44,153 research outputs found

    Adaptive Multi-Rate Wavelet Method for Circuit Simulation

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    In this paper a new adaptive algorithm for multi-rate circuit simulation encountered in the design of RF circuits based on spline wavelets is presented. The ordinary circuit differential equations are first rewritten by a system of (multi-rate) partial differential equations (MPDEs) in order to decouple the different time scales. Second, a semi-discretization by Rothe's method of the MPDEs results in a system of differential algebraic equations DAEs with periodic boundary conditions. These boundary value problems are solved by a Galerkin discretization using spline functions. An adaptive spline grid is generated, using spline wavelets for non-uniform grids. Moreover the instantaneous frequency is chosen adaptively to guarantee a smooth envelope resulting in large time steps and therefore high run time efficiency. Numerical tests on circuits exhibiting multi-rate behavior including mixers and PLL conclude the paper

    A novel envelope simulation technique for high-frequency nonlinear circuits

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    The paper proposes a new approach for the analysis and simulation of circuits subject to input signals with widely separated rates of variation. Such signals arise in communication circuits when an RF carrier is modulated by a low-frequency information signal. The approach will involve converting the ordinary differential equation system that describes the circuit to a partial differential equation system and subsequently solving the resultant system using a multiresolution collocation approach involving a cubic spline wavelet-based decomposition

    Enabling High-Dimensional Hierarchical Uncertainty Quantification by ANOVA and Tensor-Train Decomposition

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    Hierarchical uncertainty quantification can reduce the computational cost of stochastic circuit simulation by employing spectral methods at different levels. This paper presents an efficient framework to simulate hierarchically some challenging stochastic circuits/systems that include high-dimensional subsystems. Due to the high parameter dimensionality, it is challenging to both extract surrogate models at the low level of the design hierarchy and to handle them in the high-level simulation. In this paper, we develop an efficient ANOVA-based stochastic circuit/MEMS simulator to extract efficiently the surrogate models at the low level. In order to avoid the curse of dimensionality, we employ tensor-train decomposition at the high level to construct the basis functions and Gauss quadrature points. As a demonstration, we verify our algorithm on a stochastic oscillator with four MEMS capacitors and 184 random parameters. This challenging example is simulated efficiently by our simulator at the cost of only 10 minutes in MATLAB on a regular personal computer.Comment: 14 pages (IEEE double column), 11 figure, accepted by IEEE Trans CAD of Integrated Circuits and System

    Tensor Computation: A New Framework for High-Dimensional Problems in EDA

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    Many critical EDA problems suffer from the curse of dimensionality, i.e. the very fast-scaling computational burden produced by large number of parameters and/or unknown variables. This phenomenon may be caused by multiple spatial or temporal factors (e.g. 3-D field solvers discretizations and multi-rate circuit simulation), nonlinearity of devices and circuits, large number of design or optimization parameters (e.g. full-chip routing/placement and circuit sizing), or extensive process variations (e.g. variability/reliability analysis and design for manufacturability). The computational challenges generated by such high dimensional problems are generally hard to handle efficiently with traditional EDA core algorithms that are based on matrix and vector computation. This paper presents "tensor computation" as an alternative general framework for the development of efficient EDA algorithms and tools. A tensor is a high-dimensional generalization of a matrix and a vector, and is a natural choice for both storing and solving efficiently high-dimensional EDA problems. This paper gives a basic tutorial on tensors, demonstrates some recent examples of EDA applications (e.g., nonlinear circuit modeling and high-dimensional uncertainty quantification), and suggests further open EDA problems where the use of tensor computation could be of advantage.Comment: 14 figures. Accepted by IEEE Trans. CAD of Integrated Circuits and System

    An efficient nonlinear circuit simulation technique

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    This paper proposes a new and efficient approach for the analysis and simulation of circuits subject to input signals with widely separated rates of variation. Such signals arise in communication circuits when an RF carrier is modulated by a low-frequency information signal. The proposed technique initially involves converting the ordinary differential equation system, that describes the nonlinear circuit, to a partial differential equation system. The resultant system is then semidiscretised using a multiresolution collocation scheme, involving cubic spline wavelet decomposition. A reduced equation system is subsequently formed, using a nonlinear model reduction strategy. This enables an efficient solution process using trapezoidal numerical integration. Results highlight the efficacy of the proposed approach

    Time-domain analysis of RF and microwave autonomous circuits by vector fitting-based approach

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    This work presents a new method for the analysis of RF and microwave autonomous circuits directly in the time-domain, which is the most effective approach at simulation level to evaluate nonlinear phenomena. For RF and microwave autonomous circuits, time-domain simulations usually experiment convergence problems or numerical inaccuracies due to the presence of distributed elements, preventing de-facto their use. The proposed solution is based on the Vector Fitting algorithm applied directly at circuit level. A case study relative to a RF hybrid oscillator is presented for practical demonstration and evaluation of performance reliability of the proposed method