267 research outputs found

    Stability analysis and control of discrete-time systems with delay

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    The research presented in this thesis considers the stability analysis and control of discrete-time systems with delay. The interest in this class of systems has been motivated traditionally by sampled-data systems in which a process is sampled periodically and then controlled via a computer. This setting leads to relatively cheap control solutions, but requires the discretization of signals which typically introduces time delays. Therefore, controller design for sampled-data systems is often based on a model consisting of a discrete-time system with delay. More recently the interest in discrete-time systems with delay has been motivated by networked control systems in which the connection between the process and the controller is made through a shared communication network. This communication network increases the flexibility of the control architecture but also introduces effects such as packet dropouts, uncertain time-varying delays and timing jitter. To take those effects into account, typically a discrete-time system with delay is formulated that represents the process together with the communication network, this model is then used for controller design While most researchers that work on sampled-data and networked control systems make use of discrete-time systems with delay as a modeling class, they merely use these models as a tool to analyse the properties of their original control problem. Unfortunately, a relatively small amount of research on discrete-time systems with delay addresses fundamental questions such as: What trade-off between computational complexity and conceptual generality or potential control performance is provided by the different stability analysis methods that underlie existing results? Are there other stability analysis methods possible that provide a better trade-off between these properties? In this thesis we try to address these and other related questions. Motivated by the fact that almost every system in practice is subject to constraints and Lyapunov theory is one of the few methods that can be easily adapted to deal with constraints, all results in this thesis are based on Lyapunov theory. In Chapter 2 we introduce delay difference inclusions (DDIs) as a modeling class for systems with delay and discuss their generality and advantages. Furthermore, the two standard stability analysis results for DDIs that make use of Lyapunov theory, i.e., the Krasovskii and Razumikhin approaches, are considered. The Krasovskii approach provides necessary and sufficient conditions for stability while the Razumikhin approach provides conditions that are relatively simple to verify but conservative. An important conclusion is that the Razumikhin approach makes use of conditions that involve the system state only while those corresponding to the Krasovskii approach involve trajectory segments. Therefore, only the Razumikhin approach yields information about DDI trajectories directly, such that the corresponding computations can be executed in the low-dimensional state space of the DDI dynamics. Hence, we focus on the Razumikhin approach in the remainder of the thesis. In Chapter 3 it is shown that by considering each delayed state as a subsystem, the behavior of a DDI can be described by an interconnected system. Thus, the Razumikhin approach is found to be an exact application of the small-gain theorem, which provides an explanation for the conservatism that is typically associated with this approach. Then, inspired by the relation of DDIs to interconnected systems, we propose a new Razumikhin-type stability analysis method that makes use of a stability analysis result for interconnected systems with dissipative subsystems. The proposed method is shown to provide a trade-off between the conceptual generality of the Krasovskii approach and the computationally convenience of the Razumikhin approach. Unfortunately, these novel Razumikhin-type stability analysis conditions still remain conservative. Therefore, in Chapter 4 we propose a relaxation of the Razumikhin approach that provides necessary and sufficient conditions for stability. Thus, we obtain a Razumikhin-type result that makes use of conditions that involve the system state only and are non-conservative. Interestingly, we prove that for positive linear systems these conditions equivalent to the standard Razumikhin approach and hence both are necessary and sufficient for stability. This establishes the dominance of the standard Razumikhin approach over the Krasovskii approach for positive linear discrete-time systems with delay. Next, in Chapter 5 the stability analysis of constrained DDIs is considered. To this end, we study the construction of invariant sets. In this context the Krasovskii approach leads to algorithms that are not computationally tractable while the Razumikhin approach is, due to its conservatism, not always able to provide a suitable invariant set. Based on the non-conservative Razumikhin-type conditions that were proposed in Chapter 4, a novel invariance notion is proposed. This notion, called the invariant family of sets, preserves the conceptual generality of the Krasovskii approach while, at the same time, it has a computational complexity comparable to the Razumikhin approach. The properties of invariant families of sets are analyzed and synthesis methods are presented. Then, in Chapter 6 the stabilization of constrained linear DDIs is considered. In particular, we propose two advanced control schemes that make use of online optimization. The first scheme is designed specifically to handle constraints in a non-conservative way and is based on the Razumikhin approach. The second control scheme reduces the computational complexity that is typically associated with the stabilization of constrained DDIs and is based on a set of necessary and sufficient Razumikhin-type conditions for stability. In Chapter 7 interconnected systems with delay are considered. In particular, the standard stability analysis results based on the Krasovskii as well as the Razumikhin approach are extended to interconnected systems with delay using small-gain arguments. This leads, among others, to the insight that delays on the channels that connect the various subsystems can not cause the instability of the overall interconnected system with delay if a small-gain condition holds. This result stands in sharp contrast with the typical destabilizing effect that time delays have. The aforementioned results are used to analyse the stability of a classical power systems example where the power plants are controlled only locally via a communication network, which gives rise to local delays in the power plants. A reflection on the work that has been presented in this thesis and a set of conclusions and recommendations for future work are presented in Chapter 8

