1,694 research outputs found

    Upravljanje putanjama vazduhoplova u kontroli letenja na pre-taktičkom i taktičkom nivou

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    Global air traffic demand is continuously increasing, and it is predicted to be tripled by 2050. The need for increasing air traffic capacity motivates a shift of ATM towards Trajectory Based Operations (TBOs). This implies the possibility to design efficient congestion-free aircraft trajectories more in advance (pre-tactical, strategic level) reducing controller’s workload on tactical level. As consequence, controllers will be able to manage more flights. Current flow management practices in air traffic management (ATM) system shows that under the present system settings there are only timid demand management actions taken prior to the day of operation such as: slot allocation and strategic flow rerouting. But the choice of air route for a particular flight is seen as a commercial decision to be taken by airlines, given air traffic control constraints. This thesis investigates the potential of robust trajectory planning (considered as an additional demand management action) at pre-tactical level as a mean to alleviate the en-route congestion in airspace. Robust trajectory planning (RTP) involves generation of congestion-free trajectories with minimum operating cost taking into account uncertainty of trajectory prediction and unforeseen event. Although planned cost could be higher than of conventional models, adding robustness to schedules might reduce cost of disruptions and hopefully lead to reductions in operating cost. The most of existing trajectory planning models consider finding of conflict-free trajectories without taking into account uncertainty of trajectory prediction. It is shown in the thesis that in the case of traffic disturbances, it is better to have a robust solution otherwise newly generated congestion problems would be hard and costly to solve. This thesis introduces a novel approach for route generation (3D trajectory) based on homotopic feature of continuous functions. It is shown that this approach is capable of generating a large number of route shapes with a reasonable number of decision variables. Those shapes are then coupled with time dimension in order to create trajectories (4D)...Globalna potražnja za vazdušnim saobraćajem u stalnom je porastu i prognozira se da će broj letova biti utrostručen do 2050 godine. Potreba za povećanjem kapaciteta sistema vazdušnog saobraćaja motivisala je promene u sistemu upravljanja saobraćajnim tokovima u kome će u budućnosti centralnu ulogu imati putanje vazduhoplova tzv. “trajectory-based” koncept. Takav sistem omogućiće planiranje putanja vazduhoplova koje ne stvaraju zagušenja u sistemu na pre-taktičkom nivou i time smanjiti radno opterećenje kontrolora na taktičkom nivou. Kao posledica, kontrolor će moći da upravlja više letova nego u današnjem sistemu. Današnja praksa upravljanja saobraćajnim tokovima pokazuje da se mali broj upravljačkih akcija primenjuje pre dana obavljanja letova npr.: alokacija slotova poletanja i strateško upravljanje saobraćajnim tokovima. Međutim izbor putanje kojom će se odviti let posmatra se kao komercijalna odluka aviokompanije (uz poštovanje postavljenih ograničenja od strane kontrole letenja) i stoga je ostavljen na izbor avio-kompaniji. Većina, do danas razvijenih, modela upravljanja putanjama vazduhoplova ima za cilj generisanje bez-konfliktnih putanja, ne uzimajući u obzir neizvesnost u poziciji vazduhoplova. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji ispitivano je planiranje robustnih putanja vazduhoplova (RTP) na pre-taktičkom nivou kao sredstvo ublažavanja zagušenja u vazdušnom prostoru . Robustno upravljanje putanjama vazduhoplova podrazumeva izbor putanja vazduhoplova sa minimalnim operativnim troškovima koje ne izazivaju zagušenja u vazdušnom prostoru u uslovima neizvesnosti buduđe pozicije vazduhoplova i nepredviđenih događaja. Iako predviđeni (planirani) operativni troškovi robustnih putanja mogu u startu biti veći od operativnih troškova bez-konfliktnih putanja, robusnost može uticati na smanjenje troškove poremećaja putanja jer ne zahteva dodatnu promenu putanja vazduhplova radi izbegavanja konfliktnih situacija na taktičkom nivou. To na kraju može dovesti i do smanjenja stvarnih operativnih troškova. U tezi je pokazano, da je u slučaju poremećaja saobraćaja bolje imati robustno rešenje (putanje), jer novo-nastali problem zagušenosti vazdušnog prostora je teško i skupo rešiti..

