5 research outputs found

    A Novel Coplanar Waveguide-Fed Compact Microstrip Antenna for Future 5G Applications

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    In this study, a coplanar waveguide-fed compact microstrip antenna design for applications operating at higher 5G bands was proposed. The antenna with the compact size of 8 x 12.2 mm2 on FR4 substrate, having the dielectric constant of 4.3 and the height of 1.55 mm, was considered. The dimensions of the radiating patch and ground plane were optimized with the use of artificial cooperative search (ACS) algorithm to provide the desired return loss performance of the designed antenna. The performance analysis was done by using full-wave electromagnetic package programs based on the method of moment (MoM) and the finite integration technique (FIT). The 10 dB bandwidth for return loss results obtained with the use of the computation methods show that the proposed antenna performs well for 5G applications operating in the 24.25 – 27.50 GHz, 26.50 – 29.50 GHz, 27.50 – 28.35 GHz and 37 – 40 GHz frequency bands

    Automated Design of Antennas Using AI Techniques: A Review of Contemporary Methods and Applications

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    The automated design of antennas made possible through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques is attracting much attention. This development can be mainly attributed to the reduced design time and the higher quality of design solutions that AI-driven antenna optimization methods provide in comparison to their more traditional counterparts. Due to the growing need to fulfill more stringent design specifications and functional requirements for both present-day and future wireless communication systems, the design and development of antennas and antenna systems have increased both in scope and complexity, such that conventional methodologies are often not fit for an efficient practical implementation. In this paper, a brief overview of some of the latest AI-based techniques for the design and optimization of contemporary antennas is provided with the goal of providing information on recent research to researchers in this growing area of interest

    Design and Characterization of Modified Comb Patch Antennas

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    This work deals with the proposal of a novel type of microstrip antenna, called MCPA the modified comb patch antenna. The proposed antennas is composed of n parallel conductors, fed by a common microstrip. A dedicated mathematical framework, based on the multiconductors transmission line formalism, is proposed for antenna analysis and design. The analytical model is numerically validated with full-wave simulations, resulting in a 5% error in the predicted resonant patch length. A numerical study of antenna matching, size, radiation performance is carried out. The matching increases as the number of conductors increases, whilst gain of comb antennas made of n conductors are about half dB higher than the equivalent full patch counterpart. Then, an eighty conductors was realized and measured to assess the frequency response of the antenna, as well as its radiation performances. An error of 1% between the predicted and measured value resonance frequency was observed. A difference of about 0.67 dB was found for the measured maximum antenna gain, with respect to the simulated one. The proposed antenna design is appealing for printed electronics and wearable, on-textile applications

    Expedited Globalized Antenna Optimization by Principal Components and Variable-Fidelity EM Simulations: Application to Microstrip Antenna Design

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)Parameter optimization, also referred to as design closure, is imperative in the development of modern antennas. Theoretical considerations along with rough dimension adjustment through supervised parameter sweeping can only yield initial designs that need to be further tuned to boost the antenna performance. The major challenges include handling of multi-dimensional parameter spaces while accounting for several objectives and constraints. Due to complexity of modern antenna topologies, parameter interactions are often involved, leading to multiple local optima as well as difficulties in identifying decent initial designs that can be improved using local procedures. In such cases, global search is required, which is an expensive endeavor, especially if full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis is employed for antenna evaluation. This paper proposes a novel technique accommodating the search space exploration using local kriging surrogates and local improvement by means of trust-region gradient search. Computational efficiency of the process is achieved by constructing the metamodels over appropriately defined affine subspaces and incorporation of coarse-mesh EM simulations at the exploratory stages of the optimization process. The resulting framework enables nearly global search capabilities at the costs comparable to conventional gradient-based local optimization. This is demonstrated using two antenna examples and comparative studies involving multiple-start local tuning.This work is partially supported by the Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS) Grant 174573051 and by National Science Centre of Poland Grant 2018/31/B/ST7/02369."Peer Reviewed

    Multi-Parameters Unified-Optimization for Millimeter Wave Microstrip Antenna Based on ICACO

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