14 research outputs found

    Improving Spatial Codification in Semantic Segmentation

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    This paper explores novel approaches for improving the spatial codification for the pooling of local descriptors to solve the semantic segmentation problem. We propose to partition the image into three regions for each object to be described: Figure, Border and Ground. This partition aims at minimizing the influence of the image context on the object description and vice versa by introducing an intermediate zone around the object contour. Furthermore, we also propose a richer visual descriptor of the object by applying a Spatial Pyramid over the Figure region. Two novel Spatial Pyramid configurations are explored: Cartesian-based and crown-based Spatial Pyramids. We test these approaches with state-of-the-art techniques and show that they improve the Figure-Ground based pooling in the Pascal VOC 2011 and 2012 semantic segmentation challenges.Comment: Paper accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2015. Quebec City, 27-30 September. Project page: https://imatge.upc.edu/web/publications/improving-spatial-codification-semantic-segmentatio

    Joint Object and Part Segmentation using Deep Learned Potentials

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    Segmenting semantic objects from images and parsing them into their respective semantic parts are fundamental steps towards detailed object understanding in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a joint solution that tackles semantic object and part segmentation simultaneously, in which higher object-level context is provided to guide part segmentation, and more detailed part-level localization is utilized to refine object segmentation. Specifically, we first introduce the concept of semantic compositional parts (SCP) in which similar semantic parts are grouped and shared among different objects. A two-channel fully convolutional network (FCN) is then trained to provide the SCP and object potentials at each pixel. At the same time, a compact set of segments can also be obtained from the SCP predictions of the network. Given the potentials and the generated segments, in order to explore long-range context, we finally construct an efficient fully connected conditional random field (FCRF) to jointly predict the final object and part labels. Extensive evaluation on three different datasets shows that our approach can mutually enhance the performance of object and part segmentation, and outperforms the current state-of-the-art on both tasks

    Self-tuned Visual Subclass Learning with Shared Samples An Incremental Approach

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    Computer vision tasks are traditionally defined and evaluated using semantic categories. However, it is known to the field that semantic classes do not necessarily correspond to a unique visual class (e.g. inside and outside of a car). Furthermore, many of the feasible learning techniques at hand cannot model a visual class which appears consistent to the human eye. These problems have motivated the use of 1) Unsupervised or supervised clustering as a preprocessing step to identify the visual subclasses to be used in a mixture-of-experts learning regime. 2) Felzenszwalb et al. part model and other works model mixture assignment with latent variables which is optimized during learning 3) Highly non-linear classifiers which are inherently capable of modelling multi-modal input space but are inefficient at the test time. In this work, we promote an incremental view over the recognition of semantic classes with varied appearances. We propose an optimization technique which incrementally finds maximal visual subclasses in a regularized risk minimization framework. Our proposed approach unifies the clustering and classification steps in a single algorithm. The importance of this approach is its compliance with the classification via the fact that it does not need to know about the number of clusters, the representation and similarity measures used in pre-processing clustering methods a priori. Following this approach we show both qualitatively and quantitatively significant results. We show that the visual subclasses demonstrate a long tail distribution. Finally, we show that state of the art object detection methods (e.g. DPM) are unable to use the tails of this distribution comprising 50\% of the training samples. In fact we show that DPM performance slightly increases on average by the removal of this half of the data.Comment: Updated ICCV 2013 submissio

    How good are detection proposals, really?

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    Current top performing Pascal VOC object detectors employ detection proposals to guide the search for objects thereby avoiding exhaustive sliding window search across images. Despite the popularity of detection proposals, it is unclear which trade-offs are made when using them during object detection. We provide an in depth analysis of ten object proposal methods along with four baselines regarding ground truth annotation recall (on Pascal VOC 2007 and ImageNet 2013), repeatability, and impact on DPM detector performance. Our findings show common weaknesses of existing methods, and provide insights to choose the most adequate method for different settings

    Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Multi-fold Multiple Instance Learning

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    Object category localization is a challenging problem in computer vision. Standard supervised training requires bounding box annotations of object instances. This time-consuming annotation process is sidestepped in weakly supervised learning. In this case, the supervised information is restricted to binary labels that indicate the absence/presence of object instances in the image, without their locations. We follow a multiple-instance learning approach that iteratively trains the detector and infers the object locations in the positive training images. Our main contribution is a multi-fold multiple instance learning procedure, which prevents training from prematurely locking onto erroneous object locations. This procedure is particularly important when using high-dimensional representations, such as Fisher vectors and convolutional neural network features. We also propose a window refinement method, which improves the localization accuracy by incorporating an objectness prior. We present a detailed experimental evaluation using the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset, which verifies the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI

    Detect What You Can: Detecting and Representing Objects using Holistic Models and Body Parts

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    Detecting objects becomes difficult when we need to deal with large shape deformation, occlusion and low resolution. We propose a novel approach to i) handle large deformations and partial occlusions in animals (as examples of highly deformable objects), ii) describe them in terms of body parts, and iii) detect them when their body parts are hard to detect (e.g., animals depicted at low resolution). We represent the holistic object and body parts separately and use a fully connected model to arrange templates for the holistic object and body parts. Our model automatically decouples the holistic object or body parts from the model when they are hard to detect. This enables us to represent a large number of holistic object and body part combinations to better deal with different “detectability” patterns caused by deformations, occlusion and/or low resolution. We apply our method to the six animal categories in the PASCAL VOC dataset and show that our method significantly improves state-of-the-art (by 4.1% AP) and provides a richer representation for objects. During training we use annotations for body parts (e.g., head, torso, etc), making use of a new dataset of fully annotated object parts for PASCAL VOC 2010, which provides a mask for each part.This material is based upon work supported by the Center for Minds, Brains and Machines (CBMM), funded by NSF STC award CCF-1231216

    Segmentation Driven Object Detection with Fisher Vectors

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    International audienceWe present an object detection system based on the Fisher vector (FV) image representation computed over SIFT and color descriptors. For computational and storage efficiency, we use a recent segmentation-based method to generate class-independent object detection hypotheses, in combination with data compression techniques. Our main contribution is a method to produce tentative object segmentation masks to suppress background clutter in the features. Re-weighting the local image features based on these masks is shown to improve object detection significantly. We also exploit contextual features in the form of a full-image FV descriptor, and an inter-category rescoring mechanism. Our experiments on the VOC 2007 and 2010 datasets show that our detector improves over the current state-of-the-art detection results