    Novel ATM and avionic systems for environmentally sustainable aviation

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    Large-scale air transport modernisation initiatives including the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research (SESAR), Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) and Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative for Aeronautics and Air Transport aim to improve the operational efficiency, safety and environmental sustainability of aviation. Scientific advances in Air Transport Management (ATM) and avionic systems are required to achieve the ambitious goals set by national and international aviation organisations. This paper presents the recent advances in ATM and avionic system concepts, integrated architectures and trajectory generation algorithms, to be adopted in Next Generation Avionics Flight Management Systems (NG-FMS) and ground-based 4-Dimensional Trajectory Planning, Negotiation and Validation (4-PNV) systems. Current research efforts are focussed on the development of NG-FMS and 4-PNV systems for Four Dimensional (4D) Trajectory/Intent Based Operations (TBO/IBO), enabling automated negotiation and validation of aircraft intents and thus alleviating the workload of operators. After describing the NG-FMS/4PNV concept of operations, the overall system architecture and the key mathematical models describing the 4DT optimisation algorithms are introduced. Simulation case studies utilising realistic operational scenarios highlight the generation and optimisation of a family of 4DT intents by the NG-FMS corresponding to a set of performance weightings agreed between Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) and Airline Operation Centres (AOC). The savings on time, fuel burn and gaseous emissions (CO2 and NOx) associated with the globally optimal 4DT intents are presented. The developed optimisation and negotiation/validation loops meet the timeframe requirements of typical online tactical routing/rerouting tasks

    Multi-objective optimisation of aircraft flight trajectories in the ATM and avionics context

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    The continuous increase of air transport demand worldwide and the push for a more economically viable and environmentally sustainable aviation are driving significant evolutions of aircraft, airspace and airport systems design and operations. Although extensive research has been performed on the optimisation of aircraft trajectories and very efficient algorithms were widely adopted for the optimisation of vertical flight profiles, it is only in the last few years that higher levels of automation were proposed for integrated flight planning and re-routing functionalities of innovative Communication Navigation and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) and Avionics (CNS+A) systems. In this context, the implementation of additional environmental targets and of multiple operational constraints introduces the need to efficiently deal with multiple objectives as part of the trajectory optimisation algorithm. This article provides a comprehensive review of Multi-Objective Trajectory Optimisation (MOTO) techniques for transport aircraft flight operations, with a special focus on the recent advances introduced in the CNS+A research context. In the first section, a brief introduction is given, together with an overview of the main international research initiatives where this topic has been studied, and the problem statement is provided. The second section introduces the mathematical formulation and the third section reviews the numerical solution techniques, including discretisation and optimisation methods for the specific problem formulated. The fourth section summarises the strategies to articulate the preferences and to select optimal trajectories when multiple conflicting objectives are introduced. The fifth section introduces a number of models defining the optimality criteria and constraints typically adopted in MOTO studies, including fuel consumption, air pollutant and noise emissions, operational costs, condensation trails, airspace and airport operations

    On the generation of environmentally efficient flight trajectories

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    To achieve a sustainable future for air transport, the International Civil Aviation Organization has proposed goals for reductions in community noise impact, local air quality and climate impacting emissions. The goals are intended to be achieved through advances in engine design, aircraft design and through improvements in aircraft operational procedures. This thesis focuses on operational procedures, and considers how trajectory generation methods can be used to support flight and airspace planners in the planning and delivery of environmentally efficient flight operations. The problem of planning environmentally efficient trajectories is treated as an optimal control problem that is solved through the application of a direct method of trajectory optimisation combined with a stochastic Non Linear Programming (NLP) solver. Solving the problem in this manner allows decision makers to explore the relationships between how aircraft are operated and the consequent environmental impacts of the flights. In particular, this thesis describes a multi-objective optimisation methodology intended to support the planning of environmentally efficient climb and descent procedures. The method combines environmental, trajectory and NLP methods to generate Pareto fronts between several competing objectives. It is shown how Pareto front information can then be used to allow decision makers to make informed decisions about potential tradeoffs between different environmental goals. The method is demonstrated through its application to a number of real world, many objective procedure optimisation studies. The method is shown to support in depth analysis of the case study problems and was used to identify best balance procedure characteristics and procedures in an objective, data driven approach not achievable through existing methods. Driven by operator specific goals to reduce CO2 emissions, work in this thesis also looks at trajectory based flight planning of CO2 efficient trajectories. The results are used to better understand the impacts of ATM constraints and recommended procedures on both the energy management and fuel efficiency of flights. Further to this, it is shown how trajectory optimisation methods can be applied to the analysis of conventional assumptions on fuel efficient aircraft operations. While the work within is intended to be directly relevant to the current air traffic management system, both consideration and discussion is given over to the evolution and continued relevance of the work to the Single European Sky trajectory based concept of operation

