17 research outputs found

    Accessible Learning Sources: A Need Analysis on Maritime English Learning Apps

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    Maritime English is defined as the English language used by seafarers both at sea and in port and by individuals working in the shipping and shipbuilding industry. The teachers are required to make the students skillful and ready to work in maritime sectors once they graduate. The existing and relevant maritime English learning materials following STCW 2010 curriculum in Indonesia are still rare and limited. This study aims to conduct a need analysis of android and web-based Maritime English apps based on the students\u27 perspectives. This study uses questionnaires shared and completed randomly by 318 students from different majors and at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran (Maritime Higher Education Institute) Jakarta. The data is gathered and analyzed accordingly to create the essential concept of the MarEng apps design. The questionnaire result indicates that most of the participants need an ME learning platform in order for them to have better access to and to practice the required knowledge and skills. Explicit bilingual instructions and features like video, audio, and text are also preferred to be incorporated. It is suggested to start from the elementary level and cover the four skills, especially listening, speaking, and pronunciation. It is so suggested that the platform can be constructed in easy and fun UI/UX covering the required content

    Substitutive First-party Content as a Strategic Decision for Platform Growth – Evidence from a B2B Platform

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    This paper examines the effect of substitutive first-party content (SFPC) as a strategic variable by a business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce platform. Constructing a unique time-series dataset, we find that SFPC’s impact differs in the early stage of the platform and in the later stage when it has a larger user base and has transformed itself into a service provider. In the early stage, increasing SFPC can attract more buyers to trade but may crowd out sellers, leading to an insignificant impact on total trading volume. In the second stage, however, SFPC no longer hurts seller participation and increases total trading volume. We also find that SFPC could attract new users consistently across the two stages. Our findings suggest a strategic role of SFPC to mitigate the “chicken‐and‐egg problem ” in the early stage of a two-sided B2B platform and to continuously grow platform size when it becomes more established

    Developing an Industrial IoT Platform – Trade-off between Horizontal and Vertical Approaches

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    Demands for a digitalized, connected, and smart production provide a fertile ground for industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) platforms to arise within the manufacturing industry (e.g., Siemens Mind Sphere, AXOOM Smart Enterprise, FORCAM FORCE). Nevertheless, many companies struggle to successfully kick-off platform ecosystems. Information Systems (IS) literature is of limited help, because insights on managing platform ecosystems are mostly derived from successful examples in the business-to-consumer (B2C) context. To better understand the challenging situation of companies in the emerging IIoT environment, we conducted an in-depth case study at a prospective platform provider. Insights gained through interviews and engagement in the field uncovered a tension between a horizontal platform strategy and vertical integrated solutions as a central challenge for companies aiming to launch an IIoT-platform in the market. By conceptualizing this trade-off, its causes along with related benefits and challenges, we add to existing literature on platform governance and launch strategies

    Designing Digital Platforms: A Synthetization of Relevant Design Topics for Business Models from a Literature Review

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    Digital platforms (DPs) represent a challenging research object. In this context, scientific literature has produced a large number of publications studying DPs. Given the importance of designing DPs in both academia and practice, the purpose of this study is to synthesize the current research findings on DPs and provide a framework with possible design topics under consideration from a business model perspective. A systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted to identify and synthesize the relevant findings. We analyzed 22 publications published before May 2021. The analysis shows that, in terms of "Value Propositions", most design topics were identified. In contrast, only one design topic was identified for "Customer Relationships", "Customer Segments", and "Cost Structure". In sum, our results present a framework with design topics for DPs and support the alignment of further research. Practitioners receive an overview of design topics for DPs that encourage today`s digital transformation projects

    Governance of nonprofit platforms-Onboarding mechanisms for a refugee information platform

