6 research outputs found

    The impact of eHealth and blockchain technology implementation in healthcare

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    eHealth is viewed as one of the most important revolutions in healthcare and a specific goal of the European Union to improve citizen’s accessibility to healthcare across borders. In this field, Estonia stands out as one of the most digitally advanced countries, having had a national eHealth system protected by blockchain since 2008. This research aimed to identify the benefits and challenges of implementing eHealth for society, in general, and for healthcare professionals, in particular; specifically in the country that already has over a decade of experience in adopting eHealth; and analyze the contribution of blockchain technology in the implementation of eHealth. Therefore, in a first phase, a systematic review of the literature was carried out, using the Scopus database, in April 2023, of all the publications, written in English, with the terms “Estoni*” and “eHealth*” or “e-Health*” or “Blockchain”. The search engine presented 74 publications, of which 19 met the selected criteria. The improvement in access and quality of the service provided, cooperation and data sharing, efficiency, knowledge and control of one’s own data were among the most mentioned benefits. Disparities in access, confidentiality and lack of trust, financing, cognitive load and data quality were the challenges encountered in implementing digital technologies in healthcare. In a second phase, a qualitative research was carried out through a semi-structured interview with eleven participants, selected from among healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses and managers of healthcare institutions, on their personal perspective of eHealth. The participants also highlighted easy access to medical data and easier communication with patients and other healthcare providers as major benefits of eHealth. However, data overload, the need to acquire digital skills and disparities in the access to healthcare by specific groups of the population are amongst the biggest challenges in implementing eHealth

    Sociomateriality Implications of Software As a Service Adoption on IT-workers’ Roles and Changes in Organizational Routines of IT Systems Support

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    This paper aims to deepen our understanding on how sociomateriality practices influence IT workers’ roles and skill set requirements and changes to the organizational routines of IT systems support, when an organization migrates an on-premise IT system to a software as a service (SaaS) model. This conceptual paper is part of an ongoing study investigating organizations that migrated on-premise IT email systems to SaaS business models, such as Google Apps for Education (GAE) and Microsoft Office 365 systems, in New Zealand tertiary institutions. We present initial findings from interpretive case studies. The findings are, firstly, technological artifacts are entangled in sociomaterial practices, which change the way humans respond to the performative aspects of the organizational routines. Human and material agencies are interwoven in ways that reinforce or change existing routines. Secondly, materiality, virtual realm and spirit of the technology provide elementary levels at which human and material agencies entangle. Lastly, the elementary levels at which human and material entangle depends on the capabilities or skills set of an individual

    A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis on Social Network Anonymization: Current Approaches and Future Directions

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    In recent decades, social network anonymization has become a crucial research field due to its pivotal role in preserving users' privacy. However, the high diversity of approaches introduced in relevant studies poses a challenge to gaining a profound understanding of the field. In response to this, the current study presents an exhaustive and well-structured bibliometric analysis of the social network anonymization field. To begin our research, related studies from the period of 2007-2022 were collected from the Scopus Database then pre-processed. Following this, the VOSviewer was used to visualize the network of authors' keywords. Subsequently, extensive statistical and network analyses were performed to identify the most prominent keywords and trending topics. Additionally, the application of co-word analysis through SciMAT and the Alluvial diagram allowed us to explore the themes of social network anonymization and scrutinize their evolution over time. These analyses culminated in an innovative taxonomy of the existing approaches and anticipation of potential trends in this domain. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first bibliometric analysis in the social network anonymization field, which offers a deeper understanding of the current state and an insightful roadmap for future research in this domain.Comment: 73 pages, 28 figure