    An integrated framework for trajectory optimisation, prediction and parameter estimation for advanced aircraft separation concepts

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    Since the birth of commercial aviation, the applications and benefits of aircraft have grown immensely. This, in perfect synchrony with the average increase of purchasing power of the society, has rocketed the number of aircraft flying the skies. This increase comes at a cost, both in environmental and airspace capacity aspects. This thesis works towards the alleviation of the issues caused by the high number of flights, proposing concepts and mechanisms to safely increase the airspace capacity whilst minimising the environmental impact of aviation. This incredibly complex and neverending pursuit is omnipresent in the literature. One promising topic is the four dimensional (4D) trajectory optimisation with higher levels of automation. The research in this PhD thesis proposes an integrated framework for trajectory optimisation, trajectory prediction and parameter estimation, with which new air traffic management concepts can be assessed. This framework has the flexibility to optimise trajectories ranging from a free-flight to a very strict route structure, from a complete freedom at the vertical profile to a specific adherence to flight levels, etc. The 4D optimisation strategy results in a trajectory that complies with the scenario characteristics, which minimises a given functional objective such as the operational cost, time, fuel, etc. Furthermore, the same framework is used in a novel strategy to perform adaptive trajectory prediction (with conformance monitoring), and to estimate unknown parameters of an aircraft. To resolve this problem, an optimal control problem is formulated and converted into a non-linear programming (NLP) problem with direct collocation methods, and numerically resolved by an NLP solver. A comprehensive software architecture is presented, taking benefit from the best of two worlds to enable the flexibility and genericity of the developed optimisation framework: an object-oriented software coding language (C++) and a very powerful algebraic modelling language (GAMS). Based on this optimisation framework, the thesis produces operationally relevant results, demonstrating that the framework can cope with a variety of problems, and contributing to the ultimate goal of safely increasing airspace capacity and air traffic efficiency. Illustrative examples are presented focussed on the departure phase within a terminal manoeuvring area. First, an assessment of the efficiency of required times of arrival as a ways to increase air traffic capacity is presented, providing results on the cost in terms of fuel and time of imposing these time requirements within a TMA (which can get to surprisingly low figures), and its effectiveness for traffic separation. Second, the implementation of an aircraft separation methodology is presented, where an intruder trajectory is predicted and the ownship calculates its own optimal trajectory that deviates from it. A conformance monitoring strategy is implemented to ensure that the separation is maintained throughout the flight, acknowledging deviations, and reacting accordingly. Third, the prediction of the intruder trajectory is enhanced by the estimation of an equivalent mass using known past states. An impressive accuracy is achieved early after the beginning of the flight. Finally, the implementation of a multi-aircraft separation strategy is presented, where multiple aircraft are simultaneously optimised in the same optimisation problem, all whilst maintaining separation between them. The complexity of the alignment of aircraft coordinates for a fair comparison is tackled from a novel perspective. Conclusively, the different strategies for aircraft separation are compared, and quite surprisingly the best results for each strategy are quite similar. Indeed, the increase in operational cost that the different strategies present (when compared to the individual optimal trajectory) is negligible and alledgedly better than the current air traffic control separation paradigm.Des del naixement de l’aviació comercial, les aplicacions i beneficis dels avions han crescut immensament. Això, en perfecta sincronia amb l’augment mitjà del poder adquisitiu de la societat, ha augmentat el nombre d’avions que volen pel cel. Aquest augment comporta, tanmateix, un cost, tant en aspectes mediambientals com en la capacitat de l’espai aeri. Aquesta tesi és concebuda per treballar en l’alleujament dels problemes que resulten de l’elevat nombre de vols, proposant nous conceptes i mecanismes per augmentar la capacitat de l’espai aeri amb seguretat i alhora minimitzar l’impacte ambiental de l’aviació. Aquesta recerca, complexa però extremadament necessària, és la protagonista d’una gran quantitat de treballs científics publicats. Des de la propulsió, fins a les aerostructures i la gestió del transit aeri, avui en dia es dedica un gran esforç a la reducció de l’impacte ambiental, així com a l’augment de la seguretat i la capacitat de l’espai aeri. Un tema prometedor és la introducció de