    Special Topics in Information Technology

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    This open access book presents outstanding doctoral dissertations in Information Technology from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Information Technology has always been highly interdisciplinary, as many aspects have to be considered in IT systems. The doctoral studies program in IT at Politecnico di Milano emphasizes this interdisciplinary nature, which is becoming more and more important in recent technological advances, in collaborative projects, and in the education of young researchers. Accordingly, the focus of advanced research is on pursuing a rigorous approach to specific research topics starting from a broad background in various areas of Information Technology, especially Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications. Each year, more than 50 PhDs graduate from the program. This book gathers the outcomes of the best theses defended in 2021-22 and selected for the IT PhD Award. Each of the authors provides a chapter summarizing his/her findings, including an introduction, description of methods, main achievements and future work on the topic. Hence, the book provides a cutting-edge overview of the latest research trends in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano, presented in an easy-to-read format that will also appeal to non-specialists

    Special Topics in Information Technology

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    This open access book presents outstanding doctoral dissertations in Information Technology from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Information Technology has always been highly interdisciplinary, as many aspects have to be considered in IT systems. The doctoral studies program in IT at Politecnico di Milano emphasizes this interdisciplinary nature, which is becoming more and more important in recent technological advances, in collaborative projects, and in the education of young researchers. Accordingly, the focus of advanced research is on pursuing a rigorous approach to specific research topics starting from a broad background in various areas of Information Technology, especially Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications. Each year, more than 50 PhDs graduate from the program. This book gathers the outcomes of the best theses defended in 2021-22 and selected for the IT PhD Award. Each of the authors provides a chapter summarizing his/her findings, including an introduction, description of methods, main achievements and future work on the topic. Hence, the book provides a cutting-edge overview of the latest research trends in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano, presented in an easy-to-read format that will also appeal to non-specialists

