604 research outputs found

    Pipelined Asynchronous High Level Synthesis for General Programs

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    High-level synthesis (HLS) translates algorithms from software programming language into hardware. We use the dataflow HLS methodology to translate programs into asynchronous circuits by implementing programs using asynchronous dataflow elements as hardware building blocks. We extend the prior work in dataflow synthesis in the following aspects:i) we propose Fluid to synthesize pipelined dataflow circuits for real-world programs with complex control flows, which are not supported in the previous work; ii) we propose PipeLink to permit pipelined access to shared resources in the dataflow circuit. Dataflow circuit results in distributed control and an implicitly pipelined implementation. However, resource sharing in the presence of pipelining is challenging in this context due to the absence of a global scheduler. Traditional solutions to this problem impose restrictions on pipelining to guarantee mutually exclusive access to the shared resource, but PipeLink removes such restrictions and can generate pipelined asynchronous dataflow circuits for shared function calls, pipelined memory accesses and function pointers; iii) we apply several dataflow optimizations to improve the quality of the synthesized dataflow circuits; iv) we implement our system (Fluid + PipeLink) on the LLVM compiler framework, which allows us to take advantage of the optimization efforts from the compiler community; v) we compare our system with a widely-used academic HLS tool and two commercial HLS tools. Compared to commercial (academic) HLS tools, our system results in 12X (20X) reduction in energy, 1.29X (1.64X) improvement in throughput, 1.27X (1.61X) improvement in latency at a cost of 2.4X (1.61X) increase in the area

    High level optimizations in compiling process descriptions to asynchronous circuits

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    technical reportAsynchronous/'Self-Timed designs are beginning to attract attention as promising means of dealing with the complexity of modern VLSI technology. In this paper, we present our views on why asynchronous systems matter. We then present details of our high level synthesis tool SHILPA that can automatically synthesize asynchronous circuits from descriptions in our concurrent programming language, hopCP. We outline some of the high level communication abstractions available in hopCP. We illustrate how these abstractions are realized in the asynchronous circuits generated by SHILPA. We then present a series of examples that present many of the high level optimization strategies used by SHILPA. Some of these optimizations aim to speed up the generated circuits by avoiding un-necessary waiting. Others synthesize components that are much easier to realize in a variety of technologies. We also discuss some of the tradeoffs possible between optimizations and timing constraints

    Elastic systems

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    Elastic systems provide tolerance to the variations in computation and communication delays. The incorporation of elasticity opens new opportunities for optimization using new correct-by-construction transformations that cannot be applied to rigid non-elastic systems. The basics of synchronous and asynchronous elastic systems will be reviewed. A set of behavior-preserving transformations will be presented: retiming, recycling, early evaluation, variable-latency units and speculative execution. The application of these transformations for performance and power optimization will be discussed. Finally, a novel framework for microarchitectural exploration will be introduced, showing that the optimal pipelining of a circuit can be automatically obtained by using the previous transformations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Behavioral Design Flow for Synthesis and Optimization of Asynchronous Systems

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    Asynchronous or clockless design is believed to hold the promise of alleviating many of the challenges currently facing microelectronic design. Distributing a high-speed clock signal across an entire chip is an increasing challenge, particularly as the number of transistors on chip continues to rise. With increasing heterogeneity in massively multi- core processors, the top-level system integration is already elastic in nature. Future computing technologies (e.g., nano, quantum, etc.) are expected to have unpredictable timing as well. Therefore, asynchronous design techniques are gaining relevance in mainstream design. Unfortunately, the field of asynchronous design lacks mature design tools for creating large-scale, high-performance or energy-efficient systems. This thesis attempts to fill the void by contributing a set of design methods and automated tools for synthesizing asynchronous systems from high-level specifications. In particular, this thesis provides methods and tools for: (i) generating high-speed pipelined implementations from behavioral specifications, (ii) sharing and scheduling resources to conserve area while providing high performance, and (iii) incorporating energy and power considerations into high-level design. These methods are incorporated into a comprehensive design flow that provides a choice of synthesis paths to the designer, and a mechanism to explore the spectrum between them. The first path specifically targets the highest-performance implementations using data-driven pipelined circuits. The second path provides an alternative approach that targets low-area implementations, providing for optimal resource sharing and optimal scheduling techniques to achieve performance targets. Finally, the third path through the design flow allows the entire spectrum between the two extremes to be explored. In particular, it is a hybrid approach that preserves a pipelined architecture but still allows sharing of resources. By varying performance targets, a wide range of designs can be realized. A variety of metrics are incorporated as constraints or cost functions: area, latency, cycle time, energy consumption, and peak power. Experimental results demonstrate the capability of the proposed design flow to quickly produce optimized specifications. By automating synthesis and optimization, this thesis shows that the designer effort necessary to produce a high-quality solution can be significantly reduced. It is hoped that this work provides a path towards more mature automation and design tools for asynchronous design

