24,319 research outputs found

    Multiple-Target Tracking in Complex Scenarios

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    In this dissertation, we develop computationally efficient algorithms for multiple-target tracking: MTT) in complex scenarios. For each of these scenarios, we develop measurement and state-space models, and then exploit the structure in these models to propose efficient tracking algorithms. In addition, we address design issues such as sensor selection and resource allocation. First, we consider MTT when the targets themselves are moving in a time-varying multipath environment. We develop a sparse-measurement model that allows us to exploit the inherent joint delay-Doppler diversity offered by the environment. We then reformulate the problem of MTT as a block-support recovery problem using the sparse measurement model. We exploit the structure of the dictionary matrix to develop a computationally efficient block support recovery algorithm: and thereby a multiple-target tracking algorithm) under the assumption that the channel state describing the time-varying multipath environment is known. Further, we also derive an upper bound on the overall error probability of wrongly identifying the support of the sparse signal. We then relax the assumption that the channel state is known. We develop a new particle filter called the Multiple Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter: MRBPF) to jointly estimate both the target and the channel states. We also compute the posterior Cramér-Rao bound: PCRB) on the estimates of the target and the channel states and use the PCRB to find a suitable subset of antennas to be used for transmission in each tracking interval, as well as the power transmitted by these antennas. Second, we consider the problem of tracking an unknown number and types of targets using a multi-modal sensor network. In a multi-modal sensor network, different quantities associated with the same state are measured using sensors of different kinds. Hence, an efficient method that can suitably combine the diverse information measured by each sensor is required. We first develop a Hierarchical Particle Filter: HPF) to estimate the unknown state from the multi-modal measurements for a special class of problems which can be modeled hierarchically. We then model our problem of tracking using a hierarchical model and then use the proposed HPF for joint initiation, termination and tracking of multiple targets. The multi-modal data consists of the measurements collected from a radar, an infrared camera and a human scout. We also propose a unified framework for multi-modal sensor management that comprises sensor selection: SS), resource allocation: RA) and data fusion: DF). Our approach is inspired by the trading behavior of economic agents in commercial markets. We model the sensors and the sensor manager as economic agents, and the interaction among them as a double sided market with both consumers and producers. We propose an iterative double auction mechanism for computing the equilibrium of such a market. We relate the equilibrium point to the solutions of SS, RA and DF. Third, we address MTT problem in the presence of data association ambiguity that arises due to clutter. Data association corresponds to the problem of assigning a measurement to each target. We treat the data association and state estimation as separate subproblems. We develop a game-theoretic framework to solve the data association, in which we model each tracker as a player and the set of measurements as strategies. We develop utility functions for each player, and then use a regret-based learning algorithm to find the correlated equilibrium of this game. The game-theoretic approach allows us to associate measurements to all the targets simultaneously. We then use particle filtering on the reduced dimensional state of each target, independently

    People tracking by cooperative fusion of RADAR and camera sensors

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    Accurate 3D tracking of objects from monocular camera poses challenges due to the loss of depth during projection. Although ranging by RADAR has proven effective in highway environments, people tracking remains beyond the capability of single sensor systems. In this paper, we propose a cooperative RADAR-camera fusion method for people tracking on the ground plane. Using average person height, joint detection likelihood is calculated by back-projecting detections from the camera onto the RADAR Range-Azimuth data. Peaks in the joint likelihood, representing candidate targets, are fed into a Particle Filter tracker. Depending on the association outcome, particles are updated using the associated detections (Tracking by Detection), or by sampling the raw likelihood itself (Tracking Before Detection). Utilizing the raw likelihood data has the advantage that lost targets are continuously tracked even if the camera or RADAR signal is below the detection threshold. We show that in single target, uncluttered environments, the proposed method entirely outperforms camera-only tracking. Experiments in a real-world urban environment also confirm that the cooperative fusion tracker produces significantly better estimates, even in difficult and ambiguous situations

    Hybrid Radio-map for Noise Tolerant Wireless Indoor Localization

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    In wireless networks, radio-map based locating techniques are commonly used to cope the complex fading feature of radio signal, in which a radio-map is built by calibrating received signal strength (RSS) signatures at training locations in the offline phase. However, in severe hostile environments, such as in ship cabins where severe shadowing, blocking and multi-path fading effects are posed by ubiquitous metallic architecture, even radio-map cannot capture the dynamics of RSS. In this paper, we introduced multiple feature radio-map location method for severely noisy environments. We proposed to add low variance signature into radio map. Since the low variance signatures are generally expensive to obtain, we focus on the scenario when the low variance signatures are sparse. We studied efficient construction of multi-feature radio-map in offline phase, and proposed feasible region narrowing down and particle based algorithm for online tracking. Simulation results show the remarkably performance improvement in terms of positioning accuracy and robustness against RSS noises than the traditional radio-map method.Comment: 6 pages, 11th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, April 7-9, 2014, Miami, FL, US

    Extended Object Tracking: Introduction, Overview and Applications

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    This article provides an elaborate overview of current research in extended object tracking. We provide a clear definition of the extended object tracking problem and discuss its delimitation to other types of object tracking. Next, different aspects of extended object modelling are extensively discussed. Subsequently, we give a tutorial introduction to two basic and well used extended object tracking approaches - the random matrix approach and the Kalman filter-based approach for star-convex shapes. The next part treats the tracking of multiple extended objects and elaborates how the large number of feasible association hypotheses can be tackled using both Random Finite Set (RFS) and Non-RFS multi-object trackers. The article concludes with a summary of current applications, where four example applications involving camera, X-band radar, light detection and ranging (lidar), red-green-blue-depth (RGB-D) sensors are highlighted.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figure