88 research outputs found

    Multi-Robot Coalition Formation

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    Multi-Robot Coalition Formation for Distributed Area Coverage

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    The problem of distributed area coverage using multiple mobile robots is an important problem in distributed multi-robot sytems. Multi-robot coverage is encountered in many real world applications, including unmanned search & rescue, aerial reconnaissance, robotic demining, inspection of engineering structures, and automatic lawn mowing. To achieve optimal coverage, robots should move in an efficient manner and reduce repeated coverage of the same region that optimizes a certain performance metric such as the amount of time or energy expended by the robots. This dissertation especially focuses on using mini-robots with limited capabilities, such as low speed of the CPU and limited storage of the memory, to fulfill the efficient area coverage task. Previous research on distributed area coverage use offline or online path planning algorithms to address this problem. Some of the existing approaches use behavior-based algorithms where each robot implements simple rules and the interaction between robots manifests in the global objective of overall coverage of the environment. Our work extends this line of research using an emergent, swarming based technique where robots use partial coverage histories from themselves as well as other robots in their vicinity to make local decisions that attempt to ensure overall efficient area coverage. We have then extended this technique in two directions. First, we have integreated the individual-robot, swarming-based technique for area coverage to teams of robots that move in formation to perform area coverage more efficiently than robots that move individually. Then we have used a team formation technique from coalition game theory, called Weighted Voting Game (WVG) to handle situations where a team moving in formation while performing area coverage has to dynamically reconfigure into sub-teams or merge with other teams, to continue the area coverage efficiently. We have validated our techniques by testing them on accurate models of e-puck robots in the Webots robot simulation platform, as well as on physical e-puck robots

    Correlation Clustering Based Coalition Formation For Multi-Robot Task Allocation

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    In this paper, we study the multi-robot task allocation problem where a group of robots needs to be allocated to a set of tasks so that the tasks can be finished optimally. One task may need more than one robot to finish it. Therefore the robots need to form coalitions to complete these tasks. Multi-robot coalition formation for task allocation is a well-known NP-hard problem. To solve this problem, we use a linear-programming based graph partitioning approach along with a region growing strategy which allocates (near) optimal robot coalitions to tasks in a negligible amount of time. Our proposed algorithm is fast (only taking 230 secs. for 100 robots and 10 tasks) and it also finds a near-optimal solution (up to 97.66% of the optimal). We have empirically demonstrated that the proposed approach in this paper always finds a solution which is closer (up to 9.1 times) to the optimal solution than a theoretical worst-case bound proved in an earlier work

    A Multi-robot System Coordination Design and Analysis on Wall Follower Robot Group

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    In this research, multi-robot formation can be established according to the environment or workspace. Group of robots will move sequently if there is no space for robots to stand side by side. Leader robot will be on the front of all robots and follow the right wall. On the other hand, robots will move side by side if there is a large space between them. Leader robot will be tracked the wall on its right side and follow on it while every follower moves side by side. The leader robot have to broadcast the information to all robots in the group in radius 9 meters. Nevertheless, every robot should be received information from leader robot to define their movements in the area. The error provided by fuzzy output process which is caused by read data from ultrasound sensor will drive to more time process. More sampling can reduce the error but it will drive more execution time. Furthermore, coordination time will need longer time and delay. Formation will not be establisehed if packet error happened in the communication process because robot will execute wrong command


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    Study of multi-robot system has been popular in recent years. This system is able to reduce processing time of some processes, the cost and complexity of the system. However, multi-robot system also has some problems. One of the problems faced by these systems is how to control robots in a certain formation when carrying out its functions. Several methods have been offered to resolve the existing problems. This study tries to offer a method to solve the problem, by modeling the multi-robot systems and implement a control system in order to maintain a specific formation. The study attempted to use a controller based on knowledge base system. Model is developed using MATLAB software and simulated to determine the performance. Several experiments are conducted to determine the movement of the robot and its ability to maintain a specific formation. From the experiments it can be said that the modeling of multiple-robot system has been reliable. In addition, formation control actions have also been running well, although there should be further development

    Dynamic Coalition Formation Under Uncertainty

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    Coalition formation algorithms are generally not applicable to real-world robotic collectives since they lack mechanisms to handle uncertainty. Those mechanisms that do address uncertainty either deflect it by soliciting information from others or apply reinforcement learning to select an agent type from within a set. This paper presents a coalition formation mechanism that directly addresses uncertainty while allowing the agent types to fall outside of a known set. The agent types are captured through a novel agent modeling technique that handles uncertainty through a belief-based evaluation mechanism. This technique allows for uncertainty in environmental data, agent type, coalition value, and agent cost. An investigation of both the effects of adding agents on processing time and of model quality on the convergence rate of initial agent models (and thereby coalition quality) is provided. This approach handles uncertainty on a larger scale than previous work and provides a mechanism readily applied to a dynamic collective of real-world robots. Abstract © IEEE