20 research outputs found

    Performance comparison of point and spatial access methods

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    In the past few years a large number of multidimensional point access methods, also called multiattribute index structures, has been suggested, all of them claiming good performance. Since no performance comparison of these structures under arbitrary (strongly correlated nonuniform, short "ugly") data distributions and under various types of queries has been performed, database researchers and designers were hesitant to use any of these new point access methods. As shown in a recent paper, such point access methods are not only important in traditional database applications. In new applications such as CAD/CIM and geographic or environmental information systems, access methods for spatial objects are needed. As recently shown such access methods are based on point access methods in terms of functionality and performance. Our performance comparison naturally consists of two parts. In part I we w i l l compare multidimensional point access methods, whereas in part I I spatial access methods for rectangles will be compared. In part I we present a survey and classification of existing point access methods. Then we carefully select the following four methods for implementation and performance comparison under seven different data files (distributions) and various types of queries: the 2-level grid file, the BANG file, the hB-tree and a new scheme, called the BUDDY hash tree. We were surprised to see one method to be the clear winner which was the BUDDY hash tree. It exhibits an at least 20 % better average performance than its competitors and is robust under ugly data and queries. In part I I we compare spatial access methods for rectangles. After presenting a survey and classification of existing spatial access methods we carefully selected the following four methods for implementation and performance comparison under six different data files (distributions) and various types of queries: the R-tree, the BANG file, PLOP hashing and the BUDDY hash tree. The result presented two winners: the BANG file and the BUDDY hash tree. This comparison is a first step towards a standardized testbed or benchmark. We offer our data and query files to each designer of a new point or spatial access method such that he can run his implementation in our testbed

    Multidimensional access methods

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    Biometric security on body sensor networks

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    Accurate sampling-based cardinality estimation for complex graph queries

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    Accurately estimating the cardinality (i.e., the number of answers) of complex queries plays a central role in database systems. This problem is particularly difficult in graph databases, where queries often involve a large number of joins and self-joins. Recently, Park et al. [54] surveyed seven state-of-the-art cardinality estimation approaches for graph queries. The results of their extensive empirical evaluation show that a sampling method based on the WanderJoin online aggregation algorithm [46] consistently offers superior accuracy. We extended the framework by Park et al. [54] with three additional datasets and repeated their experiments. Our results showed that WanderJoin is indeed very accurate, but it can often take a large number of samples and thus be very slow. Moreover, when queries are complex and data distributions are skewed, it often fails to find valid samples and estimates the cardinality as zero. Finally, complex graph queries often go beyond simple graph matching and involve arbitrary nesting of relational operators such as disjunction, difference, and duplicate elimination. Neither of the methods considered by Park et al. [54] is applicable to such queries. In this paper we present a novel approach for estimating the cardinality of complex graph queries. Our approach is inspired by WanderJoin, but, unlike all approaches known to us, it can process complex queries with arbitrary operator nesting. Our estimator is strongly consistent, meaning that the average of repeated estimates converges with probability one to the actual cardinality. We present optimisations of the basic algorithm that aim to reduce the chance of producing zero estimates and improve accuracy. We show empirically that our approach is both accurate and quick on complex queries and large datasets. Finally, we discuss how to integrate our approach into a simple dynamic programming query planner, and we confirm empirically that our planner produces high-quality plans that can significantly reduce end-to-end query evaluation times

    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum

    36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2019, March 13-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum