8,867 research outputs found

    Optimized normal and distance matching for heterogeneous object modeling

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    This paper presents a new optimization methodology of material blending for heterogeneous object modeling by matching the material governing features for designing a heterogeneous object. The proposed method establishes point-to-point correspondence represented by a set of connecting lines between two material directrices. To blend the material features between the directrices, a heuristic optimization method developed with the objective is to maximize the sum of the inner products of the unit normals at the end points of the connecting lines and minimize the sum of the lengths of connecting lines. The geometric features with material information are matched to generate non-self-intersecting and non-twisted connecting surfaces. By subdividing the connecting lines into equal number of segments, a series of intermediate piecewise curves are generated to represent the material metamorphosis between the governing material features. Alternatively, a dynamic programming approach developed in our earlier work is presented for comparison purposes. Result and computational efficiency of the proposed heuristic method is also compared with earlier techniques in the literature. Computer interface implementation and illustrative examples are also presented in this paper

    Path Coordination Planning and Control in Robotic Material Handling and Processing

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    This chapter presents a unified approach to coordination planning and control for robotic position and orientation trajectories in Cartesian space and its applications in robotic material handling and processing. The unified treatment of the end-effector positions and orientations is based on the robot pose ruled surface concept and used in trajectory interpolations. The focus of this chapter is on the determination and control of the instantaneous change laws of position and orientation, i.e., the generation and control of trajectories with good kinematics and dynamics performances along such trajectories. The coordination planning and control is implemented through controlling the motion laws of two end points of the orientation vector and calculating the coordinates of instantaneous corresponding points. The simulation and experiment in robotic surface profiling/finishing processes are presented to verify the feasibility of the proposed approach and demonstrate the capabilities of planning and control models. Keywords: Robot pose ruled surface, Unified approach, Trajectory planning and control, Off-line programming, Robotics polishin

    Designing heterogeneous porous tissue scaffolds for additive manufacturing processes

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    A novel tissue scaffold design technique has been proposed with controllable heterogeneous architecture design suitable for additive manufacturing processes. The proposed layer-based design uses a bi-layer pattern of radial and spiral layers consecutively to generate functionally gradient porosity, which follows the geometry of the scaffold. The proposed approach constructs the medial region from the medial axis of each corresponding layer, which represents the geometric internal feature or the spine. The radial layers of the scaffold are then generated by connecting the boundaries of the medial region and the layer's outer contour. To avoid the twisting of the internal channels, reorientation and relaxation techniques are introduced to establish the point matching of ruling lines. An optimization algorithm is developed to construct sub-regions from these ruling lines. Gradient porosity is changed between the medial region and the layer's outer contour. Iso-porosity regions are determined by dividing the subregions peripherally into pore cells and consecutive iso-porosity curves are generated using the isopoints from those pore cells. The combination of consecutive layers generates the pore cells with desired pore sizes. To ensure the fabrication of the designed scaffolds, the generated contours are optimized for a continuous, interconnected, and smooth deposition path-planning. A continuous zig-zag pattern deposition path crossing through the medial region is used for the initial layer and a biarc fitted isoporosity curve is generated for the consecutive layer with C-1 continuity. The proposed methodologies can generate the structure with gradient (linear or non-linear), variational or constant porosity that can provide localized control of variational porosity along the scaffold architecture. The designed porous structures can be fabricated using additive manufacturing processes

    Modeling, Simulating, and Parameter Fitting of Biochemical Kinetic Experiments

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    In many chemical and biological applications, systems of differential equations containing unknown parameters are used to explain empirical observations and experimental data. The DEs are typically nonlinear and difficult to analyze, requiring numerical methods to approximate the solutions. Compounding this difficulty are the unknown parameters in the DE system, which must be given specific numerical values in order for simulations to be run. Estrogen receptor protein dimerization is used as an example to demonstrate model construction, reduction, simulation, and parameter estimation. Mathematical, computational, and statistical methods are applied to empirical data to deduce kinetic parameter estimates and guide decisions regarding future experiments and modeling. The process demonstrated serves as a pedagogical example of quantitative methods being used to extract parameter values from biochemical data models.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, to be published in SIAM Revie

    Towards efficient 5-axis flank CNC machining of free-form surfaces via fitting envelopes of surfaces of revolution