    Control of Cooperative Haptics-Enabled Teleoperation Systems with Application to Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgical (RAMIS) systems frequently have a structure of cooperative teleoperator systems where multiple master-slave pairs are used to collaboratively execute a task. Although multiple studies indicate that haptic feedback improves the realism of tool-tissue interaction to the surgeon and leads to better performance for surgical procedures, current telesurgical systems typically do not provide force feedback, mainly because of the inherent stability issues. The research presented in this thesis is directed towards the development of control algorithms for force reflecting cooperative surgical teleoperator systems with improved stability and transparency characteristics. In the case of cooperative force reflecting teleoperation over networks, conventional passivity based approaches may have limited applicability due to potentially non-passive slave-slave interactions and irregular communication delays imposed by the network. In this thesis, an alternative small gain framework for the design of cooperative network-based force reflecting teleoperator systems is developed. Using the small gain framework, control algorithms for cooperative force-reflecting teleoperator systems are designed that guarantee stability in the presence of multiple network-induced communication constraints. Furthermore, the design conservatism typically associated with the small-gain approach is eliminated by using the Projection-Based Force Reflection (PBFR) algorithms. Stability results are established for networked cooperative teleoperator systems under different types of force reflection algorithms in the presence of irregular communication delays. The proposed control approach is consequently implemented on a dual-arm (two masters/two slaves) robotic MIS testbed. The testbed consists of two Haptic Wand devices as masters and two PA10-7C robots as the slave manipulators equipped with da Vinci laparoscopic surgical instruments. The performance of the proposed control approach is evaluated in three different cooperative surgical tasks, which are knot tightening, pegboard transfer, and object manipulation. The experimental results obtained indicate that the PBFR algorithms demonstrate statistically significant performance improvement in comparison with the conventional direct force reflection algorithms. One possible shortcoming of using PBFR algorithms is that implementation of these algorithms may lead to attenuation of the high-frequency component of the contact force which is important, in particular, for haptic perception of stiff surfaces. In this thesis, a solution to this problem is proposed which is based on the idea of separating the different frequency bands in the force reflection signal and consequently applying the projection-based principle to the low-frequency component, while reflecting the high-frequency component directly. The experimental results demonstrate that substantial improvement in transient fidelity of the force feedback is achieved using the proposed method without negative effects on the stability of the system

    Communities in Networks

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    We survey some of the concepts, methods, and applications of community detection, which has become an increasingly important area of network science. To help ease newcomers into the field, we provide a guide to available methodology and open problems, and discuss why scientists from diverse backgrounds are interested in these problems. As a running theme, we emphasize the connections of community detection to problems in statistical physics and computational optimization.Comment: survey/review article on community structure in networks; published version is available at http://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/~porterm/papers/comnotices.pd

    Efficient Media Access Control and Distributed Channel-aware Scheduling for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks

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    We address the problem of channel-aware scheduling for wireless ad-hoc networks, where the channel state information (CSI) are utilized to improve the overall system performance instead of the individual link performance. In our framework, multiple links cooperate to schedule data transmission in a decentralized and opportunistic manner, where channel probing is adopted to resolve collisions in the wireless medium. In the first part of the dissertation, we study this problem under the assumption that we know the channel statistics but not the instant CSI. In this problem, channel probing is followed by a transmission scheduling procedure executed independently within each link in the network. We study this problem for the popular block-fading channel model, where channel dependencies are inevitable between different time instances during the channel probing phase. We use optimal stopping theory to formulate this problem, but at carefully chosen time instances at which effective decisions are made. The problem can then be solved by a new stopping rule problem where the observations are independent between different time instances. We first characterize the system performance assuming the stopping rule problem has infinite stages. We then develop a measure to check how well the problem can be analyzed as an infinite horizon problem, and characterize the achievable system performance if we ignore the finite horizon constraint and design stopping rules based on the infinite horizon analysis. We then analyze the problem using backward induction when the finite horizon constraint cannot be ignored. We develop one recursive approach to solve the problem and show that the computational complexity is linear with respect to network size. We present an improved protocol to reduce the probing costs which requires no additional cost. Based on our analysis on single-channel networks, we extend the problem to ad-hoc networks where the wireless spectrum can be divided into multiple independent sub-channels for better efficiency. We start with a naive multi-channel protocol where the scheduling scheme is working independently within each sub-channel. We show that the naive protocol can only marginally improve the system performance. We then develop a protocol to jointly consider the opportunistic scheduling behavior across multiple sub-channels. We characterize the optimal stopping rule and present several bounds for the network throughputs of the multi-channel protocol. We show that by joint optimization of the scheduling scheme across multiple sub-channels, the proposed protocol improves the system performance considerably in contrast to that of single-channel systems. In the second part of the dissertation, we study this problem under the assumption that neither the instant CSI nor the channel statistics are known. We formulate the channel-aware scheduling problem using multi-armed bandit (MAB). We first present a semi-distributed MAB protocol which serves as the baseline for performance comparison. We then propose two forms of distributed MAB protocols, where each link keeps a local copy of the observations and plays the MAB game independently. In Protocol I the MAB game is only played once within each block, while in Protocol II it can be played multiple times. We show that the proposed distributed protocols can be considered as a generalized MAB procedure and each link is able to update its local copy of the observations for infinitely many times. We analyze the evolution of the local observations and the regrets of the system. For Protocol I, we show by simulation results that the local observations that are held independently at each link converge to the true parameters and the regret is comparable to that of the semi-distributed protocol. For Protocol II, we prove the convergence of the local observations and show an upper bound of the regret