nous conceptes d’operació que aprofiten al màxim l’optimització de trajectòries en les quatre dimensions (4D) i nivells d’automatització més elevats, tant per a sistemes de bord com de terra. Conceptes com ara operacions de perfil vertical continu són cada cop més utilitzats en el dia a dia. També, la reducció de la distancia recorreguda dels avions mitjançant rutes més directes esdevé una realitat com més va més evident. Per tal d’abastar un àmbit més ampli, els sistemes embarcats i de terra hauran d’esser actualitzats. És per això que s’hauria d’explorar minuciosament la quantificació dels beneficis esperats per als nou conceptes que es proposin, abans d’introduir-los a escala local o global. La investigació d’aquesta tesi doctoral proposa un sistema integrat per a l’optimització de trajectòries, la predicció, i l’estimació de paràmetres, amb el qual es poden avaluar nous conceptes de gestió del trànsit aeri. Aquest sistema té la flexibilitat d’optimitzar trajectòries que van des d’un vol lliure (free-flight) fins a una estructura de ruta molt estricta, des d’una llibertat completa al perfil vertical fins a una adhesió especifica als nivells de vol, etc. La definició d’escenaris és prou genèrica com per permetre una àmplia varietat de tipologies de vol, fases de vol, fases de rendiment, restriccions al llarg de la trajectòria, entre molts altres aspectes. L’estratègia d’optimització 4D d´ona com a resultat una trajectòria que no només compleix les característiques del vol (i de l’entorn configurat), sinó que també minimitza un objectiu funcional determinat, com ara el cost operatiu, el temps, el combustible, etc. I com ja s’ha mencionat breument, aquesta mateixa estratègia d’optimització s’adapta lleugerament per presentar una innovadora estratègia per realitzar prediccions de trajectòria adaptativa (amb monitoratge de conformitat) i per estimar paràmetres crucials inicialment desconeguts d’un avió. Per resoldre un problema tan complex, es formula un problema de control òptim i es converteix en un problema de programació no lineal (NLP) amb mètodes de col·locació directa. Aquest problema es resol numèricament mitjançant un programari de resolució de problemes NLP i se n’extreuen els resultats per a l’anàlisi. Es presenta una arquitectura de programari integral, aprofitant el millor de dos mons: un llenguatge de programació orientat a objectes (C++) i un llenguatge matemàtic algèbric molt potent (GAMS). La interacció entre aquests dos mons permet la flexibilitat i la genericitat del sistema d’optimització desenvolupat A partir d’aquest sistema d’optimització, els diferents capítols de la tesi produeixen resultats operatius rellevants. Això no només demostra que el sistema pot fer front a una gran varietat de problemes, sinó que també contribueix a l’objectiu final d’augmentar de forma segura la capacitat de l’espai aeri i l’eficiència del transit aeri. Es presenten diferents casos d’ ´ us i exemples il·lustratius centrats en enlairaments dins l’àrea de maniobra terminal (TMA). Concretament, quatre etapes formen aquesta part de la tesi. Primer, es presenta una avaluació de l’eficiència dels temps requerits d’arribada (RTA) com a forma d’augmentar la capacitat del transit aeri. Aquest estudi proporciona resultats sobre el cost en termes de combustible i temps d’imposar aquests requisits de temps dins d’una TMA (que pot arribar a xifres sorprenentment baixes). A més, mostra com d’efectiva pot ser aquesta estratègia per a la separació del transit. En segon lloc, es presenta la implementació d’una metodologia de separació d’avions mitjançant el sistema d’optimització. En ella, una aeronau (l’aeronau) genera una predicció de trajectòria d’un avio extern amb qui preveu tenir un conflicte proper (l’intrús). Seguidament, l’aeronau calcula la seva pròpia trajectòria òptima que es desvia d’aquella predita de l’intrús. S’implementa una estratègia de control de la conformitat per assegurar que la separació es mantingui durant tot el vol, reconeixent les desviacions i reaccionant en conseqüència. En tercer lloc, la predicció de la trajectòria intrusa es veu millorada per l’estimació d’una massa equivalent mitjançant estats passats coneguts (el deixant). Com era d’esperar, com més llarg sigui aquest deixant, millor serà l’estimació de la massa. Tanmateix, s’aconsegueix una precisió impressionant molt poc després de l’inici del vol. Finalment, es presenta la implementació d’una estratègia de separació de múltiples aeronaus. En aquesta formulació, s’optimitzen simultàniament les trajectòries de diversos avions dins el mateix problema d’optimització, mantenint la separació entre ells. La complexitat de l’alineació temporal de les coordenades d’avions per a una comparació justa s’aborda des d’una perspectiva innovadora. En conclusió, es comparen les diferents estratègies de separació d’avions i, sorprenentment, els millors resultats de cada estratègia són força similars. De fet, l’augment del cost operatiu que presenten les diferents estratègies (en comparació amb la trajectòria òptima individual) és insignificant i sempre millor que el paradigma actual de separació del control de trànsit aeri.Postprint (published version

