10 research outputs found

    Performance model development for assessing maintenance service providers using the Kano model

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    Outsourcing is delegating partial or total business functions to other companies in conjunction with administrative and operational activities. One of the industries that implements outsourcing in its maintenance activity is the healthcare industry. An Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is part of a hospital which is very vital, so that it requires medical equipment with high availability and reliability. The aim of this research is to develop a performance model to use to assess the performance of medical equipment or the used maintenance outsourcing service providers. Developing the performance model involves 14 criteria. The 14 criteria were clustered by the Kano Model to obtain the importance of each criteria. . Kano was used to identify the criteria within the dimension of basic requirements and special requirements. DEMATEL was employed to identify the connection between criteria and ANP in order to provide the integrity of the criteria. The three criteria with the highest integrity rating were the technicians’ capability by the rate of integrity that reached 0.256881, the aptitude of providing diagnosis by the rate of integrity that reached 0.222181, and the flexibility by the rate of integrity that reached 0.175684. Two criteria which had a rate of integrity of 0 and were considered as therefore having the lowest integrity rate were the criteria of charges and dependability respectively

    Location as a competitive advantage for entrepreneurship an empirical application in the Region of Aragon (Spain)

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    For entrepreneurs, decision making is present right from the start. The decision-making process in business has received extensive academic attention in recent decades. One of the first-order strategic decisions for an entrepreneur is where to locate the new business. The emergence of the multi-criteria decision analysis paradigm allowed several criteria to be considered when making a decision, which surpassed the previous single criterion decision paradigm. The Electre methodology pioneered this new paradigm and, among the evolutions of the Electre method, version IV is perhaps the least used. This paper aims to show a methodology to aid decision making for entrepreneurs, in particular the location decision. Thus, this study shows an example, an empirical application of Electre IV for locating a business, with the ultimate goal of providing companies with a ranking of alternatives to consider, such that it provides a competitive advantage if the choice agrees with the first positions of the final ranking

    Pengembangan model performasi dari maintenance service provider dengan pendekatan case study analysisi dan multi krteria

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    Kegiatan perawatan, baik yang bersifat corrective maupun preventive, pada awalnya dilakukan oleh pihak internal perusahaan yaitu departemen maintenance. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, beberapa perusahaan menerapkan strategi outsourcing dalam melakukan kegiatan perawatan. Outsourcing adalah pendelegasian dari fungsi bisnis secara total atau sebagian keperusahaan lain bersamaan dengan kegiatan administratif serta operasionalnya. Keuntungan dari penerapan outsourcing antara lain perusahaan dapat fokus pada bisnis utama dengan mendelegasikan kegiatan penunjang perusahaan. Selain itu, penggunaan outsourcing dinilai lebih ekonomis karena adanya penyesuaian anggaran kegiatan maintenance dari biaya tetap menjadi biaya variabel. Salah satu industri yang menerapkan outsourcing dalam kegiatan perawatan adalah industri kesehatan yaitu rumah sakit. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) adalah bagian Rumah Sakit dengan tingkat uncertainty yang tinggi sehingga diperlukan peralatan medis dengan availability dan reliability yang tinggi. Penelitian ini melakukan pengembangan kriteria performansi untuk menilai kinerja dari outsourcing peralatan medis atau maintenance service provider. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu telah melakukan identifikasi kriteria performansi untuk maintenance service provider, baik pada bidang peralatan medis maupun manufaktur. Penelitian ini menggunakan integrasi metode Case Study Analysis, Delphi, DEMATEL dan ANP serta dilengkapi dengan pembuatan perangkat pengukuran kinerja untuk mempermudah pengguna dalam menilai kinerja dari maintenance service provider. Case Study Analysis dan Delphi untuk mendapatkan kriteria baru yang relevan dengan kebutuhan pengguna, Kano untuk mengidentifikasi criteria dalam dimensi basic requirements dan special requirements, DEMATEL untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antar criteria dan ANP untuk memberikan bobot kriteria. Hasil yang didapatkan dari pengolahan Kano, kriteria yang harus dipenuhi (basic requirements) adalah fleksibilitas provider dalam menghadapi situasi abnormal dan tipe peralatan yang dapat ditangani oleh provider (equipment types). Tiga kriteria dengan bobot tertinggi adalah criteria kemampuan teknisi dengan bobot 0,256881, kriteria kemampuan diagnosa sebesar 0,222181 dan fleksibilitas sebesar 0,175684. Dua kriteria dengan bobot terendah dan keduanya bernilai 0 (tidak memberikan kontribusi terhadap performansi) adalah kriteria biaya dan dependability. ===================================================================================================== Maintenance activities, both in the form of corrective and preventive maintenance, is initially managed by the internal team of a particular company which is the department of maintenance. Nevertheless, along with the time, several companies implement outsourcing strategy in managing the maintenance. Outsourcing is delegating the business function in total or partial to other company along with the administrative and the operational activity. The benefit of the implementation of outsourcing is that the company can focus on its main business by delegating its supporting activities. Furthermore, the implementation of outsourcing is considered more economic since there is alteration of the maintenance financial plan from the fixed charge into variable charge. One of the industries which use outsourcing within the activity of maintenance is healthiness industry – hospitals, in particular. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is the division of hospitals which rate of uncertainty is classified high, thus it requires medical devices with high rate of availability and reliability as well. This research developed the criteria of performance to assess the performance of outsourcing for medical devices or maintenance service provider. There are several previous studies which have already identified performance criteria for maintenance service provider, either in the sector of medical devices or manufacture. This study used the integration of Case Study Analysis, Delphi, DEMATEL and ANP also supported by the compilation of Excel file of performance measurement tools to accommodate the users in assessing the performance of maintenance service provider. Case Study Analysis and Delphi were utilized to obtain new criteria in accordance to the users’ needs. Kano was used to identify the criteria within the dimension of basic requirements and special requirements. DEMATEL was employed to identify the connection between criteria and ANP to provide the integrity of the criteria. The results of Kano tabulation shows that the criteria need fulfilling (basic requirements) are the flexibility of provider in coping with abnormal situations and the types of devices which can be managed by the provider (equipment types). Three criteria with the highest integrity rate are the criteria of technicians’ capability by the rate of integrity reaches 0.256881, the criteria of aptitude of providing diagnosis by the rate of integrity reaches 0.222181, and the criteria of flexibility by the rate of integrity reaches 0.175684. Two criteria which rate of integrity are 0 and considered having the lowest integrity rate (did not give any contribution to the performance) are the criteria of charges and dependability

