15 research outputs found

    Toward a general ontology for digital forensic disciplines

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    Ontologies are widely used in different disciplines as a technique for representing and reasoning about domain knowledge. However, despite the widespread ontology-related research activities and applications in different disciplines, the development of ontologies and ontology research activities are still wanting in digital forensic disciplines. This paper therefore presents the case for establishing an ontology for digital forensic disciplines. Such an ontology would enable better categorisation of digital forensic disciplines, as well as help with the development of methodologies that can offer direction in different areas of digital forensics, such as professional specialisation, certifications, development digital forensic tools, curricula and educational materials. In addition, the ontology presented in this paper can be used, for example, to better organise digital forensics domain knowledge and explicitly describe the discipline's semantics in a common way. Finally, this paper is meant to spark discussions and further research on an internationally agreed ontological distinction of the digital forensic disciplines. Digital forensic disciplines ontology is a novel approach towards organising the digital forensics domain knowledge and constitutes the main contribution of this paper.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1556-4029hb201

    Anti- Forensics: The Tampering of Media

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    In the context of forensic investigations, the traditional understanding of evidence is changing where nowadays most prosecutors, lawyers and judges heavily rely on multimedia signs. This modern shift has allowed the law enforcement to better reconstruct the crime scenes or reveal the truth of any critical event.In this paper we shed the light on the role of video, audio and photos as forensic evidences presenting the possibility of their tampering by various easy-to-use, available anti-forensics softwares. We proved that along with the forensic analysis, digital processing, enhancement and authentication via forgery detection algorithms to testify the integrity of the content and the respective source of each, differentiating between an original and altered evidence is now feasible. These operations assist the court to attain higher degree of intelligibility of the multimedia data handled and assert the information retrieved from each that support the success of the investigation process

    Implementasi metode forensik suara pria menggunakan teknik voice recognize untuk analisis kemiripan suara pada media alat rekam telepon selular

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    Pada kasus-kasus tertentu, rekaman suara pembicaraan merupakan barang bukti digital yang memiliki peranan sangat penting untuk memberikan fakta-fakta yang diperlukan dalam proses penyidangan dan juga menunjukkan keterlibatan seseorang dengan kasus yang sedang di investigasi. Tahun 2009 Mabes Polri melaporkan sebanyak 278.537 orang pelaku tindak pidana, sebanyak 270.844 orang (97,2%) adalah laki-laki dan 7.683 orang lainnya (2,8%) adalah perempuan. Diperkirakan periode 2009-2014 sebanyak >85% pelaku tindak kriminalitas masih di dominasi oleh laki-laki. Bukti rekaman suara dapat menunjukkan identitas dari orang yang suaranya terekam pada barang bukti tersebut dengan cara melakukan pemeriksaan forensika audio untuk voice recognition dengan metode komparasi, yaitu membandingkan suara barang bukti dengan suara yang direkam sebagai pembanding. Teori voice recognition tersebut menganalisis statistik pitch, formant, bandwith dan spectogram. Jika hasil voice recognition menunjukkan bahwa suara percakapan yang ada di dalam barang bukti sama identik dengan suara pelaku, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa suara percakapan yang ada di dalam rekaman barang bukti adalah suara milik pelaku sehingga alat rekam suara tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai bukti yang kuat di pengadilan. Hasil dari penerapan teknik forensika digital dalam penelitian eksperimen menggunakan bantuan aplikasi Praat adalah untuk menentukan kemiripan suara subjek dengan barang bukti berdasarkan hasil Pitch, Formant dan Spectogram. ================================================================================================================ In the specific cases, the recording of conversations is a digital evidence which has a very important role to provide the necessary facts in the trial process and also indicate the involvement of a person within a case that is being investigated. In 2009 as many as 278 537 the perpetrators of criminal acts which reported by Police Headquarters, which there are 270 844 people (97.2%) were male and 7683 others (2.8%) were women. It is estimated that 2009-2014 period, >85% the perpetrators of crime would still dominated by men. Evidence of the sound recording can show the identity of the person whose voice is recorded on the evidence by carrying out of checks audio forensics for voice recognition by comparative method, which compares the sound of the evidence (unknown samples) with a recorded sound as a comparison (known samples). The voice recognition theory statistical analyzes pitch, formant, bandwidth and spectogram. If the voice recognition results indicate that the voice conversation in evidence similar with voice actors, it can be concluded that the voice conversation in the recording of evidence is the voice of the perpetrator so that the voice recorder can be used as strong evidence in court , The result of applying the application of digital forensics techniques in research experiments which use Praat application assistance is for determine which actors has the resemblance voice with the evidence based on the result of Pitch, Formant, and Spectogram