    Design of testbed and emulation tools

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    The research summarized was concerned with the design of testbed and emulation tools suitable to assist in projecting, with reasonable accuracy, the expected performance of highly concurrent computing systems on large, complete applications. Such testbed and emulation tools are intended for the eventual use of those exploring new concurrent system architectures and organizations, either as users or as designers of such systems. While a range of alternatives was considered, a software based set of hierarchical tools was chosen to provide maximum flexibility, to ease in moving to new computers as technology improves and to take advantage of the inherent reliability and availability of commercially available computing systems

    Combining dynamic and static scheduling in high-level synthesis

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are starting to become mainstream devices for custom computing, particularly deployed in data centres. However, using these FPGA devices requires familiarity with digital design at a low abstraction level. In order to enable software engineers without a hardware background to design custom hardware, high-level synthesis (HLS) tools automatically transform a high-level program, for example in C/C++, into a low-level hardware description. A central task in HLS is scheduling: the allocation of operations to clock cycles. The classic approach to scheduling is static, in which each operation is mapped to a clock cycle at compile time, but recent years have seen the emergence of dynamic scheduling, in which an operation’s clock cycle is only determined at run-time. Both approaches have their merits: static scheduling can lead to simpler circuitry and more resource sharing, while dynamic scheduling can lead to faster hardware when the computation has a non-trivial control flow. This thesis proposes a scheduling approach that combines the best of both worlds. My idea is to use existing program analysis techniques in software designs, such as probabilistic analysis and formal verification, to optimize the HLS hardware. First, this thesis proposes a tool named DASS that uses a heuristic-based approach to identify the code regions in the input program that are amenable to static scheduling and synthesises them into statically scheduled components, also known as static islands, leaving the top-level hardware dynamically scheduled. Second, this thesis addresses a problem of this approach: that the analysis of static islands and their dynamically scheduled surroundings are separate, where one treats the other as black boxes. We apply static analysis including dependence analysis between static islands and their dynamically scheduled surroundings to optimize the offsets of static islands for high performance. We also apply probabilistic analysis to estimate the performance of the dynamically scheduled part and use this information to optimize the static islands for high area efficiency. Finally, this thesis addresses the problem of conservatism in using sequential control flow designs which can limit the throughput of the hardware. We show this challenge can be solved by formally proving that certain control flows can be safely parallelised for high performance. This thesis demonstrates how to use automated formal verification to find out-of-order loop pipelining solutions and multi-threading solutions from a sequential program.Open Acces

    Dataflow computers: a tutorial and survey

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    Journal ArticleThe demand for very high performance computer has encouraged some researchers in the computer science field to consider alternatives to the conventional notions of program and computer organization. The dataflow computer is one attempt to form a new collection of consistent systems ideas to improve both computer performance and to alleviate the software design problems induced by the construction of highly concurrent programs

    Correct-by-construction microarchitectural pipelining

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    This paper presents a method for correct-by-construction microarchitectural pipelining that handles cyclic systems with dependencies between iterations. Our method combines previously known bypass and retiming transformations with a few transformations valid only for elastic systems with early evaluation (namely, empty FIFO insertion, FIFO capacity sizing, insertion of anti-tokens, and introducing early evaluation multiplexors). By converting the design to a synchronous elastic form and then applying this extended set of transformations, one can pipeline a functional specification with an automatically generated distributed controller that implements stalling logic resolving data hazards off the critical path of the design. We have developed an interactive toolkit for exploring elastic microarchitectural transformations. The method is illustrated by pipelining a few simple examples of instruction set architecture ISA specifications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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