTC) is a civil society movement who participated concerned about the events of Mount Merapi eruption in 2010 ago. This study used a qualitative approach to assess the disaster information management system Jogja Tanggap Cepat (JTC), the informants in this study is the leader of the institution, the multimedia division, and volunteer coordinator Jogja Tanggap Cepat (JTC). Data collected by in-depth interviews. The collected data were then analyzed using descriptive analytic model. The results showed that information and communication technologies Jogja Tanggap Cepat (JTC) has the potential to play an important role in disaster prevention and mitigation management. Remote sensing for early warning was made possible by various technologies that are available, including satellite telecommunications, telemetry and radar meteorology. Communications and information technology is used as a channel for disseminating information about the impending disaster. Making it possible to take the necessary precautions to reduce the impact of disasters. In line with this, after the eruption of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Rapid Response in cooperation with local governments, Yogyakarta special region and is supported by XL Axiata build a program "Java Semesta" a program based on ICT and use of information and communication technology

    A multimedia data visualization based on Ad Hoc communication networks and its application to disaster management

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    After massive earthquakes and other large-scale disasters, existing communication infrastructure may become unavailable and, therefore, it can be quite difficult for relief organizations to fully grasp the impact of the disaster on the affected region. Consequently, this will be the cause of delays to offer the strategic assistance, and to provide water and food, etc. In order to solve the problem of re-establishing communication infrastructure to allow for information gathering, we developed an ad hoc mobile communications network for disaster-struck areas using ZigBee. As the communication speed of ZigBee is low, we propose a problem-specific image compression method for the multimedia data visualization. By using the proposed method combined with GPS information, it is possible to quickly grasp the damage situation in the region. Through our communication experiments in Tsukuba City, Japan we confirm the effectiveness of our system as a disaster information gathering and management system

    Disaster Tales as Communication Tool for Increasing Risk Resilience

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    Agencies in charge of flood management use disaster reports (DRs) as the preferred source of information on past flooding events. A systematic survey of DRs prepared by Italian agencies suggests that DRs could be widely enhanced in view of targeting more effective communication to citizens, reinforcing the communication pillar in civil protection planning and management, and improving the resilience of the population to extreme events. Without loss of the rigor and details required for all the usual technical uses of DRs, we suggest recompiling them in the form of “disaster tales” (DTs), as tools that offer wider knowledge of the events to improve people’s preparedness and self-protection behavior. Recent major flooding events have demonstrated the communication potential that videos and pictures taken by citizens have for risk perception and disaster preparedness. By watching and listening to what has happened the communication recipient can better understand the feelings of the people experiencing an emergency. The structure of the improved reports, we suggest, will finally integrate data, graphs, and maps with interactive tools and be able to present handier multimedia views of the events. Application to three case studies of flooding in Italy illustrates how to concretely implement the suggested disaster reports to create more readily accessible disaster tales

    Disaster Monitoring with Wikipedia and Online Social Networking Sites: Structured Data and Linked Data Fragments to the Rescue?

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    In this paper, we present the first results of our ongoing early-stage research on a realtime disaster detection and monitoring tool. Based on Wikipedia, it is language-agnostic and leverages user-generated multimedia content shared on online social networking sites to help disaster responders prioritize their efforts. We make the tool and its source code publicly available as we make progress on it. Furthermore, we strive to publish detected disasters and accompanying multimedia content following the Linked Data principles to facilitate its wide consumption, redistribution, and evaluation of its usefulness.Comment: Accepted for publication at the AAAI Spring Symposium 2015: Structured Data for Humanitarian Technologies: Perfect fit or Overkill? #SD4HumTech1

    Quality of Service Evaluation and Assessment Methods in Wireless Networks

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    Wireless networks are capable of facilitating a reliable multimedia communication. The ease they can be deployed is ideal for disaster management. The Quality of Service (QoS) for these networks is critical to their effectiveness. Evaluation of QoS in wireless networks provides information that supports their management. QoS evaluation can be performed in multiple ways and indicates how well applications are delivered. In this work, fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM) and Kohonen unsupervised neural networks were compared for their abilities to differentiate between Good, Average and Poor QoS for voice over IP (VoIP) traffic. Fuzzy inference system (FIS), linear regression and multilayer perceptron (MLP) were evaluated to quantify QoS for VoIP. FCM and Kohonen successfully classified VoIP traffic into three types representing Low, Medium, and High QoS. FIS, regression model and MLP combined the QoS parameters (i.e. delay, jitter, and percentage packet loss ratio) with information from the generated clusters and indicated the overall QoS

    Wearable proximity sensors for monitoring a mass casualty incident exercise: a feasibility study

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    Over the past several decades, naturally occurring and man-made mass casualty incidents (MCI) have increased in frequency and number, worldwide. To test the impact of such event on medical resources, simulations can provide a safe, controlled setting while replicating the chaotic environment typical of an actual disaster. A standardised method to collect and analyse data from mass casualty exercises is needed, in order to assess preparedness and performance of the healthcare staff involved. We report on the use of wearable proximity sensors to measure proximity events during a MCI simulation. We investigated the interactions between medical staff and patients, to evaluate the time dedicated by the medical staff with respect to the severity of the injury of the victims depending on the roles. We estimated the presence of the patients in the different spaces of the field hospital, in order to study the patients' flow. Data were obtained and collected through the deployment of wearable proximity sensors during a mass casualty incident functional exercise. The scenario included two areas: the accident site and the Advanced Medical Post (AMP), and the exercise lasted 3 hours. A total of 238 participants simulating medical staff and victims were involved. Each participant wore a proximity sensor and 30 fixed devices were placed in the field hospital. The contact networks show a heterogeneous distribution of the cumulative time spent in proximity by participants. We obtained contact matrices based on cumulative time spent in proximity between victims and the rescuers. Our results showed that the time spent in proximity by the healthcare teams with the victims is related to the severity of the patient's injury. The analysis of patients' flow showed that the presence of patients in the rooms of the hospital is consistent with triage code and diagnosis, and no obvious bottlenecks were found

    UAV-Empowered Disaster-Resilient Edge Architecture for Delay-Sensitive Communication

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    The fifth-generation (5G) communication systems will enable enhanced mobile broadband, ultra-reliable low latency, and massive connectivity services. The broadband and low-latency services are indispensable to public safety (PS) communication during natural or man-made disasters. Recently, the third generation partnership project long term evolution (3GPPLTE) has emerged as a promising candidate to enable broadband PS communications. In this article, first we present six major PS-LTE enabling services and the current status of PS-LTE in 3GPP releases. Then, we discuss the spectrum bands allocated for PS-LTE in major countries by international telecommunication union (ITU). Finally, we propose a disaster resilient three-layered architecture for PS-LTE (DR-PSLTE). This architecture consists of a software-defined network (SDN) layer to provide centralized control, an unmanned air vehicle (UAV) cloudlet layer to facilitate edge computing or to enable emergency communication link, and a radio access layer. The proposed architecture is flexible and combines the benefits of SDNs and edge computing to efficiently meet the delay requirements of various PS-LTE services. Numerical results verified that under the proposed DR-PSLTE architecture, delay is reduced by 20% as compared with the conventional centralized computing architecture.Comment: 9,
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