181 research outputs found

    Adaptive delay-constrained internet media transport

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    Reliable transport layer Internet protocols do not satisfy the requirements of packetized, real-time multimedia streams. The available thesis motivates and defines predictable reliability as a novel, capacity-approaching transport paradigm, supporting an application-specific level of reliability under a strict delay constraint. This paradigm is being implemented into a new protocol design -- the Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport protocol (PRRT). In order to predictably achieve the desired level of reliability, proactive and reactive error control must be optimized under the application\u27s delay constraint. Hence, predictably reliable error control relies on stochastic modeling of the protocol response to the modeled packet loss behavior of the network path. The result of the joined modeling is periodically evaluated by a reliability control policy that validates the protocol configuration under the application constraints and under consideration of the available network bandwidth. The adaptation of the protocol parameters is formulated into a combinatorial optimization problem that is solved by a fast search algorithm incorporating explicit knowledge about the search space. Experimental evaluation of PRRT in real Internet scenarios demonstrates that predictably reliable transport meets the strict QoS constraints of high-quality, audio-visual streaming applications.Zuverlässige Internet-Protokolle auf Transport-Layer erfüllen nicht die Anforderungen paketierter Echtzeit-Multimediaströme. Die vorliegende Arbeit motiviert und definiert Predictable Reliability als ein neuartiges, kapazitäterreichendes Transport-Paradigma, das einen anwendungsspezifischen Grad an Zuverlässigkeit unter strikter Zeitbegrenzung unterstützt. Dieses Paradigma wird in ein neues Protokoll-Design implementiert -- das Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport Protokoll (PRRT). Um prädizierbar einen gewünschten Grad an Zuverlässigkeit zu erreichen, müssen proaktive und reaktive Maßnahmen zum Fehlerschutz unter der Zeitbegrenzung der Anwendung optimiert werden. Daher beruht Fehlerschutz mit Predictable Reliability auf der stochastischen Modellierung des Protokoll-Verhaltens unter modelliertem Paketverlust-Verhalten des Netzwerkpfades. Das Ergebnis der kombinierten Modellierung wird periodisch durch eine Reliability Control Strategie ausgewertet, die die Konfiguration des Protokolls unter den Begrenzungen der Anwendung und unter Berücksichtigung der verfügbaren Netzwerkbandbreite validiert. Die Adaption der Protokoll-Parameter wird durch ein kombinatorisches Optimierungsproblem formuliert, welches von einem schnellen Suchalgorithmus gelöst wird, der explizites Wissen über den Suchraum einbezieht. Experimentelle Auswertung von PRRT in realen Internet-Szenarien demonstriert, dass Transport mit Predictable Reliability die strikten Auflagen hochqualitativer, audiovisueller Streaming-Anwendungen erfüllt

    Multicast communication support over satellite networks

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    In this dissertation, we focus on providing multicast communication support over satellite networks. We investigate the possible performance enhancements in terms of the throughput, capacity, and scalability of a Ka-band, multiple spot-beam satellite communication system that supports unicast and multicast services. The role satellite systems play in today's communication infrastructure is changing rapidly, fueled by the technological advance in the design of new satellite systems, and by the new multimedia service applications, such as on-demand multimedia content delivery, distance learning, and distributed software updates that would benefit from the wide-area coverage, direct and ubiquitous access capability of the satellite systems. These applications require concurrent transmission of the same content to multiple users. In order for multicasting-based services to grow over satellite networks, there must be an incentive to deploy them. We address the problem of user heterogeneity that occurs when multicast users that are located across several different spot-beam locations experience different channel conditions. We propose a novel power allocation scheme for smoothing out the heterogeneity experienced by the multicast groups, while making sure that unicast users get a fair share of system resources as well. Our power allocation scheme would benefit from user feedback in determining the channel conditions. However, collecting feedback from a large set of users is a challenging task in satellite systems, since access to the uplink bandwidth is to be shared between several users, and the resources are usually limited. We introduce a novel algorithm that reduces the volume of feedback information that is to be transmitted over the satellite segment of the network, while maintaining that the relevant information is collected in a timely manner. Finally, we focus our attention to the potential benefits of integrating packet level forward error correction coding to packet delivery for reliable multicast services over satellite networks. Forward error protection helps recover corrupted data, and minimizes the need for retransmissions over the satellite channel. We investigate the use of a special form of forward error correcting (FEC) code and couple it with an adaptive control mechanism to dynamically adjust the number of encoding packets forwarded to the users

    End-to-end single-rate multicast congestion detection using support vector machines