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    The number of refugees arriving in Europe has increased dramatically in 2015. While governments, initiatives, and volunteers have invested substantial effort into supporting refugees, an information deficit impedes the efficacy of this collaboration. Information platforms are used to tackle this information deficit. However, the onboarding process of information providers is a critical challenge for the platforms?overall success. On the basis of observations, interviews with information providers and user experience tests, we drafted a case study describing the governance strategies applied to establish a sustainable onboarding of information providers on a nonprofit information platform for refugees. Contributing to recent literature on platform governance, our results show that governance mechanisms are implemented differently for nonprofit platform ecosystems than for commercial platform ecosystems. Building on our results, we provide practical implications by deriving a platform governance strategy that supports a sustainable onboarding of information providers

    Migration Towards Listening To Radio on Digital Platforms

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    Dominantan oblik distribucije radijskog programa u Republici Hrvatskoj i dalje je zemaljska‎ distribucija analognog signala. Međutim, digitalno doba nudi alternativu, poput internetske distribucije ‎i digitalnog radija (DAB+). Prva faza konvergencije hrvatske radiodifuzije dovrĆĄena je već samom‎ uspostavom radijskih mreĆŸnih stranica koje zahvaljujući streamingu mogu distribuirati sadrĆŸaj svagdje ‎gdje postoji pokrivenost internetom. Prva koncesija za komercijalni DAB+ radio u Republici Hrvatskoj‎ dodijeljena je u veljači 2022., a emitiranje je počelo u kolovozu iste godine. Ključan preduvjet dohvata‎ sadrĆŸaja tako distribuiranih radijskih programa jesu digitalni uređaji, poput računala i pametnih telefona,‎ te kućni i automobilski digitalni prijamnici. Rad donosi nalaze istraĆŸivanja o migraciji radijskih‎ sluĆĄatelja s tradicionalnih uređaja (analognih prijamnika) prema sluĆĄanju na digitalnim platformama‎ u Republici Hrvatskoj. Naime, iako nema najava o eventualnom isključenju analogne mreĆŸe, moĆŸe se‎ očekivati da će digitalne opcije za dohvat radijskih programa biti sve viĆĄe koriĆĄtene. Prema rezultatima ‎istraĆŸivanja, prvog takve vrste u nas, migracija je zasad mala (oko 13 %) i spora, ali kontinuirana. Konvergencija‎ radijskog medija odvija se i onda kada za nju ne postoje strateĆĄki određeni preduvjeti jer sazrijevanje ‎generacija koje su odrastale u „oba svijeta” sustavno smanjuje nekadaĆĄnji „generacijski jaz” u digitalnim‎ znanjima i kompetencijama, ĆĄto olakĆĄava tranziciju od analognih prema digitalnim uređajima za‎ sluĆĄanje radijskih programa.‎The dominant form of radio programme distribution in the Republic of Croatia is still based‎ on terrestrial analogue signal distribution. However, the digital age provides alternatives such as Internet ‎distribution and digital radio (DAB+). The first phase of the convergence of Croatian radio broadcasting ‎has already been completed with the very establishment of radio websites that, thanks to streaming, can ‎distribute content wherever there is Internet coverage. The first concession for commercial DAB+ radio ‎in the Republic of Croatia was granted in February 2022, and broadcasting began in August of the same‎ year. The key prerequisite for retrieving radio programmes broadcast by means of this technology are ‎digital devices such as computers, smartphones, as well as home and car digital receivers.‎ The paper presents research findings on the migration of radio listeners from traditional devices (analogue ‎receivers) to listening to the radio on digital platforms in Croatia. Although there are no announcements‎ about the eventual shutdown of the analog network, it can be expected that digital options for retrieving ‎radio channels will increasingly be used. According to the results, migration is still small (about 13%) and‎ slow, yet continuous. It is worth noting that this research is also the first of its kind in Croatia.‎ The convergence of the radio media takes place even when there are no strategic prerequisites for it‎ because the maturing of generations that grew up in “both worlds” systematically reduces the former ‎“generational gap” in terms of digital knowledge and competences, which facilitates the transition from ‎analogue to digital devices for listening to the radio.

