8 research outputs found

    Multi-Scaled Explorations of Binding-Induced Folding of Intrinsically Disordered Protein Inhibitor IA3 to its Target Enzyme

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    Biomolecular function is realized by recognition, and increasing evidence shows that recognition is determined not only by structure but also by flexibility and dynamics. We explored a biomolecular recognition process that involves a major conformational change – protein folding. In particular, we explore the binding-induced folding of IA3, an intrinsically disordered protein that blocks the active site cleft of the yeast aspartic proteinase saccharopepsin (YPrA) by folding its own N-terminal residues into an amphipathic alpha helix. We developed a multi-scaled approach that explores the underlying mechanism by combining structure-based molecular dynamics simulations at the residue level with a stochastic path method at the atomic level. Both the free energy profile and the associated kinetic paths reveal a common scheme whereby IA3 binds to its target enzyme prior to folding itself into a helix. This theoretical result is consistent with recent time-resolved experiments. Furthermore, exploration of the detailed trajectories reveals the important roles of non-native interactions in the initial binding that occurs prior to IA3 folding. In contrast to the common view that non-native interactions contribute only to the roughness of landscapes and impede binding, the non-native interactions here facilitate binding by reducing significantly the entropic search space in the landscape. The information gained from multi-scaled simulations of the folding of this intrinsically disordered protein in the presence of its binding target may prove useful in the design of novel inhibitors of aspartic proteinases

    Structural Biology: Modeling applications and techniques at a glance

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    As recent advancements in biology shows, the molecular machines specially proteins, RNA and complex molecules play the main role of the so called cell functionality. It means a very big part of the system biology is concerned with the interactions of such molecular components. Drug industries and research institutes are trying hard to better understand the concepts underlying these interactions and are highly dependent on the issues regarding these molecular elements. However the costs for such projects are so high and in many cases these projects will be funded by governments or profit making companies. With this in mind it has to be said that the techniques like stimulation are always a very good candidate to decrease such costs and to provide scientists with a bright future of the project results before undergoing costly experiments. However the costs involved projects that determine an approximation for the problem is not that much high but they are also costly. So it is of utmost importance to invent special techniques for the concept of stimulation that can also decrease the project costs and also predict much accurately. Since the system biology and proteomics as the study of the proteins and their functions are in the center of consideration for the purpose of drug discovery, understanding the cell functionalities and the underlying causes behind diseases; so we need advance software and algorithms that can predict the structure of the molecular components and to provide researchers with the computational tools to analyze such models. In this paper we make review of the importance of molecular modeling, its limitations and applications

    Binding Free Energy Landscape of Domain-Peptide Interactions

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    Peptide recognition domains (PRDs) are ubiquitous protein domains which mediate large numbers of protein interactions in the cell. How these PRDs are able to recognize peptide sequences in a rapid and specific manner is incompletely understood. We explore the peptide binding process of PDZ domains, a large PRD family, from an equilibrium perspective using an all-atom Monte Carlo (MC) approach. Our focus is two different PDZ domains representing two major PDZ classes, I and II. For both domains, a binding free energy surface with a strong bias toward the native bound state is found. Moreover, both domains exhibit a binding process in which the peptides are mostly either bound at the PDZ binding pocket or else interact little with the domain surface. Consistent with this, various binding observables show a temperature dependence well described by a simple two-state model. We also find important differences in the details between the two domains. While both domains exhibit well-defined binding free energy barriers, the class I barrier is significantly weaker than the one for class II. To probe this issue further, we apply our method to a PDZ domain with dual specificity for class I and II peptides, and find an analogous difference in their binding free energy barriers. Lastly, we perform a large number of fixed-temperature MC kinetics trajectories under binding conditions. These trajectories reveal significantly slower binding dynamics for the class II domain relative to class I. Our combined results are consistent with a binding mechanism in which the peptide C terminal residue binds in an initial, rate-limiting step

    Exploration of Multi-State Conformational Dynamics and Underlying Global Functional Landscape of Maltose Binding Protein

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    An increasing number of biological machines have been revealed to have more than two macroscopic states. Quantifying the underlying multiple-basin functional landscape is essential for understanding their functions. However, the present models seem to be insufficient to describe such multiple-state systems. To meet this challenge, we have developed a coarse grained triple-basin structure-based model with implicit ligand. Based on our model, the constructed functional landscape is sufficiently sampled by the brute-force molecular dynamics simulation. We explored maltose-binding protein (MBP) which undergoes large-scale domain motion between open, apo-closed (partially closed) and holo-closed (fully closed) states responding to ligand binding. We revealed an underlying mechanism whereby major induced fit and minor population shift pathways co-exist by quantitative flux analysis. We found that the hinge regions play an important role in the functional dynamics as well as that increases in its flexibility promote population shifts. This finding provides a theoretical explanation of the mechanistic discrepancies in PBP protein family. We also found a functional “backtracking” behavior that favors conformational change. We further explored the underlying folding landscape in response to ligand binding. Consistent with earlier experimental findings, the presence of ligand increases the cooperativity and stability of MBP. This work provides the first study to explore the folding dynamics and functional dynamics under the same theoretical framework using our triple-basin functional model

    Mapping transiently formed and sparsely populated conformations on a complex energy landscape

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    Determining the structures, kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanisms that underlie conformational exchange processes in proteins remains extremely difficult. Only in favourable cases is it possible to provide atomic-level descriptions of sparsely populated and transiently formed alternative conformations. Here we benchmark the ability of enhanced-sampling molecular dynamics simulations to determine the free energy landscape of the L99A cavity mutant of T4 lysozyme. We find that the simulations capture key properties previously measured by NMR relaxation dispersion methods including the structure of a minor conformation, the kinetics and thermodynamics of conformational exchange, and the effect of mutations. We discover a new tunnel that involves the transient exposure towards the solvent of an internal cavity, and show it to be relevant for ligand escape. Together, our results provide a comprehensive view of the structural landscape of a protein, and point forward to studies of conformational exchange in systems that are less characterized experimentally. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.17505.00

    Mapping transiently formed and sparsely populated conformations on a complex energy landscape

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    Abstract Determining the structures, kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanisms that underlie conformational exchange processes in proteins remains extremely difficult. Only in favourable cases is it possible to provide atomic-level descriptions of sparsely populated and transiently formed alternative conformations. Here we benchmark the ability of enhanced-sampling molecular dynamics simulations to determine the free energy landscape of the L99A cavity mutant of T4 lysozyme. We find that the simulations capture key properties previously measured by NMR relaxation dispersion methods including the structure of a minor conformation, the kinetics and thermodynamics of conformational exchange, and the effect of mutations. We discover a new tunnel that involves the transient exposure towards the solvent of an internal cavity, and show it to be relevant for ligand escape. Together, our results provide a comprehensive view of the structural landscape of a protein, and point forward to studies of conformational exchange in systems that are less characterized experimentally