    On Stabilization of Cart-Inverted Pendulum System: An Experimental Study

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    The Cart-Inverted Pendulum System (CIPS) is a classical benchmark control problem. Its dynamics resembles with that of many real world systems of interest like missile launchers, pendubots, human walking and segways and many more. The control of this system is challenging as it is highly unstable, highly non-linear, non-minimum phase system and underactuated. Further, the physical constraints on the track position control voltage etc. also pose complexity in its control design. The thesis begins with the description of the CIPS together with hardware setup used for research, its dynamics in state space and transfer function models. In the past, a lot of research work has been directed to develop control strategies for CIPS. But, very little work has been done to validate the developed design through experiments. Also robustness margins of the developed methods have not been analysed. Thus, there lies an ample opportunity to develop controllers and study the cart-inverted pendulum controlled system in real-time. The objective of this present work is to stabilize the unstable CIPS within the different physical constraints such as in track length and control voltage. Also, simultaneously ensure good robustness. A systematic iterative method for the state feedback design by choosing weighting matrices key to the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) design is presented. But, this yields oscillations in cart position. The Two-Loop-PID controller yields good robustness, and superior cart responses. A sub-optimal LQR based state feedback subjected to H∞ constraints through Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) is solved and it is observed from the obtained results that a good stabilization result is achieved. Non-linear cart friction is identified using an exponential cart friction and is modeled as a plant matrix uncertainty. It has been observed that modeling the cart friction as above has led to improved cart response. Subsequently an integral sliding mode controller has been designed for the CIPS. From the obtained simulation and experiments it is seen that the ISM yields good robustness towards the output channel gain perturbations. The efficacies of the developed techniques are tested both in simulation and experimentation. It has been also observed that the Two-Loop PID Controller yields overall satisfactory response in terms of superior cart position and robustness. In the event of sensor fault the ISM yields best performance out of all the techniques

    Evolutionary Game Theory Perspective on Dynamic Spectrum Access Etiquette

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    In this paper, we describe the long-term evolution of societies of secondary users in dynamic spectrum access networks. Such an understanding is important to help us anticipate future trends in the organization of large-scale distributed networked deployments. Such deployments are expected to arise in support of a wide variety of applications, including vehicular networks and the Internet of Things. Two new biologically-inspired spectrum access strategies are presented here, and compared with a random access baseline strategy. The proposed strategies embody a range of plausible assumptions concerning the sensing capabilities and social characteristics of individual secondary users. Considering these strategies as the basis of a game against the field, we use replicator dynamics within an evolutionary game-theoretic analysis to derive insights into the physical conditions necessary for each of the strategies to be evolutionarily stable. Somewhat surprisingly, we find that the physical channel conditions almost always uniquely determine which one of the three (pure) strategies is selected, and that no mixed strategy ever survives. We show that social tendencies naturally become advantageous for secondary users as they find themselves situated in network environments with heterogeneous channel resources. Hardware test-bed experiments confirm the validity of the analytic conclusions. Taken together, these results predict the emergence of social behavior in the spectrum access etiquette of secondary users as cognitive radio technology continues to advance and improve. The experimental results show an increase in the throughput of up to 90%, when strategy evolution is continuously operational, compared with any static strategy. We present use cases to envision the potential application of the proposed evolutionary framework in real-world scenarios