303 research outputs found

    Adaptive Scattered Data Fitting with Tensor Product Spline-Wavelets

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    The core of the work we present here is an algorithm that constructs a least squares approximation to a given set of unorganized points. The approximation is expressed as a linear combination of particular B-spline wavelets. It implies a multiresolution setting which constructs a hierarchy of approximations to the data with increasing level of detail, proceeding from coarsest to finest scales. It allows for an efficient selection of the degrees of freedom of the problem and avoids the introduction of an artificial uniform grid. In fact, an analysis of the data can be done at each of the scales of the hierarchy, which can be used to select adaptively a set of wavelets that can represent economically the characteristics of the cloud of points in the next level of detail. The data adaption of our method is twofold, as it takes into account both horizontal distribution and vertical irregularities of data. This strategy can lead to a striking reduction of the problem complexity. Furthermore, among the possible ways to achieve a multiscale formulation, the wavelet approach shows additional advantages, based on good conditioning properties and level-wise orthogonality. We exploit these features to enhance the efficiency of iterative solution methods for the system of normal equations of the problem. The combination of multiresolution adaptivity with the numerical properties of the wavelet basis gives rise to an algorithm well suited to cope with problems requiring fast solution methods. We illustrate this by means of numerical experiments that compare the performance of the method on various data sets working with different multi-resolution bases. Afterwards, we use the equivalence relation between wavelets and Besov spaces to formulate the problem of data fitting with regularization. We find that the multiscale formulation allows for a flexible and efficient treatment of some aspects of this problem. Moreover, we study the problem known as robust fitting, in which the data is assumed to be corrupted by wrong measurements or outliers. We compare classical methods based on re-weighting of residuals to our setting in which the wavelet representation of the data computed by our algorithm is used to locate the outliers. As a final application that couples two of the main applications of wavelets (data analysis and operator equations), we propose the use of this least squares data fitting method to evaluate the non-linear term in the wavelet-Galerkin formulation of non-linear PDE problems. At the end of this thesis we discuss efficient implementation issues, with a special interest in the interplay between solution methods and data structures


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    For many applications, nonuniformly distributed functional data is given which lead to large–scale scattered data problems. We wish to represent the data in terms of a sparse representation with a minimal amount of degrees of freedom. For this, an adaptive scheme which operates in a coarse-to-fine fashion using a multiscale basis is proposed. Specifically, we investigate hierarchical bases using B-splines and spline-(pre)wavelets. At each stage a leastsquares approximation of the data is computed. We take into account different requests arising in large-scale scattered data fitting: we discuss the fast iterative solution of the least square systems, regularization of the data, and the treatment of outliers. A particular application concerns the approximate continuation of harmonic functions, an issue arising in geodesy

    A Discrete Adapted Hierarchical Basis Solver For Radial Basis Function Interpolation

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    In this paper we develop a discrete Hierarchical Basis (HB) to efficiently solve the Radial Basis Function (RBF) interpolation problem with variable polynomial order. The HB forms an orthogonal set and is adapted to the kernel seed function and the placement of the interpolation nodes. Moreover, this basis is orthogonal to a set of polynomials up to a given order defined on the interpolating nodes. We are thus able to decouple the RBF interpolation problem for any order of the polynomial interpolation and solve it in two steps: (1) The polynomial orthogonal RBF interpolation problem is efficiently solved in the transformed HB basis with a GMRES iteration and a diagonal, or block SSOR preconditioner. (2) The residual is then projected onto an orthonormal polynomial basis. We apply our approach on several test cases to study its effectiveness, including an application to the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator regression problem

    Information Extraction and Modeling from Remote Sensing Images: Application to the Enhancement of Digital Elevation Models

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    To deal with high complexity data such as remote sensing images presenting metric resolution over large areas, an innovative, fast and robust image processing system is presented. The modeling of increasing level of information is used to extract, represent and link image features to semantic content. The potential of the proposed techniques is demonstrated with an application to enhance and regularize digital elevation models based on information collected from RS images

    Recognition of Planar Segments in Point Cloud Based on Wavelet Transform

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    Within industrial automation systems, three-dimensional (3-D) vision provides very useful feedback information in autonomous operation of various manufacturing equipment (e.g., industrial robots, material handling devices, assembly systems, and machine tools). The hardware performance in contemporary 3-D scanning devices is suitable for online utilization. However, the bottleneck is the lack of real-time algorithms for recognition of geometric primitives (e.g., planes and natural quadrics) from a scanned point cloud. One of the most important and the most frequent geometric primitive in various engineering tasks is plane. In this paper, we propose a new fast one-pass algorithm for recognition (segmentation and fitting) of planar segments from a point cloud. To effectively segment planar regions, we exploit the orthonormality of certain wavelets to polynomial function, as well as their sensitivity to abrupt changes. After segmentation of planar regions, we estimate the parameters of corresponding planes using standard fitting procedures. For point cloud structuring, a z-buffer algorithm with mesh triangles representation in barycentric coordinates is employed. The proposed recognition method is tested and experimentally validated in several real-world case studies

    Discretization schemes and numerical approximations of PDE impainting models and a comparative evaluation on novel real world MRI reconstruction applications

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    While various PDE models are in discussion since the last ten years and are widely applied nowadays in image processing and computer vision tasks, including restoration, filtering, segmentation and object tracking, the perspective adopted in the majority of the relevant reports is the view of applied mathematician, attempting to prove the existence theorems and devise exact numerical methods for solving them. Unfortunately, such solutions are exact for the continuous PDEs but due to the discrete approximations involved in image processing, the results yielded might be quite unsatisfactory. The major contribution of This work is, therefore, to present, from an engineering perspective, the application of PDE models in image processing analysis, from the algorithmic point of view, the discretization and numerical approximation schemes used for solving them. It is of course impossible to tackle all PDE models applied in image processing in this report from the computational point of view. It is, therefore, focused on image impainting PDE models, that is on PDEs, including anisotropic diffusion PDEs, higher order non-linear PDEs, variational PDEs and other constrained/regularized and unconstrained models, applied to image interpolation/ reconstruction. Apart from this novel computational critical overview and presentation of the PDE image impainting models numerical analysis, the second major contribution of This work is to evaluate, especially the anisotropic diffusion PDEs, in novel real world image impainting applications related to MRI
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