    Engage D5.6 Thematic challenge briefing notes (1st and 2nd releases)

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    Engage identified four thematic challenges to address research topics not contemporaneously (sufficiently) addressed by SESAR. This deliverable serves primarily as a record of the two sets of released thematic challenge briefing notes

    Cost-based linear holding practice and collaborative air traffic flow management under trajectory based operations

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    The current air transportation system is reaching the capacity limit in many countries/regions across the world. It tends to be less efficient or even incapable sometimes to deal with the enormous air traffic demand that continues growing year by year. This has been evidenced by the record-breaking flight delays reported in various places in recent years, which, have resulted in notable economical loses. To mitigate this imbalance between demand and capacity, air traffic flow management (ATFM) is usually one of the most useful options. It regulates traffic flows according to air traffic control capacity while preserving safety and efficiency of flights. ATFM initiatives can be considered well in advance of the flight execution - more than one year earlier - based on air traffic forecasts and capacity plans, and continue in effect, with information updated, to eventually the day of operation. This long effective period will inevitably allow substantial collaboration among different stakeholders, including the ATFM authority, airspace users (AUs), air navigation service providers (ANSPs), airports, etc. Under the forthcoming paradigm of trajectory based operations (TBO), the flight 4-Dimensional trajectory has been anticipated to further enhance the connection between flight planning and execution phases, thus fostering such collaboration in ATFM. Moreover, under nowadays operations, ground holding is a typical measure undertaken in many widely-used ATFM programs. Even though holding on the ground, at the origin airport, has the advantage of fuel efficiency over the air holding, it turns out that its feature of low flexibility would, in some circumstances, affect the ATFM performance. Yet, with proper flight trajectory management, it is also possible to have delay airborne at no extra fuel cost than performing ground holding. This PhD thesis firstly focuses on this trajectory management, specifically on a cost-based linear holding practice. The linear holding is realized progressively along the planned trajectory through precise speed control which can be enabled by aircraft trajectory optimization techniques. Some typical short/mid haul flights are simulated for achieving the maximum airborne delay that can be yielded using same fuel consumption as initially scheduled. Based on this, its potential applicability is demonstrated. A network ATFM model is adapted from the well-studied Bertsimas Stock-Patterson (BSP) model, incorporating different types of delay (including the linear holding) to flexibly handle the traffic flow with a set of given (yet changeable) capacities. In order that the benefits of the model can be fully realized, AUs are required to participate in the decision-making process, submitting for instance the maximum linear holding bound per flight along the planned trajectory. Next, increased AUs' participation is expected for a proposed Collaborative ATFM framework, in which not only various delay initiatives are considered, but also alternative trajectories which allow flights to route out of the identified hotspot areas. A centralized linear programming optimization model then computes for the best trajectory selections and the optimal delay distributions across all concerned flights. Finally, ANSPs' involvement is additionally considered for the framework, through dynamic airspace reconfiguration, further enhancing the collaboration between ATFM stakeholders. As such, the traffic flow regulation and sector opening scheduling are bounded into an integrated optimization model, and thus are conducted in a synchronized way. Results indicate that the performance of demand and capacity balancing can be even improved if compared with the previous ATFM models presented in this PhD thesis.El sistema de transport aeri actual està arribant al seu límit de capacitat en molts països i regions del món. Una gestió del flux de trànsit aeri (ATFM) més adequada podria mitigar aquest desequilibri entre la demanda i la capacitat. La funció de l'ATFM és regular els fluxos de trànsit aeri