7 research outputs found

    An Approach to Flocking of Robots Using Minimal Local Sensing and Common Orientation

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    A new algorithm for the control of robot flocking is presented. Flocks of mobile robots are created by the use of local control rules in a fully distributed way, using just local information from simple infra-red sensors and global heading information on each robot. Experiments were done to test the algorithm, yielding results in which robots behaved as expected, moving at a reasonable velocity and in a cohesive way. Up to seven robots were used in real experiments and up to fifty in simulation

    A Distributed Scalable Approach to Formation Control in Multi-Robot Systems

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    A new algorithm for the control of formations of mobile robots is presented. Formations with a triangular lattice structure are created using distributed control rules, using only local information on each robot. The overall direction of movement of the formation is not pre-established but rather results from local interactions, giving all the robots a common, self-organized heading. Experiments were done to test the algorithm, yielding results in which robots behaved as expected, moving at a reasonable speed and maintaining the desired distances among themselves. Up to seven robots were used in real experiments and up to forty in simulation

    Reducing Communication Delay Variability for a Group of Robots

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    A novel architecture is presented for reducing communication delay variability for a group of robots. This architecture relies on using three components: a microprocessor architecture that allows deterministic real-time tasks; an event-based communication protocol in which nodes transmit in a TDMA fashion, without the need of global clock synchronization techniques; and a novel communication scheme that enables deterministic communications by allowing senders to transmit without regard for the state of the medium or coordination with other senders, and receivers can tease apart messages sent simultaneously with a high probability of success. This approach compared to others, allows simultaneous communications without regard for the state of the transmission medium, it allows deterministic communications, and it enables ordered communications that can be a applied in a team of robots. Simulations and experimental results are also included

