16 research outputs found

    Bearing-only formation control with auxiliary distance measurements, leaders, and collision avoidance

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    We address the controller synthesis problem for distributed formation control. Our solution requires only relative bearing measurements (as opposed to full translations), and is based on the exact gradient of a Lyapunov function with only global minimizers (independently from the formation topology). These properties allow a simple proof of global asymptotic convergence, and extensions for including distance measurements, leaders and collision avoidance. We validate our approach through simulations and comparison with other stateof-the-art algorithms.ARL grant W911NF-08-2-0004, ARO grant W911NF-13-1-0350, ONR grants N00014-07-1-0829, N00014-14-1-0510, N00014-15-1-2115, NSF grant IIS-1426840, CNS-1521617 and United Technologies

    Obstacle Avoidance Method for a Group of Humanoids Inspired by Social Force Model

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    This paper presents a new formulation for obstacle and collision behavior on a group of humanoid robots that adopts walking behavior of pedestrian crowd. A pedestrian receives position information from the other pedestrians, calculate his movement and then continuing his objective. This capability is defined as socio-dynamic capability of a pedestrian. Pedestrian's walking behavior in a crowd is an example of a sociodynamics system and known as Social Force Model (SFM). This research is trying to implement the avoidance terms in SFM into robot's behavior. The aim of the integration of SFM into robot's behavior is to increase robot's ability to maintain its safety by avoiding the obstacles and collision with the other robots. The attractive feature of the proposed algorithm is the fact that the behavior of the humanoids will imitate the human's behavior while avoiding the obstacle. The proposed algorithm combines formation control using Consensus Algorithm (CA) with collision and obstacle avoidance technique using SFM. Simulation and experiment results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Stabilisation of state-and-input constrained nonlinear systems via diffeomorphisms: A Sontag's formula approach with an actual application

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    In this work, we provide a new and constructive outlook for the control of state-and-input constrained nonlinear systems. Previously, explicit solutions have been mainly focused on the finding of a barrier-like Lyapunov function, whereas we propose the construction of a diffeomorphism to map all the trajectories of the constrained dynamics into an unconstrained one. Careful analysis has revealed that only some foundations of differential geometry and a technical assumption are necessary to construct the proposed methodology based on the well-established theories of control Lyapunov functions and Sontag's universal formulae. Altogether, it allows us to obtain an explicit solution that even includes bounded constraints in the control action, giving the designer a way to decide (to some extent) the trade-off between control saturations and robustness. Moreover, this approach does not rely on the own structure of the system dynamics, therefore covering a broad class of nonlinear systems. The main advantage of this approach is that the use of a diffeomorphism allows the splitting of the mathematical treatment of the constraint and the Lyapunov controller design. The result has been successfully applied to solve the dynamic positioning of an actual ship, where the nonlinear state constraints describe a strait. This approach enabled us to design a control Lyapunov function and thereby use Sontag's formula to solve the stabilisation problem. Realistic simulations have been executed in a real scenario on the simulator owned by an international shipbuilding company.Postprint (author's final draft

    Scalable and Safe Multi-Agent Motion Planning with Nonlinear Dynamics and Bounded Disturbances

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    We present a scalable and effective multi-agent safe motion planner that enables a group of agents to move to their desired locations while avoiding collisions with obstacles and other agents, with the presence of rich obstacles, high-dimensional, nonlinear, nonholonomic dynamics, actuation limits, and disturbances. We address this problem by finding a piecewise linear path for each agent such that the actual trajectories following these paths are guaranteed to satisfy the reach-and-avoid requirement. We show that the spatial tracking error of the actual trajectories of the controlled agents can be pre-computed for any qualified path that considers the minimum duration of each path segment due to actuation limits. Using these bounds, we find a collision-free path for each agent by solving Mixed Integer-Linear Programs and coordinate agents by using the priority-based search. We demonstrate our method by benchmarking in 2D and 3D scenarios with ground vehicles and quadrotors, respectively, and show improvements over the solving time and the solution quality compared to two state-of-the-art multi-agent motion planners.Comment: Accepted at AAAI2021. 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Control Barrier Function Based Quadratic Programs for Safety Critical Systems

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    Safety critical systems involve the tight coupling between potentially conflicting control objectives and safety constraints. As a means of creating a formal framework for controlling systems of this form, and with a view toward automotive applications, this paper develops a methodology that allows safety conditions -- expressed as control barrier functions -- to be unified with performance objectives -- expressed as control Lyapunov functions -- in the context of real-time optimization-based controllers. Safety conditions are specified in terms of forward invariance of a set, and are verified via two novel generalizations of barrier functions; in each case, the existence of a barrier function satisfying Lyapunov-like conditions implies forward invariance of the set, and the relationship between these two classes of barrier functions is characterized. In addition, each of these formulations yields a notion of control barrier function (CBF), providing inequality constraints in the control input that, when satisfied, again imply forward invariance of the set. Through these constructions, CBFs can naturally be unified with control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) in the context of a quadratic program (QP); this allows for the achievement of control objectives (represented by CLFs) subject to conditions on the admissible states of the system (represented by CBFs). The mediation of safety and performance through a QP is demonstrated on adaptive cruise control and lane keeping, two automotive control problems that present both safety and performance considerations coupled with actuator bounds