segons la capacitat de control del trànsit aeri, i alhora assegurar que els vols siguin segurs i eficients. Les regulacions del sistema d'ATFM es poden aplicar molt abans de l'execució del vol més d'un any abans. Un cop aplicades, aquestes regulacions continuaran evolucionant, amb informació actualitzada, fins el dia de la seva execució. El llarg període entre la planificació del vol i la seva execució permetrà una important col·laboració entre els diferents membres implicats, inclosa l'autoritat de l'ATFM, els usuaris de l'espai aeri (AUs), els proveïdors de serveis de navegació aèria (ANSP), els aeroports, etc. En les operacions d'avui en dia l'espera a terra és una de les regulacions que més aplica el sistema d'ATFM per tal d'evitar congestions als aeroports o sectors de l'espai aeri. Tot i que esperar a terra, a l'aeroport d'origen, té l'avantatge de consumir menys combustible que esperar a l'aire a l'aeroport de destí, la seva poca flexibilitat podria afectar negativament al rendiment de l'ATFM en algunes circumstàncies. Tanmateix, amb una gestió adequada de la trajectòria de vol, també és possible efectuar cert retard a l'aire sense cap cost addicional de combustible respecte al que resultaria esperant a terra. Aquesta tesi doctoral s'enfoca en primer lloc en aquesta gestió de trajectòria de vol, específicament en una pràctica d'espera tenint en compte els costos per l'aerolínia. L'espera lineal s'efectua progressivament al llarg de la trajectòria planificada mitjançant un control precís de la velocitat. Les velocitats que generen l'espera desitjada durant el vol és calculen mitjançant tècniques d'optimització. Alguns vols típics de curt i mig abast es simulen per quantificar el màxim retard a l'aire que es podria generar utilitzant el mateix consum de combustible que el previst inicialment. Basant-se en els resultats obtinguts, s'explora la seva aplicabilitat potencial. Es desenvolupa un model de la xarxa d'ATFM basat en el model de Bertsima Stock-Patterson. Com a novetat, el model desenvolupat en aquesta tesi incorpora diferents tipus de retard (incloent-hi l'espera lineal) per gestionar de forma més flexible el flux de trànsit donat un conjunt de capacitats pre-definides. Per tal d'explotar al màxim els beneficis del model proposat en aquesta tesi, les autoritats regionals estan obligades a participar en el procés de presa de decisions, declarant, per exemple, la màxima espera lineal associada a cada vol al llarg de la trajectòria planejada. Tot seguit, s'inclou la participació dels AUs en un sistema d'ATFM col·laboratiu, en el qual no només es consideren diverses tipus de retard per balancejar la capacitat i la demanda, sinó també trajectòries alternatives que permeten que els vols evitin de forma òptima els sectors de l?espai aeri congestionats. Un model d'optimització centralitzat basat en programació lineal calcula les millors seleccions de trajectòria i les distribucions òptimes de retard en tots els vols afectats per la regulació. Es demostra que incloure trajectòries alternatives pot reduir notablement la quantitat de retards. Finalment, es considera també la participació de l'ANSP en el sistema d'ATFM, a través de la configuració dinàmica de l'espai aeri, millorant encara més la col·laboració entre els membres implicats en el sistema. Com a tal, la regulació del flux de trànsit i la programació d'obertura dels diferents sectors de l'espai aeri s'inclouen en un model integrat d'optimització i, per tant, es programen de forma sincronitzada. Els resultats suggereixen que el rendiment del balanc¸ de la demanda i la capacitat es pot millorar encara m´es amb aquest sistema ATFM col·laboratiu complert. El nou model de balanc¸ de demanda i capacitat millora encara ées els resultats, si es compara amb els altres models d’ATFM presentats també en aquesta tesi doctoral.El sistema de transporte aéreo actual está llegando a su límite de capacidad en muchos países y regiones del mundo. Como consecuencia, éste tiende a ser menos eficiente e incluso en ocasiones incapaz de afrontar la enorme demanda de tráfico aéreo que incluso hoy en día crece rápidamente. Este hecho se ha visto evidenciado por los enormes retrasos registrados en diferentes lugares los últimos años, lo cual ha comportado enormes pérdidas económicas para la sociedad. Una gestión del flujo del tráfico aéreo (ATFM) más adecuada podría mitigar este desequilibrio entre la demanda y la capacidad. La función del ATFM es regular los flujos de tráfico aéreo según la capacidad de control del tráfico aéreo, siempre asegurando que los vuelos sean seguros y