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    We introduce a new method that approximates free-form surfaces by envelopes of one-parameter motions of surfaces of revolution. In the context of 5-axis computer numerically controlled (CNC) machining, we propose a flank machining methodology which is a preferable scallop-free scenario when the milling tool and the machined free-form surface meet tangentially along a smooth curve. We seek both an optimal shape of the milling tool as well as its optimal path in 3D space and propose an optimization based framework where these entities are the unknowns. We propose two initialization strategies where the first one requires a user’s intervention only by setting the initial position of the milling tool while the second one enables to prescribe a preferable tool-path. We present several examples showing that the proposed method recovers exact envelopes, including semi-envelopes and incomplete data, and for general free-form objects it detects envelope sub-patches

    TomograPy: A Fast, Instrument-Independent, Solar Tomography Software

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    Solar tomography has progressed rapidly in recent years thanks to the development of robust algorithms and the availability of more powerful computers. It can today provide crucial insights in solving issues related to the line-of-sight integration present in the data of solar imagers and coronagraphs. However, there remain challenges such as the increase of the available volume of data, the handling of the temporal evolution of the observed structures, and the heterogeneity of the data in multi-spacecraft studies. We present a generic software package that can perform fast tomographic inversions that scales linearly with the number of measurements, linearly with the length of the reconstruction cube (and not the number of voxels) and linearly with the number of cores and can use data from different sources and with a variety of physical models: TomograPy (http://nbarbey.github.com/TomograPy/), an open-source software freely available on the Python Package Index. For performance, TomograPy uses a parallelized-projection algorithm. It relies on the World Coordinate System standard to manage various data sources. A variety of inversion algorithms are provided to perform the tomographic-map estimation. A test suite is provided along with the code to ensure software quality. Since it makes use of the Siddon algorithm it is restricted to rectangular parallelepiped voxels but the spherical geometry of the corona can be handled through proper use of priors. We describe the main features of the code and show three practical examples of multi-spacecraft tomographic inversions using STEREO/EUVI and STEREO/COR1 data. Static and smoothly varying temporal evolution models are presented.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 5 table

    Automatic Construction of Predictive Neuron Models through Large Scale Assimilation of Electrophysiological Data.

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    We report on the construction of neuron models by assimilating electrophysiological data with large-scale constrained nonlinear optimization. The method implements interior point line parameter search to determine parameters from the responses to intracellular current injections of zebra finch HVC neurons. We incorporated these parameters into a nine ionic channel conductance model to obtain completed models which we then use to predict the state of the neuron under arbitrary current stimulation. Each model was validated by successfully predicting the dynamics of the membrane potential induced by 20-50 different current protocols. The dispersion of parameters extracted from different assimilation windows was studied. Differences in constraints from current protocols, stochastic variability in neuron output, and noise behave as a residual temperature which broadens the global minimum of the objective function to an ellipsoid domain whose principal axes follow an exponentially decaying distribution. The maximum likelihood expectation of extracted parameters was found to provide an excellent approximation of the global minimum and yields highly consistent kinetics for both neurons studied. Large scale assimilation absorbs the intrinsic variability of electrophysiological data over wide assimilation windows. It builds models in an automatic manner treating all data as equal quantities and requiring minimal additional insight

    Accessibility for Line-Cutting in Freeform Surfaces

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    Manufacturing techniques such as hot-wire cutting, wire-EDM, wire-saw cutting, and flank CNC machining all belong to a class of processes called line-cutting where the cutting tool moves tangentially along the reference geometry. From a geometric point of view, line-cutting brings a unique set of challenges in guaranteeing that the process is collision-free. In this work, given a set of cut-paths on a freeform geometry as the input, we propose a conservative algorithm for finding collision-free tangential cutting directions. These directions, if they exist, are guaranteed to be globally accessible for fabricating the geometry by line-cutting. We then demonstrate how this information can be used to generate globally collision-free cut-paths. We apply our algorithm to freeform models of varying complexity.RYC-2017-2264

    Automatic fitting of conical envelopes to free-form surfaces for flank CNC machining

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    We propose a new algorithm to detect patches of free-form surfaces that can be well approximated by envelopes of a rotational cone under a rigid body motion. These conical envelopes are a preferable choice from the manufacturing point of view as they are, by-definition, manufacturable by computer numerically controlled (CNC) machining using the efficient flank (peripheral) method with standard conical tools. Our geometric approach exploits multi-valued vector fields that consist of vectors in which the point-surface distance changes linearly. Integrating such vector fields gives rise to a family of integral curves, and, among them, linear segments that further serve as conical axes are quickly extracted. The lines that additionally admit tangential motion of the associated cone along the reference geometry form a set of candidate lines that are sequentially clustered and ordered to initialize motions of a rigid truncated cone. We validate our method by applying it on synthetic examples with exact envelopes, recovering correctly the exact solutions, and by testing it on several benchmark industrial datasets, detecting manufacturable conical envelope patches within fine tolerances
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