    Performance Modelling for Maintenance Outsourcing Providers based on the Kano Model

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    Usually, maintenance activities are carried out by the maintenance department in a company, but now, some companies are outsourcing their maintenance activities. Outsourcing is the delegation of business functions to another company. The advantages of outsourcing include enabling a company to focus on its core business by outsourcing support activities, and changing fixed costs to variable costs. The aim of this research is to develop a multi-criteria performance measurement to assess the performance of maintenance outsourcing providers. Several previous studies have identified suitable performance criteria for maintenance outsourcing providers. However, those studies did not classify the criteria for achieving the desired level of performance. To address these shortcomings, this research has classified the criteria based on the Kano criteria. The criteria are: basic, one-dimensional, indifferent, reverse, and attractive. A managed case study analysis was performed at five Class B private hospitals in East Java to better understand the criteria in terms of the needs of a real hospital maintenance department. Previous research studies focused on understanding the relationship between each criterion and the associated level of performance, whereas the current research has focused instead on the relationship links between the criteria and the weighting of each criterion using DEMATEL-ANP. The outcome of this study is a simple instrument that can be directly used to evaluate the performance of maintenance outsourcing providers

    Primjena AHP i PROMETHEE metode na problem diverzifikacije

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    U današnjem okruženju, prepunom konkurencije i promjena, poduzeća moraju znatno vrijeme posvetiti odabiru odgovarajuće poslovne strategije. Jedna od takvih strategija je i diverzifikacija koja postaje atraktivna kada poduzeću ponestane mogućnosti za povećanje profitabilnosti u osnovnoj djelatnosti. Glavni problem koji se pritom javlja je odlučiti u koju industriju je najbolje diverzificirati. Kako bi se odabrala industrija, konačan broj alternativa treba biti rangiran s obzirom na nekoliko ponekad proturječnih kriterija. Stoga donositelj odluke treba razviti model odlučivanja za odabir najbolje industrije. Iz toga proizlazi i glavna svrha ovog rada, a to je kreiranje modela odlučivanja o diverzifikaciji primjenom dviju metoda višekriterijskog odlučivanja (AHP i PROMETHEE). U radu su uspoređeni rezultati primjene navedenih dviju metoda za odabir jedne od pet industrija temeljem tri kriterija te su objašnjene njihove sličnosti i razlike te prednosti i nedostatci prilikom korištenja u ovakvom problemu odlučivanja

    Environment factors of energy companies and their effect on value: Analysis model and applied method

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    Practical tasks related to property management and disposal in energy companies can be solved only if the actual property value of these companies is known. Traditional practical property valuation methods are based on the analysis of incurred property development costs or financial indicators of activities and are inadequate to account for the influence of environment factors on corporate activities and, in turn, on the value of companies. An analysis model for environment factors affecting energy companies was developed to improve objectiveness of valuation; through analysis of the model's components it is possible to analyse external macro, meso and microenviron‐ment of a particular company and to assess efficiency of such environment, as well as the impact of separate factors on value. A criteria system developed using the Analysis Model for Environment Factors and the Decision Support System for Measurement of Effect of Environment Factors on Value of Energy Companies, which was developed by the authors, were used to solve a practical task, which helped to evaluate the effectiveness of the Model of Environment Factors. The practical task included measurement of the utility degree and market value of the selected electricity companies and assessment of the impact of the criteria, which affect the environment, on the value of the selected energy companies. Santrauka Energetikos įmonių turto valdymo, disponavimo turtu praktiniams uždaviniams spręsti reikalinga tikroji šių įmonių turto vertė. Tradiciniai praktikoje taikomi turto vertinimo metodai pagrįsti turto sukūrimo sąnaudų ar veiklos finansinių rodiklių analize, jie neįvertina daugelio vertę veikiančių aplinkos veiksnių įtakos. Siekiant padidinti vertės nustatymo objektyvumą, pasiūlytas taikyti energetikos įmonių aplinkos veiksnių tyrimo modelis, kurio elementų analizė leidžia įvairiais aspektais pažvelgti į šių įmonių turto vertę ir įvertinti vertės kitimo priežastis. Sukurtas modelis leidžia analizuoti įmonės aplinką, vertinti jos efektyvumą, aplinką ir suinteresuotas grupes veikiančią išorinę makro-, mezo- ir mikroaplinką kaip visumą. Naudojantis rodiklių, apibūdinančių analizuojamo sektoriaus aplinką, sistema, pasiūlyta infrastruktūros įmonėms vertinti, taikyti daugiakriterine analize paremtus metodus. Siekiant nustatyti aplinkos veiksnių tyrimo modelio veiksmingumą, išspręstas praktinis uždavinys – taikant modelį ir remiantis daugiakriterinės analizės metodais nustatytas pasirinktų elektros energetikos įmonių naudingumo laipsnis ir rinkos vertė. First published online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: aplinkos veiksniai, daugiakriterinė analizė, energetika, ekologija, infrastruktūra, modelis, vertinimas

    Multiple Criteria Analysis of the Life Cycle of the Built Environment

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    To design and achieve effective the life cycle of the built environment a complex analysis of its stages as well as stakeholders, their aims and potentialities is needed. The effect of micro, meso and macro environmental factors should also be taken into account. A thorough built environment’s life cycle (brief; design; raw material extraction, transport and processing; construction materials production and distribution; construction; use, repair and maintenance; demolition; disposal, reuse, or recycling) analysis is quite difficult to undertake, because a buildings and its environment are a complex system (technical, technological, economical, social, cultural, ecological, etc.), where all sub-systems influence the total efficiency performance and where the interdependence between sub-systems play a significant role. Various stakeholders (clients, users, architects, designers, utilities engineers, economists, contractors, maintenance engineers, built environment material manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, finansing institutions, local government, state and state institutions) are involved in the life cycle of the built environment, trying to satisfy their needs and affecting its efficiency. The level of the efficiency of the life cycle of the built environment depends on a number of variables, at three levels: micro, meso and macro level. The problem is how to define an efficient built environment life cycle when a lot of various parties are involved, the alternative project versions come to hundreds thousand and the efficiency changes with the alterations in the environment conditions and the constituent parts of the process in question. Moreover, the realization of some objectives seems more rational from the economic perspective thought from the other perspectives they have various significance. Therefore, it is considered that the efficiency of a built environment life cycle depends on the rationality of its stages as well as on the ability to satisfy the needs of the stakeholders and the rational character of environment conditions. Formalized presentation of the research shows how changes in the environment and the extent to which the goals pursued by various stakeholders are satisfied cause corresponding changes in the value and utility degree of a built environment life cycle. With this in mind, it is possible to solve the problem of optimization concerning satisfaction of the needs at reasonable expenditures. This requires the analysis of the built environment life cycle versions allowing to find an optimal combination of goals pursued and finances available. References to the most modern world scientific literature sources are presented in the monograph. The monograph is prepared for the researchers, MSc and PhD students of civil engineering, construction management and real estate development. The book may be useful for other researchers, MSc and PhD students of economics, management and other specialities. The edition was recommended by the Committe of Studies of VGTU Faculty of Civil Engineering. The publication of monograph was funded by European Social Fund according to project No. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-02-060 Development and Implementation of Joint Master’s Study Programme “Sustainable Development of the Built Environment”.The edition was recommended by the Committe of Studies of VGTU Faculty of Civil Engineering. The publication of monograph was funded by European Social Fund according to project No. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-02-060 Development and Implementation of Joint Master’s Study Programme “Sustainable Development of the Built Environment”

    Efficient Decision Support Systems

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    This series is directed to diverse managerial professionals who are leading the transformation of individual domains by using expert information and domain knowledge to drive decision support systems (DSSs). The series offers a broad range of subjects addressed in specific areas such as health care, business management, banking, agriculture, environmental improvement, natural resource and spatial management, aviation administration, and hybrid applications of information technology aimed to interdisciplinary issues. This book series is composed of three volumes: Volume 1 consists of general concepts and methodology of DSSs; Volume 2 consists of applications of DSSs in the biomedical domain; Volume 3 consists of hybrid applications of DSSs in multidisciplinary domains. The book is shaped upon decision support strategies in the new infrastructure that assists the readers in full use of the creative technology to manipulate input data and to transform information into useful decisions for decision makers