eficientes. Las regulaciones del sistema de ATFM se pueden aplicar mucho antes de la ejecución del vuelo –más de un año antes– en función de las previsiones de tráfico aéreo y de la capacidad esperada. Una vez aplicadas, estas regulaciones continuarán evolucionando, con información actualizada, hasta el día de su ejecución. El largo periodo entre la planificación del vuelo y su ejecución permitirá una importante colaboración entre los diferentes miembros implicados, incluida la autoridad del ATFM, los usuarios del espacio aéreo (AUs), los proveedores de servicios de navegación aérea (ANSP), los aeropuertos, etc. En el marco del futuro paradigma de las operaciones basadas en trayectorias, la introducción de vuelos con control sobre la trayectoria en las 4 dimensiones espera mejorar aún más la conexión entre las fases de planificación del vuelo y su ejecución, fomentando así la colaboración en el proceso de toma de decisiones del sistema ATFM. En las operaciones de hoy en día la espera en tierra es una de las regulaciones que más se aplica en el sistema de ATFM con el fin de evitar congestiones en los aeropuertos o en los sectores del espacio aéreo. Aun teniendo en cuenta que esperar en tierra, en el aeropuerto de origen, tiene la ventaja de consumir menos combustible que esperar en el aire en el aeropuerto de destino, su poca flexibilidad podría afectar negativamente al rendimiento del ATFM en algunas circunstancias. Aun así, con una gestión adecuada de la trayectoria de vuelo, también es posible efectuar cierto retraso en el aire sin ningún coste adicional de combustible respecto a lo que resultaría esperando en tierra. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en primer lugar en esta gestión de la trayectoria de vuelo, específicamente en una práctica de espera lineal considerando los costes para la aerolínea. La espera lineal se efectúa progresivamente a lo largo de la trayectoria planificada mediante un control preciso de la velocidad. Las velocidades que generan la espera deseada durante el vuelo se calculan mediante técnicas de optimización. Algunos vuelos típicos de corto y medio alcance se simulan para cuantificar el máximo retraso en el aire que se podría generar utilizando el mismo consumo de combustible que el previsto inicialmente. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos, se investiga su potencial aplicabilidad, como por ejemplo mejorar la planificación de programas de flujo del espacio aéreo, y ayudar a neutralizar los retrasos no deseados adicionales debidos a la incertidumbre del sistema. Se desarrolla un modelo de la red de ATFM basado en el conocido modelo Bertsimas Stock-Patterson (BSP). Como novedad, el modelo desarrollado en esta tesis incorpora diferentes tipos de retraso (incluyendo la espera lineal) para gestionar de manera más flexible el flujo de tráfico dado un conjunto de capacidades predefinidas. Con el fin de explotar al máximo los beneficios del modelo propuesto en esta tesis, se asume que las aerolíneas participaran en el proceso de toma de decisiones, declarando, por ejemplo, la máxima espera lineal asociada a cada vuelo a lo largo de la trayectoria planeada. Este concepto se ilustra con un caso de estudio, donde se demuestra una reducción significativa de los retrasos, comparado con el modelo BSP. Seguidamente, se incluye la participación de las aerolíneas en un sistema de ATFM colaborativo, en el cual no tan sólo se consideran diferentes tipos de retrasos para balancear la capacidad y la demanda, sino también trayectorias alternativas que permiten que los vuelos eviten de forma óptima los sectores del espacio aéreo congestionados. Un modelo de optimización centralizado basado en programación lineal calcula las mejores selecciones de la trayectoria y las distribuciones óptimas de retraso en todos los vuelos afectado por la regulación. Se demuestra que incluir trayectorias alternativas puede reducir notablemente la cantidad de retrasos. Finalmente, se considera también la participación de los ANSP en el sistema de ATFM, a través de la configuración dinámica del espacio aéreo, mejorando aún más la colaboración entre los miembros implicados en el sistema. Como tales, la regulación del flujo de tráfico aéreo y la programación de apertura de los diferentes sectores del espacio aéreo se incluyen en un modelo integrado de optimización y, por lo tanto, se programan de manera sincronizada. El nuevo modelo de balance de demanda y capacidad mejora aún más los resultados, si se compara con los otros modelos ATFM presentados también en esta tesis doctoralPostprint (published version

