85 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis skala risiko dari masing masing elemen risiko yang berpengaruh terhadap kerugian proyek dengan mengkombinasikan metode skala risiko dan severity index serta menganalisis bobot prioritas risiko antara dua elemen risiko dengan menggunakan proses F-AHP. Data masukan dalam penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari persepsi atau pendapat responden yang dinilai kompeten di jalan tol Padang-Sicincin. Metode untuk mengumpulkan data ini menggunakan metode kuesioner yang dibagi dalam dua tahap di mana tahap pertama untuk menganalisis skala risiko dan tahap kedua untuk menganalisa bobot prioritas risiko. Nilai linguistik dari responden akan dianalisis menggunakan Fuzzy Analytical hirarki Process (F-AHP) sebagai metode untuk menetapkan nilai subjektif tentang setiap variabel risiko pada interval 0-1. Bobot risiko yang dianalisis oleh proses F-AHP akan dibandingkan dengan hasil faktor pada Pedoman Analisis Risiko Investasi Jalan Tol Pd T-01-2005-B. Selanjutnya, penentuan respon risiko atau mitigasi risiko didasarkan pada kategori risiko dan bobot risiko. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa nilai bobot prioritas untuk tahap pra-konstruksi dan tahap konstruksi adalah 56,41% dan 43,59%. Risiko tahap pra konstruksi dan risiko tahap konstruksi dikategorikan sebagai risiko tinggidengan nilai skala risiko, masing-masing, 16 dan 12. Risiko yang memiliki kategori risiko sangat tinggi berada pada risiko ketersediaan lahan (PKLA01) dan risiko penolakan masyarakat (PKLA03). Risiko dengan nilai bobot prioritas tertinggi adalah risiko pembebasan lahan (PKLA) untuk tahap pra-konstruksi dan risiko Force Majeure (KFOR) selama tahap konstruksi

    Analisis Tingkat Kekritisan Bahan Baku dengan Menerapkan Model Kraljic Portfolio Matrix (Studi Kasus PT Nyonya Meneer Semarang)

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    Purchasing activities are part of procurement activities on a company that has a strategic role. In an enterprise, procurement activities will determine the products produced by the company. Which if procurement activities goes well then the resulting product the better. So the purpose of this research is to determine the positioning of raw materials ginger, turmeric, kencur, bitter and gotu kola into Kraljic Portfolio Matrix. Where do the grouping is done on 5 items of raw materials by using the Kraljic Portfolio Matrix models. Through the calculation of Triangular Fuzzy Numbers (TFN), the Multidimensional Scale, and the output mapping using SPSS 16, the obtained results the raw material of jahe, temulawak and kencur included into the category of critical quadrant., while sambiloto and pegagan belongs to the category of routine quadrant. The aim of this article is to address some of these problems. It proposes the use of a fuzzy multi-attribute decision making approach to assign the importance weights to different supply risk and profit impact dimensions, and further, to incorporate a Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) approach to objectively position the commodities in a continuous scale of -1 to +1 for appropriate classification in the Kraljic Portfolio Matrix (KPM)

    Improvement in Weighting Assignment Process in Analytic Hierarchy Process by Introducing Suggestion Matrix and Likert Scale

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    Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been widely used in varieties of decision making processes among several alternatives, where data on pair-wise comparisons are aggregated and the degree of importance of each alternative is quantified. The process of assigning importance or priorities against the alternatives has inherent limitations, which lead to higher possibility of inconsistency. This paper focuses on two basic limitations of the AHP, first one is its inconsistency generated from huge comparisons in judgment matrix and the second one is the use of ranking weightages given by AHP. To eliminate these limitations, this research paper recommends to calculate relative importance among alternatives from the ratings assigned from Likert scale to form a suggestion matrix with zero percent CR before judgment matrix which gives privilege to decision makers to change relative importance within the range of CR. This process intensifies the effectiveness of AHP by reducing time consumption through optimizing inconsistency


