8 research outputs found

    Scalable Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds with Extreme Scale and Density Diversity

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    In this paper we present a scalable approach for robustly computing a 3D surface mesh from multi-scale multi-view stereo point clouds that can handle extreme jumps of point density (in our experiments three orders of magnitude). The backbone of our approach is a combination of octree data partitioning, local Delaunay tetrahedralization and graph cut optimization. Graph cut optimization is used twice, once to extract surface hypotheses from local Delaunay tetrahedralizations and once to merge overlapping surface hypotheses even when the local tetrahedralizations do not share the same topology.This formulation allows us to obtain a constant memory consumption per sub-problem while at the same time retaining the density independent interpolation properties of the Delaunay-based optimization. On multiple public datasets, we demonstrate that our approach is highly competitive with the state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy, completeness and outlier resilience. Further, we demonstrate the multi-scale potential of our approach by processing a newly recorded dataset with 2 billion points and a point density variation of more than four orders of magnitude - requiring less than 9GB of RAM per process.Comment: This paper was accepted to the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. The copyright was transfered to IEEE (ieee.org). The official version of the paper will be made available on IEEE Xplore (R) (ieeexplore.ieee.org). This version of the paper also contains the supplementary material, which will not appear IEEE Xplore (R

    Polarimetric PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo

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    PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo (PatchMatch MVS) is one of the popular MVS approaches, owing to its balanced accuracy and efficiency. In this paper, we propose Polarimetric PatchMatch multi-view Stereo (PolarPMS), which is the first method exploiting polarization cues to PatchMatch MVS. The key of PatchMatch MVS is to generate depth and normal hypotheses, which form local 3D planes and slanted stereo matching windows, and efficiently search for the best hypothesis based on the consistency among multi-view images. In addition to standard photometric consistency, our PolarPMS evaluates polarimetric consistency to assess the validness of a depth and normal hypothesis, motivated by the physical property that the polarimetric information is related to the object's surface normal. Experimental results demonstrate that our PolarPMS can improve the accuracy and the completeness of reconstructed 3D models, especially for texture-less surfaces, compared with state-of-the-art PatchMatch MVS methods

    Planar Prior Assisted PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo

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    The completeness of 3D models is still a challenging problem in multi-view stereo (MVS) due to the unreliable photometric consistency in low-textured areas. Since low-textured areas usually exhibit strong planarity, planar models are advantageous to the depth estimation of low-textured areas. On the other hand, PatchMatch multi-view stereo is very efficient for its sampling and propagation scheme. By taking advantage of planar models and PatchMatch multi-view stereo, we propose a planar prior assisted PatchMatch multi-view stereo framework in this paper. In detail, we utilize a probabilistic graphical model to embed planar models into PatchMatch multi-view stereo and contribute a novel multi-view aggregated matching cost. This novel cost takes both photometric consistency and planar compatibility into consideration, making it suited for the depth estimation of both non-planar and planar regions. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can efficiently recover the depth information of extremely low-textured areas, thus obtaining high complete 3D models and achieving state-of-the-art performance.Comment: Accepted by AAAI-202

    Fast and Accurate Depth Estimation from Sparse Light Fields

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    We present a fast and accurate method for dense depth reconstruction from sparsely sampled light fields obtained using a synchronized camera array. In our method, the source images are over-segmented into non-overlapping compact superpixels that are used as basic data units for depth estimation and refinement. Superpixel representation provides a desirable reduction in the computational cost while preserving the image geometry with respect to the object contours. Each superpixel is modeled as a plane in the image space, allowing depth values to vary smoothly within the superpixel area. Initial depth maps, which are obtained by plane sweeping, are iteratively refined by propagating good correspondences within an image. To ensure the fast convergence of the iterative optimization process, we employ a highly parallel propagation scheme that operates on all the superpixels of all the images at once, making full use of the parallel graphics hardware. A few optimization iterations of the energy function incorporating superpixel-wise smoothness and geometric consistency constraints allows to recover depth with high accuracy in textured and textureless regions as well as areas with occlusions, producing dense globally consistent depth maps. We demonstrate that while the depth reconstruction takes about a second per full high-definition view, the accuracy of the obtained depth maps is comparable with the state-of-the-art results.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Multi-View Depth Map Estimation With Cross-View Consistency

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