    Appraising the impact and role of platform models and Government as a Platform (GaaP) in UK Government public service reform: towards a Platform Assessment Framework (PAF)

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    The concept of “Government as a Platform” (GaaP) (O'Reilly, 2009) is coined frequently, but interpreted inconsistently: views of GaaP as being solely about technology and the building of technical components ignore GaaP's radical and disruptive embrace of a new economic and organisational model with the potential to improve the way Government operates – helping resolve the binary political debate about centralised versus localised models of public service delivery. We offer a structured approach to the application of the platforms that underpin GaaP, encompassing not only their technical architecture, but also the other essential aspects of market dynamics and organisational form. Based on a review of information systems platforms literature, we develop a Platform Appraisal Framework (PAF) incorporating the various dimensions that characterise business models based on digital platforms. We propose this PAF as a general contribution to the strategy and audit of platform initiatives and more specifically as an assessment framework to provide consistency of thinking in GaaP initiatives. We demonstrate the utility of our PAF by applying it to UK Government platform initiatives over two distinct periods, 1999–2010 and 2010 to the present day, drawing practical conclusions concerning implementation of platforms within the unique and complex environment of the public sector.Non

    Platform Leadership: Managing Boundaries for the Network Growth of Digital Platforms

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    This study aims to generate a systematic understanding of how digital platform firms can attain platform leadership. We explore the question by casting a boundary management lens over the complex network of interactions on a digital platform. Firms are faced with various boundaries—boundaries of efficiency, competence, power, identity, and ties—and must carefully address tensions within diverse groups of actors with their own interests. We conducted an in-depth case study on China’s largest online ticketing firm and established two contributions for attaining platform leadership. First, we conceptualized the development of a digital platform as a set of technology-based boundary management mechanisms (functional multiplexing, scope expansion, community curation, actor empowerment, and positional escalation) that includes a combination of boundary spanning, erecting, and reinforcing. Second, we uncovered the network dynamics of a digital platform by explicating the synergies and tensions of boundary management. Considering our novel findings, this study offers managerial and design guidelines for a digital platform by advocating an integrative view of boundary management. We present a multidimensional framework that includes five boundaries and four types of networks (dyadic, interconnected, intraconnected, and external) for future analysis of networks built on digital platforms

    Dinùmicas de inovação de plataformas digitais: Estudos de caso da Tencent e Alibaba

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    Na era atual em que vårios setores tradicionais estão a ser substituídos por serviços e produtos digitais, a inovação digital e a inovação tecnológica desenvolvem-se a um ritmo muito mais acelerado ao comparar com o passado. Deste modo, surgiram empresas que desenvolvem grandes plataformas de comunicação, comércio, pesquisa entre outras. Estas grandes plataformas introduzem mudanças significantes. A digitalização tem um papel crucial no avanço da tecnologia na China. Fintech, Healthtech, Edtech, E-commerce são expressÔes que aparecem devido ao surgimento de grandes plataformas que fornecem digitalmente serviços tradicionalmente presenciais. Ao longo desta dissertação foram analisados vårios aspetos relacionados com as dinùmicas de inovação das plataformas virtuais chinesas. Foram estudadas plataformas de duas empresas chinesas: Alibaba e Tencent. Para uma melhor compreensão da posição das empresas, foi feita uma anålise intensiva de dados secundårios, assim como estudos comparativos com empresas do mesmo setor. Para uma melhor compreensão das estratégias de inovação, foi também feita uma anålise de dados qualitativos através da anålise de artigos científicos.Nowadays, many traditional sectors have been substituted by digital products and services. The digital innovation and innovation technology are developing in a much higher speed compared to the past. Therefore, many big companies developed huge digital platforms for communication, commerce, searching and other functions. These big platforms introduce big changes in our lives. Digitalization is playing a crucial role in the advancement of technology in China. Fintech, Healthtech, Edtech, E-commerce are some expressions that appeared due to the raise of big platforms that provide digital services which substitutes traditionally presential services. In this dissertation, many aspects related to the digital platforms dynamics of innovation had been analyzed. Two companies had been studied: Alibaba and Tencent. For a better understanding of the position of these two companies in the sector, a deeply analysis of secondary data has been made, as well as comparative studies of these two companies. For a better understanding of the innovation strategies, a qualitative analysis also has been made through scientific articles