    Swarm robotic systems: ypod formation with analysis on scalability and stability

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    Aquesta tesi se central en la formaci贸 d鈥檈ixams, on s鈥檈studia el comportament coordinat d鈥檜n grup de robots per formar un patr贸 quan s鈥檕bserva a nivell global. En aquest sentit, la formaci贸 de la forma general 茅s un dels problemes actuals en d鈥檌ntel路lig猫ncia d鈥檈ixams artificials. En aquesta tesi s鈥檌ntrodueix una nova formaci贸 en forma de Y, la qual presenta una gran quantitat d鈥檃plicacions en comparaci贸 amb altres t猫cniques de formaci贸. Per exemple, la formaci贸 en Y es pot aplicar com a formaci贸 estrat猫gica per totes les escales, presenta facilitat per canviar de forma i grand脿ria a m茅s de resoldre els problemes de redund脿ncia, d鈥檃utoorganitzaci贸 i autoreparaci贸. L鈥檕bjectiu principal d鈥檃questa tesi 茅s aconseguir la formaci贸 en Y d鈥檜n eixam de robots. La implementaci贸 de dita formaci贸 煤nicament s鈥檋a dut a terme mitjan莽ant un entorn de simulaci贸 tot i que se han tingut en compte diferents aspectes que es podrien donar en una implementaci贸 real. El disseny del control de l鈥檈ixam per a diferents eixos s鈥檋a realitzat a partir d鈥檜n model capa莽 de predir el comportament global de l鈥檈ixam, de la definici贸 del temps d鈥檈stabliment i l鈥檃plicaci贸 de t猫cniques de localitzaci贸 de pols. Per controlar l鈥檈ixam en forma Y en termes d鈥檕rientaci贸 i el seu moviment com un bloc, s鈥檋an combinat el controlador lineal proposat, amb funcions l铆mit i l鈥檃just d鈥檃lguns par脿metres per simulaci贸. Els par脿metres s鈥檋an escollit per la formaci贸 desitjada i segons les constants definides per l鈥檜suari. En comparaci贸 amb altres treballs, la soluci贸 proposta 茅s simple, computacionalment eficient i tant per models d鈥檈ixams centralitzats com descentralitzats.Esta tesis se centra en la formaci贸n de enjambres, donde se estudia el comportamiento coordinado de un grupo de robots para formar un patr贸n cuando se observa a nivel global. En este sentido, la formaci贸n de la forma general es uno de los problemas actuales en la inteligencia de enjambres artificiales. En esta tesis se introduce una nueva formaci贸n en forma de Y, la cual presenta una gran cantidad de aplicaciones en comparaci贸n con otras t茅cnicas de formaci贸n. Por ejemplo, la formaci贸n en Y se puede aplicar como formaci贸n estrat茅gica para todas las escalas, presenta facilidad para cambiar de forma y tama帽o adem谩s de resolver los problemas de redundancia, de auto-organizaci贸n y auto-reparaci贸n. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es conseguir la formaci贸n en Y de un enjambre de robots. La implementaci贸n de dicha formaci贸n se ha llevado a cabo 煤nicamente mediante un entorno de simulaci贸n aunque se han tenido en cuenta diferentes aspectos que se podr铆an dar en una implementaci贸n real. El dise帽o del control del enjambre para diferentes ejes se ha realizado a partir de un modelo capaz de predecir el comportamiento global del enjambre, de la definici贸n del tiempo de establecimiento y la aplicaci贸n de t茅cnicas de localizaci贸n de polos. Para controlar el enjambre en forma de Y en t茅rminos de orientaci贸n y movimientos del enjambre como un bloque, se han combinado el controlador lineal propuesto, funciones l铆mite y el ajuste de algunos par谩metros por simulaci贸n. Los par谩metros se han escogido para la formaci贸n deseada y seg煤n las constantes definidas por el usuario. En comparaci贸n con otros trabajos, la soluci贸n propuesta es simple, computacionalmente eficiente, y tanto para modelos de enjambres centralizados como descentralizados.The context of this work is the innovative young filed of swarm robotics. Particularly, in this thesis focused on swarm formation, which is important in swarm robotics too since coordinated behaviour of a group of robots to form a pattern when viewed globally. In this regard, global shape formation is one of the ongoing problems in artificial swarm intelligence. In nature, it is performed for various purposes, and search and rescue swarms could be used in disaster areas .In robotics phenomena, there exist various shape formations in the literature, but in this thesis, introduced new shape formation Y-Pod, which has vast applications compare to other formation techniques. In the discussion of our research journey, me and my supervisor discussed about various shape formations but finally exploit new shape formation Y-Pod and when we think about it, arise some questions ,why Y-Pod swarm formation and what it will serve, so in our casual discussion some important advantages are identified, those are : The Y-Pod can be utilized for formation strategy on all scales, Global shape formation, when viewed globally, Changes shapes, Easy to expand, overcome the redundancy problems and Self-organized and self-repair problems. The main objective of the proposed approach is to form a Y-pod formation of swarm robots. As well as we keep in our mind for real robot performance task, but the original work is delivered in simulation based environment only. Several parameters that significantly define the resulting behavior. We have proposed system equilibrium parameters with settling time and pole based problems, to control the swarm system in various axis an accurate model will predict the global behavior of the Y-Pod swarm formation based on the mathematical identified parameters. The proposed linear controller, limiting functions and simulation tuned parameters are combined to control Y-Pod swarm formation in terms of orientation, and swarm movement as a whole. Parameters are chosen based on desired formation as well as user defined constraints. This approach compared to others, is simple, computationally efficient, scales well to different swarm sizes, to heterogeneous systems, and to both centralized and decentralized swarm models

    Mobile Robots

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    The objective of this book is to cover advances of mobile robotics and related technologies applied for multi robot systems' design and development. Design of control system is a complex issue, requiring the application of information technologies to link the robots into a single network. Human robot interface becomes a demanding task, especially when we try to use sophisticated methods for brain signal processing. Generated electrophysiological signals can be used to command different devices, such as cars, wheelchair or even video games. A number of developments in navigation and path planning, including parallel programming, can be observed. Cooperative path planning, formation control of multi robotic agents, communication and distance measurement between agents are shown. Training of the mobile robot operators is very difficult task also because of several factors related to different task execution. The presented improvement is related to environment model generation based on autonomous mobile robot observations