18,548 research outputs found

    Multi-Class Semantic Segmentation of Faces

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    In this paper the problem of multi-class face segmentation is introduced. Differently from previous works which only consider few classes - typically skin and hair - the label set is extended here to six categories: skin, hair, eyes, nose, mouth and background. A dataset with 70 images taken from MIT-CBCL and FEI face databases is manually annotated and made publicly available1. Three kind of local features - accounting for color, shape and location - are extracted from uniformly sampled square patches. A discriminative model is built with random decision forests and used for classification. Many different combinations of features and parameters are explored to find the best possible model configuration. Our analysis shows that very good performance (~ 93% in accuracy) can be achieved with a fairly simple model

    Semantically Informed Multiview Surface Refinement

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    We present a method to jointly refine the geometry and semantic segmentation of 3D surface meshes. Our method alternates between updating the shape and the semantic labels. In the geometry refinement step, the mesh is deformed with variational energy minimization, such that it simultaneously maximizes photo-consistency and the compatibility of the semantic segmentations across a set of calibrated images. Label-specific shape priors account for interactions between the geometry and the semantic labels in 3D. In the semantic segmentation step, the labels on the mesh are updated with MRF inference, such that they are compatible with the semantic segmentations in the input images. Also, this step includes prior assumptions about the surface shape of different semantic classes. The priors induce a tight coupling, where semantic information influences the shape update and vice versa. Specifically, we introduce priors that favor (i) adaptive smoothing, depending on the class label; (ii) straightness of class boundaries; and (iii) semantic labels that are consistent with the surface orientation. The novel mesh-based reconstruction is evaluated in a series of experiments with real and synthetic data. We compare both to state-of-the-art, voxel-based semantic 3D reconstruction, and to purely geometric mesh refinement, and demonstrate that the proposed scheme yields improved 3D geometry as well as an improved semantic segmentation

    Deep Learning for Semantic Part Segmentation with High-Level Guidance

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    In this work we address the task of segmenting an object into its parts, or semantic part segmentation. We start by adapting a state-of-the-art semantic segmentation system to this task, and show that a combination of a fully-convolutional Deep CNN system coupled with Dense CRF labelling provides excellent results for a broad range of object categories. Still, this approach remains agnostic to high-level constraints between object parts. We introduce such prior information by means of the Restricted Boltzmann Machine, adapted to our task and train our model in an discriminative fashion, as a hidden CRF, demonstrating that prior information can yield additional improvements. We also investigate the performance of our approach ``in the wild'', without information concerning the objects' bounding boxes, using an object detector to guide a multi-scale segmentation scheme. We evaluate the performance of our approach on the Penn-Fudan and LFW datasets for the tasks of pedestrian parsing and face labelling respectively. We show superior performance with respect to competitive methods that have been extensively engineered on these benchmarks, as well as realistic qualitative results on part segmentation, even for occluded or deformable objects. We also provide quantitative and extensive qualitative results on three classes from the PASCAL Parts dataset. Finally, we show that our multi-scale segmentation scheme can boost accuracy, recovering segmentations for finer parts.Comment: 11 pages (including references), 3 figures, 2 table

    Semantic 3D Reconstruction with Finite Element Bases

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    We propose a novel framework for the discretisation of multi-label problems on arbitrary, continuous domains. Our work bridges the gap between general FEM discretisations, and labeling problems that arise in a variety of computer vision tasks, including for instance those derived from the generalised Potts model. Starting from the popular formulation of labeling as a convex relaxation by functional lifting, we show that FEM discretisation is valid for the most general case, where the regulariser is anisotropic and non-metric. While our findings are generic and applicable to different vision problems, we demonstrate their practical implementation in the context of semantic 3D reconstruction, where such regularisers have proved particularly beneficial. The proposed FEM approach leads to a smaller memory footprint as well as faster computation, and it constitutes a very simple way to enable variable, adaptive resolution within the same model
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