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    This paper presents an application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is combined with Technique for Order Preference by Similarly to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) model for selection of the best maintenance strategy for pump in paper industry. AHP is used to compute the criteria weights whereas TOPSIS is used to ranking the maintenance strategy alternatives. This study focuses on four maintenance strategies such as Corrective Maintenance (CM), Predictive maintenance (PM), Time based preventive Maintenance (TM) & Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) and four main criteria such as safety, cost, added value and feasibility are used to evaluate the optimum maintenance strategy

    Developing anti-bribery organization system based on quantitative pair-wise information: an approach based on activity theory

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    Nowadays an important issue, for an organization is to be able to implement relevant anti-bribery risk management systems with mandatory laws. Managers strive to reach an equilibrium between a pure mandatory rule oriented organization and people freedom of choice to mitigate bribery on organization. The problem is how to develop and manage efficiently anti-bribery system in an organization without putting at risk its day by day operation. They are concerned how to balance between deep control and flexible way of people work on organization. The purpose of this document is to introduce a decision-making way of defining a context to establish an anti-bribery risk management system in accordance with the best practices. To address this matter, we will support our work in a theoretical framework for the analysis of human work and introduce anti-bribery as non-functional requirement (generic qualities of services) of organization information systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Hybrid Methodology for Performance Assessment of Campus Network

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    In this paper, we propose a combined methodology of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) in order to apply it to multivariate analysis and integrated evaluation. With FAHP method, the relative importance levels of different available indicators are determined. And the DEA model is used to obtain the efficiency performances of the use case of network measurement. Finally network performance is evaluated by means of integrating available indicator weights with efficiency performances. It is quite important that the integrated methodology considers both personal preferences and objective relative efficiency for assessment simultaneously to avoid the bias of single methodology

    A Fuzzy AHP Model in Risk Ranking

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    The signification risks associated with construction projects need special attention from contractors to analyze and mange the risks. Risk management is the art and science of identifying, analyzing and responding to risk factors throughout the life cycle of the project and in the best interest of its objectives. In proposed model, we firstly identify risks in the construction projects and suitable criteria for evaluate risks and then structure the proposed AHP model. Finally we measure the significant risks in construction projects (SRCP) based on the project’s objectives by using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) technique. Keyword: Construction projects, Project Risk Management, Fuzzy AH

    Bulanık AHP'ye dayalı staj değerlendirme ve işe alım: mobilya sektöründe bir uygulama

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    The choice of a newly personnel to hire is a decision making problem that requires evaluation of many factors being not totally known in terms of enterprises. That the success of this process is as significant as may not be left for coincidences. Therefore, staff selection problems should be resolved with scientific methods. This study aims to carry out trainee recruitment by means of the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method being from one of the multi criteria decision making methods in a furniture factory. For this purpose, it was guaranteed by the enterprise that a student shall be hired as a CNC operator before the internship and this was notified to trainees in advance. Three students having satisfied the preconditions of enterprise were started the internship. The students were subjected to the evaluation at the end of training course and the most successful trainee among them was accepted for the job. In evaluation process the intern’s linguistic variables were used and the defuzzification of fuzzy weights was carried out based on the ?-cutting and optimism index.İşe alınacak yeni bir personelin seçimi, işletmeler açısından tamamen bilinmeyen birçok faktörün değerlendirilmesini gerektiren bir karar verme problemidir. Bu sürecin başarısı tesadüflere bırakılmayacak kadar önemlidir. Bu nedenle, personel seçim problemleri bilimsel yöntemlerle çözülmelidir. Bu çalışma bir mobilya fabrikasında, çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden biri olan Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (FAHP) yöntemi ile stajyer seçiminin yapılması amaçlamıştır. Bu amaçla staj öncesinde CNC operatörü olarak bir öğrencinin işe alınacağı işletme tarafından garanti edilmiş ve stajyerlere önceden bildirilmiştir. İşletmenin ön koşullarını sağlayan üç öğrenci staja başlamıştır. Bu öğrenciler staj sonunda değerlendirilmeye tabi tutuldu ve aralarındaki en başarılı stajyer işe kabul edilmiştir. Stajyerlerin değerlendirilmesinde dilsel değişkenler kullanılmış ve bulanık ağırlıkların durulaştırılması ?-kesme ve iyimserlik indeksine dayalı yapılmıştır