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    >Magister Scientiae - MScIP multicast is an efficient mechanism for simultaneously transmitting bulk data to multiple receivers. Many applications can benefit from multicast, such as audio and videoconferencing, multi-player games, multimedia broadcasting, distance education, and data replication. For either technical or policy reasons, IP multicast still has not yet been deployed in today’s Internet. Congestion is one of the most important issues impeding the development and deployment of IP multicast and multicast applications

    Satellite Networks: Architectures, Applications, and Technologies

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    Since global satellite networks are moving to the forefront in enhancing the national and global information infrastructures due to communication satellites' unique networking characteristics, a workshop was organized to assess the progress made to date and chart the future. This workshop provided the forum to assess the current state-of-the-art, identify key issues, and highlight the emerging trends in the next-generation architectures, data protocol development, communication interoperability, and applications. Presentations on overview, state-of-the-art in research, development, deployment and applications and future trends on satellite networks are assembled

    Rate-Splitting Multiple Access: Finite Constellations, Receiver Design, and SIC-free Implementation

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    Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) has emerged as a novel multiple access technique that enlarges the achievable rate region of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) broadcast channels with linear precoding. In this work, we jointly address three practical but fundamental questions: (1) How to exploit the benefit of RSMA under finite constellations? (2) What are the potential and promising ways to implement RSMA receivers? (3) Can RSMA still retain its superiority in the absence of successive interference cancellers (SIC)? To address these concerns, we first propose low-complexity precoder designs taking finite constellations into account and show that the potential of RSMA is better achieved with such designs than those assuming Gaussian signalling. We then consider some practical receiver designs that can be applied to RSMA. We notice that these receiver designs follow one of two principles: (1) SIC: cancelling upper layer signals before decoding the lower layer and (2) non-SIC: treating upper layer signals as noise when decoding the lower layer. In light of this, we propose to alter the precoder design according to the receiver category. Through link-level simulations, the effectiveness of the proposed precoder and receiver designs are verified. More importantly, we show that it is possible to preserve the superiority of RSMA over Spatial Domain Multiple Access (SDMA), including SDMA with advanced receivers, even without SIC at the receivers. Those results therefore open the door to competitive implementable RSMA strategies for 6G and beyond communications.Comment: Submitted to IEEE for publicatio

    PRMP : a scaleable polling-based reliable multicast protocol

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    PhD ThesisTraditional reliable unicast protocols (e.g., TCP), known as sender-initiated schemes, do not scale well for one-to-many reliable multicast due mainly to implosion losses caused by excessive rate of feedback packets arriving from receivers. So, recent multicast protocols have been devised following the receiver- initiated approach: scalability (in terms of control traffic, protocol state and end-systems processing requirements) is achieved by making the sender independent from receivers; the sender does not know the membership of the destination group. However, this comes with a cost: the lack of knowledge about and control of receivers at the sender has negative implications with respect to throughput, network cost (bandwidth required), and degree of reliability offered to applications. This thesis follows an alternative approach: instead of adopting the receiver-initiated scheme, it greatly enhances the scalability of the sender-initiated scheme, by means of polling-based feedback and hierarchy. The resulting protocol is named PRMP: polling-based Reliable Multicast protocol. Its unique implosion avoidance mechanism polls receivers at carefully planned timing instants achieving a low and uniformly distributed rate of feedback packets. The sender retains controls of receivers: the main PRMP mechanisms are based on a one-to-many sliding window mechanism, which efficiently and elegantly extends the abstraction from reliable unicasting to reliable multicasting. The error control mechanism of PRMP incorporates the use of NACKs and selective, cumulative acknowledgment of packets; additionally, it can wait and judiciously decide between multicast and selective unicast retransmissions. The flow control mechanism prevents unnecessary losses caused by the overrunning of receivers, despite variations in round-trip times and application speeds. The scalability provided by the polling mechanism is further extended by an hierarchic organization to exploit distributed processing and local recovery: receivers are organized according to a tree-structure. However, unlike other tree-based protocols, PRMP is "fully-hierarchic": each parent node forwards data via multicast to its children, and retains/explores the control of and knowledge about its children while autonomously applying error, flow, congestion and session controls in the communication with them. Two congestion control mechanisms, one window-based and another rate-based, have been incorporated to PRMP. As shown through simulation experiments, the resulting protocol q,chieves high though put with cost- effective reliable multicasting. They also show the scalability and effectiveness of PRMP mechanisms. PRMP can achieve reliable multicast with the same kind of reliability guarantees provided by TCP but without incurring prohibitive costs in terms of network cost or recovery latency found in other protocols.Brazilian Research Agency CAPE
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