    Review of human decision-making during computer security incident analysis

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    We review practical advice on decision-making during computer security incident response. Scope includes standards from the IETF, ISO, FIRST, and the US intelligence community. To focus on human decision-making, the scope is the evidence collection, analysis, and reporting phases of response. The results indicate both strengths and gaps. A strength is available advice on how to accomplish many specific tasks. However, there is little guidance on how to prioritize tasks in limited time or how to interpret, generalize, and convincingly report results. Future work should focus on these gaps in explication and specification of decision-making during incident analysis

    Perbandingan Media Rekam Suara Portable Dengan Berbagai Macam Sumber Suara Sebagai Barang Bukti Dalam Forensika Digital

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    Kemajuan teknologi membawa dampak negatif pada masyarakat berupa tindak kejahatan, kasus kriminal, tindakan korupsi dan berbagai hal lainnya. Untuk dapat menyelesaikan masalah masalah diatas perlu adanya barang bukti yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan. Dengan majunya perkembangan jaman, digunakan barang bukti berbentuk digital baik file gambar, video, dan suara. Untuk saat ini barang bukti yang paling banyak digunakan adalah barang bukti suara. Seperti pada kasus Freeport, dimana terjadi negoisasi kontrak Freeport yang menggunakan barang bukti suara dari telepon genggam yang hasilnya dapat dipertangungjawabkan di pengadilan. Pada forensika digital suara, digunakan beberapa indikator yang dapat dianalisis untuk menentukan tingkat kemiripan antar suara yang menjadi barang bukti dengan suara subjek tersangka. Salah satu indikator tersebut adalah formant suara yaitu indikator yang menunjukkan artikulasi dan aksen pengucapan dari suara yang terekam. Penelitian kali ini bersifat eksperimen dengan mengunnakan media perekam portable. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis formant dengan menggunakan beberapa aplikasi pendukung untuk mengolah data audio menjadi numeric dengan aplikasi PRAAT, kemudian dihitung secara statistic menggunakan Gnumeric dengan pendekatan ANOVA one single factor guna menemukan kemiripan dari barang bukti suara dengan sample yang telah diambil. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memberikan wacana kepada pihak yang berkepentingan seperti pihak berwajib serta akademisi yang hendak mengembangkan penelitian lebih lanjut lagi. Luaran yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah perbandingan tingkat ke akuratan dan keserasian antara suara known sample dan unknown sample dari media rekam yang digunakan dalam melakukan penelitan ini. ================================================================= Technological advances bring negative impacts on society in the form of crime, criminal case, corruption and other things. To be able to solve the problem above the need for evidence that can be justified. With the advancement of the times, the use of digital shaped evidence of both image files, video, and sound. For now the most widely used evidence is sound evidence. As in the case of Freeport, where a negotiation of a Freeport contract involving evidence of a voice from a mobile phone which results may be held in court. In di gital voice forensics, several indicators can be analyzed to determine the level of similarity between the sounds of the evidence with the subject sound of the suspect. One such indicator is the formant voice indicator that shows the articulation and accent pronunciation of the recorded sound. This experiment is experimental with using portable recording media. The method used is formant analysis by using some supporting application to process the audio data into numeric with PRAAT application, then calcula ted statistically using Gnumeric with ANOVA single factor approach to find similarity of sound proof with sample which have been taken. The purpose of this study to provide discourse to interested parties such as the authorities and academics who want to develop further research. The expected output from this study is the comparison of the level to the accuracy and harmony between the known known sound and unknown samples of the recording media used in this research

    Image and Video Forensics

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    Nowadays, images and videos have become the main modalities of information being exchanged in everyday life, and their pervasiveness has led the image forensics community to question their reliability, integrity, confidentiality, and security. Multimedia contents are generated in many different ways through the use of consumer electronics and high-quality digital imaging devices, such as smartphones, digital cameras, tablets, and wearable and IoT devices. The ever-increasing convenience of image acquisition has facilitated instant distribution and sharing of digital images on digital social platforms, determining a great amount of exchange data. Moreover, the pervasiveness of powerful image editing tools has allowed the manipulation of digital images for malicious or criminal ends, up to the creation of synthesized images and videos with the use of deep learning techniques. In response to these threats, the multimedia forensics community has produced major research efforts regarding the identification of the source and the detection of manipulation. In all cases (e.g., forensic investigations, fake news debunking, information warfare, and cyberattacks) where images and videos serve as critical evidence, forensic technologies that help to determine the origin, authenticity, and integrity of multimedia content can become essential tools. This book aims to collect a diverse and complementary set of articles that demonstrate new developments and applications in image and video forensics to tackle new and serious challenges to ensure media authenticity