6 research outputs found

    A Simple Deep Learning Architecture for City-scale Vehicle Re-identification

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    The task of vehicle re-identification aims to identify a vehicle across different cameras with non overlapping fields of view and it is a challenging research problem due to viewpoint orientation, scene occlusions and intrinsic inter-class similarity of the data. In this paper, we propose a simplistic approach for one-shot vehicle re-identification based on a siamese/triple convolutional architecture for feature representation. Our method involves learning a feature space in which the vehicles of the same identities are projected closer to one another compared to those with different identities. Moreover, we provide an extensive evaluation of loss functions, including a novel combination of triplet loss with classification loss, and other network parameters applied to our vehicle re-identification system. Compared to most existing state-of-the-art approaches, our approach is simpler and more straightforward for training, utilizing only identity-level annotations. The proposed method is evaluated on the large-scale CityFlow-ReID dataset

    Deep Learning-Based SOLO Architecture for Re-Identification of Single Persons by Locations

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    Analyzing and judging of captured and retrieved images of the targets from the surveillance video cameras for person re-identification have been a herculean task for computer vision that is worth further research. Hence, re-identification of single persons by locations based on single objects by locations (SOLO) model is proposed in this paper. To achieve the re-identification goal, we based the training of the re-identification model on synchronized stochastic gradient descent (SGD). SOLO is capable of exploiting the contextual cues and segmenting individual persons by their motions. The proposed approach consists of the following steps: (1) reformulating the person instance segmentation as: (a) prediction of category and (b) mask generation tasks for each person instance, (2) dividing the input person image into a uniform grids, i.e., G×G grid cells in such a way that a grid cell can predict the category of the semantic and masks of the person instances provided the center of the person falls into the grid cell and (3) conducting person segmentation. Discriminating features of individual persons are obtained by extraction using convolution neural networks. On person re-identification Market-1501 dataset, SOLO model achieved mAP of 84.1% and 93.8% rank-1 identification rate, higher than what is achieved by other comparative algorithms such as PL-Net, SegHAN, Siamese, GoogLeNet, and M3L (IBN-Net50). On person re-identification CUHK03 dataset, SOLO model achieved mAP of 82.1 % and 90.1% rank-1 identification rate, higher than what is achieved by other comparative algorithms such as PL-Net, SegHAN, Siamese, GoogLeNet, and M3L (IBN-Net50). These results show that SOLO model achieves best results for person re-identification, indicating high effectiveness of the model. The research contributions are: (1) Application of synchronized stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to SOLO training for person re-identification and (2) Single objects by locations using semantic category branch and instance mask branch instead of detect-then-segment method, thereby converting person instance segmentation into a solvable problem of single-shot classification

    Review of Current Methods for Re-Identification in Computer Vision.

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    The problem of reidentification of a person in multiple cameras is a hot topic in computer vision research. The issue is with the consistent identification of a person in multiple cameras from different viewpoints and environmental conditions.  Many computer vision researchers have been looking into methods that can improve the reidentification of people for many real-world purposes.  There are new methods each year that expand and explore new concepts and improve the accuracy of reidentification.  This paper will look at current developments and the past tends to find what has been done and what is being done to solve this problem.  This paper will start off by introducing the topic as well as covering the basic concepts of the reidentification problem.  Next, it will cover common datasets that are used in today's research.  Then it will look at evaluation techniques.  Then this paper will start to describe simple techniques that are used followed by the current deep learning techniques.  This paper will cover how these techniques are used, what are some of their weaknesses and their strengths.  It will conclude with an overview of some of the best models and show which models have the most promise and which models should be avoided

    Stacked U-NetによるCT再構成

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