    Complexity challenges in ATM

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    After more than 4 years of activity, the ComplexWorld Network, together with the projects and PhDs covered under the SESAR long-term research umbrella, have developed sound research material contributing to progress beyond the state of the art in fields such as resilience, uncertainty, multi-agent systems, metrics and data science. The achievements made by the ComplexWorld stakeholders have also led to the identification of new challenges that need to be addressed in the future. In order to pave the way for complexity science research in Air Traffic Management (ATM) in the coming years, ComplexWorld requested external assessments on how the challenges have been covered and where there are existing gaps. For that purpose, ComplexWorld, with the support of EUROCONTROL, established an expert panel to review selected documentation developed by the network and provide their assessment on their topic of expertise

    A method of ATFCM based on trajectory based operations.

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    This thesis describes a method towards a more proactive approach for Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) Demand and Capacity Balancing (DCB). This new ATFCM DCB method focuses on reducing the expected Air Traffic Control (ATC) Separation Management (SM) tactical interventions. It is based on the identification of “hotspots” and mitigating them at pre-flight phase by applying minor adjustments on aircraft’s Times of Arrivals (TOAs) at points of conflict located at en-route crossing and merging junctions (hotspots). The adjustments of TOAs are achieved through optimal speed changes in aircraft speed profiles, applied before and after each junction whilst maintaining each aircraft’s flight time and the entropy of the whole traffic network. The approach postulates that the TOA adjustments may be transformed into a pre-tactical ATFCM DCB measure. This can be achieved by translating TOA adjustments into time constraints at junctions, issued by the Network Manager (NM) in the Reference Business Trajectories (RBTs) to produce de-randomized and well-behaved (conflict free) traffic scenarios to reduce the probability of conflicts. Several real high-density scenarios of the current and forecasted traffic in European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) airspace network are simulated using specialized modelling tools to validate the method. A novel Linear Programming (LP) optimisation model is formulated and used to compute optimal speed changes that remove all conflicts in the scenarios with minimum cascading effect. This method should enable a reduction in ATC workload, leading to improvements in airspace capacity, flight and network efficiency as well as safety. This approach is fully aligned to Trajectory Based Operation (TBO) principles. As a holistic solution, this new ATFCM DCB method should change the conventional capacity-limiting factor, currently established by the number of aircraft simultaneously entering each sector (sector count) to another factor where the level of traffic complexity, flying towards junctions is identified and mitigated at pre-flight phase.PhD in Aerospac

    Novel flight management system for improved safety and sustainability in the CNS+A context

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    Avionic system developers are faced with the challenge of researching and introducing innovative technologies that satisfy the requirements arising from the rapid expansion of global air transport while addressing the growing concerns for environmental sustainability of the aviation sector. As a consequence, novel systems are being developed in the Communication, Navigation and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) and Avionics (CNS+A) context. The introduction of dedicated software modules in Next Generation Flight Management Systems (NG-FMS), which are the primary providers of automated navigation and guidance services in manned aircraft and Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), has the potential to enable the significant advances brought in by time based operations. In this paper, key elements of the NG-FMS architecture are presented that allow the incorporation of 4-Dimensional Trajectory (4DT) planning and optimisation with inclusion of CNS integrity monitoring and augmentation functions in the overall design. The NG-FMS is designed to be fully interoperable with a future ground based 4DT Planning, Negotiation and Validation (4-PNV) system, enabling automated Trajectory/Intent-Based Operations (TBO/IBO). The mathematical models for 4DT planning are presented and the CNS integrity performance criteria are identified for various mission- and safety-critical tasks. Evaluation of the proposed concepts and methodologies is performed through dedicated simulation test case. The results demonstrate the functional capability of the NG-FMS to generate cost-effective trajectory profiles satisfying operational as well as environmental constraints