    인도네시아 모바일 사용자의 4G 서비스 수용요인 분석

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 협동과정 기술경영·경제·정책전공, 2016. 8. 황준석.Since the previous third-generation (3G) technology for broadband networks, fourth-generation (4G) broadband technology has been globally adopted with LTE as the accepted standard. While the rate of adoption of 4G broadband has been high, Indonesia, a developing country, commenced implementation of the technology at the end of 2014. There are a number of benefits entailed by the adoption of 4G broadband, such as reducing the digital divide, supporting mobile leapfrogging for rural areas in Indonesia, and emphasizing the urgency of the development of the broadband network throughout the country. The emergence of 4G LTE could be the solution to achieve these goals by providing network availability throughout the archipelagos of Indonesia and to realize the long-term Indonesian Broadband Plan for 2019. To increase the growth of this technology, both providers and the government need to boost the acceptance of 4G LTE to achieve maturation. To this end, this study attempts to understand the determinants of acceptance of 4G LTE broadband services for Indonesian mobile users. A survey was conducted with members of the Indonesian population from different regions. An analysis was conducted by structural equation modeling with the control variables of age, gender, region, experience on 3G, and usage pattern, which acted as moderators affecting the weight of significance influence on behavioral intention from the main variables adopted with the base theory of UTAUT, in addition with a contract- based pricing scheme and trialability. The results show that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, contract- based pricing scheme, and trialability yielded positive significant results regarding behavioral intention, and the facilitating condition did not have a significance influence. Different control variables of age and experience on 3G as moderators also showed significant discrepancies among relationships of the main variables to behavioral intention. Lastly, the usage intention demonstrated a positive notable effect on actual usage. The results proved that the importance of comparable benefit from the service with importance of education should exist with the utilization of social channels. Building 4G services as a multi-sided platform with offerings including trialability and ensuring the success of a contract-based pricing scheme are suggested as ways to increase the usage of 4G services in Indonesia, targeting young and highly experienced 3G users as early adopters.CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Indonesia Overview 3 1.2.1 Indonesia Broadband Plan 8 1.2.2 Indonesia Setbacks 11 1.2.3 What 4G LTE Can Bring To Indonesia 17 1.3 Research Objectives 24 1.4 Research Questions 26 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 27 2.1 Development of Mobile Broadband Service towards 4G 27 2.2 Structural Equation Modeling 32 2.3 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 36 2.4 Previous Studies 42 CHAPTER 3. RESEARCH FRAMEWORK 46 3.1 Main Constructs 46 3.2 Moderator Variables 60 CHAPTER 4. RESEARCH DESIGN 72 4.1. Survey Building 73 4.2. Sampling Procedure 77 4.3. Sample Information and Validity 79 4.4. Construct Validity 82 4.5 Structural Validation 91 CHAPTER 5. RESULT DISCUSSION 93 5.1 Estimation Result without Moderators 94 5.2 Estimation Result with Moderators 101 CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSION 115 6.1 Conclusion 115 6.2 Implications And Policy Recommendation 118 6.3 Limitation & Further Studies 127 APPENDIX 129 BIBLIOGRAPHY 136 초록 148Maste

    eWOM sobre Responsabilidad Social Corporativa: su efecto sobre la utilidad percibida, la influencia percibida y la equidad de la marca de los destinos turísticos

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    Desde la línea del Comportamiento del Consumidor y de la aproximación de la Sustentabilidad Corporativa, esta tesis analizó la influencia que ejerce la comunicación boca-oído electrónica (eWOM) de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) sobre la utilidad percibida del eWOM (UP), la influencia percibida del eWOM (IP) y la equidad de marca basada en el consumidor (EMBC), considerando en el estilo del eWOM los argumentos sobre las dimensiones ambiental, económica y sociocultural de la RSC y los tipos de contenido emocional y racional. Para lograr este propósito se desarrollaron dos etapas de investigación. En la etapa exploratoria se estudió el estilo del eWOM de los destinos turísticos (DT), identificando léxicos según dimensiones de RSC (ambiental, económica y sociocultural), léxicos según tipo de contenido creativo (emocional y racional), argumentos temáticos más frecuentes y sentimientos presentes en los mensajes. Los análisis de minería de texto y análisis de sentimiento se aplicaron a 5113 comentarios sobre 20 DT españoles y argentinos. En la etapa experimental se realizaron tres estudios para analizar el impacto de las dimensiones de RSC expresadas en el eWOM sobre la UP, la IP y la EMBC. En los experimentos se incluyeron consumidores de Argentina y España (estudio 1= 372 individuos; estudio 2= 612 Individuos y estudio 3 = 699 individuos), dos tipos de DT (de montaña y playa), DT de diferentes grados de familiaridad para los turistas, mensajes eWOM con argumentos temáticos simples o combinados (más de una dimensión) sobre las dimensiones de RSC así como mensajes eWOM con distinto tipo de contenido creativo (emocional y racional). Tanto el análisis a nivel de palabras como el análisis de temas presentes en los comentarios sobre DT ofrecieron evidencia para concluir que los turistas hablan sobre las dimensiones de RSC en el eWOM de los DT. El estudio del estilo del eWOM permitió concluir que la valencia generada a partir de los textos resultó consistente con la valencia auto-informada por los autores y que está explicada por el tipo de componentes del DT sobre el que se comenta (atracción o actividad) así como por país en el que se encuentra el DT evaluado. Se observó que los turistas tienen un léxico racional más variado pero que el significado del conjunto del mensaje es preferentemente emocional. Además, en los comentarios sobre atracciones, la frecuencia de uso de apelación racional es comparativamente mayor a los comentarios sobre actividades. En relación al impacto de las dimensiones de RSC en el comportamiento del consumidor se concluyó que: (i) las dimensiones de la RSC comentadas a través de eWOM ejercen un impacto diferenciado en UP y la IP debido a que los comentarios sobre la dimensión ambiental y la sociocultural resultan más útiles y más influyentes para decidir sobre DT que el eWOM sobre la dimensión económica de la RSC; (ii) la dimensión ambiental de la RSC es la que genera mayor EMBC y que el impacto de las dimensiones combinadas de la RSC no es aditivo, sino que es procesado por los turistas a través de una estrategia configuracional, y (iii) que el eWOM sobre las dimensiones de RSC generados con contenido creativo emocional o racional ejercen el mismo impacto en la UP, IP y EMBC. Finalmente, se presentan las implicaciones de gestión de los hallazgos obtenidos y se plantean líneas de investigación futura